Europe Rediscovers the Military Draft


In 2010 the Swedish parliament, having decided it no longer needed the large armed forces that had for centuries defended the country, suspended the mandatory draft. The following year, so did Germany. Other European countries including France, Italy, Latvia and Lithuania likewise scrapped or suspended conscription as they concluded that large-scale defense was no longer necessary. But now the draft is making a comeback in Europe.

Other urls found in this thread: poland militia

I will never go in war for those jews, war is the worst

Might be good for some people; teach them how to use weapons/get fit, might be useful for the Happening.

Sick trips confirm war sucks.
This must mean that Kek wants us to have RWDS who kill the subhumans without having a war.
Maybe we should ship them off to camps?


Come on, don't be a bad goy.

Don't you and your white brothers want to die defending Europe? Who else is going to protect those poor refugees while they fuck your women?



Too bad about forced NATO thing though.

Blame Obongo's shenanigans at G7.

Sweden isn't in NATO. We're a "host country" which means we allow NATO troops free passage.

Avoid participation in military conflicts against russia with all cost. Make yourself some sickness that will ensure you aren't suitable for military draft. You aren't going to "win" those, just die for nothing, protecting jews who wish you were all dead in the first place.

I should add: Not that we could stop them anyway.

Hilarious how they think that an average European and in case of Easterners, a Slav, will go and kill Russians on kike command.

And don't even mention that no one even believes them anymore. This is the biggest difference with WW1 and WW2. A big number of people got mildly redpilled in the last year due to internet.



Does conscription also dictate that YOU MUST go to war if and when your 'betters' decide you must, or can you opt out?

I like the idea of conscription in terms of educating young men in terms of weapons/training/male bonding ect, but not the idea of being used as pawns in someone else's war.

I read an article a few weeks back about how Norway has brought back conscription but it's for females and well. Both sexes share a dormitory too.

Conscription was pretty great for Sweden for a long time. We had 2 million military aged and trained men as a deterrent. And they brought those experiences into the police force and other things.

Back when my country still had compulsory military service it really just meant receiving military training. When your military training was done you went straight from bootcamp home, only those who wanted to become professional soldiers afterwards got to voluntarily throw away their lives for ZOG.

Just do the training, learn to shoot, tactics, get /fit etc, and when they send you to kill russians, just accidentally "friendly fire" mohammed, your somalian commanding officer in the back of his head 14 times.
If every soldier did the same, they would soon run out of diversity hire officers, and actual europeans could take over.

You can't deny that conscription can teach many very useful skills for large number of people.

t. European reservist who was trained to gorilla warfare by his government


In regards to Sweden, I understand it's history with Russia, but I don't understand the huge fear Swedes still have of Russia, especially with Finland as a neighbour.

I'm guessing there wouldn't be much support for a political group who would prefer to work with Russia rather than fear monger over Russian invasion?

As an EE fag - yes. But all 18 year olds in my country are given military orders to show up for military evaluation. There they ask you what language skills you have, your current education status and send you to the doctors to look at you. If you have one eye, one arm and one leg and at least 50 IQ they'll assign you an A class, meaning you're ready to get slaughtered. After that you are given a military ID book and signed up for mandatory reserve. During wartime anyone with an A or B class (B class is basically non-existent, it's just A-) will be called up from reserve. F class (mental deficiencies like autism or doing strange shit to get successfully evaluated by a military psychologist, but also allergies) is not called up. A and B class reserve is not actively trained or called into service, but they will be during wartime. They won't receive training even during wartime, most likely. I assume they'll just be sent into slaughter like ukrainian reservists in Donbass.

what does a picture of plants have to do with anything you said

Swedes in general aren't very worried about Russia.
One reason being that a Russian invasion would still be better than sharia.
Another being that our tactical location pretty much guarantees that surrounding NATO-aligned forces would intervene.
On top of that, Sweden doesn't really have any natural resources that Russia lacks, so unless they intend to continue on into Europe there really isn't much point to Russia attacking us…


I wouldn't know, I'm not Swedish, but I guess it's just (((NATO))) fearmongering about how Putin wants to invade every single country where this fearmongering is being spread to (meaning pretty much all of Europe) despite Russia not even having a real reason to invade most of them. It's the same shit here, only difference is that a neighbouring country may or may not be friendly to Russia, I'm using "may or may not" here because over the past few years their politicians became as cucked as ours to try to appease their (for them hopefully new) Bruxelles masters.

I'd rather be branded a coward and thrown in jail.

Sweden will not side with Russian IF shit hits the fan

Fear of Russia is mostly just meme used by lügenpresse, CFR, etc. It's same here in Finland.

In all levels but physical, I'm become comfy.

Kiitos persu homojen kuten Timo Soinin Putinin Kuva suomesta ei ole kovinkaan positiivinen.

I think this was always (((their))) plan. Following a massive loss of white male lives the creation of a brown mixed slave race is a given.

Nor did I say it would. But we don't have a deal forcing us to actively fight for NATO either. And our population is so cucked they won't have the guts to go after "deserters".

It will be extremely difficult to motivate swedes into picking up arms against slavs.

Unohdin muuten

Eikös tuo paskalehti ollut nenälintujen omistama? Se puskee Demari ja liberaali paskaa lähes koko ajan.

That sounds pretty shit to be honest with you. Like I said before, I like the idea of conscription, but I think actively going to get killed for foreign interests should at least be a choice given to the conscripted. A country where all men are prepared to defend it is ideal - a country where all men must go fight and die where they are told sounds like hell.

Hmm, I've read 'reports' stating that Russia is funding nationalist groups across Europe (I'm very skeptical of this). A nationalist group in Sweden/Finland that would work with Russia and not against her doesn't sound too bad at face value.

Nice try Ahmed.

I am become comfy, destroyer of memes

It's pretty hard to dissent from the army when you have NATO troops on your own soil.

If Swedes are too cucked to shoot their own men NATO's grunts will.

Russia has been confirmed for funding various "nationalist" parties in Europe. The Sweden Democrats and Front Nationale would be two examples.

These parties don't even deny it.

Except the NATO forces will not have a mandate to do so since we are not NATO members. Doing so will just make NATO look like the bad guys.

Call me a draft dodger but I'll be damned if I'll fight Russians to help the globalists.

Ei ainakaan virallisesti, mutta onhan Alma-medialla siltikin varsin merkittävä asema virallisen totuuden levittämisessä. Vähän diipimpää shittiä aineen tiimoilta jos kiinnostaa:

It sounds plausible since Putin hates globalists and the regressive left, and their bullshit narrative with burning passion.

I understand the old bean, Soros funded and killed USSR with his shenanigans.

I've had people wonder why allergies would keep you away,

fucking retard, if you get drafter, you get sent to the front asap

they wont give you the time to train and go back home, youll train then be sent to th efront lines right away

Swede as a majority are hush hush about the migrant rape-crime-terror waves. So it's business as usual for the masses.

Lest we forget how MSM suppresses stories about weapon caches, grenade attacks and arsons.

Swedish cucks stay quiet and they will if shit hits the fan as I anticipated it.

I can't believe the kikes are going to try this for a third time. I guess they'll nuke Stockholm and then have the media say it was the Russians.

im gasing the next god's chosen i see if ww3 starts

It's no fear, it's the ((usual)) ones war-mongering and wanting to go into conflict with Russia since it's the only nation that doesn't follow the way of the ZOG.

Gee I wonder (((who))) pushed for the draft to be reinstated in those places? Maybe we should make a list of names and find out if it is a mere (((coincidence.)))

I can

The point of conscription is to force people to kill for the state. Not give them useful skills.

Its the EE country's who a really pushing for this some of them already have conscription and most have been expanding there military. The Lithuanian government even wanted the US to build a new base their.

Na in this case most of their economies are in the shitter. The Jews at the top are afraid that if the youth unemployment pool grows too large it will become unruly and it will engage in its own revolution against the shabbos goy politicians and the (((elite)))

So they want you to kill for the state….

How does this invalidate my point?

According to my dad conscription in the Netherlands in the early 70s was DUDE WEED LMAO
It may have been better in less degenerate countries.

Understanding why is more important than what they plan on doing. We still have time to derail this if we can show that they are nation wreckers and they plan on selling out everyone. Nobody trusts the luegenpresse anymore so it makes sense for this information to get out at a critical moment.

Nope. It's been all over even the mainstream commie media media the past year. Even the most cucked of Swedes know whats up with the rapes.

Maybe in shitty non-nation states.

Army is a meme, its known to be hell where you learn pmuch nothing and in northern countries get priviledge to freeze into half dead state at some point of the service.

No I think it's the same in both. The American Federal Government conscripted its citizens for the Vietnam War and World War 2.

Russians train their schoolchildren how to use and maintain firearms, the basics of legit first aid and what to do in SHTF situations.

Meanwhile in Poland…

All men aged 18 get called for similar evaluation and are assigned similar classes. Class A are the perfectly healthy bulls, the only ones with a right to apply for military academies and serve in professional army. If they go for it, their training consists of toilet scrubbing and running around like idiots, as they get to fire 24 bullets in a whole year.

Class B always comes with a number, as it's given to people with temporary health conditions. Broken limbs, cancer etc might net B-12, meaning come back for evaluation after a year of rehab.

No class C for whatever reason, there's class D though. Incapable of serving during the peace time, perfectly capable during the war. Obese, shortsighted, asthmatic, mildly retarded, diabetic… Insert any chronic disease that isn't completely crippling. Cat A Chads explained to me that cat D guys are usually put to be cooks or toilet scrubbers, but I find it hard to believe they wouldn't simply become canon fodder.

Then there's category E, completely incapable of service during both peace and war time. People bound to their wheelchairs, blind, deaf or seriously retarded go here, although it's questionable. Earlier this year a guy with severe Down's made the news, he was being called for evaluation every year (for 5+ years now) and given B-12 every time, as if he could magically get rid of his extra chromosome. He wasn't even capable of leaving home without his mother's assistance, yet the military doctors believed his condition to be potentially curable.

Men as old as 60 can be legally drafted during the war.

Proving my point here.

Nice source, they don't even let you have funz

Ok something more homogeneous. Japanese Empire in 1939.

This gaijin right here.

That's scary. Let's hope the eternal slav doesn't rise up against whites again. We don't have germany as a buffer against the mongol hordes this time around.

Interesting, I didn't know that.

I've seen Putin's promotion of the nuclear family, and have heard that he really, really wants to get his hands on Soros.
In the absolute (and unlikely) worst case scenario, Russia tries to take over Sweden (as another user stated there's little incentive to) but even then, it's still better than the fate that awaits Sweden currently.

Znam twoj bol.

They do, that's called "self-defense class" in HS. It's present in some public schools in Poland and other EE states. In Poland they half-ass teach you first aid and give you airguns to shoot some targets with. Of course that's just a single highpoint from my experience. Most of the time were wasted on how to act during wartime with nothing specific. Some shitty guide on how to deal with a nuclear disaster that would leave you dead quickly. In Russia they take it much more seriously. You can check yt videos of these classes assembling and disassembling AK74 rather quickly.

Ethnic Finn here living in Canada. How do I meet a Finnish grill? Any good dating sites?

Vid related, I have no idea how common that is, but still. Average Pole has never touched or even seen a real firearm. Very few have ever held a sports air rifle.

I graduated HS in 2012, by then there was no training with air rifles or any practical skills. All theory + 2h of CPR training.

In the worst case scenario Finland will be a speed bump nation. Since NATO want to be he so bad, I wouldn't be surprised if the cuck'd gubmint complies and makes some bullshit pact with NATO

Wut? poland militia

Here you go.



Thanks man. Are they as cucked as Swedes yet or more nationalistic?


I like this one but I can't afford the membership fee

Any better ones?

How the fuck do they want to turn these impractical nu-males into soldiers and send them to fight most hardened people on this planet? Russian boys fight since kindergarden, while yurocucks suck each others dicks and are forbidden to even slap each other.

It's only ever a small amount of the population that do the fighting anyway

I don't see NATO as lasting for much longer. I doubt Trump will want to stay part of it, unless other nations are going to pay big money to keep the US in there.

Kikes have controlled Russia completely since the bolshevik revolution. Why would they want to attack their own stronghold?

It's like some of you guys slept through the last 100 years.

a fucking


sage for off topic

These soldiers will be used to suppress native resistance to Muslim takeover.

The EU and Jews don't care about Russia, and know the Great Bear can't be defeated. This is to thin the population of whites even further.

user you don't seem to understand the degree to which Poland is fucked. We're the most disarmed nation in entire Europe and access to firearms is really limited, even through illegal means.

I pay for no such thing. Thanks for the help Chaim


See above

who /killingtheirowncorruptpoliticansiftheeudeclareswaronrussia/ here?

Think again user.

There will be many

A Finn is better than a nigger Moishe

Poe's law, perfect pun and meme awareness, fam.

I placed my bet on if it was a genuine typo or' a memetic shitpost, Your post could've been either.

I was bored being serious, so I went ahead and posted them grills.

This country's main Internet export is unironic shitposting and someone ought to have some national pride.

Comments like this are pure madness - liberals and jews were the ones who wanted to get rid of conscription in the beginning of 21st century. I mean come on, someone seriously thinks jews want white europeans to learn how to fight?



Americans don't understand the European military tradition that well.

Archive of the "full page" version

that's a very nice forest user

I would fight alongside a finn any day, as long as it's not for a ZOG gov't

I'm thinking about the military, if I get a good enough score I could easily become a pilot, but I'll probably go the crypto route if Hillary wins because I don't want to get killed bombing Russia when I don't even believe in the war.

Hopefully gubmint sees the light and avoids joining NATO and their globalist wankfest.

This country needs more nationalists ASAP. Zogs try to push and compare soviet union to modern day russia.

It's completely AOK to commit demographic suicide, spread bullshit leftist agenda and hate Russia.

Seriously fuck kikes, leftists and their sand dindu golems.

if you don't have a weapon
take the one they give you + training
find ppl on path of light
fight actual enemy
skip small fish
go for command and control.

i am a warvet i confirm war sucks
if you have to risk you life anyway better to kill your enemy than your friend.
i have watched putin speak to people, he seems immune to the dildolecht used to control weak minded people.

i would rather him be emperor than say the mayor of london

I'm almost tempted to create /KTOCPIEUDWOR/ just for the keks

Spread the word to your fellow man about these drafts, and tell them to not participate. Whenever things get to the point where they call in a draft, your race and people will need you 10x more

not everyone speaks military i should explain
command and control in this case would be the money and political power telling you to fight white people.
who will end up being a mix of people.
i am pretty sure a kike can take up the sign of the sun if they know the real name of god.

the bible was divinely inspired, then retranslated by kikes

hitler is jesus tier
look at MK translated by kikes
then MS translated by ford or the nsdap version

if you see your brother being tortured dont be a pussy kill the guards and free him you stupid fucks

Calling Russia "White Nationalist" in completely unrelated threads to force association appeared suddenly and in several threads at once a few days ago. This is an obvious shilling tactic. While I agree with Ivan brigade that ZOG is playing its part in igniting a third world war, posting inflammatory threads regarding literally any action by any NATO state as "provocation" and "aggression", not to mention blatantly making shit up, is exactly the same kind of shit they use internally for propaganda.

-t. Someone with a lifetime of exposure to USSR and Russian propaganda.

There is literally nothing wrong with reintroducing conscription, let alone wartime draft. Any legitimate nationalist would understand this. Fixing an error made under flowery promises of perpetual world peace and a liberal utopia.

How timely.

good draft those european men
send them to their deaths , so the refugees can enjoy their new found safety with the european women

do you have to ask?

conscription means in the case of a real war you are going to be sent to your death

"refugees" who fled war are of course excempt from this

Okay, so because the state teaches you to wage war you can't wage war against the state? Kill yourself.

good, fuck russia

reality in the case of a real war

they draft you anyway and put you in the retard suicide battalion

or 2 they put you into a nice non comfy jail or work camp

Why would I join a nation as inherently multi-cultural as the USA if not even more so?

can't anyone see the irony in drafting european men for war while protecting muds who "flee" from war?

Ever read any stories from the Swedish and Norwegian guys who go and fight Isis? The 'Syrians' flee to these Nordic countries, while the Nordic men go and fight Isis for them. Complete idiocy.


and very often those "fleeing" are ex-fighters

Yeah, nah

Most of the Syrian 'refugees' are draft dodgers, so yeah.

im talking about ISIS fighters that fleed,
mixed in the "refugee" flow

It occurs to me that the female draft may be the best thing that ever happened to the EU and US.

After all, women can easily get out of service by getting pregnant. How better to increase white breeding than to give white women the choice between having kids and a possible death sentence?


one big warning on the plan to sign up, train and then bail with the experience and knowlidge.
the draft wont be for war preperations, atleast not really. its main focus is on psychological warfare.
you wouldnt beleive how smart the army brass and psychologists are, the implementation of a loyal soldier mentality is very subtle but strong. they will try to convince you no matter what you beleived before that the army is the only good guys and you should always obey the officer. the whole breaking balls training is a part of (and a decoy for) psychological manipulation. Back in my country (and most other eastern european ones) when we went directly from socialism to capitalism, germany, UK and the US sent "observers" to the army to make it a tool of "reeducation". the draft back then was still a thing, and the problem the new system faced was the entire youth that still beleived in the old socialism and so on.
Youd see entire generations of socialist youth going to the draft at 18-20 years and returning what youd say democracy sheep.

sure you can say "but i will remain redpilled", but trust me its harder than it looks, its not physichal, but psychological. youll fall for psyops and propaganda and you wont even know it.

you will be fighting other europeans. that was the plan all along, and with the treaty of lisbon it was sealed; you will be a "peacekeeper" for the elites.
if youre Swedish, youll be sent to spain to slaughter Catalonian uprisings and protests. If youre italian, youll be sent to supress Nordfront and other movements in scandinavia. If youre dutch youll be sent to "forcefully pacifise" unrest in the balkans.

And if you refuse, you get branded a traitor and arrested and never seen again.
If you try shit and think of organising, theyll just send another deatsquad from some other european corner to butcher you in the name of democracy.


I'm one of those guys you're replying too and I'm from the Balkans. So does this mean I actually won't be drafted, but I will instead kill Western European occupiers in a guerrila war?
That sounds preferable actually.


There is no process on earth that could un-redpill me, the military can try, but they will fail.

Serious question: why not cut your own foot (not wholly just make a cut on the sole) and then claim platfus / unable to run?
Or just cut along your thumb, claim you can't hold a weapon, or whatever.

do whatever you must o avoid any brainwashing.
because when the first riots start in 2017 you must fight with all you have.
you and your comrades and brothers in arms wont live to see any result, its something you have to accept.
but you arent fighting for yourself, youre fighting for the greatest cause you will get the chance to serve.
even if youre branded a traitor and all that, you should still prevail. you will be either forever erased or be martyred in the eyes of fellow men to come. your part wont be to start a war against the elites on your ground. it will be to form the foundations for the psychological warfare against them. you will fall, but enspire two more. and they will fall and enspire others.
russian and other "protagonist" agents will see your legion, and they will eventually offer you support, and with all the uprisings, jihadists, bureocracy, soros shenanigans, the system will start to crumble.
you wont win the war with a single mighty blow.
you will start with a quiet song, and that quiet song will turn into a chorus, and the chorus will become a battle cry, and in the end your quiet song will become the mighty thunder of war and triumph


mfw statist "civic nationalist" cucks will aplaud this, then get send into sandbox or Ukraine to die for Greater Israel.

Not sure I can trust a forest speaking.

Not officially, sure - but nobody gives a fuck about rules there and if you have money and/or vodka, the police won't give a fuck about what you own. At least in the rural areas.


Guess again

That has always ben the plan.
(((They))) just need a decent enough excuse.

Also, the establishment of an European Army to rival NATO will get a few jimmies rustled.

all the future ISIS recruits thank for the free training

IT'S 2016

I lost like four years somewhere

Youre all idiots.

The draft will be to train the shitskins and arm them openly.

Another war of whites killing whites.


It's to isolate the remaining native Swedes on army bases so that their wives and girlfriends can be freely ravaged by shitskins at home.

this is bad

That stupid talking point was one of the reasons I quit. Anything I could learn in the military I could equally well have learned as a civilian, probably better, with the exception of making my bed of course.

I'm from Baltics and i'm joining military because i hate russians with a passion i can't quite articulate. I would drink blood of russian children if i wouldn't consider them such filthy subhumans.

WW3 is a plan to weaken all of the western nations + Russia and China. Islamic countries will sit back and laugh… except for Iran and Syria.

Fuck off, RIDF


How can you faggots be this dense when it comes to Russia specifically? He is using us just like everyone is using everyone else. We are anti-EU and anti-ZOG, thus we are a useful pawn. That's why natonalists have to always keep their primary interests in mind and not let them be subverted in favour of Israel, Russia or whomever the fuck else.

As I mentioned before, fuck off RIDF.

I don't see anything in that pic, what's the relation here?

The draft is important for the EU to make its new EU Soviet army.

The muslims are NOT taking over, the EU army will. Islam is just being used as a weapon to destabilize EU nations in preparation for a Communist takeover.

Yeah, those evil Russians are going to invade, conquer you, deport and Russify you and all that without having to deal with insane gorilla warfare.
Fuck off, JIDF.

you do realise that in case of war the russians plan to just wipe out your bases with short range missiles and send a few airborne units to destroy HQs in the major cities?
you gotta stop romanticising about some long campaign over the vast lands of russia, unless you plan being a POW in siberia

not everyone here is a balt eurocuck sucking on mccains dick. youre always that small cuck when it comes to war, you get drafted by prussia to fight for them, then the russian tsars, then the german empire, then the reds, then the germans again, then the soviets again, and now by the americunts, and evertime you get fucked over beleiving youre the protagonist in it all

Some pristine jungle flora. Also a frog in left lower corner.