Thoughts on the fucked up "child friendly" video? I think they are trying to normalize all this fucked up shit to children so they are easier to control for the government/pedos
Thoughts on the fucked up "child friendly" video? I think they are trying to normalize all this fucked up shit to children so they are easier to control for the government/pedos
Other urls found in this thread:
its aliens, end of story
Don't be a cuck. Don't have children. If you can't follow these simple rules you deserve to have your children brainwashed.
Fuck off
You know, when it's just fucked up cartoons you can at least think in your mind it's done by some weirdo on a low budget for no reason.
But then you find videos with adult actors, children, and even locations (like a toy store).
Note the creepshot in the screencap. Her white mom or whatever the fuck finds her chillin' in some crib after running off in the toy store and she shat her pants or something. Mom comments on the smell.
Who can say where the monies comes from for this shit? Why do people participate in it?
To address OP's point, yes, this is some next level fuckery. Bluepilled aspies like to think that the future is all space exploration and nice shit but clearly people are more inclined to engage in perverted degradation of everything.
Microchips in the arm and every perverted act legalized and encouraged by the end of times, me thinks. Unironically worshipping death and decay seems to be a thing on this planet earth.
the thing is, they are trying to make a submissive subspecies with racemixing and degeneracy to control over. And the worse thing is they always start with the kids because they are the future generation.
it's nothing goy just ignore it!
Check this one out, that's the actual fucking thumbnail.
for anyone that can't figure it out
What the fuck is this shit
they are weird op but most of the views will just be bots
very similar to those "children's surgery games" thing.
Hey faggots, what's up.
Yup, left is approaching the bottom morals. I think we'll see even worse before things will start getting better.
"Attack of the Seamen Monsters", 2003.
this really looks like feds work. call me crazy, but remember the brony fbi-nigger community? the anime-avatar fedfags? i'd keep an eye on wikileaks releases within the next year if i gave a shit. obvious panic art and "mind control".
hey faggots, watch this. Who can find what the finders hide?
cmon guys, moral panic much?
like that whole satanic ritual cult bs in the early 90s
it's unsettling but only because it's shit made by machines to make money,
that's my first impression
it could warrant further investigation
watch this
what utter nonsense
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Russian: Протоколы сионских мудрецов) or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is an antisemitic fabricated text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The forgery was first published in Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. According to the claims made by some of its publishers, the Protocols are the minutes of a late 19th-century meeting where Jewish leaders discussed their goal of global Jewish hegemony by subverting the morals of Gentiles, and by controlling the press and the world's economies.
Henry Ford funded printing of 500,000 copies that were distributed throughout the U.S. in the 1920s. The Nazis sometimes used the Protocols as propaganda against Jews; it was assigned by some German teachers, as if factual, to be read by German schoolchildren after the Nazis came to power in 1933,[1] despite having been exposed as fraudulent by The Times of London in 1921. It is still widely available today in numerous languages, in print and on the Internet, and continues to be presented by some proponents as a genuine document.
Fearmongering tbh
A half dozen adults and a few kids with a camcorder. Costumes. A few spambots.
Yeah huge fucking budget here. Clearly it's some black ops shit.
okay, agent.
it's /x/ tier spoopy meme shit
A great piece of Jewish propoganda tbh
The Finders were very real, read a book.
thanks for the lead, op. got hours of new fap material,
I like your style, Scandinavian bro
Enjoy your shit service and likely botnet
Of course. niggers who don't deserve to be ridiculed.
You are either a moron or a poorfag - or maybe even both.
tor is the poor man's vpn
It is also the cunny connoisseur’s VPN.
Everyone point and laugh
you are naively optimistic
user, if the government wants you, they can locate you. You can bareback a chan if you're not doing stupid shit. At least in the U.S., anyway.
Beats me. I know it's a recreation of pic related though, if that helps. Try reverse image searching
deleted video
you're missing the point
vpn protects from jim and other cucks tbh
I did a lot of research on this earlier this year. Start by reading this thread and ask me questions if you're unsure about something.
i watched all the "mk ultra" videos in their entirety and nothing happened yet. i believe that there is someone behind these videos. the similarity in format, and strange behavior of some the channels is evident of that. anyway, has anything new happened? any new activities? do you know anyone who's covering it?
The mkultra videos were made by St. Ama (Ama Amon) and a friend of his (I don't remember his name). I talked to him personally and he said that they created the ARG "Cybertrail" to bring awareness to the Elsa/Spiderman videos on YouTube.
The posted link is to their website where they release their music and other band's music and a general vlog type website. St. Ama is actually a pretty cool dude despite his edgy appearance. The MK Ultra videos are basically just a "hook" - something to get people's attention and continue following the trail. The trail then later brings you to the Else/Spiderman vids on YouTube and later introduces you to learn about the MK Ultra/Monarch brainwashing programs.
For me, it all started here.
Actually, what mk ultra videos are you talking about? The Spiderman/Elsa ones or the other ones? These are the other ones I'm talking about:
the other ones. why do you ask? again, any e-celeb covering this?
I mentioned that St. Ama made the mkultra videos here . The videos I was talking about are these ones .
Yes, I believe there was a couple e-celebs who made videos exposing these Elsa/Spiderman videos.
Going forward when I say mkultra vids I'm referencing the videos made by St. Ama and when I'm talking about Elsa/Spiderman videos I'm talking about the ones directed at children on YT.
are you dumb? why would you tell him that? get your shit together, fuckwit.
my mistake, didn't see your posts.
youtube is not based, end of story tbh fam
These videos are designed to get ad-revenue, it's that simple.
Sex sells, but isn't suitable for advertising. So creators give their videos a child-friendly super hero theme to disguise their videos and keep ad revenue. Little kids click on the vids because they have kissing or spanking. Sexual themes too tame for adults to care about, but something that attracts kids. Kids also have more leisure time than adults to watch youtube vids so they are a prime demographic to target.
Look at the comments for this vid.
200 k views and 17 comments; none of which make sense.
Bot shenanigans are clearly going on.
I've heard that if you enter some of the comments into a Thai keyboard they have hidden messages. I haven't tried it myself but it coincides with evidence I've found months ago. One of the channels had link to an external site where they sold merch. I did a whois search on that website and it was registered in Thailand. Mind you Thailand literally has child sex brothels
the comments thing makes sense. most viewers are children. most of the comments are gibberish. what doesn't make sense is some of the channels activity. where they upload at random times. as if the videos are pre-made, and then distributed to channels. something is going on.
do you have links or screenshots? would like to see that for myself
Almost 1M subscribers so I think he qualifies as an e-celeb
thats actually fucking hilarious
i thought so too
Holla Forums in a nut shell
the redditor who posted this explanation in t_d got hammered & deleted tbh
The Internet. A marvel of human genius. It has the ability to put the collective consciousness of an entire species at the finger tips of people around the globe. Yet it is wasted on autists who share videos of Hitlers jumping on a bed to a remixed children's song. What have we become?
Here's another one
this is what happens when people need money, user. they exploit ways they've found to make it. it's not really humans being pathetic, it's really just about money
Why the sudden surge in popularity, Holla Forums?
humans might still be pathetic actually tbh
because all the big channels like h3h3 and pewdiepie and all the other faggots made it into something topical; so all the other popular channels cashed in on it after its initila popularity; then youtube got inundated with videos about it, it spread on reddit/social media
it's not exactly rocket science you dumb nigger
i believe this video covered the channel that got 5 million views(i think) and didn't upload for 5 months. if it's this video, it's this guy i'm sure. he's a crazy /x/faggot but he covered this without the bs.
It's just idiots who learned they can game the system and make free money, SEO on steroids.
Next you'll be talking about satanist teachers flying around classrooms and shipping baby corpses via fedex to McDonalds slaughterhouses
I've seen far less scary shit on the deep web tbh
The Elsa/Spiderman videos are not just primarily for the ad revenue. The channels wouldn't make such extreme content and risk the entire channel being taken down or at the very least demonitized if they were only in it for the money.
It's not very extreme.
You haven't watched enough. As you watch more videos the recommended video section goes further and further into degeneracy
..and tell me, how do you know how many strikes or even if they just have one against their channel? how do you know which of their videos have been demonetized if any? or are you just speculating? because it sure seems that way
Meant for
you're missing the point, namefagkun.
agreed. why would they go out of their way to make innuendos about sexual and/or degenerative behavior?
I can't find a single video by a larger youtuber that was posted on Oct 29. Everything I'm finding was just posted in the last few days
user, autism is the collective conscious.
That's a shame, these are actually pretty cool.
I think i know where you are trying to get. This shit should not be on (((Jew)))tube tbh. I mean, they bitch about other things being too edgy for the site, but are perfectly ok. But they seem to be fine with these videos. I've sen one where Mickey Mouse "pretends to die by suicide".
every video should be allowed on youtube
free speech is free speech tbh
Because there have been several channels already taken down?
Agree. But these videos are mainly on the (((Jew)))tube Kids app. these videos are made for kids, on porpuse.
these stuff can be even found on Youtube Kids. and talk about the copyrighted material. why hasn't disney or marvel copyright that shit? it's really bizarre how it's going under the radar
It MIGHT fall under fair use copyright act
What bothers me the most, is that some videos actually teach kids that, its ok to eat shit directly from the toilette.
the acting ones? sure. this one
All of these videos teach kids learned helplessness as well
how exactly is this a suspicious charge at all?
It's just a charge. All info is relevant
When I originally started investigating elsagate I and a group I was working with literally just farmed data for days. Everything we could find we cataloged and tried to organize. When you're half way into an investigation you don't want to realize you have missing pieces.
If that was the case, why would pretty much all western countries be tightening their sexual laws? I'm not buying it. The argument that it's to "normalize pedophilia" falls apart when you consider, they want to make even drawn CP illegal and have done so successfully in most European countries; IIRC of EU countries only Finland outright rejected that bullshit law, and a few others like Sweden simply not enforcing it. There are also attempts to make BDSM illegal in entirety, and the last countries where CP is legal to possess are being forced by the UN to make it illegal. The UK has made it illegal to watch hardcore porn, and also porn with female ejaculation. It's clearly not the intent to normalize perverted stuff, when even common and normal sexual stuff is being banned.
This. If you pay for something online, that leaves the most visible money trail you could make and that way the government immediately knows immediately that it was you that paid for whatever it was that you paid for.
Anyway. My own theory on this shit is that it has two purposes besides making money, since that one's obvious.
The first purpose is spamming the system. Basically, making it harder for people to find content they want to find, when they'll find this shit instead. The more videos like this there are, the less views videos on similar subjects that aren't this shit get. While this is connected to making money, it's not just that: by uploading this shit, they could also upload other things, which are illegal and not just in the copyright infringement way. It could be CP, but more likely it's terrorist propaganda. And why do I think that?
Well, that's the second reason: to recruit people into ISIS and/or some other terrorist organization. One of the channels like this, Hey Kids (or something like that) was made by a Pakistani dude. Internationally most thought he was Indian, which is a beneficial cover for him; he could speak with an "Indian" accent and everyone would think he was from India, not Pakistan. However, anyone who had lived in India for long enough could tell that he was from Pakistan. I don't really know how. Anyway, it was proven that he was from Pakistan, and the only reason anyone does anything in that shithole is to recruit people into Taliban or ISIS or other Muslim terrorist organizations, basically. By targeting kids with these videos, they can make them think that terrorism is harmless, when they in private introduce them to that side of it. I don't know how they go about it, and it could well be that they don't directly contact anyone and just let the videos make money for funding terrorism without being at all connected to the organizations themselves, but that has to be at least a partial motive.
You're making massive leaps of logic. One Pakistani dude making the videos doesn't mean it's all an ISIS recruitment tactic. A vast majority of the channels are from Eastern Europe/Russia and South-Eastern Asia ie Thailand.
You're right, yeah, but it could be a part of it. Also,
Has it been determined what part of Russia? If it's Chechnya, Dagestan or Ingushetia, it could well be terrorist recruitment purposes connected to it. Some people have moved from Pakistan to join terrorist organizations in Caucasus, too, so…
Also has Islamists in the southern border region with Malaysia. There are also Indians and probably some Pakistanis in Thailand, too.
Not much Islamic terrorism in any country, but at least Finland is still viewed as a safe space by some Islamists because they don't deport them by default and don't revoke the citizenship of known terrorists. I don't know if any of the videos were uploaded from Finland, and I'm not saying Finland is ISIS country or anything (it's definitely not) so if not, ok.
But it's also possible they're uploaded using proxies, in which case the country could be anything. The accents generally sound like "Indian" in those videos though, meaning Pakistani Islamists are still likely if you ask me… even if it's a leap of logic to say all are by them, yeah. I'm just saying it could be a big part of it.
Something to possibly support my argument:
Starting 5:38, the "Simple Funs" has a logo that looks like a star and crescent, which is an Islamic symbol.
I've never seen any ties to Islamic terrorism while investigating. Like I said a vast majority are coming from Slavic countries and Russia and being made by Russians.
Now I think you're grasping at straws
Also, why are you so dead set on making it into an ISIS thing? ISIS already has enough on their plate getting their asses handed to them without making dozens of recruitment videos a day. There is literally no solid evidence to tie them in.
I guess, I'm just paranoid about Islam… kek.
lol @ u tbh
What the fuck?
Superhero Fun Fun
FBI ignores all the reports on this channel?
it is filled with child porn, violence, teaches children to commit crimes and how to be psychopathic useless idiot rapist/murderer/whore etc.
The name of that 1st vid run through quipquip is a search phrase I have used in the recent past.
Also, the video is "locked" and only people with the link can see it.
get out of my mind nigger
Yea the video contains half of the key to a pig-pen cipher and various Caesar shift ciphers. It's all already been decrypted and it's sole purpose was to gain attention and shed light on the Elsa/Spiderman videos. They're not harmful at all tbh
Which vids had spanking?
another one
Super Kids TV
BDSM illegal in Germany? lol
Google: "Rondo Duo"
What did it really have? It couldn't have had real CP, or else it would've been long gone by now.
Wow. It was just really psychotic. It must suck cause that person was bringing in thousands dollars. Each video was 300K to 1 million views.
Do advertisers really pay the equivalent of target demographics for ad views by unattended 4 year olds?