Sweden YES!!!

Sweden YES!!!

> September 19, 1016 - “There’s No Turning Back!” New Swedish TV Ad Says Swedes Must Accept Multiculturalism. Swedes are told they need to give up their identity, their country, their culture, and their race, and they must integrate with migrants because “being Swedish needs to be about more than skin color and place of birth.”' In this advert from the Swedish charity organization (((“IM (Individuell Människohjälp),”))) Swedes are called on to create “Det Nya Landet,” or “The New Country,” and are warned this change is already a fait accompli (an accomplished fact), and "There is no way back. Sweden will never be what it once was." It, along with the rest of Europe, will be forever transformed by unrestricted mass immigration from third world countries.

> The big finale is to present a Somali Muslim woman in full hijab as the embodiment of “The New Country,” or the new Sweden.


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I don't know how much longer I can contain this rage.

Good goyim

This reads like Holla Forums satire.

Project Sweden's being rushed to completion because they know they're running out of time.

How many Swedish children were raped to slow the influx of invaders into the rest of western civilization?

Europe cannot be lost. westerners are catching on to the banker/globalist scams and are intentionally being replaced by 3rd world migrants which are much easier controlled.


Why don't they go after the people who create these things and people who appear in them?

Are they blind to the rapes?
The shitskins are having a field day killing and raping the actual swedes on the tax payers dime.

In order to get the 14 of the 14/88 we`ll need to cleanse this world.
No future can exist without our White homelands free from the jewish parasitic infection which brings the shitskin in.

Kill the Other
Only White Lives Matter
Suffer not the cuck to live
Reserve honor for your own
Kill the rest anyway you can
The future can only be Bright if the world is White

I hope an ice age comes.

Sweden's primary purpose should be to serve as a containment zone for all the filth that's swarming into our lands.

After all, that's what the Swedes ask for themselves.

An ice age will come.

All the more crucial that Trump's elected so we can actually breathe and do something about it without mr. GI Joe coming to bring Democracy to any europoor dissenters.

The good news is that every year for the next thirty years is going to keep getting colder thanks to the new solar minimum we are entering. We will be entering a mini-ice age.

I want it here yesterday.
Does anyone remember that "Blackest Sun" poem?

why did Sweden become the most cucked of the cucks?

Seriously, activate order 88. Death squads now.

because historically the swedes were fucking badass. pure northern aryan vikings who held onto their lands and traditions against christianity longer than most other europeans.

Maybe it's just me, but I can feel the forced smiles. It's like they know subconsciously that their genetic future is being wiped out, but brainwash themselves to believe that everything will be alright.

I got you fam

Shit is making me nervous and I'm usually very dumb to be affected by this. Dear Lord it looks like some kind of dystopia shit, only that this is the good boy supposed way to progress.

good i will revel in it, every second of it

whites are the ONLY one who "made civilization"
whites are the ONLY ones who "can invent"
Lets see how long their Viking descendants last, and most poetic of all, their own women will welcome foreign parasites. Proof THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS VIKING GENE

nyahahah gutless swedes

Here's the Ice Age poems I have

What? A Disney theme park? Shameful.

Why did Germany become one of the most cucked of cucks?

Study what happened after world war two. What they did to German children, and the mass indoctrination that occurred. The same happened in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and every Germanic/Nordic country.

It looks like the first sketch of World Peace episode 6.

I can slightly understand it happening to Germany post war but why everywhere else?

Every Nordic country got the same Marxist treatment, and now it's happening full force in America.

You had that but you niggerfaggots deemed it to be too white so you destroyed it and it is never coming back.

I know why Germans were cucked, because of America, but it seems like Sweden is even worse yet they were relatively neutral in the war

I hate to see this happen to such a beautiful country, and to such a beautiful stock of genetics. But. If this is the future they choose, let it serve as a warning to the rest.

I have no feels left to give, so I can only view this as a social experiment that will, once again, prove that anywhere where blacks propagate and whites diminish eventually turns into a third world hellhole.

Look up Bonnier. It's the Jewish company that controls most of Sweden's media.

Lack of war isn't healthy for a nation. The Swiss stayed neutral too, but they have a draft that gives a sense of preparedness to fight if necessary.

found a video with +80k views and comments


it's genetic
my dads side of the family have swedish blood and are all massive cucks
we've been australia for generations

Doesn't everything in current year?

Yeah, this is what I believe. It's why Minnesota in the USA is so cucked. Mostly swedes.

Interesting trailer when will the horror movie be released?

Abdul, please. If you really think women are going to save your asses when Scandinavians get tired of this shit you got a big surprise coming your way.

Go home before it's too late.

It's not genetic you fucking retard.

I come from a long line of racist Swedes. Fuck you.

Their plan is simple.
Create a Pan-European identity to consolidate Europe, create a common army and increase control.

Their main problem is that they're likely sparking a very nationalistic revolt that will cost (((their))) heads.

Well if there is a mini ice age coming than Sweden will be even more fucked. I think currently the south part of the country grows crops and livestock etc, but if it gets too cold they will have to import most of their food. This will mean a huge increase in the cost of living and also a huge increase in taxes to feed the muslims, blacks and such like. New muslims born every few months (some muslims leader demanded all muslim women should have 7 children each) will exacerbate the problem, eventually accounting for more new births than the indigiouns cucked pupolation. That's just the muslims, the vast majority of blacks that have come over will have no intent of working and will happily live a parasitical lifestyle all the while building crime networks across the country and moving drugs in. Once the drugs are there, they will target vulnerable white children to make them drug addicts and then prostitute them out. Already I have read some areas are non-english speaking ghettos where the whites live in fear of their lives. Soon that will be entire cities.
I'm not sure indigenous swedish people can be saved at this point, not when so many of them are fighting against facts and common sense. It's like a collective madness.

What the fuck is wrong with Swedes? Sweet merciful fuck, someone put their leaders out of their misery.

There IS a way back.

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Kikes and race traitors are going to be first in line.

Sage because we've already had this thread.

Sweden had more Jews than other Nordic countries did.

How the fuck did they go from raiding and bloodeagling to sucking Somali dick though? Seems like alot of Germans pretend to believe the multicult liberal bs when in public, but are far more right wing when you pry a bit in private. Anyone know if Swedes are like this? I assume it's an adaptation for living in cold climates because being socially ostracized would probably mean death.


Balkanisation when?

Because it was literally a National Socialist country until the 1960s, except it didn't call itself National Socialist. Thus, also being very successful, it was destined to be preyed on by kikes.

All the propaganda you hear is from the tiny elite in control of the media. The sweden yes type swede is an extreme minority portrayed as a majority.

This is what is going to happen. I hope that by that time Swedes and us Norwegians can put aside their differences and live together in the new land. Our age old war really have to be put even further on the backburner while this shit goes on.

This is pretty much the only problem I foresee.

I don't worry too much about the invaders, I've seen them fight and it's a lolfest. They are barely able to subdue Scandinavian drunk women when in packs.

That is definitely not the plan at all.

Kalergi pls go.

I see the shills are out in full force again.

Anyone that says they want to see a genocide of the swedish people are nothing but shills or misled dumb fucks.


When does the violence happen?

Seriously these people need to die. And don't give me that muh PR shit. There is a demoralizing dynamic to violence that gets forgotten on the right. It happened during Brexit with that Jo Cox woman or whatever, the polls went further in Brexits favor after that traitor was murdered because of the demoralizing power of violence.

Wanting anything other than brutal vengeful violence is cuckoldry even if you are being ironic or not serious.

Why contain it ?

Sweeden has being a ever growing joke. But this, the country is heading into a road of no return.
At least it will serve as a example, for the next generations of other white countries, why diversity and jewish sweet talk can be destructive.

What an arrogant parasite, thinking they know how to run someone else's country. Especially being they can barely manage one themselves.

You're really bad at this jidf

No, the polls went back towards Remain. Leave was in the lead before the murder and was seriously behind on polling day. Maybe that decline was illusory, or maybe Leave would have had a landslide if the vote had been a week earlier. But the campaign definitely appeared to turn against Leave in the final days, to the point where practically everyone thought we were going to lose.

Jesus, it's like hearing the speech of the intro of a dystopian-atmospheric videogame.

Jews own the media in Norway and Sweden. I think they do in Finland as well, but I am not sure.


There needs to be a propaganda piece like this. Fuck it, MEME Vikings, we NEED VIKINGS!!

Shut the fuck up faggot and read my post again.

Are you an retarded?


It really is uncanny how many current events were considered ridiculous greentext stories only a few years ago.

How soon until people are drinking confirmation cans?

OK I misread. I thought "they" was referring to the elite/kikes/etc. In my defense, this has become a common shill talking point, that they don't really want genocide and that it's all part of some convoluted plan that somehow doesn't involve genocide.

the poz has metastasized at break-neck speed since the late 90's

As I understand it the Danes were better vikings than the Swedes.

All kikes deserve the gas

Im hoping for real life Titans, i want to watch everyone die to Titans.


The kikes aren't going to be satisfied until they do this to all white countries, are they?


They want america to become a muslim-nigger-mexican mudrace. No, they won't stop until there's an upper class (them) and an ugly retarded lower class (the mudrace)




It's blatantly apparent that the governments of all white majority countries actively hate and seek to destroy their citizens.

It's really, really fucked up.

I have a hard time believing this has ever happened in history before. Countries hating their own nations. The backlash will also be unlike ever before. Blood will be shed, both the native traitors' and invaders. European population will drop by hundreds of millions as a result.

This is so fucked up.


the next one should be israel.


They don't, the leaders sold out a long time ago and serve other masters.

Swedes founded Russia. Danes rekt Britain and founded Normandy. Norweigans went exploring.

Call me pessimist, but I think many of the old ethnic names of Europe are going to die out under the pressure of their own irrelevance. Swede will be like Goth is today, Frenchman like Gaul. Those who seek to survive third world civic nationalism will regroup under a new name: probably Nordic, as the North is our racial Rome.

It's never happened, because it defies all logic. Apparently the government officials think that they can control a destroyed country full of violent, brown foreigners from behind their gated communities. That's never worked, ever. They are throwing their citizens into the fire, but don't realize that eventually it will be their turn. And what for? The potential to maintain political positions, to stay in office? What's the point when the country is destroyed by sandniggers?


There are going to be rivers of blood spilled in Sweden in the near future. The only question I have is which sides it will be.

fortunately, they're going to undergo white flight if not already, but i suspect it will become more and more apparent despite critical levels of propaganda.


I don't think there's anything fortunate about white flight. As long as Europeans try to escape the dark fate they will keep on shitting on us. There will be no haven, and even if there is one, leaving means the death of your culture.

Oh shit I've time traveled.

If this shit was shown in Aus there'd be a lot of dead politicians and corporatocrats.

That one only sort of works when it's not true, Achmed.

Sweden must be hell right now.

Like in the Swedish advent calendar programme where little niglets were vikings…

Did the muslims just bribe every world leader into giving up their countries to islam?

Why are countries committing suicide by shitskin? The jews really just want an entire world wasteland? Why?

Me too.

I know the one.


Multiculturalism for Israel.


Haven't you seen that new lamb ad? Where they're saying it needs to be less white and more shades of brown in Australia?


Why give up such nice clay? If the Swedes dont want it, surely someone white can take it, instead of giving it away to shitskins.

This. I think all or most old tribes will die and new identities and sub groups who resist will be the europeans of the future.

I will soon. If it's bad enough it might start shit here big time. Cunts here already shoot each other, with illegal firearms. Do they really expect those to hold back?

It's created by a jewish group
It's only on Youtube
They were forced to disable comments and dislikes because every 95% of Swedes that saw it hated it


Twofold. First they want to destroy Islam as an ideology so that Jew-controlled Europe can natural-expand into North Africa and the Near East like they want US to do with the Americas, as explained by the likes of Kissinger and Brzezinski (of course, all for the sake of "global security).

Second, they want to miscegenate white people out of existence as, East Asians aside, they're their only competition; and East Asia is too marginalised geopolitically to ever offer serious competition without a systemic collapse of the Jewish Empire. The thing is, though, systemic collapse of the Jewish Empire WILL happen eventually, and then they'll be completely surrounded by ruined states which hate the fuck out of them. And then they'll be holocasted for real this time.

Again, it's Taleb's Law: the unlikely will happen eventually, no matter how horrible the consequences. This is something that East Asians understand intuitively, because of the Taoist substrate of their civilisation; and so this is why they've chosen turtling monoethnic continentalist nationhood over fast expand globalist multicultural empire. You're an idiot if you plan a strategy assuming you will never lose over an infinite time set, and this is exactly the trap the arrogant kikes fall into.

It's created by a jewish group
It's only on Youtube
They were forced to disable comments and dislikes because every 95% of Swedes that saw it hated it


It's created by a jewish group!
It's only on Youtube
They were forced to disable comments and dislikes because every 95% of Swedes that saw it hated it


It's created by a jewish group.
It's only on Youtube
They were forced to disable comments and dislikes because every 95% of Swedes that saw it hated it


What's the Swedish financial system like? They can't support this horseshit forever. Surely as the dindus get imported more and more while whites flee the country or go MGTOW, the socialist welfare state has to collapse at SOME point. Is it soon? Later? Are Sweden welfare programs being funded by non-Swedish organizations? How long can this suicide go on? At some point the money will run out and shit WILL get real over there.

It's created by a jewish group
It's only on Youtube!
They were forced to disable comments and dislikes because every 95% of Swedes that saw it hated it


It's created by a jewish group
It's only on Youtube
They were forced to disable comments and dislikes because every 95% of Swedes that saw it hated it!


It's created by a jewish group
It's only on Youtube
They were forced to disable comments and dislikes because every 95% of Swedes that saw it hated it


It's created by a jewish group
It's only on Youtube
They were forced to disable comments and dislikes because every 95% of Swedes that saw it hated it


"We beg to differ."

and then you started slowly learning that love is like cheap fastfood. Easy to digest, attractive and very addictive to children. Of course hate proved to be a more long term emotion that needs nourishing. Hate is actually the thing that needed protecting.

isnt it kinda spooky though? This kind of speech does not try to reason. It simply instructs.

all I keep asking is "why?" but it offers no answers.


and then you go through who could have created this. We already know the why. Its not exactly a soulless call. Its a call from the most inner jewish desire laid our bare to the world.


This beyond 1984 parody levels of propaganda, but the fact that they are this blunt about it shows how desperate they are. They really fear a nationalistic backswing that might be so absolute that the left will never recover.

Get with the times, grandpa. Thor's a coalburning feminist whore now.

which MUST take place

I want colony drops, colony drops everywhere.

No, love is like a good steak. Doesn't seem to be much initially, but is satisfying once you tuck in.

Lust on the other hand is like cotton candy, delicious, addictive, but ultimately empty.

yea this video is almost an exact copy, in another form of this video.

You see when she says "it must happen"

she basically means in her filthy kike language

Video's like this are truthful, but only half truthful, as they omit the entire message.

But isnt it strange? A nice tone of voice, a white is looking face and demeanor as if she is righteous in her ways will sway a lot of whites.

To escape this kind of psychological assault I had to commit ego death and become a nihilist, kek. But isnt it weird how so many other whites will nearly want this pseudo hypnotism message? Why does it work like that? Fucking jewish parasite magic.

Yea, because the japanese killed themselves because they loved their wives so much…

the truth is, that there are higher values than love. Much higher values. Love, even in its best form still is subpar compared to honor and zealotry.

To be honest I want us to start building colonies. Maybe Elon Musk will build them as the fall-back position for Western Civilisation leaving Earth to burn as civilisation collapses?

I'm so eager for some major happening that will present me with an opportunity to fight for Europe. If I lived in Sweden I'd already been dead or in prison. Dying in battle is all I want.

Learning Russian, how fucked am I if Russia helps us liberate Evropa?

This made my blood boil.


Pls don't even think of coming to fight me.

t. fingol

Russian government is a bunch of crooks.

Feel free to try engaging them for own profit but mind that in process.

I sincerely hope that our politicians are against what's happening to Europe now. I can't know for sure, as with anything political these days. But judging by their actions to stop/prevent leftist social influence here (for example, banning fag propaganda and prosecuting feminist whores who defiled Christian churches with their "music") makes me think they're really on our side.
But in any way I see no possible scenario in which Russia annexes any more territory. We're not an Empire anymore and not USSR. Grabbing other countries clay can't be justified (look at Crimean crisis and how Ukrainians hate us now).

pls don't snipe me scary snownigger

How's the weather in Ukraine? :^)

Not exactly perceptible from the central Russia, sorry. Ask google.

Hey, if you get the chance, ask Putin to send me a PKM if you guys ever decide to send advisors to the US.


Absolutely disgusting

Why live?

If things keep going as they are now, you just might end up building those space colonies user.


Sweden had a draft until 2010, because of Russia's military movement in the Baltic there is talk of reinstating the draft.

Why do the Jews hate the Swedish? What could they have done to them? Why do the kikes want to end white people? Why?!

Apparently to rule the world. Replace intelligent, independent whites with brown animals. Not sure why you'd want to live in a global version of Liberia or South Africa, but the jews are insane.

Stay strong Sweden. I for one can and will not revel in the fall of my european brothers and sisters.
The time will come when everything will be cleansed by bloodshed and you will remember yourselves again.

It happens fairly regularly throughout history.

In all the great empires that have ever been, an influx of foreigners was the second to last event before its downfall.

Information on the group incoming. Do what you will.



It has everything with diversity. Jews will always be a minority in countries other than Israel and they have thus no problem with more minority groups. By working with the minorities they undermine the power of the majority. If the majority seizes to be a majority, they cannot work against jewish interests.

It has happened before. In Mein Kampf Hitler tells how the jews made the German people accept the Versailles treaty on the basis that the Brest-Litovsk treaty the Germans forced on Russians was unfair. Hitler had to redpill people into realizing the injustices experienced by the German nation.

They'll get less votes than the honeypot neonazi party, calling it now.

then what is it about?

Official thread music

How many dicks you can suck in 60 seconds.
Swedish masters can reportedly hit 14.

so islamic

I have my doubts about these "genetic emotions", but can tell that most of my family members, the family branch from my dad's side aren't really the most mentally stable persons (me included). Most of them had depression and aggresive mental disorders on their late ages, hell, i can even heard my own dad mumbling shit to himself sometimes and i talk to myself pretty constantly without noticing it. Maybe madness is part of my genes or something but my wild guess is that it's has something to do with basic psychology stuff.

It might be time for whites around the world to travel to Sweden and start the protesting/killing for them.

Not MY Thor, he fucking isn't.

I am a second-generation immigrant from Sweden and this makes me sad tbh.

I don't follow marvel comics at all but how the fuck does Thor know about Israel?. What's the context?

The context is that an insufferable sjw cunt who fucked her way into Marvel thinks she's witty.

She's not.

It's everybody. Don't you see it? It's every white country they are doing this to.

You retarded faggots and your containment zones on rightful white clay. Fuck that, use Somalia as a containment zone instead.

I ain't even a comic book nerd but that made me go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Especially that last pic…

I personally wish for space Nazis to descend from the sky and cleanse the world of kikes once and for all.

The pozz is strong on this one.

Holy shit, it was the episode were he was the most blunt towards this Current Year bullshit.

How-s the weather on Tel Aviv?

God I fucking hate kikes

These threads aren't even funny anymore. I used to go "haha those swedecucks" too but it's just depressing now.

The cure against outrage fatigue is fighting bad guys.

*cure for


how many more threads are you going to make about this, chaim?

This might actually work…

Start building churches of the old gods.

Make them remember the rage in their blood that now lies dormant.

Make them WANT to fight again.

Then drop a massive redpill like the GEX video, only made for Sweden.

Watch the clensing fire.

Seriously though, they want the "new" Sweden to be a giant clusterfuck of everyone from everywhere, with no common ancestry, no common faith, no common history, no common set of morals, no common fucking anything at all except living somewhere very cold.

Good luck iceage-chan!

The new Sweden is like a weekend at Bernie's.
Dead yet modern, while being propped up by it's closest friends who don't actually like Sweden.

The native Swedes will die guzzling down on various pozz flavors from around the middle east and Africa.
A cuisine of cum.
A diet of nubian seeds to go with their sesame seeds.
Your women are now men, and your boys are now girls, the only grown males left are the virtue signaling spineless social class who browse the glossy IKEA catalog with their buddies at the comfy office, completely numb to the cover of a Sudanese vegetable snogging the face off a blind woman with their springy haired offspring playing jenga in the background.

Ironically and subliminally, the sub 65 IQ mongrels playing with the jenga tower in the background is a metaphor of what your nation has become, and what is yet happen.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the world, the media blackout has also muted your screams as well as your own suicide.

Bon appetite faggots

Goys why don't we make the female Thor into a shitlord?

but it won't end there, that same fate awaits every nation on earth. the new "black" plague is here and its spread is endless. this is the end mankind and soon the world.

in a few hundred years, will the dieing mutants even be capable of reading our history?

The thing about sweden is that they are not active on the internet. 90% of them are all holed up on Facebook and official news sites, watching government approved TV. Trying to make something go viral in Sweden is hard as fuck. Which is why you see all swedes only making political content in English.





This is so utterly perverse. It's fucking sick like a bizarre fetish.

Those are all good points, I can see the fire starting in Sweden tbh, just need a few more mass rapings and snackbars.

I can't wait until winter. I love being white.



And being obedient to whatever the government commands. Aka authoritarian submission to the state.

Making an ad like this isn't cheap. Doing so shows these fuckers are very confident in their bullshit. So much so that they say, 'Sweden needs to be a fucking safe space for refugees'. But not why.

Just think how insane this is. You're broadcasting a message telling people to not only give up everything they have, but are, and just because!

Someone needs to step up and be a hero and find the Jews behind this and kill them.

inb4 any faggot do nothing dick suck says fbi as we're talking about Sweden here. Homeboy in Norway did a great thing now where's the Swede to do the same?

Check out pic related
tl;dr it's what happens when you give women power other than matriarchal worship

I know why America was susceptible to this — being less than 300 years old, the propaganda of it being a proposition nation, a melting pot, a nation of immigrants — but surprises me that the smaller European nations would allow themselves to be subverted by this too.

How could anyone really believe that these "New (Dark) Swedes" are just as Swedish as the real Swedes?

Mandatory pic.

These kikes running the media and printing presses for hundreds of years are the reason mudslimes want "the West" (aka, all jewish-run countries) destroyed so passionately. I imagine they have no qualms with the average citizenry, but instead this jewish perversion to meddle in reshaping cultures, always pulling the strings and general degeneracy world-wide.

Yes (((Swedes))), let's get niggered by Soro's Invaders. Yeez, have you people no shame???
Get rid of your (((Government))) already!!!

Fucking burn it to the ground!!!

We Hydra now

I fucking envy Americans. Their current year has been pretty good but here in the Europe the year keeps getting more and more current. I guess we always follow America a little bit behind.

Hey, things were looking pretty bleak in America 2014 and early 2015, my friend. Who knows what is around the corner for Europe? Year of the Fire Monkey keeps things interesting.

Every Kike deserves death for what they did to the once white country of Sweden.
Every. Single. Kike.

You faggots are too easy too troll.
This is some NGO paid advertisement for
sponsored by

Kikes hate beauty, strength, honor or truth. They are jealousy incarnate. The fact that they are so much richer and above people that are so much better than them drives them batty. They very much prefer the middle eastern world of brutality, slavery and telling people whatever you want.

they don't hate
they're getting paid


Why don't we just bash Jews to death with hammers instead?

dox Barbara Spectre and then hopefully someone will murder her.

She's still living in Sweden i think.

I showed this to my mildly redpilled sister and she's now in full "we must remove the jew" mode