black women so annoying?
Why are
Nobody’s ever told them how annoying they are because dat’s raciss. So, they get louder and have zero respect for those around them.
Now when they work, nobody can discipline them because the EEOC will find in their favor and so your company will settle because fighting is futile. So they keep getting louder and more unruly.
Even canadian niggers act out. Fucking incredible.. watching the straight out of compton movie like "we finally aint gunna be slaves no mo" Fuck.
ya i got redpilled when listening to NWA too tbh.. real shit
They can't control their primitive instincts to yell like monkeys in cage. When they aren't talking loud as hell with other sheboons they play music out loud
do you honestly not understand that this is why your side will always lose?
Mutant greyskins deserve to be mocked, honestly.
guess you technically should be the expert on this topic given your greater experience with the greys
In fact I do, I also live in the south.
pro tip: you're just a run of the mill hateful teenager.
you mock women and children anonymously to other degenerate teenagers on Holla Forums.
you're a nobody and you'll stay that way if you don't grow the fuck up.
ur mom is gay
What are you doing on Holla Forums then?
i doing ur mo xD
fantastic question. let's call it a spiritual impulse.
you're mom tbh?
Pitying nigger children you are literally a cuck.
LMAO I'd rather lose a 1000 wars than win a single one ans end up like you
guys. just think for two seconds here, i fucking beg of you. you're literally denigrating a BABY…
what chance does your world view have in making any meaningful impact outside of the hateful circle jerk bubble of Holla Forums and Holla Forums?
please guys. please.
Believe it or not, the world is not all about you and your ugly nigger daughter.
implying you're not the one who is completely out of touch.
I have just come back, after spending six months living in Mississippi… and Negro women there are treated with respect, care and equity.
I'm not going to touch you degenerate nigger.
blackj women are based
black women are bad at cooking but their tit milk is based
That poor, poor thing looks like it doesn't want to be alive anymore.
I knew a white guy who was dating an uppity black chick & he complained that she kept asking him for money. This went on for a year maybe until they split up, then I see she posts on fakebook that she just got the news that the guy she had been seeing for 8 years (yeah, a different guy) was cheating on her.
what the fuck does that mean?
it thinks it's saying 'lactose intolerant'
i had to sit next to an ethiopian woman on a flight yesterday and she was actually pretty nice tbh
imagine being so brainwashed you think that's bait
Ethiopians are pretty much whites with black skin so they really don't count. Look at the average Ethiopian facial features, they're more like Arabs with darker skin than actual sub-saharan porch monkeys