RIP planet earth

RIP planet earth

Other urls found in this thread:, N_China’s changing economy implications for its carbon_Stern_China’s_changing_economy.pdf#page=9

lol eat shit treehuggers

That Earth is in a continuous climate change?
Chink and Amerifat pollution via oil burn is notable, but we were going to get buggie hot either way
It's the big oil who's at fault for us not using electricity. And if we did, what's going to produce that invisible energy?

P.D. DiCap was gifted an Oscar too

Say it with me.

"We need ==big== government!"

Faceberg post sent via iPhone 7 from my private jet

Just buy a fuckin Tesla, if you have the money ( which are pretty cool by the way) and get some solar panels for your roof if you live in a house. If you care about climate change.

If they care about the environment so much then why don't they let African niggers starve to death already?

Are we sure those climate agreements are written by scientists? Because they seem to be missing out that nothing western countries do will even slow down in anything the climate change, even if you accept their most radical claims.


Earth was going to die anyways. So what if something hastens the inevitable? It just gives humanity incentive to either die out like the pitiful shitpile it is, or to reach for the stars and reclaim it's glory.

The only reason Trump isn't going to be part of the climate agreement was because the liberals and progressives that drew up the agreement were like lol America is so white and had a headstart so China you guys don't heat to slow down polluting for another 20 years buy America and Europe, yeah we"all totally start crippling our fossil fuel use right now while you and India don't have too. And lol im so sure when it comes time for you to keep up your end of the bargain in 20 years you arent just going to change out mind or anything!!

So basically. Tl;Dr it gives Eastern countries a pass for 20 or 30 more years while hurting Western countries instead of everyone working together right now at the same time at the same rate. So. Not fair.

Was this sent from his private jet or luxury yacht?

It's always funny to see these actors and politicians who think that they can control the planet to save their globalists asses.
They all seem to forget that the Earth was there before them and will still be there after they're gone.


(((current year))) celebrities are so fucking political, its only fair, tbqh

It's sad, watching conservatives throw everyone they know to the wolves just so the rich can stay rich. Yeah, we all know capitalism has nearly destroyed the planet & it's almost irreversible at this point, but we should at least try, for Gods' sake..

And as climate change creates more & more refugees in the coming decades, the conservatives will continue to believe the mainstream Narrative & blame the victims. It's a self-hating cycle of loud, proud, arrogant ignorance.

Its sad, watching leftists blow the rich elite penis vociferously just because they are dumb as a fucking artichoke.

The earth will continue long after humans are all dead, other life will continue.

Who is dumb enough to even believe any of the countries involved will honor the agreement goals? Its like alcoholics trying to get the last bottle of booze they will lie cheat and steal to get it. What are you going to do to enforce this ? Spy on the other country and invade them? There is obvious corruption and duplicity Its retarded especially considering the many billion of dollars that can be made by violating the agreement.

They don't give a shit about the environment, it's pushed to keep the international hyenas fed and nations under their boots. Leftists don't actually care about anything they say they care about, they are never genuine. Even the most cucked of cuckservatives at least believes in some principles. Leftists say it's not fair that some people have less so they rob everyone blind and start practicing state slavery. Leftists say they are "egalitarian" so they support racial supremacism as long as its not white and female chauvinism. Leftists say they hate identity politics but they only have class, race and gender on their minds at all times. Leftists say they want to save the planet and in the next moment they plan on universal income which will make the nigger population explode and increase the environmental impact majorly.

It's almost as if leftism is just a meme used by the elites to serve their interests.

And it's almost as if the useful idiot leftists will be put against the wall and shot the minute their elite controllers amass absolute power.

Its almost as if left and right doesn't fuckin matter lets just make sure we don't elect assholes that don't care of the little guy and have some common sense.

cLyMaTe ChAiYnGe iS a LiBrUl LyE mAyDe UyP bAi tEh MaInStWeEm MeTeOr

This part I would disagree with. If you break right and left down into conservative and liberal, respectively, they do matter. Liberalism, leftism, exists to destroy and destabilize society, while conservatism, traditionalism, rightism, exist to preserve society. Right wing thought would be the obviously correct choice, in any case where you don't want society to be destroyed.

Damn straight. Too bad there aren't many in Washington these days.

I'll give you a tl;dr of climate change: the Earth is getting hotter, yes. Humans are not causing it. It's cyclical.

Holla Forums gtfo and go back to your fuckin hugbox


Drill Baby Drill

Amirite? xDD

t. Big Oil

Good luck with that, it's not possible for a good man to do anything even if you by some strike of incredible luck managed to get him elected. But there are government types and social models that aren't taught by your judeo-lockean friends which would allow a good ruler to emerge.

good, I'd rather have the world be completely ravaged then live to witness more liberal lunatics submit themselves to lies
single motherhood builds nothing but degeneracy

if 1% of what Al Gore says is true then it was already too late 50 years ago, you're not going to fix global warming short of creating revolutionary terraforming technology
thats about all, peace out

Why are these people such fucking idiots?

Trump played them all. AGAIN.

denks drup, u gilld erf

or, y'know, killing all the shitskins before they become 'developed' and pollute even more, poison the oceans and cut down all the forests. because unlike Europeans, they don't give a fuck about the environment.

Just crash an asteroid into a shallow offshore area and well be fine.


There is literately nothing wrong with being Jewish.
That's homophobic.



What did colbert mean by this?

He meant



Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.

Fuck off, kike.

The lefties favorite meme misrepresentation of what is actually going on in a childlike mocking manner. Don't you have some fat nazi's to draw or saying a woman cannot be attractive is she is a nationalist?

The face of civic nationalism :^)

Ar we forgetting China is the largest producer and consumer of coal?

At least America will do coal technology right with proper scrubbing

Even Wired agrees that coal is necessary for the foreseeable future

There's literally nothing wrong with marrying your daughter to a godly nigger.


It's cool how they filter out the retarded by crashing into things at random. Very Darwinian. I'm sure man-made climate change enthusiasts (i.e. people who "Fucking love science") would dig it before they die.



Putin has come out against the withdrawal. That's all I need to know that Trump made the wrong move.

Putin and Trump need to establish distance to end the "lol Trump is Putin's shill" narrative that has been crippling Trump's ability to cooperate with the Russian government. I'd imagine unless Putin stated why a country whose entire economy is oil exports would oppose fewer parties being on board the deindustrialization train, this is all about signaling policy independence.


אני מתגעגע ל-boxxy

What would that make Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron?

Trump is my instrument of vengeance. They called me mad! They said I could never have dignity and freedom!

I'll watch and laugh as those subhuman filth are buried alive by the rising seas. That'll show'em. Heil Trump.

"it is for thee, but not for me!"
t. China.

That's not how it works, it's co2 emissions per capita.
I don't really care for the democrats but Holla Forums bootlicking anything Trump's administration shits out is hilarious. Yeah, he said he was going to do it, but take network neutrality for example. The pajeet responsible for starting to roll back the protections is a fucking idiot, in a radio interview he gets basically cornered and admits that ISPs abusing their position to consumers basically should have regulatory action taken against them, while the whole point is the fact that he's repealing a regulatory framework necessary to do so.

And yeah, it's going to be pretty hilarious when all of these retards grandchildren have to deal with the consequences. I wonder how they're going to answer that question, or whether these fucking retards are going to be in denial well after Antarctica goes into an irreversible melting period unseen in recorded history.

No one cares about the future generations problems. They are on their own.

Go rewatch An Inconvenient Truth commie. Note there's only one true word in the title.

Even lolbergs, at least, the ones who aren't having DEEP philosophical discussions about "WHAT IF THE CHILD CONSENTS", are partial to taxing for the externality of pollution. Your natsoc amphetamine addict loved the environment too, I'm sure he'd be taxing the fuck out of pollution.
Oh yeah, I forgot, Holla Forums is a bunch of civic nationalist cucks who hang on the dick of a flabby, orange, glorified hotel manager and believe they've actually pushed the overton window.
Deal with it, faggot.

You sound real upset. Maybe you should have a good cry.

lol mad as fuck


No one's mad here I'm just having fun shitposting after work.
I'll take that as "I don't have a good comeback" though, thanks for making me smile. Maybe if your faggot mods didn't ban everyone you might have been able to come up with a good comeback, it's obvious you're out of practice.



>>>Holla Forums

I appreciate your losing concession. Nice one, anons. Maybe you'll get your edge back one of these days when you're not stuck in a hugbox.

bullshit fagioli. Chinese smog is much worse than european or US smog levels. Instead of vapid carbon taxes which would never be accurately reported by chinks or Poo in Loos anyhow because of how corrupt their systems are. If we can't hold China, India or central Africa to the same standards of western civilization then you are disproving your own argument that the goal of your movement is to prevent global warming on a global level. Instead your mission becomes, implicitly; the subjective punishment of various nations who are more developed then others because they are at a certain level of economic development and the people of the committee believe in some egalitarian bullshit principal that "we have to let them develop!" A notion which is mistakenly expressed in this situation as a malus or an intentional handicap in order to give the less developed nations an incentive through relatively lower operational costs.

I don't have an issue with the argument that the less developed world should have a chance to develop. But to cut the already developed at the kneecap in order to make the lesser developed peoples stand better in comparison is destructive, not productive; and hiding this message behind global environmentalism is intellectually dishonest. As soon as you make the argument about "why some but not all" the argument switches from carbon taxes and other regulations to a diagram of a progressive stack represented by entire countries. It's based in moralist argumentation instead of empiricism and trying to use this moralist argument to justify the obstruction of free trade under the guise of "global betterment" is counterproductive and obfuscates the actual intentions of the group while damaging whatever future movement there is towards the issue they claim they're fighting for,




The smog isn't a big problem, and actually smog cools. If the asians want to poison themselves, let them. But even they aren't going to poison themselves, because they're pushing nuclear hard, and meanwhile the Republicans are switching their position that they had for decades to anti-nuclear just because king nigger had a few good things to say about it. That is, aside from Republicans in districts where the national labs are, the republicans are basically doing stupid shit. That's the real point. It's not even about being a conservative, or lolberg, or having common sense, it's about rolling back king niggers legacy. It's really petty, because I'll be the first one to admit that king nigger didn't do much.

I didn't read the rest of your post, but rest assured that you're wrong. You'll regret your shortsighted thinking and sucking the dick of oil conglomerates (even ex ExonMobil and Shell stooges aren't as stupid as you and see the writing on the wall.)
Or just justify it as "I was a small guy, my opinion didn't matter." Well, that is true.
But if you can't even acknowledge that human beings do have the potential to pump millions of tons of gas into the atmosphere which traps additional sunlight and alters climate patterns, then you're just a moron. There's no way around it, sorry.


so you admitted you're an idiot who's so short sighted that you just assume I'm arguing with you on partisan lines or over some dumb fucking anit-Obizzy in da House sentiment

Citation needed for what?

Again, you don't understand co2 emissions per capita. The united states pumps a shitload more carbon into the atmosphere RELATIVE to population, ignoring sand niggers and their oil contributions. Since you don't understand that, and don't understand that the "dirty air" quality of the smog you're talking about is actually a net reflector of sunlight, there's no point arguing with you.
This is about carbon emissions. That's what the paris agreement is about. You are the one who's attempting to change the subject. And as much as I hate to be on the same page as some smug as fuck actor who takes private jets, I'm not a moron and in this context I have to be.

Smog that Asians put out having no negative effect (Improving the situation if we're still under Global Warming models?) while white people pollution literally destroys the planet, for starters.


Sure, it has a negative effect on air quality. You want to see negative effects of smog, see Pittsburgh/PA before they switched to nuclear and powdered limestone scrubbers for coal.
That's really not the issue though, the issue is capping carbon emissions. Particulates is not the issue of the agreement.
But yeah, sure, radioactive coal ash and particulates from various production is bad for human health. Are you a medical doctor, by chance? Or are you just a moron trying to ignore the fact that they're attempting to cap carbon emissions to try and forego a process that will be irreversible for hundreds of thousands of years?

Neither, I recognize a scam when I see one because I have common sense.

So, you acknowledge that you're trying to conflate particulates with carbon emissions, and further conflating an ageement to cap carbon emissions per capita as "kneecapping." Right.
So, let's lay out why you are a moron:
1) particulates are not necessarily carbon dioxide emissions
2) local air quality is their own fucking business, and has very little to do with worldwide effects caused by carbon emissions.
3) republicans are fucking retarded and petty enough to go anti-nuclear, and back out of a worldwide climate agreement, just because king nigger shucked and jived about them.

Glad we could clear this up.

>I mean we have to stop Global Cooling Global Warming Climate Change and justify my useless climatology degree

Has no one just considered using batteries of Bosch reactors to deal with CO2 directly instead of halfassed cap and trade or other shitty ass backward methods?

With a cap, yes. They are voluntarily capping their emissions at a set rate and pushing nuclear hard. Something we should've been doing since Bush the Second, but for some reason that cokehead, along with majority Democrats mothballed advanced Generation 4 nuclear technology which would've been meltdown proof and would've eliminated the nuclear waste problem.

Meanwhile, both the street shitters and the commies are going for gen 4 thorium reactors, and hard. And they're voluntarily capping their emissions.

Glad we could clear this up, again.

Do you have any proof that they're actually capping their emissions or are you taking the shifty-eyed bastards' word for it?

No point bothering if China aren't going to join in, tbh.

China already agreed to it last year. Have they backed out or something?

Except despite the US backing out of it, both China and India are still going through with the agreement.

This is getting pathetic, guy. Just deal with the fact that you're a moron. Even hypocrite DiCaprio, a smug leftist who sniffs his own farts and gets raped by a bear on screen, can process the concept of carbon dioxide pollution. That's not the way co2 emissions are measured, not estimated.

They have not backed out of the Paris Agreement, nor do they plan to.


You didn't answer me. How is their pollution audited?

We don't have to do anything we don't agree to. The democratically elected POTUS didn't sign onto a diplomatic agreement, which is entirely in his poser, so we're not bound to it and we never were.


Would you spend all cleaning and arranging fine china, if a crazy person with a hammer was standing right beside you? You know he's just going to smash it all eventually, so why should you waste any effort?

This thread has nothing to do with television or movies. Please return to whatever political shithole you crawled out of.

80% of china's carbon dioxide emissions are from coal. The US sells them the good shit, actually.
GHG emissions are simple to calculate, you simply calculate 1) what fossil shit is extracted 2) what's combusted and 3) what products are produced, imported, or used.
Estimating this is pretty easy, it doesn't require meticulous self reporting and is easily audited. And further, there are many worldwide sensors for co2 concentrations.

The fact that private industry in China has overbuilt coal, with the state veering and going hard on nuclear, and is in the middle of one of the most successful energy convervation attempts.

You're really not going to win this, faggot. There's no point continuing if you're just going to keep repeating "but what if they fudge the numbers." It's an agreement, and they don't entirely self-report. Just deal with the fact that you shouldn't act so smug.

How does someone miss the point this much? If the US is the only country to not go along with it, it'll just make Trump look like an even bigger schmuck than he already is. I'll never get trumpkikes. I don't mind you guys wanting to make a fool of yourselves by any means, but I figured after Trump proved his true nature at the western wall you'd be tired of it by now. But what do I know I guess.

Possibilities don't mean much. The possibility that they won't also exists. The crazy dude might end up dusting the cabinet for you too. So what's your point famalam?

nah bro you see dicaprio in the OP, he got raped by a bear so it's Holla Forums

Ha ha great posts! Well meme'd my friend!

At the very least I'm going to wait until he puts down the hammer.

So who actually checks up on that, how often do they do that, and how are any fines for breaches enforced? You say it's calculable, but past scientific mumbo-jumbo you don't have answers for how these systems actually work.

The US is a nation that is completely free to pursue its own interests. Russia does it, China does it, Saudi Arabia does it, and Israel does it. If our client states (worthless freeloaders) want to act butthurt that we're not going along with something they want to they can feel free to. We're not empire building right now, there's no point.

Israel's bitch is not free to do anything they want.

You want to try that Samson option out, Schlomo?

Breaches aren't punished, meeting goals is incentivized.
Yeah, you're a moron.
Anyways, to get it through your thick as fuck skull, I hope that through this agreement China is incentivized to push nuclear power generation technology far beyond anything the US government has, they become an energy export powerhouse, and your grandchildren have to learn mandarin. Just for the schadenfreude, you see. It'd be pretty hilarious.

So it's an objectively worthless agreement. You know what a missile treaty where breaches aren't punished does? It causes one side to gain an upper hand while the other loses out. The side that abides by the treaty loses, so if both sides are working to their own interests (rare when you're talking about western countries), the treaty does literally nothing.

To be fair, Israel is going along with the Paris Agreement. You could argue that they just want to make the US look bad and themselves good while puppeting the US, as jews are oft to do, but it's worth noting either way.

There won't be any empire building to be had if the Earth goes tits up in general. Why chance it? Don't you think it's stupid not to choose the lesser of two evils, assuming you perceive regulations and what not to keep the climate healthy an evil. And if it's true then the US gets to look great spearheading the effort, and if not everyone's wrong and we go back to the usual way of doing things. Seems like a no brainer to me. God forbid some rich kikes that doesn't care about anyone make a bit less money.

It isn't rich kikes that these kinds of agreements hurt. They get fucking subsidies. $100 billion a year. That money is collected by taxpayers globally. Jobs go oversees, the production resumes in more economical and less restrictive non-signatories, and the working man loses his livelihood. Kikes get rich either way, more so under the agreement.

Assuming each nation that signed the Paris Agreement but the US goes along with it, 191 nations including the EU< who would they outsource to? Even jews know Africans are worthless so what else is there? North Korea?

Who are they gonna export energy to if most of their neighbors (and most of Europe at this rate) are Muslim street shitters who are going to be too busy trying to behead each other to care about maintaining their tech? Maybe Russia won't, but they also will build up their capacity as well because they know better than to be on the hook to the Chinese in that fashion (unless you think they are criminally retarded).

That's one hell of an assumption considering the scale and consequences that we're talking about. International power is mercantile and breaching this agreement will yield considerable gains (until punished by sanctions) to any country that does so.

If you look at previous international agreements, for example, the IAEA they didn't quite work out perfectly. Israel has gained nuclear weapons from some IAEA signatory (probably the US) and so have Saudi Arabia (though they don't keep theirs assembled). Israel's weapons caused it to be considered a rogue state (on par with Apartheid-era South Africa) for a while (also thanks to the Six-Day War), but that status is long forgotten. It could be that Israel is a special case, but it doesn't speak well for the staying power of international agreements.

Another example of an international agreement failing is the UN Declaration on Human Rights. Basically, every founding member of the UN took a "Never Again" stance with regard to genocides, but the only result in that was the stubborn refusal of signatories to categorize literally anything as a genocide (at least, if it doesn't target the Chosen people). Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfur, Albania, and many other regions have been theaters of what amounts to Genocide, yet will never be referred to as such because of the implications that acknowledging a genocide would have (a duty for signatories to declare war in intervention).

Basically, my point is international law is largely anarchic. To assume that a whopping 191 signatories would all abide by an agreement that limits their ability to compete in a global market is silly. There is massive incentive to defect, which only grows larger as the number of existing signatories does. It's simply not realistic given the past history of agreements of this nature.

Nah, because apparently some countries (China) are already succeeding at scaling back emissions under Copenhagen, for example, and will further scale back and even beat the voluntary Paris agreement by the looks of it.
You can bitch all you want, they're doing it, and they're phasing out their coal infrastructure with nuclear.

Energy exporter in this example is exporting nuclear technology, in addition to energy. Like US did under atoms for peace but instead created a shitload of reactors whose technology produces a lot of waste and is a pretty unsafe design. Only because we wanted to beat the soviets to the punch.

Take Iceland for example, with their investments it's even economical to export that geothermal to Europe, and it's certainly economical for China to export as much clean energy as they can if they actually go through with phasing out coal. Which they are.

Again, don't be surprised if your grandchildren learn Mandarin. There's no law against being a fucking retard, but understand that this agreement incentivizes new technology and solutions to problems, and if you're not the one developing those solutions you're the one buying them in the future when they've passed you in innovation.
Even more hilariously, brain drain from the US is a big problem.

But I guess I'm the fool for trying to explain this to morons on the television board, not that any other board on this site would be better or free from morons.

They will also keep buying the latest smart phones that use lithium batteries while ignoring the lithium strip mining around the world.

did he send this faceberg post from his private yacht or the private jet?


I guess morons like you will keep conflating particulates with carbon emissions, too.

Again, I repeat myself: how does it feel that your grandchildren will have to learn Mandarin, and that all the top scientific advancements at engineering schools are made by chinks? Who then go on to go back to their home country because there are limits on edu visas.

How does it feel that your country is so inept that it can't even rise to the challenge, and out-innovate, a third world shithole that makes its air unbreathable, as you say.

Then there's no need for the Paris Agreement.
More power to 'em if they want to, but I was told in high school to learn Spanish because it would be practical for a U.S. citizen. The only time I've used it was when I traveled in Mexico.


There's no need for any agreement, but apparently the US has no plans to scale back carbon emissions, no plans to innovate in useful and clean baseload energy, and no plans to roll out its advanced nuclear power technology.

Meanwhile, China has plans for all of these things, and is voluntarily agreeing to do all of this.
The same ass-backwards schooling that produces fucking morons like you, the system that's getting its ass handed to it in comparison to foreign countries?

Yeah, okay champ. Your children will definitely learn mandarin. I guess it's definitely a source of national pride for you, to be such a cuckold.

how does being or not being part of an agreement stop anyone from innovating?
if it's cheaper and more efficient than older methods it should succeed without needing special assistance, right?


The US is not innovating. The agreement wouldn't "force" the US to innovate, but it would "incentivize" them to do so.
The main problem with fossil fuels is that it's (literally) dirt cheap, and since retards like you think in short time scales, you need incentives for a long game.
So yeah, innovation or not, China wants to cut back carbon emissions. They've voluntarily agreed. Either way, they're going to do so. The US has backed out, and has no plans for vast infrastructure improvements or incentivizing lowering carbon emissions.

I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about this. But, again, you truly are a cuckold. And not even in the meme sense. The US is getting cucked by China, regardless of any agreement. Period.

I'm so sorry that you think I'm a chink, it must really hurt to hear the truth.

only if it makes them more money.


prove it

Another thing is that fossil fuels are heavily subsidized. In fact, the US currency is literally the petrodollar. It's tough times ahead for the US, and the fact that morons literally cheer on the US president backing out of a simple challenge is hilarious.
Holla Forums is a bunch of cucks, basically. They can keep trying to spin it with "muh bad deal", but it doesn't change the fact that China and India are making the investments for the future, regardless of whether the US is in the agreement or not.

They've already done so under Copenhagen and they're making the investments and gathering the brain power to phase out 80% of their CO2 emissions, which is coal power generation.
It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not, it's a fact.
How does it feel that Trump has made you a cuck?

Then why did China (and India) demand and get 15 years of leeway before having to follow the same rules King Nigger was imposing on us immediately?
still not seeing any proof of China actually doing anything or if it's working


ur other stuff is w/e to as idk, but i would think, if climate warming is true, that since it took many years to get to this state that it would take many years to go back to how it's "supposed to be" if there's an attempt to do so. i don't care one way or the other about any of this fuck the earth tbh, but even that's not hard to figure out. i don't see what makes you think it would be an immediate change.

the climate has never been stagnant

i didn't say anything about that tho, you said "still not seeing any proof of China actually doing anything or if it's working" and i am putting forth the idea that if any of this is true then yeah you wouldn't see if it's working until much later. don't switch topics, dingleberry.

These are self-set goals. That's like saying that the US is given 15 years of leeway, since the US itself agreed to avoiding 1/5 of all emissions in the Paris agreement by 2030.
Are you brain damaged, or where did you hear this dumb fuck talking point? Or did you just see "2030 for China" and assumed that the US goal was meant to be immediate?

Mother nature started the fight for survival and now she wants to quit because she's losing?


Not to mention, that the US produces twice the amount of CO2 per capita as China. And that number will only increase, since China's emissions actually went down in 2015, and will continue going down since they're actually sticking to the agreement, and incentivizing all of this.

So basically, you are retarded.

I know it's difficult to hear, outside of the memes. US getting stomped on, getting out innovated by China, disgraced by a two-bit hospitality industry CEO. And within two decades they'll be exporting clean power technology worldwide, not to mention the actual export of clean energy itself, and make a killing.

Now you're just trolling.

didn't trump campaign a lot on the idea that China is doing better than the US? that US is doing bad deals and stuff? that he wanted to make america great again instead of letting other countries get ahead?

so which is it?


so China isn't just creating cheap copies of everything they stole from us?

how are they stealing it from us when american companies are the ones that get them to make it?

No, he campaigned on that China was screwing us on trade deals and Trump handily demonstrated just how incompetent the Obama administration was at deals when he re-negotiated the F-35 contract with Lockheed Martin immediately in his administration. That's nothing to speak of China's competence or innovation, it's neo-con/neo-lib not giving a fuck.

Tell me, where's the US government's plan for clean, safe, baseload energy via generation 4 nuclear reactors?
Mothballed. Thanks to Bush Jr. and majority Democrats, brought to you by ExonMobil(tm).
Right, we must be too busy subsidizing corn and oil.

I guess that China investing in generation 4 thorium reactors, dropping carbon emissions (2015 was already down in emissions for them, US was up) and voluntarily agreeing to a goal (they're ahead of schedule) is just a big conspiracy to get the US to do… something.

Make america great again tho.

you just answered your own question, retard

What's the matter, got some uranium or plutonium to sell to the US? You're really fixated on shilling this irrelevant bullshit.

but it doesn't answer yours about stealing from us if they're paid to make them. top kek. you only had one job hombre.

Russia has plenty, we buy their nuclear warheads and reprocess them to use in our shitty old scaled up submarine reactors.
I'm glad that you don't actually have a response.
Make america great again tho. Have fun trying to understand mandarin.

I'm getting a really strong bug-man with slanty eyes that slurps Hollywood drivel vibe from you. Not sure why.

Repeating "you're a chink" over and over again is not even argument by repetition, it's just your obvious asshurt. Because I'm not a chink.
Make america great again tho tbh.
I know, it hurts, you don't have to keep the facade up.

You keep repeating shit about learning Mandarin and "MAGA tho". Stop pretending like you're presenting any worthwhile argument, Xi. It's not working.

your both faggots tbh.

Just another 1st to 3rd world redistribution scheme
good riddance
the jews are fuming so it must be good news


I got tired of arguing when you finally conceded that the US is going to get out-inovated by a third world shithole that pollutes its own air.
Btw, which is it, is clean air bad because it destroys jobs, or is it good? I can't figure it out, you say it's bad but then when China has more particulate concentration it's also bad.
China is also on track for their self improvement to reduce particulate emissions too, ahead of their own schedule just like their carbon emissions cuts.
Make america great again tho tbh. :^)

what a fucking retard >>>Holla Forums


I have never accused China of innovating. They don't innovate. They never have.

There is no contradiction in my arguments, but there are several in yours. Considering that you're so fixated on fissile materials, I'm now of the opinion that you're a nigger warlord in Africa. Congratulations, you've upgraded from being a drone in the Chink hivemind to being someone with drive but without intelligence,

Yeah, except the numbers already show that their emissions are peaking. And the numbers show that, per capita, the US emits twice the amount China does. And that number will only grow, since there are no plans to cap, or have vast phasing out of the main CO2 producing energy generation.

You seem upset.
Make america great again tho.

This pretend play fag got a meme Oscar and now thinks he is humanity last hope

These people are just too much

why is it that the us can't the innovate in clean energy, and can't even hold itself to an innovative standard in incentivizing carbon emission cuts?
can you answer this question?

whose numbers?
have a link?
the agreement was non-binding so I don't fully understand what you're kvetching about

Because "clean energy" is politically defined by
"whatever non-industrialized nations are doing:".

America must be crushed and every one of it's citizens killed if the world has any hope of throwing off its shackles.

lmao, yeah, because generation 4 nuclear reactors, hydrothermal, and massive solar deployments are definitely what "non-industrialized nations" are capable of.
do you morons even read the shit you type?

Stop being obsessed with D/P/Pt. you sperg. Not everything is Pokémon.

there isn't one link ITT proving any of the things you claim chinks are doing true

Why do you keep obsessing about "non-binding"?
No shit it's non-binding, moron. They're still doing it anyways., N_China’s changing economy implications for its carbon_Stern_China’s_changing_economy.pdf#page=9


You forgot the ((( ))) around "Energy" and "Analysis"

better get to archiving and screencapping, boy

Nice argument.

no one cares enough to archive for you autist, you're just going to shitpost in response anyways.
you lost, deal with it.

Trump is the president and pulled out
I won

only his dad had pulled out too haha get it

Trump won.

I guess I'd be as delusional as you when confronted with the facts, if I based so much of my self-worth invested in some shitty hospitality industry CEO. It is pretty funny though, watching you jump through so many mental hoops.

You seem upset, friend. Is it because you got told and this is your only response to the links?

You lost. The Cunt lost. We won.

No one cares about Trump friend, this is about the fact that your grandchildren are going to have to learn mandarin because your country can't innovate.

You are aware all their 'accomplishments' are stolen, pirated or reverse engineered, right?

Trump's also the first sitting president to ever pray at the Western Wall. I'm glad he won too. Shalom friends.

you cared enough to spend whole evening bitching and crying about what he did
what he alone did and nobody (especially you) can do shit about but cry some more

kill all political normalfags tbh

Are you upset that a third world shithole, who you say can't actually innovate because they steal or otherwise reverse engineer their supposed inventions, are the leader in clean energy innovation and deployment, and are the world leader in generation 4 reactor technology?

We're having a discussion, you might frame it as an argument in which case you'd be losing the argument, about these things.
No one's bitching and crying here, that's simply your projection onto my posts. Probably because your only self worth is shitposting and pretending that anyone is unironically triggered by Trump here.
Are you fucking retarded or something? You lost the 'argument' badly, and are just shitposting at this point.

you sound like a cuckservative lol
the only thing that matters is having power and wielding it


I bet you let your wife sleep with niggers while you cry and masturbate in the closet.

everyone does that on Holla Forums how is this an insult??

No response, then? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Make america great again tho.

I find it amusing you're earnestly defending and attacking them at the same time. Must be hard having to shill for both sides.

Are you a halfbreed? Ashamed of your impure heritage?

Hollywood celebrities really need a wake up call, preferably a lead one.

It's a start. Progress will be made.

no im only ashamed of being white it's why i let my wife fuck niggers while a cry and masturbate in the closet. its like you dont even read what you write 😂😂


you realize China pushes for 8% growth minimum, right? if any 'clean' policy has an effect on growth, it will be shelved. but hey, they put scrubbers in smoke-stacks, so chemicals being dumped into the ocean and widespread deforestation don't matter. don't forget about the poo.

also, the embed is classic kino from the turd world.

It's probably due to the fact that acknowledging successes in competition is incomprehensible to a moron like you. I don't have to like China to acknowledge that they're doing what we should've done a decade ago.

The US portion (21%) of the Paris agreement didn't have any large effect on our growth. The US is a service and consumer economy. Which is what China is going for with their cuts.

dont worry, fellow freedom-lovers, the day to hang him & his corrupt cronies is not far. rejoice! you live in interesting times.

Humans are unironically a mistake. We need to just all die out on earth to save it. The worthy white people can take all their digital kino films and music into space and live on a ship in orbit or on mars. Seriously gas the humans on earth


It's an accounting trick. Look up Chinese deforestation. Compare to US forest regrowth. They have what, 3% of their forests left? Compare to US, which has increased its forests by 8 million hectares in the last 25 years. There is your environmentalism, in tangible terms.

But no, the ills of the world will be healed by bureaucrats and economists. With China leading the way. kek. They still have a few Panda bears in zoo's, so they must be environmentalists, right?

This whole thread is gay. The real problem is expecting infinite growth on a finite world. The Federal Reserve has caused more climate problems than mass consumerism ever caused. If we had a currency that could not be counterfeited then spending and consumption would be restrained by society because it had to. Any environmental discussion without bringing in the evil ((( Federal Reserve ))) is a shill discussion.

Then why does it matter whether we are a part of it or not then?

What good is the Earth if we aren't here to enjoy it?



No one said they're tree hugging hippies, and you don't have to be a tree hugging hippy to shut down your coal plants over a period of decades which account for 80% of your co2 emissions.
I don't know why this is so hard for you morons to understand. Is this thread really filled with babby's first "climate change" denialists, or is it just morons from Holla Forums?

UHHHMMM I think you mean;

I'm not denying anything, I'm an environmentalist. I'm not a bureaucrat, I'm not an economist, I'm not a politician that flies around the world on a private jet attending climate change conferences. I'm an ordinary guy with a background in science. I plant trees, I live on a small, largely sustainable farm. Tractors and chainsaws don't run themselves, after all.

Keep telling yourself that the Chinese plan to voluntarily reduce emissions more than a decade from now is going to counter the environmental devastation they're inflicting on the planet. They're down to 3% of the old growth forests they had 400 years ago. They're never coming back, neither are all the critters they poach for TCM dick hardening medicine, like like rare wangs or bile ducts. Not just that, half the timber shipped in the world goes through their ports. They are behind more illegal logging in protected areas than any other nation in the world, all to feed their relentless desire for growth. As their population increases, that desire is not going to diminish.

But they *may* decide to uphold their end of an agreement that take effect more than a decade from now, so environmental issues solved. Right?

Jee… I wonder who is behind the news you have been reading…


Nigger, a major volcanic eruption will be worse PM2.5 pollution than all of China's smog over a year's period released at once. I bet you're also one of those "nuclear poison" greenpeace types. Will you please eliminate yourself from the gene pool?

No one cares, moron.

So you're admitting that the Chinese effect on the environment is equivalent to a major volcanic eruption, every year. And they don't plan to do shit until 2030, even then only adhering to some bullshit emission target they get to set themselves.

Such leadership. They're gonna save the planet.

Honestly, no one said that all the environmental issues will be solved. What is the purpose of these agreements is trying to keep CO2 concentrations constrained and minimize the damage and worldwide climate alteration that we've already done, or is in the process of being done. Or worst case scenario, initiate a runaway melting of the methane clathrates. We'd be pretty fucked by then, and your sustainable tree hugging farm will be the least of your worries.
Please try not to change the subject.

Nah, it's localized really. I don't have the numberrs off hand, but trying to change the subject to PM2.5 concentrations versus carbon dioxide concentrations, starting processes which are irreversible for tens, even hundreds of thousands of years, versus some asians having to wear a mask and not being able to buy their panda bone dick cream anymore, I'd prefer to focus on the former.

I did not change the subject. I pointed out that China's environmental policies only adhere to a metric determined by a hypocritical bureaucratic body and weren't really environmentalist. Then someone got bootyblasted and invoked Holla Forums

No one commented on my wonderful Indian kino, either.

How about we just just remove shitskin. Problem solved. World ending problems require draconian solutions, not some paper pusher in Brussels or jet-setting politicians half-assing it.

We need to figure our shit out. Sustainability and overpopulation, we are fucking it up