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What's with this push on defaming Mike Matei?
He must have criticized God's chosen people.
probably the greatest turn of events in recent times. mike is a wiesel jew
wtf i love matei now
Since when does revealing that one has a gargantuan penis and is the part-time Robert Crumb of his generation count as defamation?
Is Mike "Big as a Pringles Can" Matei /ourguy/?
It's just edgy nonsensical humor. I don't think this will stick.
No, this is basically the end of him on Cinemassacre. Shame.
You're forgetting we live in the nightmare known as "current year"
1994? how old he was? 16 ?.. oh c'mon..
Even i was little racist back then, and I'm peruvian. lol.
Mike Matei confirmed for red-pilled, pro-White, and well endowed Aryan that makes tiny-dicked niggers jealous.
These are actually amusing.
This reminds me Jerkcity.
Only faggots complain about "racist" humor. This is the number one indication of whether I can get along with anyone, too.
Amusing as this is, it does say something about the state of society and internet culture that this is apparently considered scandalous and offensive when he was able to do this no prob back then. Truly regressive.
Way to hide his power level.
He he, I purged my jewtube subscriptions years ago from a lot of bullshit I had acquired during my teens, like Channel Awesome ecelebs.
Do we have a radar?
It's all a plot for Ryan to overtake Mike so it'll be James and Ryan Mondays!!
He is a legend, i feel the birth of a meme in him
Could they get away with pretending it's just some other guy named Mike Matei?
See kids, this is why you never use your real name on the internet.
I think he's said he was born in 1983 so 11 actually.
I think I understand why Bootsy was given the boot.
Nobody's genuinely offended by this, they just want Mike to get fucked over for it because he apparently had an enormous shitfit on their subreddit and posted his dick.
I legitimately don't see anything wrong with this. Even excluding the obvious image board lack of sensitivity.
I'm a spic and this isn't offensive, unfunny at worst, is like complaining about buck teeth in old WB or looks for pesos, no one takes this seriously except for those who are dumb enough to not distinguish reality from fiction.
really makes you think
Top kek. I take my previous "Kike cuckei" remark back.
Of course you're not offended, you're the protagonist.
Unrelated but is anyone else suffering some bugs with replies? I click on a post number to reply and it sends me to another tab. Anyone else?
Yep, it even happened on my phone too.
He's not a kike, but he is a tard.
how does this make you prequel fags feel?
Well codemonkey or whoever fucked up something again.
That overtly specific dialogue.
why ar ethey so mad he has a big dick?
where is that?
he should make more tbh
Thanks guys, you really cracked the case on this one. It's not like Mike Matei was ever held in great esteem anyway, even by AVGN fans. I don't see the defamation.
Yeah. His Mineycraft incident was much more disturbing and atrocious.
Does anyone have the pics from that to even prove it's authenticity?
i bet you 100 bucks that if we start a rumor about him being a pedo, it will catch on like fire on dry grass, simply because these tiny penis nu-males hate him and pedophilia is the 'worstthingever'
none of them will ever have half the dick mikey "mineycrafta" matei has
This guy sounds fucking great, why aren't we supporting him?
Great, now I'm picturing Mike's 10" dick in an 8yo anus.
imagine mike matei telling the loli all about mineycrafta in his gadget voice while he plunges the entire thing right into her preteen womb
He insults redditors and they're our guys.
wtf I love Mike now
this is almost on par with electric retard
How boig you think his dick was back when he was 11 making these?
Was he already bigger than you?
I have no idea who this Mike is ore what cinemassacre is.
When did everything get better?
wtf is mike matei /ourguy/ now?
And to think I almost asked if it could be kino.
tbh the prequels are only kino if you watch the original trilogy first.