Thoughts on this?
Decentralized bittorrent
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10 years ago, we called this "magnet links".
People still don't get it.
Yes it's decentralized and ?
For now the law in some countries doesn't forbid sharing.
But look in a country like France.
The law says that it's not illegal to download copyrighted content but it's illegal to share it.
Torrent is all about sharing to others directly.
The actual system that flashes people who download is very simple.
The hadopi just have to download a file and they get all the IPS of the people who share it.
So it's like that in france and what's next ?
Other country are going to do the same.
This isn't a centralization problem anymore.
It's a censorship resistance/anonymous one.
Has long has people can be identified directly the majors will be able to remove and ==PUNISH== those who share.
And when I see the fags who constantly shill shit solutions like IPFS instead of taking the best one possible they don't take it and make shit excuses instead.
Yes, it's called bittorrent.
BitTorrent is not decentralized per se.
A tracker is the central authority, it stores all metadata.
And most torrents still use trackers.
It could be decentralized by DHT, but DHT also relies on trackers and bootstrap nodes.
And this kebab just implemented DHT search.
Funny, it's showing a bunch of shit I never downloaded and none of the stuff I downloaded.
Not that guy, but
Actually, it only shows one anime (Boku no Hero), but it's still some scary shit.
So basically GNUnet without anonymity.
It's shit.
I havent downloaded anything on the list, but for the looks of it there are a shitload of people with the same IP as me that like porn, included the ones who give a free pass to the jail. Mother of God, these people are degenerate as fuck.
That's a pretty big botnet
forgot to take off my name, fug
Absolutely nothing and I have a 6TB drive filled with torrents (and no 1TB touhou collection shit).
Private trackers are life.
I only use public trackers but I don't download normalfag content, maybe that's why they got nothing on me.
Still, there seems to be a lot of weebs using the same ip as me. Lots of anime and weeb video games on the list. Funny since I live in pretty much Bumfuck Nowhere, ID. Wouldn't be surprised if they hide their powerlevel irl and I actually know them.
Seems like reading for more than two seconds is too hard a task for the average reddit retard who browses Holla Forums today.
>BitTorrent, being a distributed P2P file sharing protocol, has long suffered because of the centralised entities that people dependent on for searching torrents (websites) and for discovering other peers (trackers). Introduction of DHT (distributed hash table) eliminated the need for trackers, allowing peers to discover peers through other peers and to fetch metadata from the leechers & seeders in the network. magnetico is the finishing move that allows users to search for torrents in the network & removes the need for torrent websites.
There. All you needed to do was spend thirty seconds reading the 'Why?' section. Instead you cranked out another low quality abomination of a post and saged because you think it means a downboat.
As for the OP's actual question, this is exactly what I have been looking for. Thank you.
This shit is already built into your torrent client anyway (unless yours doesn't have a "peers" tab)
Feels good man.
I'm never stopping. If you don't listen to trendy faggot music and have good tastes they don't even care. Even if they did I'd just lie and say that someone must have cracked into one of my WAPs.
Has anyone tried it? Does the search actually return even remotely decent results?
I have a dynamic IP that I use to get around shitty file host limits so any results would be pretty messy, but there's nothing listed at all. Got some good stuff trying a random VPN address though.
Are you me? We have the same stats brah. Every game and every song and every anime and imdb top 250 have all come through my lines and still nothing, kek.
oh no someone found out that i stole a batman movie, trashy edm and a futa game
How about