Welcome to 1984

The botnet is real folks
You only had to listen. Why didn't you listen?

This is from an article about the Manchester concert yesterday, that's irrelevant but it includes a key detail, which drudge pointed out. Article: rollingstone.com/music/live-reviews/ariana-grandes-one-love-manchester-benefit-our-report-w485769


I suppose it is possible that a human read this over her shoulder, or they saw her type that in with an overhead camera, but mass surveillance seems more likely. It would mean that the British intelligence services have a back door right into iCloud (and any other public cloud service too).

Other urls found in this thread:


We've known Apple is connected to the government since a long time, but this is a good reminder.

We know from Snowden about Prism, but that was at least the NSA and CIA, not foreign governments as well.

but I guess all five eyes intelligence services are looking through the same data.

fags need to watch citizenfour

Okay to real time monitoring probably is not a part of the notes.app code, but it's probably just use of a keylogger. But there are multiple means by which this could be picked up. Either through the governments general internet surveillance, or through stingrays. How they would match random traffic of a guy typing the string
"helicopter" to a singular man in the crowd in such a way that two random dumb street cops, means it was probably the latter. Some how something needs to physically point out to the two street cops, "see that bloke there? the one in the grey jacket? no, the other one, yeah him. He just typed 'helicopter' into his phone, go get him."
That's some powerful shit right there.

Archive your shit next time m8.

There is a 99.9% chance someone read it over his shoulder while he was typing and reported him.

No need to spend trillions copying china's great firewall when you can copy the soviet union's "peer review" for the cost of a few propaganda posters.

and a few dead proles of course

The UK has been classified as a surveillance state for at least a decade.

Make a backup on your own PC faggot

50p has been place in your account. Jolly good sir.

He is right though.

Let us assume that OP is right and he what he wrote was captured by authorities via tapping. How the hell did they localize him so quickly in a crowd of thousands of people?

With these kinds of high risk venues they use a lot of undercover police who blend into the crowd. So that would be the most likely...

IF the journalist didn't make this whole thing up. Which I think is the most likely. Sensational journalism at it's finest.

It's bongland, so I'd say a security camera is more likely.

Only Big Brother can keep you safe, goyim! Surely just not going to these concerts and sporting events would be the safest. Oh but that does cut into their profits, and doesn't allow the state to put on a big show of power...

SSL added and removed here. :^)

Nonetheless, it's interesting that the guy assumed that it was phone spying and all he had to say was "Manchester is safe tonight"


This is complete bullshit.
Anecdotal evidence is not evidence, but aside from that, this is barely evidence, it's just shit

they watch the one directed by Oliver Stone instead and think everything is gonna be alright

There. Found the problem.

Why not both?
Gregg T is watching you ~NYC

What does britain have over the rest of the world really?

This is coming from a Briton, the moral upper hand on human rights and freedom of speech and freedom of lifestyle.

Britain loses it right to the moral high ground on freedom of the internet against president erdogan of turkey and dictators like xi jingping when they do this. It also breaks the common law act of parliament and the magna carta giving free expression to the peasants of the uk along with the gentry.

giving that we are removing pornography that offends some, we can now forget about talking big on gay rights in russia and uganda (in uganda and kenya the anti gay rights legislation comes from british colonial sodomy laws anyway).

Without the human rights act, we can forget human rights watch or the epithet that britain looks after human rights.

Without human rights the United Nations is officially a joke, unlike now when it is unofficially a joke garnering celebrities to make the public care about the world's problems through celebrities (most likely for a fee).

Driving and enviromental regulations make it probably better to live in china than britain.

Twitter censors for sjws like sina weibo censors netziens for speaking out against government corruption in china. and now they even blocked qatar for a islamic regime called saudi arabia!

They take the fucking piss, there is no way after edward snowden people are gonna put up with more of this especially for a bunch of untalented coked out 90s has beens that were never really any good (guess why oasis never cracked america) and a disney fish hole slut based on miley cyrus.

No one watches american disney channel in the uk anyway its a tiny audience. even musically is pathetic (they think girls in 2017 will show their cunts and tits to people for crappy nigger pop videos that are free on youtube).

Now they have another movie out about that chimp 2pac thinking people will still buy his retards attempting poetry shit as basis for a degenerate new monoculture.

fuck off.