domestic lone mass killings are the modern art of terrorism
Mass kills
see what I mean?
Daily reminder that if any of you fucks ever want to shoot up a place here in Cuckada DON'T FUCKING USE GUNS Bombs and chemical weapons only as the gun laws are shit as is don't want it to get any worse then it already is with fucking pinned 5 round SKS and 3 round shotguns. Don't fucking do it!
We should all thank Andrew Philip Kehoe for his contribution to this phenomenon.
pretty cool vid tbh
(((modern art)))
its bout as "cool" as that spagetty ohs in da pussy gril
i mean i thought it had an underlying point to it tbh. not one i necessarily agree with but i kinda appreciate how it was presented
fucking niggers
You mean that dead horse people been beating for the past bunch of decades? Oh yeah, really cool.
but bhwy it was just edgy for edgy sake to sell music. nothing new or niche was explored
this is the slogan of the contemporary music industry tbh
Anyone got that webm of Columbine with that remix of pumped up kicks playing in the background?
two of them
Thanks dude.
No, they are just fedoras on the lose, 100% of them.
You mean a pile of hack garbage shit out into the world at large by spoiled little trust fund kids?
McVeigh needs more credit for his intelligence
I've faced bullying, sexual abuse, both parents dying, incarceration and I'm only 20. I sometimes think of shooting up a shopping center with an assault rifle during black Friday and not stopping until i get killed but I have a very good therapist who reinforces the positive moral qualities in my psyche and insists that I'm not evil but I've had evil done to me
yeah, modern art
you get it