Jesus, why is this shit so fucking gay and reddity? Thank God i didn't watch it as a kid so i don't have to feel ashamed to be emotionally attached to this garbage
Jesus, why is this shit so fucking gay and reddity...
Its pretty gay and I'm a huge star wars fan or I was. Unironically watch lotr and harry potter now instead because star wars is so overdone atm
I know this is bait but kinda feel the same. Star Wars OT and LOTR never interested me, always bored the shit out of me. Too slow for what they were offering. Indiana Jones I liked more.
but you sound about fifteen
it isn't
and you sound like a butthurt lucascuck
Almost had me with your bait
damn, so mad. looks like i was right.
It should have stayed dead
Not baiting in the slightest. Reddit hates the hp films because they are book purists. They are better than lotr because jackson bloated and fucked up after fellowship and made tired paced and edited slogfests with huge 30 min action scenes and no tone progression
you sound pretty much mad, boy
you sure you're not projecting?
Yeah, just stick to the Prequels and KOTOR 2. Ignore everything else.
The only thing good about Star Wars are the video games.
Imperial Commando literally never
Seriously, nobody is buying it, quit trying to force the hp is good meme.
I'm sorry you're retarded but its true they are entirely bookfags its not rocket science. Star Wars and lotr are infinitely more reddit
please stop trying to push this meme, it's shit
This. It ended on a high note. Then Disney bought it and are now determined to keep whipping this horse until its dead. And then they are going to beat the dead horse a little after that.
HP is shit, objectively and undiscussable. The fact that 20-something women that are slaves to the demiurge keep harping about how great it is and that JK has proven time and time again that her ideas are shit and she's a shit writer should give it away.
Star Wars is mediocre. A good '80s action adventure sci fi movie, but there it should have stayed. The prequels I liked, but the first two ones weren't good, I just liked them because I was a kid. The third one is fine, though, but again, it's no masterpiece. The videogames were kino, though.
LOTR movies are shit. Hackson is called like that for a reason. The Hobbit book was for children, the Silmarillion is denser than a neutron star, and the only salvageable books are the LOTR ones in themselves, but even then they're pretty standard hero's journey. I still liked them, but I recognize their faults.
wow you know genres and archetypes, you must know a lot about films. do you have a patreon i can give my money to? i can't just let you share these valuable insights for free.
Star Wars is like tattoos, it's a way for the jews to recognize who has a brain and it's dangerous for them and who doesn't.
If you are a Star Wars fan you are not a treat for the jews, therefore you are not into mossad list.
OP beware who you tell about Star Wars, jews will watch you if they find out you don't like it.
At least read a goypedia article or something before pretending you have any insight to the subject.
I'm not trying to push a meme I don't care if you don't like them but they are all well done. Maybe if you watched them instead of watching the prequels for the 100th timw you'd enjoy them
100% agree, most overrated movies in existence, this is coming from someone who watched them as a kid and loved it then, don't know how I ever had such shit taste.
i already watched them multiple times as a kid, we all know them
stop pushing this shitty meme, it will never catch on
also, i didn't watch the pequel or any other reddit wars movie for the 100th timw, one time was enough already
Christ how old are you. Rewatch them as an adult if you even are one now. Seriously what the fuck. I saw the last four when I was 17 19 20 and 21
lol no
They were directed and shot by adults fagface fine don't watch them but they are pure cinema
The prequels are kinda redpilled tho
Further proof that the prequels are PURE reddit. As if we needed it.
Summer is here, isn't it?
so are all other kids movies
fkd up the audio
There's that word again. Kids movies. They aren't only the first two are because they are actually kids in them. Goblet of fire and both deathly hallows were given R ratings early on in post production and had to be cut, both directors confirmed it. They are more mature than most shitty movies you wouldn't label as kids movies
Nobody gives a fuck, kys. Star Wars is god, potter is pleb.
they are fucking kids movies, and the last ones are angsty teens movies because the target audience grew up
you have to come to terms with this
reddit wars is shit
die in a fire
no u
Because it was made in 1977
Because its based on Flash Gordon
Because George Lucas is a big picture director that only cares about details if they're relevant to the plot
Because Luke complains and whines a lot like a kid.
Because its made for kids.
Because the only movies that are coherent in any way are "Star Wars" and "Empire Strikes Back"
Because the protagonist is basically a buddhist monk who doesn't seek power or conflict.
Because it made a billion dollars in merchandise.
Because disney.
cum on my face
I like the part where they ride the sandworm
I have only ever watched episode III and it was in theaters. I've never bothered to watch any of the other films because if you've seen all the pop culture references you've seen all the movies.
Star Wars was literally never dead.
Will be great if they stick to the story and don't have her defect or anything.
That could be a perfectly fine campaign if her plot line doesn't inevitably end with her switching sides for sone trite reason and condemning the empire.
They say she switches sides right here.
There were 2 golden periods of Star Wars in which it was essentially "dead" to the mainstream, and would've eventually died completely if no more episodes were released.
Between 1984-1997, the Original Trilogy and a smattering of mostly forgotten novels along with the Marvel Comics line were really all that existed. This is the period that OT purists love. The "reddit" period. The later part of this period gave birth to Shadows of the Empire, the beginnings of Dark Horse's much superior tenure on the franchise and a whole bunch of sequel novels to ROTJ, and started the special edition trend.
The second period is 2005-2014. This is the period of prequel-bashing, where the main attractions were almost entirely the now much wider in scope EU content, including Force Unleashed, the comics and a novel line that essentially kept on telling stories with the big three until they were 60 years old. Clone Wars was the only real "big thing". Lucas promised no more live action SW movies. It was all about fan content, continuing to grow the EU to the point of stagnation near the end. This is the period Disney wants people to forget about.
nobody cares faglord
star wars is literal dogshit
no they are dark because witchcraft is inherently dark and the world is orwellian and turns into devolves into a horror tale, you are an autist who doesn't relate to anything
t. angsty teen
I fucking hate Haribo gummies.
To add to this, Haribo gummies are in the top 3 worst candies along with candy corn and the fucking wonka bottle cap bullshit.
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh… not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank… I can tell it's got some thought behind it… lots of quotable material… But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled… that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the /tv elite? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme. And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at /tv. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive. See you on the boards…
fuck off KIKE
candy corn is WHITE and REDPILLED
candy corn is shit and you're shit for liking it i hope you like them so much you put them in your bum bum due to being so full of shit you have to plug one end up to help in writing shitposts like that you faggot
Imo Star Wars would be pretty awesome if it had no lightsabers and was more like a military drama, though a lot of people like Star Wars exactly because of the magic knights and their magic swords. I haven't watched Rogue One and it's probably shit but what I meant is the stuff like playing as a stormtrooper in Battlefront games or flying around with a space fighter are all awesome. Star Wars has a nice universe and the reason why Star Wars is so popular is not because of the movies being super good but because how the universe captures your imagination. The best parts of Star Wars are the bits not shown in the films but left for your imagination. That's one reason why people hate the prequels so much. They revealed things that should've remained a mystery.
Fuck you, candy corn is objectively the best candy in existence. I bet you're a brainless sheep who mindlessly consumes all the hip corporate (((chocolate))) abominations you see on the television. You have no agency as a human being. You are an animal.
this is like "reddit fedora" The Post.
although JK is not a very good writer, that's true.
uh ok sure
That's okay, user, I have a superior music video clip which criticizes this particular season we are in.
There should never have been any movies after the 1st 3. Everything else since has just been hollywood cliches and retro pandering.
This really.
can you please go back to cuckchan?
there should have been any movie. period.
I love how neither rick or morty are holding light sabers…
The weirdest thing is when I was watching a cunny on stream and she pulled out a bag of Haribo gummies and started eating
i can see liking star wars but if you think its better than harry potter you literally are a fucking elementary school level headed person, you dont even have a brain computing anything
Reddit word for I dont like it because its not the dark knight, the hp films legit are kino after the first two