She's back!

True but it's bumplocked and according to the mod staff here rules about spam don't apply to Evalion. So get in here realmoonman! Get in here Travis and jew dog spammer! Let's do this!

New Evalion channel


Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself, Holla Forums


this shit again?


wew lad

Your other thread isn't even locked yid


Pol is infected so hard. I knew Jim was here for a reason

What are you talking about, user? You're almost making OP seem like a shill! Why, his spam threads are perfectly legitimate I assure you


My bad for bumping, i was looking for a video on da tubes

check catalog. kill this thread
check catalog. kill this thread
check catalog. kill this thread

Why should any one follow a condescending millennial that can't even brush her teeth. Forget the logs and the porn, she can't even take care of her self and she should be teaching people?


I believe she has already done more for the cause than you will in all your life.

What's funny is that this isn't even a bot. It's one desperate user manually spamming the board like a crippled autist.

nigger i've been forging memes longer than she's been a live and shit posting for twice that, I think you need to recheck your waifu numale eceleb loving faggotry.

Reminder that evalion was being groomed (but can't brush her teeth) by a chatgroup to create discourse and reap profits from various right wing groups and as such for e-celeb faggotry is a plant.

fucking checked

Trips confirm Your degenerate waifu is just that

I do hope for your sake that you are just being ironic here.

She literally begs for shekels. A real Holla Forumsack would do it for free like the rest of us. She's a kike.

Is that a dig against HW? Geez you shills are rude.

Name one person on YT that doesn't. ONE.

TRS gets shilled here all the time and 1/3 of the show is dedicated to begging for donations.

She reminds me of that crazy Israeli gal that spouts Holla Forums memes and has a terrifying face.

What's her name again? Can't find her ED page for the life of me.

And that's why Holla Forums is separate from TRS

any of the users or people that don't monetize their videos, dipshit. You're still focused on the e-celebs like pewdiepie and shit.

Remember kiddo`s, the nudes of here are underage.

Her vids can't be monetized because hate speech, dimwit + they can get her arrested in canada. Also go find me the vid where she asks for money, I haven't seen one.

What do you get out of defending this moron?

You seem pretty vested.

I said vid. Was already aware she asked for equipment. Didn't donate myself.


You seem eager to switch IPs, Schlomo.

Is not wanting this place turning into 4cuck that hard to understand? Ursula threads sink with little to no interest, nobody else likes red ice, fine. Mods and lie spreading shills shutting down any mention of Evalion? Fuck that. Even if you don't like her you should at least recognize the problem here.

the problem is you fuckers coming back from your own Holla Forums .

You're the problem here, niggerfaggot

She is not Holla Forums's version of boxxy, so you can fuck off with your cuckfisted e-celeb worship shit.

I want to see her take a bullet to the brain.

She looks like her pussy smells like spoiled cat food

Been here at least as long as you have. Unless you're a pedo.

Really? How?

Yeah because that's exactly what I just said, huh faggot?

Wew. Don't cut yourself user.

fuck off Holla Forums goons.


My digits were better

>>m-maybe I'll even get her to reply to me
Also great job on ousting yourself. Jesus christ, our enemies really do do our work for us.

Great quality as always, however I'd prefer her to stay out of her videos besides her voice. Normies probably dig that shit, though, so whatever.

I'll bump this time, because of her come back.

Fuck off faggot.

You're a grown man, stop raiding imageboards for some crazy jew grill.

I recognize that no one is interested here and if they were they would go to her channel or follow her, but they don't, and I'd probably not care if you krypto kikes only had one thread but you spam the catalog which I look at all the time, so now I have a vested interest in shutting this sperg shit down.

Yet you try to marginalize that she can't take care of her self and at the same time has a condescending attitude talking down to normies.