Millenials begin to uncuck themselves


Clinton Losing Millennial Support Nationally and in Key States
that means Trump was at 26% and is now at 24% (down 2)
that means Trump was at 28% and is now at 31% (up 3)
that means Trump was at 19% and is still at 19% (no change)
that means Trump was at 20% and is now at 24% (up 4)

So they hate Hillary on average and Trump is growing in support. This is over a space of one month! Imagine what it'll be like in a few years

Other urls found in this thread:

Aren't they mostly going to the idiot not even a linertarian Gary "what's Aleppo?" Johnson?

I've only heard of one millennial I know going for Johnson. I thinks the majority just won't vote, they're demoralized after what happened to Bernie. That said, you'd probably be surprised by the how many support trump, but don't talk about it unless you pry a bit.

t. Millenial

these polls didn't cover that. I don't know how many are going for Gary.

I really feel like Trump should declare a policy of instant forgiveness on all current student loan debt. That would fucking put him over the edge, and most "consistent conservatives" know how liberal colleges are and wouldn't attack him for his unorthodox position. And when libshit politicians go after him for it, it'll reveal to a lot of normies that colleges are essentially liberal brainwashing tools.

Demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and use the mid-1990s to the early 2000s as final birth years for the Millennial Generation.

MILLENNIALS :35 and under
sounds like most of/pol/s age group

Fair enough, but it should be something further than simply forgiveness. Perhaps 33% forgiveness for every monoracial child born to said student?

Wouldn't appeal as much to current students though, most of whom are millenials. He could expand on pell grants for STEM related fields.

I think we would win the twitter vote tbqh fam

That would reward shitskins for breeding though.

They can't call themselves uncucked until they're go out and curb stomp their own SJW generation.

Do shitskin US citizens go to college much though? Foreign students can simply be sent back.

that's why it's "Millenials begin to uncuck themselves" and not "Millenials are uncucked now"

yes, thanks to welfare. They go to college more per capita than any other race ooga booga we most ducated and shit muhfuggin bix nood man


There are quite a few of them because college admittance standards are lowered for minorities, they have race exclusive scholarships and they have race specific student organizations.


Trump threads on Holla Forums are a fucking disgrace to what Holla Forums once believed in

If you think they're gonna let Trump get elected (not that he has enough votes anyway) you're sorrily mislead. Do you think a white businessman is next, after the first nigger president? It's gonna be the first woman president, because we're in 2016 and by 2020 the mark of the beast will be introduced and the beginning of the end will really start.

I have hair on my head, though.

are we being raided? who linked to us this time?

I think it's shills playing catch-up for the low energy shilling that went on during the week. That and also the bomb happenings being a media distraction away from Hillary because of how badly week after week she was falling apart. And then to top it off, the Les Deplorables rally along with 20 minutes of veteran endorsements and 7 seconds of birther that anally ravaged the entirety of the MSM.

The point is that voting encourages the establishment. If Mr Trump really wanted to M.A.G.A. he would have started a while ago. Opened his own media outlet and told the truth.

I would suggest not to encourage it, and instead push the warning that everyone needs to hear, not go about it in Politically Correct ways like courting the coloured vote.

filtered :)

Some dipshit journo linked directly to the Shillary digging thread. We're getting flooded by normies and shills.


If I'm a shill for anyone, it would be an explicitly pro-white third-party. But, right now my point is that encouraging the establishment with voting isn't going to help.

Well, fine. But, if you're going to address my demographic in the O.P., then I'm going to say, yes, there is good reason not to vote.

That's where you're a fucking moron

You got 2 right. older Holla Forums would point out how he is totally in bed with the jews. You know. I know it. We all know it.

But your other claim is where you're a moron.
There are 2 choices this election, and you are a faggot



I can only reply like this to you once, and then I must filter you because the board volunteers like to ban people that don't jump out of their skin when somebody calls them a Talmudic Jew. So here goes.

Yawn… Boring.


Now you're filtered, run along now.

This isn't lost on everyone here. Say lots of shitskins do vote for Trump – then what? Are they going to be getting deported, having their citizenship revoked? Or are they suddenly okay?

There's been a steep drop off in the level of radicalization we're seeing on even this board.

Hitler dubs confirm. Hopefully it's just the influx of newfigs causing it, they should be converted over 100% in a few months.

Daily reminder that ALL non whites need to go back.

Yes, and where is Mr Trump's strong statements against Political Correctness that he mentioned frequently in the primaries? He apologised a few weeks ago, and he talks about "assimilation" being a good thing.

What about freedom of association? No, I have seen a lot of people getting sucked into the excitement, while saying things like "If Hillary gets in, this country is over", but look around you, it's already a non-white country.

Balkanisation would be a good thing, but Holla Forums wants to give the Donald a chance. But, you know what, all of the U.S. cities will still be majority non-white, maybe fewer negroes rioting, but that isn't everything that matters.

shills, newfags and people literally worshipping trump thinking he can do no wrong

What was Holla Forums like when W. was president, user.? Was it like Republican Party Central or were there still mostly pro-whites?

Holla Forums didn't exist then retard.

everyone responding to the anti-Trump/anti-Voting niggers re letting the thread be derailed. Let's talk about millennials:
Trump is improving, but the fact is that his numbers aren't great yet. I submitted something to his campaign along the lines of

No, I'm not a retard. But, it's good to know what lies ahead.

what do you guys think? if you agree, try to get in touch with the campaign as well
and stop fucking responding to the ctr shill holy fuck just filter and move on

As if we needed more proof that you're a retarded newfag.

This is correct. People throw around 60% or 70%, but that's not anywhere near what it is in the younger demographics – it's so much worse.

Every stump speech now he talks about making sure niggers and spics can make lots of money and have great jobs – these subhuman reprobates who have been murdering millions of us since the 60s.

I don't know why I'm supposed to believe Trump about the border wall, the tariffs, the detente with Russia, but I'm supposed understand there's a wink and nod involved when he talks about spicniggers and Israel.

I think both candidates are being very upfront and very truthful about exactly what they plan to do for the United States.

don't give it away so soon user. You had him going exposing how much of a newfag shill he was not being from around these parts.

I'm anti-Political Correctness and when has Mr Trump said that same thing recently? It was apparently a gimmick only for the primary season.

There's only so much his millennial numbers can improve when you understand how non-White the generation is, especially on the younger end of it.

you're not serious, right? I wasn't even here back then, but Holla Forums has always hated republicans and democrats pretty much equally. The're two heads of the same hydra that are moving the west progressively further to the left. A republican today is a democrat 20 years ago.

If anyone is the homosexual around here…

You are unable to put into words what I am even a "shill" for… So, get lost.


Who knows? It does seem like way, way too many are getting pulled into the "It's the terrorists! Get them!" rhetoric, when anyone worth his salt says "I knew what would happen if you let them in, don't come crying to me now."

Voting encourages a lame-duck way of thinking among the politicians. If politicians aren't changing their agendas even between the elections, then they aren't worth anything. "Wait until elections" lets those who are in power off of the hook today.

just filter/report the shill.

everyone's getting derailed by this shill. I just wanted a conversation on how to further uncuck millennials and instead those fuckers had to ruin my thread. What's wrong with you faggots?

The answer should be obvious user. Strategically and skillfully spread redpills in such a way that plants seeds of doubt into them, that they come yearning back for more, and that the consistent blue pill becomes unbearable or not as satisfying to them.

The other thing too is knock the peg off of the various tv people they may idolize, from jon leibowitz, to stephen colbert, to current year man. Destroy their idols by pointing out their shit. Use their own cardboard cutout liberal rhetoric and logic against them.

Only the strong and ones vested enough to look and search for answers and think on their own will survive the ordeals.

Trump needs to support decriminalizing marijuana at the federal level. Let each state decide to outlaw or tax it. He does that and he will win by a landslide. The brain dead millenials will actively fight for him. Hillary will be done. Election over.

This. All of them would do a complete 180, all of the sudden every single little college fag will vote their shit off for Trump. He might even make California go red if he decides to go through with something like that.

And then the rebuilding will finally begin.

Well she's not getting my support, I'm staying home instead of voting for her. Every lost vote for her is a vote for Trump.

I actually thought similarly dear user. After all that cucktraining, I kind of thought the rebelliousness would kick in at least somewhat.

If 14/88 happens in our lifetimes, it's not going to come from the kosher conservative Boomers.


The problem with "millennials" is that most of them are non-white. If you just looked at white millennials the numbers are much different.

promising a better world gets the youth on your side
all kosher conservative boomers care about is tax, property values and pension
so many millennials buy into the commie meme because the commies promise a better world and there is no alternative

shut the fuck up retard. 90% of millennials would spit in your face if you told them you wanted to gas the jews and lynch niggers.

Aaaannnnd filtered



Just how new are you? The majority of Holla Forums are millenials. Had you been here for more than a minute you'd know millenials are very polarized. Raging hipsters on one hand and 14/88 on the other with comparatively in the middle ground.

Millenials are cancer, gas them all. No exceptions.

Gas yourself, you fucking queer.


The reason Hillary is losing is because she, along with her cult of supporters, is a narcissistic piece of shit that thinks she DESERVES to be President. The entire #I'mWithHer campaign is proof of this disgusting attitude.

Trump is winning, even though he is still a bit of a narcissist he knows that the American people come first. Trump brilliantly reversed Hillary's shitty slogan with #I'mWithYou.

Some people just take the black pill because they're weak. It seems to be a reoccurring theme, wonder if he is from Holla Forums?


ive already noticed 3 of my acquaintances wake up
one has entirely the others are on their way its always great to realise someone else your age and in your social circle is also hiding their power level and is secretly redpilled

Trump probably has close to 50% support among white millenials but you keep pushing that defeatist bullshit

Pardon me if I'm not popping open a bottle of champagne at the news that 76% of millennials are voting for globalist bullshit.

I'd like to see those numbers

I figured the cold slap of first hand knowledge would do it. Nothing tends to work better imo.

This kike again


I understand where you are coming from and certainly it must be frustrating, but being a defeatist has never garnished any worthwhile results. Act positively and confident and they will flock to you. That was one of the reasons I was initially drawn in. I thought it was absurd anyone thought differently, but the confidence and bright worldview I saw others have on the cause hooked me in. The facts and initial redpill solidified that sentiment.

It's happening, slowly, but surely.

No, YOUR point, you insufferable fucking cunt.


How can I make them listen when I know how stubborn they can be. It's exhausting. They won't listen. I've been redpilling people on kikebook daily for months now, turns out, there are a lot of other Holla Forums users there as well.


that does not make the statement false, and proper quantifiers of qualifiers places things in better perspective.

our opponents have never really been very logical.
don't be like them.

what the fuck kind of shit is this?

alright, the meat of the issues is that nobody ever said the ride ends.
thank you for the information, OP.

it's just what happens to every thread. this one is extra fucky. it means you drew a lot of attention. good work.

i like the way you think. inspirational.

Hitler won the majority in parliament then had to win the catholic voters over for the November 1933 plebiscite
after he'd got them in he was democratically unstoppable even when the catholics flip flopped and voted against him in 1934


Lad not arguing im agreeing plus adding clarification for newfags
not every reply is an argument on Holla Forums :^)

What about those that will get in debt after the order happens?


there should be regulations placed on colleges to prevent usury and exploitation when giving out loans. Also, government loans should cease to be.

This was one of the many reasons the dank memes were great.


I always thought we were generationX and millenials were post mid-90s queerfags.

if we use the old terminology we're mostly Gen X and Gen Y
those faggots you're referring to are Gen Z

I hate millennials.

Gen X former Zogbot.

There is nowhere left to escape to.

I hate texting. My boomer parents won't die and won't stop working. I tried to live my life by emulating my grandfather. A foreclosure and a divorce later - I didn't quite make it, at least he didn't kill any Germans and only killed Japs.

The only thing I can be certain of, is that I am not going to die without taking at least one other person with me, and I encourage all my fellow living veterans to do the same.


Try showing them videos like The Greatest Story Never Told or super redpills like this

actually a brilliant observation.


You sad, sad motherfuckers. Nobody of you even recognized this was stale as fuck copypasta circulating around since late 2015.

What has my Holla Forums become?

I'm shocked you weren't publicly b&


Millennials are sheep. They're just starting to listen to the "edgy" narrative (ie the Truth) because it's cool. This is good for us, but they're fickle little shit-pickles, so they could just as easily turn back.



The entire war on drugs has been a failure/psyop from start to finish, you can see multiple examples of countries that deal with it better by decriminalizing, and it's not something that needs to be organized on national scale anyway.

It's in the Zeitgeist anyway, practically everyone in the younger generation wants it or at least doesn't care, even on the right. It will come eventually, and this would remove one of the best weapons the left usually has.

My sides just hit the fucking moon

Fuck off back to Reddit

Who cares? More 3rd party votes mean less Hillary votes, and the USA desperately needs to break the 2 party system anyway.