Why isn't this asshole dead yet?
Why isn't this asshole dead yet?
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What the hell is that in the back ground? It looks like a woman's tits are on her back.
Cause noone has killed him.
Seriously though, it's all a big cult of personality. And he is the worst, since .. .well .. What does he actually do?
I wonder if he's aware that he's mocking a significant part of his audience with this one
Shame the bro douche with the backwards hat
Milo and his friend, do they even lift?
That could be their undoing, actually.
Not considering that the people… just might have a change of heart at some point…
Milo continues to demonstrate himself as a disgusting human being.
In other news, water remains to be wet.
milo must be a faggot whenever and wherever he speaks.
The guy's at the gym. At least he's trying
I wonder how Milo deals with the fact that half of his fans want fags to die and only accept him because he self-deprecates that side of himself.
Oh, right, he compartmentalizes it. My b.
epic troll!!!!11!!!!11
I'm all about fat shaming, but not when they're actively working to fix it.
If I ever meet him I'm going to break his jaw.
Oh no, a right wing gay man made rude and cruel comments about a fat person.
Seriously, the only reason I have any liking for Milo is his talent for triggering the fuck out of SJWs like OP who think this is worthy of any attention whatsoever.
Holla Forums
Leftism used to be about serious matters, such as feeding the poor…
Yes because pandering to alt-right kiddies on twitter by being an utter cunt is a "serious matter".
Fucking gulag yourself.
Look. I'll even give to sargon the fact that he is a good demagog, but tell me. If Milo wasn't gay, WHO WOULD EVEN CARE???
Ok. You sure are not from here…
This tbh.
I really don't get all of the butthurt about people like him and Sargon. They might be economically reactionary but they make valid points about the culture of "social justice".
I never make fun of people who are trying to fix their obesity. I was around 24% body fat (male) a few years back, ended up down at 10% for a while before averaging out between 12-14.
I respect anyone who was 30% or higher (or equivalent for female) and manages to get down to a healthy weight.
Much like any ex-Holla Forumsyp on this board is welcome if they realise the error of their ways.
go back to Holla Forums you blatant false flag
nvm, I see what it is now. It's some guy's arm. I was looking at it from a weird angle.
On the topic of Sargon, he is basically the right wing version of John Oliver.
There is a realistic middle ground. You don't have to be a self righteous, uneducated contrarian.
Lardo should have crushed his skull tbh fam
I mean, aside from the fact that he defends markets, I haven't really heard him say anything that outrageous tbh.
Because socjus are the lowest hanging fruit. Anyone can poke holes in their logic.
milo is a piece of shit. clearly he has the mindset of an 8-year-old bully.
pretty sure that just makes you a normal person
"Mocking a fat person at the gym is like mocking a sick person trying to cure his disease"
There's a special place in the gulag for people like Milo.
this is what kills me about him. he presents himself as some ultra red-pilled pragmatist yet he's a walking paradox. there's a clip of him saying that his sexuality is a flaw and that he wishes he were straight. he also thinks christianity is the reason that western civilization is so advanced.
Fair enough but what's wrong with people like Sargon pointing it out?
He's the right's token faggot and he probably knows it.
We have the same one (who has fake blond hair also) in France. He was the gay tokken at the anti-gay marriage rallies.
Qui donc?
Because it panders to anger over idiots instead of discontent with relevant issues. Even by right wing standards.
Xavier Bongibault.
That's basically John Oliver as well.
couldn't agree with more. people like milo and sargon have nothing substantive to say about economics/foreign policy (i.e. things that actually matter). it's crazy that they've developed such a cult following.
I mean, you have people who are literally pushing for laws to limit free speech in the name of "social justice". I wouldn't say it's all that irrelevant tbh famalam. If it was just people whining, I wouldn't really care but it bothers me when people try to force their agenda on others through legal means.
Except John Oliver tends to take the side of the people I described above.
With all of that said, don't get me wrong, I cringe when guys like Sargon and Milo unironically use terms like "cultural Marxism" (even though I'm not a Marxist, people should still get their definitions right.) however, not everything they say about certain strains of modern social liberalism is inherently incorrect.
Nothing wrong at fatshaming. it often helps hamplanets and other lowlives to lose weight and become normal again.
It's also feckless and doomed to fail. We're talking groups of tens of people begging university deans.
No, it doesn't, because obesity is not a behavior that can be immediately stopped with punishment.
And even if it did, the guy in that pic is fucking exercising!
but it doesnt. every study on this has determined that making fun of someone's weight only exacerbates the problem.
I'm really not so sure about that. When you have Anita Sarkeesian seriously being given an audience at the U.N. because she feels that the internet should be censored, it's kind of a problem.
Back in the old days, these sorts of people were seen simply as nut jobs but now days, some of their proposals are being legitimized.
What's worse is that a whopping 40% of millennials are OK with limiting free speech in the name of feels.
Yes it is. You fatshame, they go to the gyme and start working out.
It works out and it helps people.
Encouraging feminist whales to carry on with their million pound existence only proceeds to destroy both their and our lives.
Yes it does.
Doomed so badly that it's achieved a deathgrip over every humanities department, and untouchable blacklist-at-will abilities against any other department?
The laughably tiny number of people responsible belies the fact that their little circlejerk is so completely unopposed.
of course.. just like torture, spanking, mandatory minimums etc.
i'll never understand why so many reactionaries defend these practices when there's so many studies that show them to be ineffective
just do a little research.
Yeah, no, this never happens in real life.
Who cares. Let them die.
tough choice
Sarkeesian and the blue haired goblin were at a UN meeting with no real world influence. If they spoke in front of actual ambassadors, they would have been laughed out in a second.
That's probably a record low in the US, honestly.
Universities bring it upon themselves because circlejerks are profitable.
Yeah, yes, this happens in real life.
Ipse dixit statements are not evidence. Please provide some.
You mean, absolutely everyone that ever went to the gym to lose weight?
T-that's… um… the reason there are gyms?
Do you even basic logic
here's another random study
They go there because of personal volition or to recover after an injury, not because someone was a dick about their health. That's not how human psychology works.
If you hate fat people enough that you cannot sympathize with them, you will never convince them to lose weight. It's like screaming about cancer to a smoker.
but why? go lift some
of course I won't sympathize with them, they feed on empathy, and that's metaphysical weight. very difficult to get rid off
i broke a grin reading this cheeky post! bravo, my good sir! bravo!
The same thing happens in both public and private institutions, including K-12 ones that don't even collect dues.
And it's hardly unique to schools, anywhere vulnerable to circlejerking (government bureaucracies, NGOs, charities, churches, HR departments, PR departments, the press, the arts, clubs and hobbies) is a hotspot of contagion.
The thing is this used to occur primarily and infamously on the right, so the left formed a reliable bulwark against it. Now that it's severely infected the left as well, it's free to run rampant like an auto-immune disease.
So it's just intrinsic to Western capitalism?
If they make you so uncomfortable, try not thinking about them. If you live in the US, you will probably die from an unhealthy habit anyway
The dude is at the gym
what the fuck does Milo want from him? a signed pledge to lose weight? the fuck
this never happens
literally every time this happens you only push them to do even more unhealthy behavior. you're only alienating them more and making them feel like it's a waste of time to even try because people hate them anyway. You really think most obese people are just fat to be fat? there's usually quite a lot of emotional baggage that comes with it and acting like a smug prick doesn't help anyone.
this is probably bait
lmao is he making fun of someone who's working out
Gianni Vattimo is also a gay Catholic, so what?
Can we shame Milo for being straight up ugly? He looks so shuddersome.
Literally the gayest name someone could come up with
for fuck's sake, I'm mad. At least this fat man is trying, look at that, he is at a gym. Mylo doesn't even try to stop being an obnoxious faggot.
Wow, Milo really is a mean little cunt. That's like insulting someone for being a boozer while he's at an AA meeting.
Fat must be shamed so you're making fun of a fat person trying to get in shape?
He trolls idpolers while being fabulous.
The last point about proper education and professional help is valid, but please don't spread anti-intellectual fatlogic.
This. Why the fuck would you discourage a fat person from going to the gym?
Milo was funny the first 4-5 times for me, now it's stale as fuck.
The fact is that you don't need any real effort to piss off SJWs, so naturally after a while it's the same fucking gag over and over again.
And I can't really be impressed by Sargon or Milo "refuting" SJWs, their ideology is such an incoherent mess that 12 yo me could have refuted it. They're playing the great rational intellectual by going after the one group that is more stupid than them.
eh im not sure about that, milo and sargon and the rest of the alt-right rationals tend to go after the dumbest of the "SJWs", and when they go up against "SJWs" that have a modicum of intelligence they usually get rekt(Sargon vs Kristi Winters) or just dont respond to things that are said and just spout memes(Milo vs mannequin SJW)
What a fucking asshole. This guy pretends he's a catholic all the fucking time and then does this shit and goes around saying "uhhh God made me gay but it's probably a sin".
Just think of it like organized atheism or anti-quackery, even if it takes 0 effort to debunk, there still has to be some small bunch of people dedicated to providing ammo for people like us and engaging the deluded on their home turf. Granted, having avowed commies in the effort as major figures would be nice.
That's not really fair. The guy's decent enough when he's at a computer undisturbed and can prepare proper responses, but he's just fundamentally incompetent at live debate, which makes me wonder why on earth he likes doing it so much.
(first reply)
Yeah I guess i can give you that, still not a reason for me to follow or like them though.
Hell, I probably agree with a lot of points that TAA makes, but his comedy is so stale and his analysis so shallow that I find him unbearable.
Milo spends most of his time trolling. Don't feed the trolls.
No, it isn't a serious matter. Milo has just been extremely rude to the fat guy. You've just called me a cunt. Same thing. The only thing Milo does different is make some a group of very unpleasant people apoplectic with rage.
Yes, the bar is extremely low for upseting tumblr feminists. Be a narcissist, disagree with tumblr feminists and insult a few people.
Kek, no. Better deal with it, son.
No. This isn't a safe space for SJW entryists. You have reddit for that.
Normal people don't feel compelled to go berzerk in condemning one human for being a jerk to another. That's the only reason Milo is doing this stuff; it makes SJWs loose their shit and reveals them for the controlling and manipulative pieces of shit they are.
I remember seeing some covert-selfie by some woman at a gym, laughing at some guy who's pretty much doing nothing wrong. Then some /fit/ shitpost about how women always find an excuse to show themselves off.
Considering how womanly fags tend to be, and he just has the urge to pick on a guy who's at least trying to better himself(just to put him and his buttbuddy in better light), I guess that guy had a point.
Or I just don't like him
he is Holla Forums's Kim Kardashian
He doesn't give a shit if the fat guy is trying or not. It's all about "fighting the narrative".
normal people dont like watching someone get made fun of for something they're trying to fix. you sound like you have no empathy.
milo is a dumbass if he thinks making fun of obese people working out only offends sjws. he should stick to mocking BLM and feminism.
meant for
The National Review, of all places, summed him up quite well:
He called YOU a cunt. Milo was "extremely rude" to a guy, by posting his pic on twitter.
If you don't get the difference, see beyond your ideology first.
You don't have to be visiting pol, to be pol. Thinking like pol is enough.
This isn't pol either. Wanna be here? Get some logic first.
It makes him famous cause faggots like you support him for doing nothing.
I can't wait for Milo to go on Chapo Trap House.
It is estimated 5% of the human population are clinical psychopaths, so argument from empathy is a retarded position to take.
You're also pulling the usual SJW strawman: "if you won't divert all your attention to this piece of trivial shite, you're a cold unfeeling monster who approves of this behaviour." A man being rude to another man is an everyday triviality that is not worthy of our attention.
A pic of the back of his head. That'll make him famous. Highly identifiable.
I'm the one with "ideology"? You're the one who seems to think one silly little right-winger being obnoxious to a fat man is as worthy of all our attention as giving everyone the means to feed and clothe themselves.
Everything you disagree with is Holla Forums, gotcha
KEK! Here's some logic for you. There are only one possible reasons you could possibly think this man behaviour is in any way noteworthy, politically:
You think that it is the role of the state or whatever substitute you have in mind for it to compel it's members not to express distasteful sentiments about one another by force. This is the distinguishing mark of the SJW and would result in a dystopia at least as malevolent as Holla Forums (and hence is why the entire rest of society hates them).
No, he makes people like you apoplectic with rage. That's why he's garnered such attention.
You are posting on an anonymous imageboard, where throwing insults is expected.
Milo is taking photos of a random person on the street and humiliating them to a large audience. If you cant see the difference I don't know what to say.
Go rot in siberia, cunt.
You have to admit though, those faggots had a sense of style.
You tell me why either of those incidents is in any way important, you idiot.
No, it's not, and 'clinical psychopathy' is the most loaded term in modern psychology. Extraordinarily easy to dismiss any individual whose opinions you dislike by calling them an empathyless psychopath, it's the new sluggish schizophrenia.
But 5% is a bull figure achieved by throwing in anyone who possesses even a modicum of psychopathic leaning into a spectrum - the so-called 'psychopathy spectrum'. Studies using Hare's Checklist, which by itself isn't without flaw but far more verifiable have found rates between 0.6 and 1.8% sciencedirect.com
So you'd be okay with embarassing photos of you (or someone close to you), calling you a disgusting person being aired on a large platform.
Milo has 318k followers.
I hope your limbs freeze of and then you starve to death.
Would still be less embarrassing than your posts. Imagine if your friends and family knew about the bile you spill online.
Are you arguing that "argument from empathy" is a valid reason to act or not?
When all you have is style, you make sure you have a lot of it.
See? That's your ideology right there! Proof you know shit!
We are not to "give" anything. We are to SEIZE the means of production. We are part of those who TAKE.
Being a faggot is not political. It's.. ETHICS! It's not about the economy, the educational system, whatever. It's about praising a faggot for being a fagot. (and by faggot I don't mean homo).
"What's your problem? Are we not allowd to say "filthy niggers" to niggers, just because you don't accept that they are lower than us?"
It's not about "importance". It's not about "politics". It's about a person being .. a faggot! If you are a faggot, and people call you a faggot, it's about you being a faggot! NOT ABOUT ID POL!
You've either got it wrong… or you're a polyp trying defend your gay lord.
Leftypol is for real leftists, not sensitive little faggots.
Take your progressivism and please leave.
i am glad i do not even know who that faggot is, he is severely retarded and an argument for euthanasia
Yeah, you can go fuck yourself with a rusty knife. You have nothing further of value to say.
lol if a woman did this 4chan would flip their shit
Because he hasn't died? Why are you letting this get to you, it's a faggot jester attention whoring for his fanclub.
Gay fascists are the worst kind of fascist.
What grave crime did he commit that's worthy of death besides being another class cucked conservative?
Yeah, and the guy in the pic is being fat and got called fat
being another class cucked conservative
Oh. And creating a cult of personality.
Problem isn't "you are fat".
Problem is "you are fat, you should ashamed for this, even if you try to change it".
And you know why that's his ideology?
Cause he's no different from your average pol user. He has to "shame" other in order to feel better about himself. Other must be wrong for him to be right.
You know,
at least that guy is in the gym.
I've got give him credit for that.
I know a lot of fat people avoid the gym because of douches like Millo.
You know there's a reason Islam prohibits homosexuality.
There is a reason religion is against sexual freedom.
The reason is repression of sex helps to control the people.
Read Reich.
are you retarded son
have you ever seen a commercial on tv?
do you read ads?
corporations are using your sexual instinct to exploit you and milk you like a cow
It is a moral imperative to hate fat people tbh
I would chase them around the gulag with a whip all day
They also use photography, art, music, written word, and film.
I still like those things too.
me and you are becoming a rare breed, comrade. Fucking sjws control leftypol now.
You're avoiding the question and not differentiating between means of advertisement(photography, art, music, written word, and film) and themes.
Your argument is that freedom of sexual expression unshackles people from social influence
i proved you otherwise
Products are more likely to sell if it had sexual themes on it.
There's a reason youtubers use boobs as click-bait because it's successful.
Controlling your sexual desire frees you from the control of people.
Its in my best interest that we piledrive the spooky moralists, legdrop the compulsory solidarists and supplex the liberals.
how will this even be possible. Even the self proclaimed "nihilist" anarchist around here is a moralfag. There does not seem to be enough people in the world that can see past morals. Hell, I bet 99% of the population of leftypol is against killing infants less than 18 months post-birth, even though those dumb parasites are less conscious than the vast majority of mammals we routinely genocide for the luls.
Most of the working class are class cucked conservatives / traditionalists. We're not gonna have a revolution between the 10 of us who aren't. Our job is to educate them, not live in some fantasy that you're gonna kill most of the working class off to liberate the other 10 guys. All you do is further feed into the right wing narrative that is causing more of them to rise in opposition to leftism in the name of reactionary politics. A very disturbing trend.
I think you've forgotten how many veggies are regulars here. Good to you're still about, though.
He didn't tell you to stop listening to music or not have sex with your partner because porkey does the same.
Not an argument.
I'm a bisexual catholic
To this end we could simply point out the self-defeatig argumentation of their interests from their moralist standpoint. Let no "should" and "ought" go unpunished; may no hidden emotional blackmailing go slip by the radar of my dominant ataraxia.
You either reframe your idea on the topic to express a cohesive amoral argument or you become self-conscious about it, appropriate it and straight up admit that "you fucking feel like it because of reasons and fuck you".
At least the board will be more genuine for it, and I like genuine, I savor it.
so you're a desperate virgin
Yeah, In this I agree with Che Guevara. Liberators don't exist, people liberate themselves.
If they did not, they would have simply traded one dogma for the other. The grand Idea of a liberty that was never theirs but your own to begin with
Where I a "liberator" I'd measure my success by how quickly my disciples parted ways with me.
Truly degenerate commodity fetishism
Man who makes money trolling says something trollish. People still act surprised and get mad.
How is shaming someone, just because you are not sexually attracted to them , not fascist?
It shows that he has a fascist mentality.
Faggot's just being a shitbag because he's edgy like that. Holla Forums hates his guts, this just gives them more ammo to eventually run him out.
Throw Milo to a pack of hot 'n heavy niggers holding a chemsex party and he'll definitely have a dead arsehole after they're done with him.
Isn't it, generally speaking, an unwritten law of the gym to not make fun of fat people in there working out?
kek. stay triggered xirs
Being fat IS unhealthy though.
What do you think that sweating fat guy is at the gym for, you dickbite leninist retard?
I want /r/fullcommunism to leave
Didn't mean to sage
Not politics. Keep it on /lolcow/ or something, fatty.
Holla Forums hates him. He's a Jewish homosexual entryist tarnishing their straight white brotherhood.
You mean Kotaku in Action's Kim Kardashian.