Updated the rules page so things will feel more consistent.
Mods, please read. 8ch.net
Updated the rules page so things will feel more consistent.
Mods, please read. 8ch.net
Other urls found in this thread:
can we spam gooks tho
Would you just demod way already I'm fucking sick of well thought out posts I make disappearing because he disagrees with them.
i'm sorry mate, you need to go fuck yourself
Doubt this one is going to be followed
hey dys can you enable embeds, thx
Who cares if it gets followed? The only people getting banned for dost will just ban evade regardless of how long the ban is for.
ids and flags please. ok thanks
tbh I used to hate ids but theres just some retarded fags that I wouldn't mind filtiring
Ids on a board full of pedos with an endless supply of IPs is pointless tbh
yeah we need ids and flags for the next 5 days and then top it off by banning all the fucking reddit/4chan/leftypol faggots to make the pph 21 again. i love Holla Forums.
oh true, so maybe only flags?
it would be endless banter when someone sees an american flag and would turn the board into /int/ where a bunch of amerishits get upset and sperg out tbh
the new amerimutt meme would be in every thread. i kinda like flags and id's but don't really see the point on Holla Forums tbh
i thought they were cool on /bant/ when i lurked there but that boards culture is a lot different than this one
I would just get on my israel IP and trigger Holla Forums
Oh look, a new Dysnomia attention whoring thread masquerading as a rule change that isn't really a rule change, but is really just another "strongly worded letter" to vols putting the blame on them for how shitty the board is instead of shouldering the responsibility himself.
Like we have never seen this before.
i don't understand the point of your post tbh
enable flags tbh
t. Amerifat
Flags but no ID?
americans out
you probably don't want flags bcz you from a nigger country
Flags post according to your IP, so all VPN users flags don't actually mean shit, all TOR users flags are question marks, meaning the only anons for whom flags actually mean shit are barebackers.
Fuck flags, they are pointless.
this, honestly
we should have accounts that you have to register and pick out a username/avatar tbh
who cares tbh, flags look nice
t. niggers
IDs on an anonymous site where everyone uses VPN or Tor is stupid because you can change your ID with the click of a button. It is even more misleading than not having them.
That's what makes it so fun
t. germany
Then put one in yourself if you want one. Nobody is stopping you.
could be fun could be bad who knows
change wouldn't be such a bad thing around here i guess but whaddo i know
Your idea of fun is what has killed this board.
If you want to continue fucking it up, that is your business.
We know that you're an Amerilard
Sounds like a vote in favor of flags tbh
that meme is a bit too silly
Taken from: 8ch.net
You keep fidgeting because it makes you feel like you are doing something more than being a janitor, but deletion is the only meaningful thing that you can do here and you know it. You are a janitor, Dys. You have 25 different kinds of soap that you can change back and forth between, but you still only have a mop and a bucket for tools.
make Holla Forums a 5 page board again tbh
double space user hates flags, flags should be enabled confirmed
there are multiple double space anons
t. double space user
i am a double space user tbh
No, I don't hate them. I don't actually give a fuck. It is just another meaningless dick rub for Dysnomia, it doesn't mean shit to me. For all I care he could change the Jap text to Norwegian and change the dancing banana to a flapping blue waffle. It doesn't make a damn bit of difference as far as I am concerned. But the fact is that every time he does shit like this the userbase falls and the pph drops, so maybe it matters to someone else.
literally nothing wrong with double spacing
get over it tbh
only reddit double spaces tbh
double spacing
t. double space user
flags trigger double space user confirmed
I'm drinking and driving rn tbh
dysnomia called me double space user in that thread I made complaining about Way. i think he actually thought it was just one person or something tbh
fucking kill yourself
Is "SISTERRRR" going to marry and get pound by a black bull :3
Would they have babies the natural and organic way? Hi Dysnomia ._.
everyone knows you aren't double space user, hex
Is "SISTERRRR" going to marry and get pound by a black bull :3
Would they have babies the natural and organic way?
< Hi Dysnomia ._.
>pic (((related)))
He does think that.
i am the one true and only double space user, reminder that single spacers are eternally beneath those who double space
d o s t
I live in Germany, but my flag says Portugal and I am going through an IP in Switzerland.
Someone explain the purpose of flags again?
dos t
t. pedo
weeb shit
don't listen to that user, he calls everyone pedo
maybe i should post my boy collection
Don't. Dysnomia will do naughty things to himself.
google it tard
gooks are dogs tbh
gay? I'm bisexual.
so are you american pig
Bisexual = gay and indecisive
i like females bro, i'm not gay
I, in no Way, can seeing this going wrong seeing as how your mods are experts in what is considered a DOST violation.
See what I did there?
gay = attracted to the same sex
bisexual = gay
females aren't the same sex, bro
sorry, bisexual = gay AND straight
yeah you're on the right path now
Is Zhenya welcome here?
No, he's gay. Bisexuality cant really exist. It's too often used as an excuse so they don't have to say they're a faggot. If you see men sexually at all it makes you gay.
demonstrably false
If you have a cock and like the cock, it doesn't matter what else you like, you are gay. Denying it is simply self-closeting.
Go get bullied into suicide faggot.
last message directed at him.
enough gay posting tbh
So let's see…I am a guy, and I like guys.
That makes me gay.
I am a guy and I like guys and I like horses.
That makes me not gay? No, I am still gay, I am just gay and a beastie.
I am a guy and I like guys and lasagna.
That makes me not gay? No, I am still gay, I am just gay and have a thing for fucking Italian food.
If you are a guy and you like guys and you like girls, you are still gay. You are just gay and you like something else as well.
what a buzzkill
I was attracted to girls first.
Yeah, then you became a faggot. Faggot.
reminder that being bisexual is literally the apex level of heterosexuality one can reach. heterosexuality is to bisexuality what homosexuality is to heterosexuality
I'll fuck you and your sister, faggot.
If you fucked me that would make you still a faggot even if you fucked my non existent sister.
i like women
Oh, so now the order in which you are attracted to something is what determines your sexuality?
I liked chocolate before I liked girls, so that makes me a chocophile, not hetero.
/that denial tho!
were you sexually attracted to chocolate?
A better analogy is when you have a number, lets say 2 then you multiply it by -2. 2 * -2= -4. Just because you had a positive number first dosent change the end result.
where did the red hijab thread go wtf??
kys dys
shutup homo
fuck yourself loser
You're a gay man who has deluded yourself with the idea you're only part faggot.
Usually due to the fact you're insecure.
dysnomia did nothing wrong !
Thanks Dysnomia
kys gook poster
No u
disgusting dog tbh
degenerates out
t. annaflag user
*t. unknownflag user
Can you make smallposting mandatory?
Can we have a new rule that states that all
sageniggers be rounded up raped with baseball bats and then set on fire to the theme from Benny Hill once a day?
stop making bad threads and you'll stop getting sageposts tbh
What you deem bad thread….meanwhile yours are pure shit! no sense of humor whatsoever
wow the faggot actually listened. good job, faggot
oy vey
Post hardcore CP faggot
I'm not stopping you
stop posting dogs tbh
This triggers the Holla Forums
So china is a real doggy dog world?
This thread is gat as fuck, and by gay I mean fucking homosexual. Not just gay but fucking degenerate because Way is posting his dogs again. Dys you should edit and change the title of this thread to "Gay Bestiality thread because that's what it is you fucking faggot.
Flags are fucking gay as well.
t. Netherlands
do me next
After a day or two they're pretty gay but check this rare flag out.
disable yourself once and for all, you worthless little faggot.
t. Jamal
Flags are nice. Lots of larp value tbh
my country is bigger than yours
your country is gay tbh
My country is the biggest on Earth, doesn't mean it's not shit tho
I like russia and russians but gook posters should be gassed
your country is gayer
that's why my argument is better, my country is better
We have a lot of sheep in my country. Try to top that faggots
thats why all the pajeets are going to live there
pajeets are already here :*(
a leaf
still better than your shithole country tbh
noooope. yours is way worse mate
true tbh, UK a shit
Get the fuck out of my country faggot
This is why I hate flags. Dysnomia everyones had their fun, you can disable flags now.
Try again sorry ;)
okay you convinced me otherwise
we work better when we work together, friends. this is evidence of that
I thought the point of flags was so we know if it's FBI, MI5 or the KGB we're talking to.
australians are better tbh
VPN's are wonderful
t. alphabets
t. ur mom
mr disappear
where my flag go?
Did Dysnomia disable flags all of a sudden?
woah ebin trole :DD
good now i can go bare ip tbh
fuck off it worked
true but seriously did dysnomia actually disable it?
got baited
No, just click show post options
enable embeds you nigger
t. ox
you're just going to spam youtube lgs again, Ox.
Back to MK nigga
lol is Ox the new scapegoat?
not ox, i just think embeds look nice on posts and while starting treads
i guess so but who/what was our previous scapegoat if you dont mind me asking
t. Ox
When is everything written in chinese and the board red and off white in colour?
*why not when
because we're chinese and we hate indians
You are not Chinese, British faggot.
british? must be a bug, i am 100% chinese.
Bow to the flag fag.
or at least post the naked one
and then kill yourself
Autists are so easy to manipulate it is almost shameful. YOU ARE BEING PLAYED LIKE A VIOLIN, DYSNOMIA!
It seems like you're having trouble reading japanese and/or finding the options button to change the theme
i'm a gorilla nigga. savage. king of da jungle n shit yo.
Why do you shit on the streets?
umm out country is anti-oppression and anti-bigotry, so in solidarity with the poor, we shit on streets. what's your excuse for the bigotry in your country? huh? huuuuuuuh?
Hi dysnomia…
Zhenya is always welcome here!
Degenerates out
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, gookposter.
You are not a Russian tbh
Это не правда
she has a fat pig face tbh
Tell me this song name or write some lyrics (in Russian) then
You should talk Amerilard/Amerifat
Твои глаза
Такие чистые, как небо
LOBODA - Твои глаза
yes, i should. being a burger makes me an expert in fat pig faces; and i assure you that she without a shadow of a doubt that what she has is indeed a fat pig face
That was fast…
Спасибо, мой друг
stop insulting zhenya, pls
You are welcome
You know what that makes you right you fucking stupid nigger?
go poo in the street, pajeetnigger
Oh boi! Holla Forums kinda, sorta back to its old self
Does it mean that
it's now OK
to be able
I'm actually surprised. These don't suck. Good job.
don't tempt him he'll break the flags if you give him a chance
t. pedo
t. German
t. Ahmed
a long, strong, slippery schlong
rubbing your sister's epiglottis
t. ahmed
what did (You) mean by this?
several nigerian gentlemen,
their penises stood to attention
we need more captchas
quite nigger tbh
Would you marry her if it meant saving the white race?
dysnomia why are you so fucking gay
I made a thread.
can there be an option to filter posts containing the word "tbh"?
they do nothing but shitpost and it isn't even funny :^)
wordfilter every letter to the capital form
it will make the board better tbh
hey guys if you type in all caps it reverses it back into small letters
got baited again gg
Why does Holla Forums hate Asians? Asia is the best continent and, really, have the most beautiful women. I'll agree, if is said only Koreans are disgusting, it is true of many. I have some Korean blood and hate Korean politics and lot of culture in much parts, however, this is not a reason for hate of all Asia and not even recognise apart. These Koreans posted ITT are not all cute, many ugly only acting cute. But I'm sad. There is no place for this racism on Holla Forums, only racism against the Semites and Africans… We have to unite against them, to survive. If we don't, there will only be circumicesd blacks soon raping our daughters and mothers and sisters and wives and all women…
Flags are back. Might as well bring back IDs too.
Just kidding. I love you dysomnia, I'd suck your dick no homo.
brb time to get a user agent changer plugin
what's it like being daft?
I like these rules. They're pretty fair. Well done Dys
i like you're mom butt
Sage so I don't have to see that
I just smoked weed then I drew this in ms paint.
It's meaning was confusing to me at one point.
Why did you delete thread #7550639 it had 179 replies?
what thread was it?
>inb4 nothing was lost
Exactly. The bump limit is 750 so don't make more than one before it hits.
It was made over 4 days ago and was the only child related thread on page one before it was deleted
the same can be said for dys and his weeb shit but we already know how that conversation goes
tbh there was 2 child-reçted threads on page 1. Just make 1, and make it cyclical. Whoever posts outside the cyclical get deleted and b&
I want to smoke more weed
shit forgot pic
no, it wasn't. get over it.
t. pedo
wasn't what? made four days ago or the only child thread on page one?
Yo, this is kind of cute. Draw more of them. Draw the smaller guy being shy while the guy with his massive dick hanging out starts rubbing it on him..
I drew this one earlier
Give me a moment and I'll post what I come up with
Good Job
I like the dancing banana. Am I the only one dancing along with it?
yea same tbh
can i just honestly say that these rules don't seem too bad. I don't have a problem with them.
We should make images unique boardwide. This could reduce spam or at least force the spammers to do more work.
this would work if he doesn't have it set to 25 fucking pages.
You've totally niggered this place up. kys dys.
t. nigger
I'm beginning to think he doesn't notice, as in he's continuously lying to himself.
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
checkmate conservatives!
is dysnomia nazbol?
stop letting 4channers post their shit-tier content here, it should be considered spam it's so unoriginal.
This entire post goes against what we came here for.
this tbh instead of granny threads we need more loli threads aka child abuse threads
t. retard
t. retarded
I am a man.
Don't assume my gender.
delete this tbh
thats fucking freaky dude
remove sticky please
keep sticky and make cyclical
hey hex! haven't seen you in a few days
It has been a busy few days. On Saturday I got a phone call asking me to be a backup speaker at this devotional on Sunday. I said I would because I figured there was no way someone was gonna drop out. Then at church on Sunday I found out I was responsible for planning an activity for Monday. After church there was food and a broadcast, so I decided I'd just stay there all day since I had to go to the devotional that night anyway in case I had to speak. 30 minutes before the devotional while I was watching the stream I got a call telling me I was speaking. I gave a talk about my conversion story, and I had tons of people come up to me after to tell me how amazing it was. So that's how my weekend went. I was able to delegate part of the activity I had to plan for yesterday to someone else, so I spent the rest of yesterday working out, and then preparing my part of the activity.
Nice. How's the wife/job situation going?
Still applying. As far as the girl, I'm talking to her whenever I get the chance. I got to hang out with her on Sunday after church, but she left before my talk. I was kinda down about that until last night. She was at my activity last night, and that was really good. The husband and wife whose house we had the activity at had a lot of questions about me. They couldn't believe I was a recent convert because of how I present myself. They asked me to tell my conversion story, so the girl I like did end up getting to hear it. Just in a more intimate setting, instead of hearing me speak from the pulpit at church. Things happen for a reason.
can we make the title of Holla Forums "based" ty in advance
Sounds good. Always nice to see you around, at least
come closer babe i wanna sticky all over u
can i sexualize eggs?
t. Omlet
i wish i saved those pics tbh the disgusting nigger
I have a screenshot of the entire thread from a year ago with images expanded. It's 50 megabytes, and both me and dysnomia are in it. I cropped out the images, you can crop them better if you want. I got one of the sets of dubs.
That's not the banana I was talking about.
fucking thanks hex, holy shit haha
You're welcome, user. That was a fun thread.
is pic 1 a shadowban?
I gagged like seven times just from the thumbnails. Thanks Hex.
looks like flood detection
Glad I could help, user :^)
My body is telling me not to request the cap of the whole thread but my mind is telling me otherwise. Post 50 mb cap tbh.
anonfile, pompf, anything. just drop it yo because I'm curious.
The rest of the thread is mostly just shitposting and rolls, but I'm uploading it. pomf fucked up my upload and said "something went wrong", so trying anonfile
nvm got a different pomf to work
Bless your soul, Hex. :)
glad i could help, i knew saving that thread was a good idea.
i came here to get my weekly dose of midgets but this is even better and i'm not even gay.
I legitimately nearly threw up
that thread was great. i was laughing my ass off when i got dubs, it's too bad he wouldn't snort the egg shell though.
too bad olmet wasn't that stupid sadly. also i thought him having a wife was a maymay?
well, he had someone. not sure if it was a wife or just a girlfriend
Hey Hex can I ask you a question? If you say yes, then you have answer truthfully.
Have you been on lolifox /lg/?
You have to answer truthfully remember. I won't know if you answered truthfully but you'll know and I hope that persuades you to be honest :)
No. The only way I'd even consider it is if there's an .onion URL, and even then there isn't anything for me on a site like that so I wouldn't bother to load up tor to go there.
I'm a Mormon so I'm not supposed to lie.
There's an onion url:
Fair enough.
Surprised all the pedos around here share the clearnet URL if there's an onion. I don't look at sexualized images of adults if possible, let alone children. I hate that I have to see as much as I do, but it's something I live with to come here. It isn't that it bothers me, but I'm really trying to live the most righteously I can which means keeping my thoughts pure. I just hide images/threads when I see them.
It's all a facade, Hex. They want you to think they're disgusted by actual 'cp' but in reality they hoard just as much as the 'other guy.' I'd do the same but come on now everyone is thinking it, everyone just assumes the worse.
I was born and raised a Christian but I think I lost my faith in Him when I was going through my teenage years. This is probably where my pedophilia manifested and the jailbait and cp dumps on half didn't help me at all. I still believe there's something more than nothingness after death and God Himself but I don't attend any services anymore. Haven't been to a service in probably 6 years now.
I know no one wants to hear my sob story but whatever. I just don't feel like spamming midgets anymore.
That's the rational thing to do :)
I don't mind.
I wasn't, my parents were but they didn't take me to church. I've always had certain values, and I've always wanted a certain result out of life. I thought it was unattainable until almost a year ago.
Not sure what I want with my life but this pretending shit I do irl isn't going to pan out too well. Because one day I'll break and I don't know if I can control myself. Anyways Hex I have to get some sleep. Bye. Thanks for hearing my demons.
try not to fug a loli ox
how you enjoyin' dem tithes, hex?
I wouldn't know
you won't get an obedient virgin for free, buddy
which is why it will be worth it
I noticed you censored it but why?
This is the type of high quality person you hired as a mod dysnomia
Aren't you a mod if the id's are showing?
why would I be reposting it if I was? get help.
never mind i forgot Holla Forums needs id's or else people would get trolled
did you miss the last two weeks? dys-nigger don't care
>never mind i forgot Holla Forums needs id's or else people would get trolled
going to report the onion url for the lulz and see what comes of it.
IDs are useless when people use vpns and proxies to samefag. Get it?
lol retard
lol retard
fucking kek. thanks for posting this
too few midget threads really
fuck off pedo
Fucking autist needs to worry less about how shit feels and more about how shit is.
jokes on you i was only pretending to not be a pedo. who made mp4 related btw?
probably a fag from lg, most likely hitler or Ok since they made most of the loli oc tbh
I didn't make that. I have basically 0 video editing skills. I only make images, honestly