In the 80s, kids like Rika Nishimura were able to pose naked for artistic photo and video sessions. Nowadays, even clothed underage models are banned.
How is this progress?
Rika Nishimura
Check out this belly.
proof or gtfo
I miss those days tbh :(
My das is a photographer, among other things, or I should say was sonce he's retired.
He made photo sets of kids fucking long ago, legally. He claims to still have the stuff, including pics that were never published. I believe him because he's incredibly organized and never throws away anything.
Once he dies I'll get to see some stuff…
is you a jap?
Tell us more, no pedro tho
No, I'm Hispanic. Dad worked mostly in Europe but I doubt there are many cuountries where he didn't work as something or other. Either as a photographer, a translator or a professor.
He was the co-owner of profitable recording studio in Brazil back in the 60s and when his partner bought his half he used the money to fuck around for a couple of decades in South America, and that's why I exist.
That's a good story, can you tall us more?
You said it and i'm the tooth fairy.
You mean tooth person.
Just tell us brother
I need my own fucking country. I'll make it all legal and cool.
An island would be ideal. Unless sand in crevices becomes a major issue.
Would the International community allow it?
That's why you need to secede from the US you dolt.
How do I buy an island in international waters?
An island is by definition not in international waters.
If you want unclaimed land, however, there's a huge unclaimed chunk of Antarctica which belongs to nobody and that nobody wants.
asl of that one?
inb4 this 100% legal picture gets deleted
even Fred didn't delete this yellow beauty, back in 2006, Jim
what are you doing now?
Fine. How do I build an island on international waters?
Or, if that can't be done, should I just sail to international waters and stay there floating,surounded by kids that serve my will, much like L. Ron Hubbard?
And why are there so many Chileans around today?
Dont know, but the world will be a better place if pedokin eat a bullet.
Oh really? You proves it or else you don't says that.
Check pedowood.
good times..
my first online love… for a few months before I discovered goddess nozomi
What did I miss?
Don't repost it, just describe it.
you mom being banged by the bigfoot
I know that's a lie because pics and vids of my mom bsnging monsters don't get deleted. In fact they get awards.
the only photos that sort of showed a girl growing up.
Except for the KG series…
i'm new here.
so whats wrong with photos of a smiling girl?
Nude Asian girl innocently playing on the beach. She looked about 13 IIRC
I dare you
you first
ohhh thats the answer to my question
Just post the cute non nudes then. problem solved
i just like to see retro photos. theres a comfy feel to it. Maybe cause the cameras were not digital
here is another one
asl plox
someone must know
found those pics on a nudism forum ages ago
i may post a webm too
she's perfect
Posting a WEBM would certainly help.
Too young for you, F, Jap
It would be terrible if someone posted something like what OP described.