OBONGO: "I will consider it a personal insult…to my legacy" if black voters don't turn out to vote in 2016.

This is all the dems have left. Shaming people into voting for them.

Other urls found in this thread:'_Legacy Shea Memo to the 9-11 Commission.pdf'Neill

I want trump to win just for the Butthurt and tears of liberals and the reaction of obongo

This made me smile.


What a little bitch this faggot is.

Obama is a great man. He, through all his race hustling, made America the most segregated and divided it has ever been in a very, very, long time and has made millions of white's run into the arms of an ancient Egyptian frog God. Praise Kek.

I thought he was half white.
Does he then consider it a personal insult if white people don't vote for Trump?

Why would black people listen to shit he has to say anyway, weren't there a fuckton of riots and crap this year over how awful their lives were? Are they going to pin the entirety of the blame of the last 8 years and not magically making black utopia happen on Trump?




Give a real location, 30-40 minutes away, in the suburbs. Try to steer them toward a libshit neighborhood

First time in eight years I can recall this nigger getting worked up over anything.

He must be freaking the fuck out.

Great men don't support globalism and bomb hospitals

man seriously just fuck this nigger just some random community organizer moon cricket with connections that affirative actioned his way to presidency via nepotism and he tries to lecture us about his feelings

nigger you are the worst president in a long, long time and the only legacy you should be worried about is whether or not you'll be allowed to exist

fuck this dude



For the first time I'm envious of niggers. They get to personally insult Obama. So unfair that I don't get to.

King Nigger's legacy will be the first and last affirmative action President.

I've never seen him so ass mad
This is pretty damn funny

underrated post tbh fam. I live in NH (the 9th least diverse state in the US) so there aren't many ghettos for me to go to, but this is definitely something that should happen


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

He's never got passionate about anything in his damn life cause he's never had to work for anything. This is the first time he's ever been inspired by real emotions to to feel some way about something, but it's too late for him to truly accomplish what he wants

posting that in Holla Forums is preaching to the choir. go post that on facebook or youtube to attract people who don't agree with us already.

as Steve Pieczenik said - he's the invisible black man

there is no legacy

can't wait to see the polls at the end of all this


He can pivot this to his favor by directly calling out this behavior, and return with a positive message of his own that's devoid of the patronizing tone that liberals give to the dindus.

I advise a full week on this point, combine it with his commitment to develop inner cities and he can bite an even bigger chunk of the black vote from Hillary than he already has.

They are getting desperate
Its all over for them anyways

You're missing the point. Obama and Romney's platforms on immigration and middle-east jingoism are virtually identifiable – they simply appeal to two vastly different racial demographics. Whites predominate in the GOP and shitskins in the Democratic Party, but their policies and platforms are all written by the same globalist kikes.

By having Obama fail so abjectly for the Democratic Party, it opened the opportunity for the Republicans to win this year and the GOP actually has potential to shift into a pro-white nationalist party because their voter-base is primarily white. If Romney had won, a Democrat would be leading in the polls right now and he/she would assuredly be running on a pro-immigration, anti-white platform.

***identical not identifiable

He doesn't even need to:




In case the don need inspiration:

Hey i'am watching a movie tonight, how about any guys?

do you have hulu? I suggest Silence of the Lambs

You are justifying genocide.

classic Ben Garrison related



I want to see her support go in freefall, I want to strap turbo boosters on that fucking crashing plane and nail it to the ground with no survivors.

any of you guys*

You know when a blacks finally get a president for the first time and the only thing he cares about is

"The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations."

It's like it's in their genes or something.
pls no call racis

obongo's legacy is absolute shit race relations.
politics is about relationships.
well done, king nigger.
step off your throne.

Does Obama think that he owns Niggers in America even though his nigger DNA is straight from Kenya and he actually owned slaves on his mothers side? I mean for fucks sake he's 0% nigger-American and that actually matters because they've been here for 400 years and they're 20% white so they're basically another race.

He doesn't have ANY genetic connection to Nigger-Americans and he thinks that he owns them?

You gotta admit…. Onigger has been great for the WN and race realism movements.

I wish someone told that to her halfbreed mutt face and recorded it. Will be priceless.

Without 8 years of King Nigger, I'd probably still be a bluepilled liberal faggot.
Thanks for helping me discover my balls, Obama.


Fucking fantastic honestly.

Would we have the chance that we do know if Blonde Haired blue eyed Clinton won in 2008 and was the one making the same fuckups?


I think so, yes.
Although more hatred of the left may be directed at feminism than niggers, but yeah. We would have ended up at the extreme right either way. At least I would.

True. White Americans weren't supposed to wake up what was happening to them and their country until it was too late.

Hurbis man.

Hurbis might as well be nature's natural way of checking the ambitions of the powerful.

Been telling you fags for weeks now black people don't fuck with Hillary like that, but now that the talking head man on the idiot box says it, it's gospel.

Vid related, all you need to know about black peoples' relationship with Shrillary.

Dubs confirm

King Nigger has never made any personal speeches like this before, its interesting to see him charged up and talking like MLK/Hitler

You can lure the many Bernouts away just as well.

These things are not mutually exclusive.

The only thing that he actually cares about is his legacy.

I absolutely love the fucking hypocrisy.





Wait, fuck, shit. He only cares about his legacy.'_Legacy


g-g-give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give

Is legacy like muh dick but for influental/presidental nogs?

It all has to do with Alinsky

for the agenda of the (((special interests))) and international clique? Yes.

god damnit i was just about to post this

notice how Obongo can't say Trump anymore
recently I've only heard him strictly say:

It amazes me, how for all the protests with BLM, none in the media ever links the situation to the current president.

Racial tension was exactly the scenario that Obama was supposed to dispel. They would have crucified W. Bush for something a tenth of this.



How dare you.

Fuck it, Obama still doesn't come close to that.

Fucking hell. The ozzies tried that same thing during the rugby world cup. The reason was apparently they "did not want to strengthen the opposition's self-belief by acknowledging their treasured mythology" which sounds exactly like what the democrats are doing with Trump's literal? "mythology".
Everyone just thought they were scared shitless of the ABs that they wouldn't even dare speak their name. Like they were up against Voldemort or something.
I remember saying "this reeks of marxism and leftie self-cuckoldry. I bet they're going to lose" and they did.



The current president shilling a candidate for an upcoming election?

How in the fuck is this not a breach of some law or at least an ethical concern.

It's their fault. They didn't hope hard enough.

They're amateurs though, just because not everyone in the world fapped to ebola chan and baneposted didn't prevent the crash in Le Bains and the spread of Ebola across Africa.
The only way to counter a thoughtform is to create another one of equal or greater potency and opposite programming.

I don't recall it happening before. I thought it was considered unprofessional.

Can anyone think of an instance of this happening in the past?

Not to the extent of campaigning FOR the candidate because she's called in sick.

they definitely changed hard enough though
and all our success and Trump's support comes from those horrendous, atrocious changes

I agree. When it comes to meme magic we are unbeatable

Which is why it struck me as fucking bizarre.

If it's happened in the past I'd like to know examples to see how fucking insane things have become.

would also like to know, i always thought it was disallowed, it seems very fucking wrong.

Typically the sitting president would give a modest endorsement of their parties nominee. But niggers can't help but grandstand for the campaign itself.


No one has done it this hard or campaigned in their place but it's not any surprise they endorse their own party.


Sounds like an unfunny Holla Forumsmeme.

Definitely freeze peach-tier

The name strikes fear in his enemies. It is like a killing word. Words that kill, will you speak them to me.

fuck it, the webm isn't wanting to upload reliably

user, King Nig once brought the Seal of the President to a Hillary campaign rally so she could get a photo-op behind it.
Of course what he's doing is unprecedented and unacceptable.

People who've seen him speak know that he never speaks without a teleprompter. Since this is just "muh legacy" this time he can read from the teleprompter in an especially dramatic fashion.

I swear to god if presidental speeches were reviewed like football footage this fucking nigger wouldn't say such stupid shit in a public forum.

Then again, he thinks he's good with leftist dumbshit interns writing his shit. He figured if they're kissing his black ass they must be writing gold enough to not review the speech beforehand.

lol he mad!
Seriously though, why are all communists and muslims such angry bitches?

It's very unusual. It's somewhat just an accident of history though. Sometimes the candidate wanted to distance himself, or the president died or just stopped giving a fuck. The history of it is pretty messy.

But there is also the notion that the candidate should stand on his own and not have dad out there cheering for him. And I do think there is a sense of expiring duty, dignity, and moderation that other presidents had that led them to stay in the background as their time ended.

Obama, being a Nigger Faggot, has fully inserted himself.

I think he's trying to put on that black preacher air since he's talking in front of the congressional coon caucus


u fukd up bruh.
if he just played out the clock, he probably could have let most niggers stay complacent.
now: he has (for his agenda; needlessly) opened up the door for americaniggerdom to reflect on this light-skinned halfie's "legacy".
releasing an interview video asking niggers the question "what obama du fo you?" you wouldn't even have to redpill them on the dnc creating the kkk, and welfare plantations, spics coming to take their walmart and fastfood jobs, or the stats of bambama's administration - the seeds from this comment of bobama's could legit be enough to cause a swing.

it's coming lads.



Looks like it was evalion spam. Thanks e-celebs!

are convicted criminals allowed to vote

Legend of the Galactic Heros


Because it is in their genes, you raycis

What did you think "Make America Great Again" means?


so this is also a part of his glorious legacy?

it's unbelievable.
our ruling "elite" seriously can't be this retarded.
either they are or it's (((them))).
it just serves to confirm the hypothesis.

we're electing a president.
we're turning the zeitgeist into Holla Forums
we're toppling regimes (US, EU)
we're resurrecting an old god.
what else are we doing?



Sins of the Talmud

Trump, in our darkest hour
Standing up, fighting for our own country
Overton, it’s shifting back to the right
We fell, but we’re getting back on our feet

Near, oh so near now
There’s a light, it’s shining on our nation fair
All these wrongs will be once again reset right
The wall is the first to set all us free

Go baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack…
Go baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack…

Words that kill, have been spoken to us,
And our minds were filled with poison and dust
From the Talmud poured
They will suffer now, and they’ll all die, WE’RE ALIVE.

Pride, feeds your blackened hearts
And your thirst would be quenched by only our blood
Cleansing flames, is the only way to repent
Renounce, what made you…

Words that kill, still you speak them to us
Now your hands will wring; we’ll no more believe

And now they will die, with all our blood on their hands
Let the world fear us all, whites reconquering their land
Our salvation lies, in the hands of Trump
He speaks the truth; they will suffer now

And the words that he speaks have rekindled a fire in our hearts and our eyes

Oy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…

b-b-but muh red pills.
webm related. eat shit you evacuck.

Make sure to use yikyak too.

Thanks for correcting the record.

…That's all they had to begin with.

Is this really news? :^)

I bet you love Milo and that factual feminist cunt. You identify with the alt kike.

0.05 cents has been deposited into your account

Whore or not, millions of people watched her shit and changed minds with it. Say what you want kike, but you will never do that.

lmao. everyone on her vids talk about two things
No one was swayed you retarded nigger. Prove at least one person. You won't. Of course you have to defend her obvious fake shit. Scripted by a third party dude from her skype.
prove it. her vids are
also nice VPN faggot. census isn't created with obvious bullshit.

Use white taxpayer dollars to put complimentary KFC at voting booths in nigger areas.

It's not like they couldn't get away with it.


fuck you, godamn nigger animal

Now I understand why his hair turned grey so fast. Trump came into the picture

You havent seen the view counts before the videos got taken down have you shill?

Keep posting, Goldberg will cent some more shekels to you.

Obama acts like he's gone a long way and done a lot. He has done fuck all and still talks like a nigger regardless of being a "world leader".

what is leafyishere giving her all her views
she was shilled here. then that fag "exposed" her and you act like they were all "red pilled". lmao all they did was post shit comments, dislike, and report her.
You surround your Jewess cheesy rabbit teeth bitch for what reason?

Even before he did shit she had loads of views.

Goldberg is sending some more. You might even get to suck his dick.

In every respect, Obama is halved.

He's half black, half Jewish (whatever that is…).

He's half Muslim, half Jewish.

He's half Democrat, half outright Communist.

He's half golf-club presidential, half drug-smoking thug.

He's half husband, half wife.

And nationally
He's half Kenyan, half American.

When someone criticizes one side of Obama, he switches to the other. He's used this strategy so much in his life, he doesn't know or care who he is anymore… which is exactly why he was selected for President. Since he doesn't stand for anything, he can advocate for or do anything without caring about the consequences. We are just lucky he has resisted the (((neocons))) push for war as much as he has. Hillary wouldn't have the same internal injunction.

If you really need black votes, why are you making the imposible to attack them?

You are so dumb i can't believe it

How many? Do you remember? 20k?

How many people are active on their Holla Forums board? Their subreddit? Absolutely no one besides beta cuck orbiters like you.

How about you make a thread about her lad, since its all about red pilling dem normies amirite?

Goldberg is sending some more.

I'm not the one asking for donations and running off like all the alt kike celebrities. Answer that?

You're the one that keeps giving her attention though, she lives thanks to people like you. Idiot.

lad you are getting real shit at this.

Keep going, do it


More, you've done this many times before.

Have a reminder how insignificant your shill campaign has been. ;^)

But user…. Obama is a Jewish/Muslim hybrid.

That is so funny

A reminder that she was groomed by a chat group to slurp shekels out of right wing groups and that was her only use. A reminder that after little interest was shown, her friends and some autismo anons that post as desperately as rach poster repeatedly spammed and played both sides to try and divide Holla Forums up with confusion and conflict
indiegogo, new studio shit.

Now fuck off with evalion shit
go >>>/evalion/

i honestly think this will have the opposite effect for niggers, since their king hasn't really done anything for them

Roosevelt doing it to Taft was the most famous one. But then Roosevelt later went full third position.

*** 9/11 ***

What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?

Israel and 9/11

Clues Alerted White House to Potential Attacks

Next Door to Mohammed Atta

Iraq, PNAC, 9/11 All Roads Lead To Israel

Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax

Israeli Surveillance of the Future Hijackers and FBI Suspects in the September 11 Attacks and Their Failure to Give Us Adequate Warning: The Need for a Public Inquiry Shea Memo to the 9-11 Commission.pdf

Israel did 9/11

Owner of World Trade Center is trying to sue airlines for BILLIONS for 9/11 attacks… even though he was already paid $5billion in insurance

Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday

Complete 911 Timeline

Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel

Wiesenthal Center Opposes Ground Zero Mosque

ACLU obtains document stating 9/11 commission told to "not cross the line"

Two Odigo workers received messages predicting WTC attack

Odigo says workers were warned of attack

Odigo says workers were warned of attack

Prior knowledge of 9/11 attacks overheard in Hebrew

Are 9/11 Truthers Anti-Semites? An Interview With Elias Davidsson

From Francesco Cossiga, former PM of Italy
"From sources close to Palazzo Chigi, nerve center of direction of Italian intelligence, it is noted that the non-authenticity of the video is testified by the fact that Osama Bin Laden in it 'confessed' that Al Qaeda was the author of the attack September 11, the twin towers in New York, while all the democratic circles of America and Europe, with those at the forefront of the Italian center-left, now know well that the disastrous attack was planned and realized by the American CIA and the Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

9/11 and Israel.
Many key Bush Administration officials came from PNAC (Project for a New American Century). All were Zionists (Israeli partisans). They wrote about the need for a “catalytic event” to mobilize the American people. Eight months after coming into office, they got their catalytic event on 9/11, followed by the wars their agenda required. The company providing 24/7 electronic & personal security to the WTC, Kroll Associates, was owned & operated by Zionists, as was the WTC itself as of July 2001. The owners and their immediate relatives seem to have been uncharacteristically absent on the morning of 9/11. Hundreds of American Jews died at the WTC & the Pentagon, but as best as can be determined, only 3 Israelis out of some 4,000 normally there, plus 2 more on the planes.
The senior fatality among WTC personnel was a retired Irish-American FBI agent in his first days on his job as Director of Security.
A private Israeli-owned security company called ICTS registered in the Netherlands, provided security services (sometimes through a wholly owned subsidiary) to all three airports from which the four hijacked planes departed. ICTS also provided security at the airports in Paris & Amsterdam, from which the so-called “shoe” & “underwear” bombers respectively departed.
Bergen, NJ residents saw five people on a white van filming the attacks and visibly celebrating. They had set up their cameras before the first plane hit. Police arrested them. All were Israelis. Bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives, although officers were unable to find anything. The FBI seized the van for further testing. All 5 were later released at the instigation of Israeli & American Jewish leaders, some in the US Government. Details are still classified.

In a September 2001 column in The Observer about the September 11 attacks in the United States, Richard Ingrams noted “the reluctance throughout the media to contemplate the Israeli factor” and, commenting on Britain, cited “pressure from the Israeli lobby in this country that many, even normally outspoken journalists, are reluctant even to refer to such matters.”

September 11 attacks advance-knowledge conspiracy theories; Israel

John P. O'Neill'Neill

The same judge that oversaw Larry Silverstein’s insurance litigation,
…was the same judge who presided over Susan Lindauer’s trial. Mukasey and Silverstein attend the same synagogue.
“In 2006, she was released from prison after judge Michael B. Mukasey ruled that Lindauer was unfit to stand trial and could not be forced to take antipsychotic medication to make her competent to stand trial. He noted that the severity of Lindauer's mental illness, which he described as a "lengthy delusional history", weakened the prosecution's case. In his decision he wrote, "Lindauer … could not act successfully as an agent of the Iraqi government without in some way influencing normal people …. There is no indication that Lindauer ever came close to influencing anyone, or could have. The indictment charges only what it describes as an unsuccessful attempt to influence an unnamed government official, and the record shows that even lay people recognize that she is seriously disturbed.”

Susan Lindauer is an interesting character; she was one of the first individuals detained over the Patriot Act. Amy Goodman refused to cover her story;
More on Susan;
Jailed 9/11 Whistleblower Who Made News Now Free, Speaking Out: Susan Lindauer

9/11; Jack Kelley CBS9 aired at 17.24, on 9/11/2001.
“He is perhaps best known for his professional downfall in 2004, when it came out that he had long been fabricating stories, going so far as to write up scripts so associates could pretend to be sources during an investigation of his actions by others at the newspaper.”

9/11 Odigo instant messaging service and the September 11th attacks

A chief architect of 9-11, Ehud Barak, interviewed on BBC an hour after attacks

Luke Rudkowski Almost Set Up By Larry Silverstein's Mafia Thugs

Well he is half American, half British, so yeah, he's used to owning people. Like how he owned Trump at the correspondent's dinner over his birther championship.

And thank you for correcting the record that Obama is not a nigger. He is a Trump endorsed best man for the job.

It's the same reason you never hear a peep about Israel in the news unless it involves Palestinians lobbing M-80s over the wall.

This nigger just bombed Syria and provided air support for ISIS. He deliberately said fuck you to Russia right before peace talks (which were cancelled).

The Dems are pushing for WW3, so would Cruz or whatever cucked Republican who would have lost to her. Only Trump is saying something different.

if if if if if if if
muh legacyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Make a remix tape for the white boi, he's trying so hard.

Honestly, early 2009 when I was a teenager shitposting on Holla Forums constantly I thought white nationalists were horrible people and that Neo-Nazis were crazy.
Obama helped fix those delusions real quick.

What made you blossom?


No shit. On the whole, legacy is obviously not very important to them.

when i first saw that statement on Holla Forums i couldn't believe it.
king nigger had never been a more appropriate name

they are not his people.
he's the son of a coalburner who fucked an apefrican and got knocked up.

his ancestors didn't come with the free boat ride.

Isn't he being horribly racist to group all people together into one way of voting?

I like that he posts it here, and it's always applicable. It's good for new lurkers too.

Nobody can force black men to want to be fathers and husbands. This seems fucked to me, because for as many black kids grew up with dads who were either barely around or not around at all, there's nothing even resembling a culture change of black men wanting to be for their kids what their fathers never were.

In fact, as time goes on, the phenomenon of blacks skipping out on their kids only gets worse.

I once saw a video of Antonio Cromartie, then of the New York Jets, talking about his kids. He had 11 of them with seven or eight different women. All he did was cut child support checks; none of his kids were part of his life, and I actually think he couldn't remember all their names because he cared that little about his own flesh and blood.


Can someone tell me why leftists love Harry Potter so much? Numales and catladies seem to love that shit. Is it something in the content? Is it because the author is a snarky leftist just like them?

It's always about you, isn't it barry?

they never grew up.

Sleep snug, Obongo legacy.

I was thinking that it was something else, since we like our chinese cartoons and things too. But I guess those aren't really childish like lefty favorites like HP, superheroes, and indie pixel games. I mean, what would my 10 year old self want with smug warship girls?

Obongo won't have much of an reaction, his legacy will be the worst president/ leader of the entire history of mankind.

People will tell their chilrden to eat the vegetables so they don't become like Obongo.


He's pretty much demonstrated AA is bullshit too.

The most hilarious part is the fact that the only legacy he will leave is how not to act when you are commander in chief.

Probably those seven years of Obama redpilled him in the same was as my seven years working with kikes.

Is this real? When's the debate?


I've never touched those shite books because she ripped off Neil Gaiman

"Vote for your race"

okay, I'll vote for trump

The whole not saying his name thing in Harry Potter was justified though. There was a spell on his name that alerted him to their location if they said it which is why it got passed around not to. When the death spell got reflected back at him before the first book began he was too weak for it to still be in effect but understandably not everyone in the population understood the reasoning behind not saying it, once he got power back in the seventh book the spell went back into place which is why even Harry and his group stopped saying it.

Daddy issues. They were never spanked.

The leftist seem to love "shaming." Sad how they overused it so much, it quit working in 2010.

What does Neil Gaiman think though? Rowling is a plagiarist.

Something for Holla Forums to consider
I always pose questions to people in this manner when I am dealing with a social hot potato.
I always say flip the situation to see if it is rascist or not.
If a black man voted for the king nigger because of his color what is that called?
If a white man votes against him because of his color what is that called?
If it is permissible to have a black caucus in congress can I have a white caucus?
If there is a jewish defense league can I have a white defense league?
I basically finish by saying everyone else gets a club why can't I have one of my own?

Trump is the only one that can get under King Nigger's skin.

Double dubs, Kek demands stories!!! I think

Pic related.

Even 1998 was an innocent time compared to now


Imagine if some white cuckservative was in office. We would be a tiny fraction of what we are now, and libertarians may be way bigger.

Trump won when Hillary collapsed on 9/11.
Never Forget.

Pol did you ever think that encouraging blm would be to our advantage? Let the cucks, yids and basketball americans have their riots and rallys to distract them from voting?

The best part about BLM is when the golem turned on their master. They basically helped redpill people on Jews and Israel. Truth is always clear that nobody wants and nobody likes kikes kikes kikes.

if anything that would keep police out of the polls which could go against us. I doubt any of these rioters are actually registered to vote.

88% of Millennials Oppose Race Based Affirmative Action

It seems the party is over for them.

That's significantly more than the population of whites among millennials. Is there over-sampling going on? It seems implausible that so many beneficiaries of AA would be opposed to it.

Ohh to sit so high and still be a nig.

This is some commie tier tactics

the chinese commies did almost exactly what obama is doing now

even trumps eyes are glazed pink.

that shit isnt tobacco.

unless this is shooped very well.

it is a shop, notice that the smoke is higher res than the rest of the pic

I wouldn't doubt it. The shitskins are infamous for their cancerous pride and cohones culture.

they probably don't like it because it doesn't mean "never hire white people".

yes, keep whining to your (((un buddies))), they surely have an open ear for your communist nwo faggotry. after all, they invented this mess.

these are strange times we live in…

this guy here -→ gets it

We should run voter registration through the DMV like some states.

Then we should encourage to vote by allowing a $50 tax credit for voting.

King Nigger really seems concerned about his "legacy".

Guess he doesn't understand that the only things he will be remembered for is being a nigger and a muslim terrorist sympathizer.

Trump is going to repeal every crooked executive order this tar baby has enacted.