Trump Jr requests reinforcements
he dropped a red-pill and its triggering the left
It's pretty funny the amount of libtard salt in the tweets.
Get in here you deplorables, you wanna live forever?
Trump Jr requests reinforcements
he dropped a red-pill and its triggering the left
It's pretty funny the amount of libtard salt in the tweets.
Get in here you deplorables, you wanna live forever?
Other urls found in this thread:
And his tweet is here!
All he needs to do is tweet about the left's "toxic masculinity" thing and it'll be a done deal.
You faggots need to get him to play Shadilay on some rally.
When are we going to kill these people?
any of you with a twitter account, do any of you have the video with the parasites setting up this kid to be photographed? tweet it at him. tweet it at all the pictures of suffering kids and ask them something like "how many hours of posing did it take to get that great snapshot?"
The madman
What does that nigga actually /want/?
The faggots still think shitslam is a race.
The salt mines are opening early today.
Trump Jr. confirmed for Based
Get Trump to play this on one of his rallies, i know some of you are working for him.
imagine a son and father. what ever the father thinks the son usally takes a bit further. plus he's younger so he can get away with moar than trump (kek bless his name). i think we'll see him fire some moar shots at the libshits
I wish I had a son like Trump Jr.
Makes you wonder what Eric thinks.
could you imagine that? i'd pee myself laughing and crying at the same time
Looks like Trump Jr has been eating too many red skittles
At this point i'm almost completely sure that Don Jr. is a fucking Holla Forumsack.
dubs confirm Holla Forumsack
He probably made the thread.
tfw shadilay is a stone cold groove
if the only reason anyone ever talks about islamy is because of the problems it causes, and those problems are in turn caused by race, then islamy may as well be a race
A little birdie told me that, but I didn't believe him because he's crazy.
hahaha oh my fucking god lol
If anyone pulls the "Muh syrian refugee kids" card, send them this
that is some high level salting right there
Your dubs have summoned an ultra-rare Pepe. May you use it wisely in your journey. Kek bless thee.
Where does he get the statistic though?
firmly convinced shadilay is a gift of the divine we are officially a big league secret society receiving direct contact with our patron
the congressional oversight committee is investigating the clinton it dude TOMORROW about shit that we found YESTERDAY our power grows daily, praise kek
Don jr, Eric, or anyone else on the campaign, if you are here please this song needs to be played in a public venue it is of divine importance. This is one facet of a mandate of heaven right here.
o_o that ID
it's a bit early for posting Halloween props don't you think?
His ass, it's not really a statistic anyways, the bowl has an unknown number of skittles and 3 out of x will kill you, can't get a percentage out of that.
someone should make a followup pic:
It's actually not a handful. It's ten dump trucks.
Purge yourself, alt-rightist.
But anyone can join islam and you can't just join a race.
dubs confirm common core math
Yeah. My VPN is acting up at the moment.
It's really impossible to believe how far we've come. If you wrote all this in a textbook I wouldn't believe it.
*sigh* Everything is heresy
I nev4 5got ;_;7
Fuck off.
tfw 4chant staged first BLM protest
GTFO with that gay Zionist race mixing kike.
Twitter fags better be posting some results of skittle eating. like nice and the bataclan incidents
i found out a few months a go my cousin was on the receiving end of this. Top Jej
b-b-but whites rob rape and murder too, g-g-goyim
You know who else ate skittles? Tray tray.
Taste the butthurt
Dubs confi–argh, damn it. Still, you've hit the nail on the head about this ditty's importance. Forget burning bushes, our God is a DJ.
Also, I'd like to mention that no human on this planet has ever heard of this song until now–it has never existed, but the power of Kek slipped it into the back catalogs. What I'm saying is first an event like this happens, and the cause, background, history, etc are filled out later.
The prince has called upon his father's internet people. To arms!
Here you go user.
Madman. Family of absolute savages.
... just made a story on this
Jesus it never fucking ends. This is like that picture of McCain with those ISIS (Daesh) faggots
You had to ruin it, didn't you?
First day here from reddit, moishe?
Literally blow your brains out.
Hell is forever!
Don't have a twatter, but I do have a suggestion.
A lot of faggots are pushing the poor syrian children who drown because their parents drag them on a cross country death march for gibs…
So does anyone have pictures from the truck attack in france saved?
that's interesting, I actually hadn't seen that, but I was talking about the video of them setting up the picture. It leaked a while ago but I can't find it
welcome, friend
Why do you post this pic degenerate
So is Khmun.
does anyone have a shoop of this without Milo? Cause this is a great photo without him
got ya fam.
he used skittles? lol watch skittles make a show of officially disavowing
i doubt you can even share a meme this tame on facebook anymore, he's brilliant for keeping attention on this issue.
This is a proper response to that twitter fag. compared refugees to rats in a gif!
Here's an even better one
what is this? a screenshot for ants?
It's a screenshot for faggots
Lurk moar, newfag.
Just replace him with a red X, with the words "Department of Education CLOSED/Abolished". I'd do it myself of I wasn't on mobile.
Thank you for the pics, user.
I thought this was our OC when I first saw it.
these are good counter measures, and kek approves
Open borders for Isreal. Make Gaza's beaches safe again!
Even better. We're going to make them kill themselves! Just like they did to us.
Next he is doing Arizona ice tea.
Could a rebutt like:
If you truly want to protect the Syrian Children, stop giving "opposition factions" weapons.
… work?
Jesus I didn't make it! Here y'all have a peace offering
Actually, use this instead. Way way fucking better.
This is damn-near a repost of the handful of M&Ms comments widely circulated among the left after Elliot Roger finally sperged out.
I have my war face on, and heading into the frontlines. Posting redpills in the hastag.
It only gets better.
Hello, newfriend.
At this point i'm almost completely sure that he's the OP.
Is there NO tragedy that didn't befall on the kikes? Next we'll here 6 GORRILLION kikes died in the Ethiopia-Eritrea War.
Also, can anyone make sense of this reply?
Leftists are mentally retarded. There really is no other explanation.
I didn't even notice I got those quads
It's just White Man's Burden under another faux-humanitarian mask.
It's not a reply, it's a cognitive DoS attack.
Just another shitty leftist attempt at subverting a meme. Absolutely nothing to see or acknowledge here. It is meaningless and not even pseudo-intellectual. There is a reason you can't make sense of it.
A shining example of leftist wit it doesn't fucking make sense
Change the hotdog into a dick and make it look like Eric is eating it.
Its like learning nonlinear dynamics all over again, seeing that there are also fractional dimensions formed by certain byfrications.
Its so great, the BDS movement on campus would never eat those. So the Jewish club bought some, and they had a shit fight, nothing physical yet.
We really are the perfect secret society. Everyone is an user and our hive mind allows us to wield great power we just need a just cause to use it.
Kek is good.
Kek is great.
Praise Kek.
Is there anything Pepe isn't?
Here's another one.
Qek do it fagot, it don't even have to be good
They fucking deleted it.
yes, wojak
He's comparing people to puppies?
In lib world, 50 people being ruthlessly murdered in a gay nightclub is like a puppy bite.
I HATE these filth.
Why the fuck are these mongrel dogs my problem?
I don't want a hundred dogs.
Those puppies have a flea infestation.
Close enough. I'm not going to search through this 1300 image pepe folder to find it though.
Nigga I don't want fleas either.
You gotta watch out for those puppies shooting you, bombing you, raping you, and setting up child sex rings man.
Hey, how do Muslims care for dogs?
excellent white women redpill tbh
I don't see what the fuss is about. The Left is perpetually triggered. The Left would be triggered by a little child sucking on a lollipop. It's the nature of the Left to be triggered. It's what they do. Being triggered gives the lives of Lefties more meaning. If they aren't triggered, something's not right.
The meme tweeted out by Trump Jr. is hardly worth spurging over. It's just common sense. So the Left is triggered by it. So what? When is today any different from any other?
It's a reference to a really shitty joke on a really shitty television show that no-one has ever heard of. [vid]
Do the lefties have a single argument for increasing the refugee influx which isn't based around emotional blackmail?
It's forever, it's Hell.
Hell is forever!
Some things are just fun.
"Why the fuck would I accept 100 puppies from you if I knew I didn't have the resources to feed or care for them?"
"That's our Syrian refugee problem."
Sometimes i wonder why nobody ever tweets this
Hel ceases to be at the end of Ragnarök?
If you mean the Semetic version called Gehanna or simply Torment, even that doesn't last forever as John's Apocalypse concludes the Judge only rules for a Millennium.
Now here's one that makes sense.
Clearly this man isn't a leftist.
check em
nice bruh
Is there a way to create Twitter accounts without a phone number nowadays?
If not, any Bitcoin services that can provide a (fresh) phone number to receive SMS on?
look at this insufferable faggot
Somehow I doubt I'm going to get the reply I need in order to deliver the punchline.
But are they all individually named?
Nah, most have generic chan naming regulations. Many are complete gibberish.
He's just another brown person with internalized white supremacy. Therefore he's wrong. Checkmate shitlord.
Actually, maybe:
Hi Angel, thanks for the puppy offer. But taking that many puppies would be irresponsible as we do not have the resources to accomodate them and need to prioritize our own first.
That's our Syrian Refugee Problem.
Soft, I know, but it hammers the Left from a different direction. Spins it from refugees to economics.
I thought 6 000 000 of them died.
Are they lying or what?
Jews are trying to make themselves look like the Froschkönig! it won't work, but they should keep trying
The absolute lowest rung of the ladder.
Good point, i bet he's being paid by drumpf
oh look a grammar nazi
That's a lame punchline because there's a better way to attack him via his mestizo sensibilities:
What is she trying to say? He should have edited the text more? What kind of criticism is that? Also, why does she randomly crosses out letters?
Someone explain please, I feel like I am missing out on massive butthurt.
>trivializing and comparing human death and rape to grammatical errors non-existent formatting errors a meme that can be made in photoshop mspaint.
Yep, liberals are officially sociopathic retards.
Spooked and Exited
Jeb Bush
It means she's right about here on the argument pyramid.
She's a schizo jew having rage spasms, how do you make sense of that?
Sounds like he's comparing rape and murder to a puppy dog bite.
We like nature and we like to save money.
Jesus Christ, Jr. You should just laugh at them for crying about cartoon frogs.
Racism has won the hearts of the people.
Kek, there is this triggered antifa shithead in my twitter mentions when I went in the #Skittles hastag.
Should inform him how dogs are considered unclean in Islam and his comparison of muslims to dogs would actually be considered extremely offensive.
Last time i saw someone this mad was when Hillary realized she lost the election
top lel
Libshits can't deal with the Baron of Banter
aye dogs and pigs are unclean but wiping your ass after taking a shit with your left hand and drinking camel piss is perfectly fine
Send it to him.
I give you credit for the filename, at least.
Hot dog you say?
Might as well go out on a limb and ask, since the gods are watching:
So what's the plan for after we win, can you give {{someone}} give us a hint?
Ew. Gross.
The liberal solution is to import the scum that do this to children so they can harm our children too.
These morons require euthanasia.
If we win? 8 years of less shit.
If we lose?
First 3 months: Civic unrest
6-12 months: full scale riots
2018: beginning of civil war
Mid 2018: DC burns, our coup is successful. We install Hitler 2.0
2019: Beginning of the Fourth Reich and purging of all leftists, leftist writing, shitskins, etc
2020: The year of perfect clarity.
Thanks fam. The goal is threefold with that image.
#1 - fuck muslims
#2 - fuck Hillary
#3 - Fuck Milo - that faggot backtracked and deleted it within an hour and is ashamed of it and will not acknowledge it.
If anyone else has a three-prong attack image like that, share it.
Fuck Milo.
Posted Muslim rape videos to all the leftist twitter kikes in DTJ twitter chain.
Why do you even support and post on such a totalitarian cucked """""free speech""""" board?
Call her a nazi.
Sage for milo
Go away.
You commie fucks have "free speech" everywhere else on the fucking internet. You can make KILL ALL WHITES hate groups on facebook with no repercussions. You come to the one place on the entire fucking internet WE aren't censored and claim you're being censored.
She was a feminist key word》
Jesus, you'd have to be absolutely insane to willingly surround yourself a bunch of niggers and mudslimes while parading off as a "stronk independent woman". Shit's like watching a zombie movie and the woman is being dragged off into a sex pit below
haha dude you fail thou
t. guy who shits himself and is into ageplay
Jesus Christ how fucking horrifying.
Spread this video.
Hitler dubs confirm that someone is offing themselves. (Libtards, I'm assuming?)
And you're still too young now.
I remember when it happened but I didn't see the video until now.
That sucks.
Hope she died tbh not even in a bad way
Here is the other video I posted to those cunts, fuck them.
Femishits BTFO
The slash in proofreading marks means to make a letter lowercase.
The only thing potentially grammatically incorrect here is that Skittles isn't capitalized (much like we say "mouses" instead of "mice" when referring to computer mouses.). The rest is just bullshit nitpicking that's really more a matter of personal taste. If I were an editor, though, I would've removed the word "just", because it gives the impression that ALL the Skittles in the bowl are poisoned and eating three would kill you rather than the just three being deadly poison even though in this case the analogy is still accurate.
I usually tell this to normies and liberals, it usually shuts them up quick.
Praise kek!
You know they can track you by those names.
They can see when you downloaded it, what thread that was in.
Each time an image is posted only a few will download it making it a pseudo unique id.
When you post more than one image in a thread with the same user hash they can map the images in your collection and stitch them together to rebuild your entire collection and the threads you got them from and posted them in.
They can build a rather elaborate history of your posting and viewing habit just by the name of your image you post and they have software that does this automatically.
And this ability is available to anyone, they don't even need the NSA mirror links with ip history (which also exist)
Most users have doxed themselves in the past to some extent or another. All this they can see just by the images you post.
Ask me if I care
you switch your PC to japanese locale so you can play games and other shit from japan without your windows sperging out on you and it replaces all the '\' symbols with the yen sign automatically
They probably are some degenerate games though
I have a few eushully and alicesoft games myself tbh
Every time I see this video, it wrenches my guts and fills me with hate.
It's an older video, it's made its rounds already, but sure, I'm assuming there's some libtrash that hasn't been triggered by it yet.
She didn't. Last I heard she was wheelchair bound though.
i know
you're doing it for H game dude. stop. Jesus loves you.
*H games
Rin is best waifu
What is it about girls named Rin? Why are they always best girl?
Top Notch, don't forget to setup Ostruppen Companies if second case.
He needs to play a Sonny and Cher song at his next rally. Cher will an hero for sure.
Usagi drop, a story about why women are bitches to children and why single fathers are better than single mothers any day of the week
I don't even know what t feel anymore, this is all so surreal.
More like
A story about how to raise your waifu
I'm just a shitposter. Pay me no heed.
shes technically his aunt lad that would be an incest nightmare
what is she like 6?
the 6 yo daughter of his deceased grandfather and the maid
Deep down, aren't we all?
Not in the manga, bro. The manga's climax involves an ass-pull where it turns out Rin isn't biologically related in any way, so turning her into a waifu is totally okay. Most fans of the series pretend the manga doesn't exist.
Might not be his biological grandfather. It is never strictly specified iirc. However, his grandfather DID have a different last name. Remember that Rin didn't want to take his last name or be officially adopted by him.
Ah righto
never read the mango just watched the animu
Pussies who couldn't understand the true beauty of the real conclusion. It was truest of true love.
Whos the hottest girl you dated, fellow shitposter?
Good god you got it user.
That get me pissed off every time I think about it.
Even if they were related, they'd only share roughly 1/8th the same blood. They'd have the genetic separation less than that of you compared to your cousin's children or even less.
fair enough lad but still feels immoral
Can't stop laughing. Got exactly what she fucking deserved. I hope she apologized to those innocent followers of the Religion of Peace™ for portraying them in such a racist, stereotypical way
Her name was Audrey and she was a feminist. I met her when I was in the CCC and she was parks and recreation. We only dated for like a month but fucked every day. She was wild. I redpilled her on gun rights, but couldn't get her to be pro-life or see the reason to drop refugees, so I dropped her. Good thing too because I went on spike a week later in a Santa Barbara and found out the cunt went and fucked some other dude.
You should.
Believe it or not, small amounts of inbreeding like that can be beneficial to the gene pool.
I don't
My first GF was a feminist, i used to be a lefty a long time ago, she treated me so badly i started learning about politics to find out how someone could be like that.
funny how the world works
Our little group has always been
And always will, until the End.
With the lights out
It's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now entertainers
A mulatto, an albino
A mosquito, my libido.
Music is the ultimate control of waveforms.
All is waveforms.
I grew up in a vibrant diverse area, so I've basically been redpilled my entire life. I went through the whole communism phase, figured out it only works in small scale COMMUNES, moved onto libertarianism, figured out that it's leftism lite, moved onto national socialism/fascism and haven't looked back.
that video never fails to make me feel sick to the stomach, holy shit!
And liberals have the audacity to defend this crap!
kill all muslims!
pull the trigger on every nigger!
Oh also not to mention my dad taught me about guns from an early age. Shot my first gun (one of these
Is ther Don a good shooter?
I wouldn't know
I have to leave for work
May kek watch over you and bless your posts, user
Have a bump, Don Jr
May kek bless us all.
Indeed it is.
You go through a rough spot in life and it opens your eyes to things. I was involved with a girl for 2 years in a relationship that was very emotionally unhealthy. Taught me a boatload about women and current society. The thing is though, I don't regret it, because it taught me some incredibly important things. That it didn't work out between us was a blessing, because not only would it have been the wrong choice, but she taught me what to truly look for in a mate.
Sometimes the universe has the most ironic fucking ways of working things out.
Same here, although it only dawned on me many years later that I was the one who had been treated badly in that relationship, the whole manipulation/gaslighting thing is crazy real.
She was also megafeminist, studied __ and women's studies as secondary. Expected me to "be the man" while at the same time saying she doesn't "need my help" in "manly" shit, except she did, and loads of other crazy fucking contradictions, with her view on equality being that I clean the house instead of her etc. And somehow it ended up after half a decade that I was the reason, and I went to fucking therapy and shit a few years later still lnging for her since I thought I had fucked up. My therapist helped me see what had really happened - she didn't respect me, hence she treated me like shit, because I was "for euality" as well and didn't want to harm women in any way. She took full advantage of my weakness, I didn't realise until years later how she had changed the way I talk, walk, dress, made me lose my friends ("me or them"), I had literally no own life any more by the end. Fucking crazy.
Kek wills it.
It shall be done.
Since when it is OUR PROBLEM?!
In a nutshell, I guess, although personal experiences differ. After I got over it, the next relationships I had I was still nice, but a bit more pushy and wouldn't just do something my gf would say, and I've had a happier relationships (that I've ended since it didn't feel like babby)
I'll stop now.
The best they can ever do is contradiction. Anything above that needs reason and evidence. You will literally never see a liberal argument go above the contradiction level, they're simply incapable.
I didn't ask.
i fucking hate leftists so much, why do they think it's cute to talk like children
Absolute fucking mad man.
I like it. He may as well have written "Me am write, gib money" and who the fuck is going hire that person for a writing job? It's like self-selection for failure. I hope more leftists do the same.
There are big digits coming up lads.
We should counter the narrative on the twatter imho
this guy has it
Couldn't get the video though.
It's time.
screencapping articles,
I have the same ID~~
I've only seen this one
well shit, I used this argument before:
when someone said the skittle argument but in the opposite context
Send it. Tell him
Wow you fucking bigot that's how they slaughter meat to make it halal. Are you trying to imply that everything about their religion is barbaric?
Someone say
screencapping articles,
IN THE Mean time here are the youtube videos. Make sure to show your love by commenint and (dis)liking
In the neck, viciously.
that show is for pedos
And like clockwork, the Twitter Ministry of Love takes down the Skittles trending term.
By really anons, aren't refugee children more like Sour Patch Kids?
not leavin these trips unchecked
Hey Waleed :^)
Enough to take off your head and then parade it around your house before blowing up.
Almost makes me want to let them in, just to show the feminists that they're deluded.
shitty counter argument tbh mate
I am really conflicted about this too; I don't want people in my country to suffer unnecessary harm, but I know that dealing with rapefugees would be a quick red pill.
I'm starting to think it's the only way to remove their puppy dog attitude.
Bring in wolves.
Where were you when a Trump son posted and got BTFOd?
lurk moar newfag
Makes me wonder if there are other SJW memes we could use against them.
Freeze peach or some shit?
Do these idiots not understand that the only reason that kid got bombed is because Obongo and Hillary decided to regime change Assad and arm terrorists in the region to do it?
I can only imagine future web archeologists, tumbling upon ancients threads of the cradle of the 2017 fash revolution, wandering what could have been censored, like in the old times where papers was still in use, with whole sentences blacked out.
Little will they know that it's only 2-D shitposting.
But Assad is tyrant who uses chemical weapons persecutes minorities is a meanie.
I'm imagining an old user who's a teacher who has a little smile on his face when he's asked by a Student "What is Pepe"
I'm starting to think that by calling everyon they didn't like fascist, they actually have created a generation of fascist.
Fresh from the meme ovens.
Also blank top for reuse
>implying Trump Jr didn't get all the best video games a week before official release because his dad is friends with a guy who works at nintendo
Well Stop killing them Liberal
why are you comparing syrian refugees to cute puppies?
this is stupid you are either really bad at memery or a kike
Can anyone summarize the Yinon plan and how it caused the reffo crisis in a paragraph or less?
Destabilising neighbouring countries with the help of the US in order to make them easier to take over, flow of people running away from these areas depopulates them and makes resistance more difficult by damaging the economy, weakening the government and in general getting rid of people.
shouldn't it be demographically?
Nice get!
So this is why that analogy went dark for the past 4 months?
Explains a lot then about how this site is run.
Woops. Also, nice dub-quads, spelling-satan.
When will the syrian "refugee" meme end.
99.9% of them are neither Syrian or a refugee
Remember when people said conservatives can't be funny?
Weird how in the past year the whole thing has been flipped on its head
He has already blessed it.
Jesus christ, praise kek.
I think that's a meme about auto-fellatio. Or at least that's how you should respond.
Its 60-78% who aren' refugee (counting Iraq) or Syrian.
Of the not, 40% are just Eastern Euros looking for their promised better life.
Must be because they're all RINOs and Democrat plants.
>Using the left's M&M's analogy about "toxic masculinity" and using it against them with Skittles instead
What's the original reference? I don't think I've seen this. You got a link?
Your dubs demand checking.
would love to post OC but i was banned for no good reason
How? As i understand it inbreeding will allow less genetic variation which in turn leads to less immunity of certain diseaes and other harmful shit.
But who wuz fone?
He watched this. It's a good vid.
You realize that bans expire, and many people have dynamic IPs?
There is a mod on here who lets her political views interfere with her job.
I say she, since the speech comes out forced in the messages, and a man would allow facts that contradict him, particuarly when said facts are his idol speaking.
I challenge you to find a Muslim family with a dog.
He looks like that mexican laughing man who goes AHHH HEEEE
Does the wife count?
Was testing to see if i was still banned. Perhaps reason prevailed, perhaps Kek smiled upon me.
needs to be an actual canine, not a figure of speech 'dog'. Muslims hate dogs and often poison them thinking them to be filthy. Consequently Muslims fear dogs, the same way niggers usually fear swimming.
Hey Jr, tell your dad we love him.
If only that gook had dubs
What the fuck does a character limit on starting threads have to do with free expression you stupid cunt?
fuck it lads, I'm checking out, can't take this clown world anymore
The left seems to forget that we exclusively don't accept whites like that while we accept the perpetrators in droves.
My jimmies were almost rustled, but then I saw…
"White supremacists" literally photoshopped a feminist ad campaign.
I get that someone might take in 100 puppies to avoid seeing them killed. But five minutes later you'd be calling everyone you know trying to get rid of 99 of them.
It can't possibly work because leftists are absolutely unable to comprehend anything that can't directly relate with them
this is disgusting
go back to reddit faggot. Just look at the way he types, clearly we're being invaded by newfags.
I can't wait till this madness ends. We can all conclude when the world is run by CTR left ((( social-scientists ))) it goes to hell.
Come now lad. Enjoy yourself by the fire, its amusing right now but the enemy hasn't even spilled the spaghetti yet, that's when real kek is to be found.
also remember to put the brownies next to the hot cocoa
Rereading starship troopers, that entire book mostly details how fucked our current democracy is.
The people who need to be convinced will continue to tweet from their wealthy, upper-class gated communities, while the rest of us suffer the consequences of their pathological altruism.
Close the gates.
Just keep spamming the #YesAllWomen picture that said men were poisonous m&ms. They are literally the ones that perpetuated this analogy.
I'm kind of digging Donald Grant
Fucking christ, niggers are retarded.
It hasn't even been half of a week since what, 3, 4 fucking bombings/bombs found in the US and a serial stabbing occurred yet he still says "no immigrants are coming to harm us! you're an insane racist!"
What fucking planet are these people living on
Once you see reality, you can't unsee it.
I have the same folder, but with porn in it instead
You and I will live long enough to see this meet its conclusion.
Or at the very least live long enough to see whites wake up.
someone please reply with the "days since last muslim terrorist attack" pic
^ me on mobile.
Thats not Eric you cranks, but I think he was in this thread. You just captured the wrong guy.
Should be feelguy as the farmer and little Pepe heads as the memes. And you can figure out what symbol the sun should be.
Someone change it to that. I'm not on my computer.
go fuck yourself.
Newfags pls
wow shes hot. shame about the muds.
Say it with me anons
I will always call him feelguy. If you want to waste your time getting triggered by it be my guests.
Thank god (((they))) censored this, I was immediately triggered.
Strange, its satire however…but when was this made?
the clues the clues, Im late, Im late….
If normalfags can't swallow this, there is no hope for them.
Thanks for explaining the joke retard
Remember when Trump accidentally said "on 711"
now look at the time
No, that wasn't a mistake. 711 is the ladder number of the fire department closest to WTC. Stop speaking if all you know is from reddit.
Minor edit for aesthetics and symmetry.
God speed Trumps!
Wait till you see cops do it in a western country.
Wish i could unsee.
share this vid.
No sacrificial lambs for the left.
(((not available in germany)))
So glad to be paying taxes for this censorship.
This is getting out of hand.
Unfortunately I can't upload the mp4. Try a vpn.
pretty sure muslims think dogs are unclean and probably kill them
Feminists used the same metaphor against men so I guess they're Nazis now.
everything effective is "nazi" unless the left uses it in which case its fine.
Everyone uses this metaphor for all sorts of things.
cause twitter doesnt accept webm
What are chances we could get black lives matter to start shutting down local pools?
Sage, off topic
Niggers tongue my anus
They consider them unclean, but they also use them as guards and hunting dogs. I suppose that's more of the "religion of peace that commands you to kill infidels" logic.
what the fuck is the point of this picture
I don't know why but it made me really mad
was that made on 9fag or something?
This is gonna be vape as fuck.
Time to remember the term feminazi again for a while.
Because all wars wipe out entire countries of course, the population is always decimated.
This is actually hilarious because it's supposed to be arguing that men are horrible sexists but actually argues for monogamy and choosing partners carefully. It's quite right that there are a lot of shitty men out there, which is why you don't fuck around and instead find a decent one to raise a family with. These feminists think that just because they can fuck any guy whenever they want, that means they should. We COULD let in all the refugees, but that doesn't mean we should. It's actually a fundamental problem with liberalism in general, there is a severe lack of standards and limits.
Unfortunately you're wrong, the sort of people in position to hire him to write his faggy shit also like that kind of bio.
Get out there and put your dick in somebody, shake it around and wait 9 months. Congrats, you've accomplished the basic function of a living thing!
wait, the habbo raid was a decade ago?
B-but think of those barrel bombs that are less effective at killing people than conventional bombs.
Is… is Pepe circumcised?
eh hehe
yes goy
hell is already here on earth already, in case you were living under a rock for the last 50 years. go to a no go area of germany and you'll see what I mean
Yeah, he's not the one to talk about failed parenting at all.
i dont mind it, i feel like bitches can connect more with that, fuckin bitches
She is mostly correct, but that still does not invalidate his argument. Her removal of the second "I' is a mere quibble, however.
It's used to mean "only" here.
Why the fuck would I want 100 puppies? Why the fuck would I need 100 puppies? How the fuck would I take care of 100 puppies?
Seeing the shit these subhumans think are arguments straight piss me off. There's no attempt at argument. They just try to guilt you and hope for the best. Every last one of them should be crammed into an oven
This was almost a perfect image.
Mainstream media is mad
the left wants to import millions of these barbarians into western countries
reminder: these are people the west call "moderate" - this is the mainstream in muslim countries
LOL that's true, arabs/muslims don't like dogs for some reason.
Well, to be fair i posted this video to him and he got triggered.
This is what these faggots don't get.
They think their biggest enemy is done racist skinhead edgelord when the reality is the third party normies making a note of the name and behavior.
You will never get to engage us antifa, because we will contain you in your traps called cities.
So CTR just went on KnowYourMeme and looked up all the reaction images they could find, right? They don't actually know what they're called.
that's exactly what happened, after further research
My wife.
Sometimes you have to quit when you're ahead, user.
This is literally the "men are like a bowl of M&M's with a few poison M&M's in it #Yesallmen" arguement, I'm not saying I don't agree with his sentiment, it's a perfect analogy, but it's already been co-opted by the left, could be useful to show how hypocritical they are though, spam it
Who is this semen demon?
Margaret MacLennan, she's has some intestinal conditional. But honestly, I still would.
Whoever made that fucked up the first two parts of the sequence, the spiral bends the wrong way on the smallest wojaks.
Does the intestinal condition prevent anal?
Because she gets cray when she gets wrecked and would probably love being disciplined for it.
Fantastic job user!
It's actually much much worse that 3 out of a bowl of like 100
i wish i had a cool grampa like hickok45
Not sure which one you'd like.
I am doing nofap you faggots.
Remake it to liberals dealing with RWDS.
Sounds like he's trying really hard to convince himself.
Bumping so anons can reinforce junior.