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I am story timing both Jon and Damian stuff before Super Sons come out.
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I am story timing both Jon and Damian stuff before Super Sons come out.
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That was a fun thread.
That is why I do this
Well keep doing what you do. I may not personally keep up with everything DC is doing right now but I'm happy someone is trying to keep people informed. Rebirth isn't perfect but it's nice to see a small glint of hope for the industry shine through. Especially from one of the big two.
Helps concentrates tbe activity and discussion.
OK, already read Superdad. One, it's not Jon and Clark's Excellent Adventure for this as apparently Tomasi's picking up the plot thread from Multiversity. Two…the Gentry might be back.
You want to lose the ability to see past threads.
why dont you click to find out what it is
Posting at 3:30 pm est
Superman #14
I'll be honest. Not really a fan of this issue. Or Grant Morrison in general.
Batman #14
I agree
Green Lanterns #14
Green Arrow #14
Justice League #12
Nightwing #12
Cyborg #8
I still wanna do her.
Justice League vs. Suicide Sqaud #3
Harley Quinn #11
Justice League of America: The Atom Rebirth #1
Oh boy. Atom. Everyone's favorite superhero.
Death of Hawkman #4
Midnighter and Apollo #4
The Rise and Fall of Captain Atom #1
Shade, the Changing Girl #4
Aquaman #14
Ok thats all this week ima go get comfy and watch south park till I pass out so night guys
Love you, Rebirth user
y-y-you too
…Shit that user was right. The Gentry is back.
Notice me, Rebirth senpai….
Taking notes from Marvel, huh?
Damn I did not notice that the first time but thats fucking gross
Holy shit, it's…um, one of the three devils. Personally I think it's jimmy setting up the group for the crimes because he still a fucking mess.
I'll wreck that chick.
So, what do you all think of Justice League VS Suicide Squad? I think it's been decent, even if Enchantress beating Superman was bullshit the rest of the fights did a good job of showing that the JL outmatch the Squad by a hilarious amount. That being said I might just be happy to see a major event in a comic that doesn't make me want to gouge my eyes out.
Nothing but then a fear fuck.
I don't care for it just on concept but, like you said, it's not the absolute worst comic event. Yet.
*Nothing better than
I cannot english today.
God damn Batman. I actually liked that issue.
For once, the Superman one was meh. Hopefully they escalate or bring in some Superdad.
I don't recall any members of the Gentry having black hands like that. Not even their boss the Empty Hand.
On the other hand, Nix Uotan did… I don't think they would do something as unoriginal as turning him evil again, though. Maybe this is the introduction of a 'last Anti-Monitor' of some sort? An evil counterpart to the Super-Judge?
…Is it just me, or does Batman appear to have three arms on that variant cover?
I thought it was alright, but it was mostly set-up. Introduce the audience to a bunch of new concepts and characters, then throw in an action scene and a cliffhanger to make sure they don't get bored with all the exposition.
I think it's been overall decent so far and lightyears beyond whatever Marvel's been able to do recently, I'm just concerned about what'll happen towards the end when the Watchmen are brought in. That will be the most dangerous area.
Lets say that they fuck it up, is it really that big a deal, I am thinking if this event goes tits up what has come from it far outweighs any shit event.
Is Grant Morrison going to be writing the Watchmen?
is that the smell of burning beard?
I know this may be laying the whole kids gimmick a little too thick but I hope Billy or the Teen Titans show up for a issue or two of Supersons.
I am curious is the guy that asked me to story Time death of superman still here, I found a real good torrent of them.
Shazam needs to be a central theme in someones comic at least for an arc. I love Shazam and his relationship with the various heroes.
Not him, but please do.
I feel ya man, I was surprised he did not come in Wave 2 but heres to hoping when rebirth is done that they open the flood gates little by little.
I might story time it this Death and Return of Superman this weekend
Also where is the guy that posts what gets released every week? That makes it easier on me to see what I have posted and whats left to post.
Him being a recurring character was the main reason I liked Young Justice.
Shazam is too good for this world.
Looks good
Power of Hope proves it beyond a doubt
Speaking of… where's the Shazam Rebirth series? I would've thought it'd be out by now.
I really
Hate the "20 layers of gloss" artstyle of the current year. We need to go back to the mid 20th century aesthetic.
I thought it would be in wave two but it seems Super Sons , JLA and Batwoman, and it seems I am wrong there will be two years of rebirth so hopefully he is in the next wave but I doubt it, sadly, because they want to add a few books at a time so JSA or Leigion of super -Heros might beat him out.
I am not sure that far back but I do think there is a happy medium.
More ink, less paint
definitely agree
Running a little late, but I'm here. This week, on DC Rebirth:
And a fun-looking miniseries that was getting advertised a lot:
Ok boys I am going to start posting at 8, also I am hyped for the rest of Rogues Reloaded, Captain Cold does not have his new 52 costume anymore he is wearing a updated post-crisis one, also to anyone who likes this run of superman I HIGHLY recommend the new 52 Batman and Robin run it is by the same team and its on par with Superman and I have already story timed every issues so enjoy.
Action Comics #971
Detective Comics #948
That's not how will works you fucking mongs.
The Flash #14
Wonder Woman #14
Jessica is worst lantern
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #12
Can they just let Wonder Woman fucking die already, her stories have been consistently shit and poorly written for years to the point she actively pisses me off.
I kept seeing people say "Rebirth is great! DC is redeeming themselves" but the small glimmers of hope keep getting drowned out by DC making the same mistakes they did last time, over and over again.
She is a mess and I for on of the members of the Trinity it is fucking unacceptable that they dont have any good modern stories for her.
I dont know about that second part while there are some real stinkers the highs are very high and I would expect dc to take note of the series doing very well, like superman at my local lcs they would have a few extra on the shelf when I would go in but now where Superman should be its been barren for a couple of months now. Personally the highs far out weigh the lows even right now and wait for wave 3 when JSA comes back it will cement this the previous statement even more, we still have a year and a half so Rebirth is really only kicking off.
New Super-Man #7
For me the stinkers far outnumber the highs, and I don't agree that the highs are very high. Certainly one or two I could name that were great, but DC has had great stories for the past few years that still didn't end up teaching them a lesson. Even some of the "great stories" people are posting aren't that great. It's disappointing that the "revival" is really just a return to adequacy for some titles.
Like so far the great series are Superman,Trinity,Titans, Teen Titans(personally), Deathstroke, now most of these series are selling really well, it would be foolish not to think DC is not fucking ecstatic that they are fucking creaming marvel in sales and critical successes right nowthen again this is DC, I would think now is the time they really self reflect on why they are doing so well now, but I sorta agree that right now it is a mixed bag, personally to me the highs right now outweigh the bad, but I have been ignoring pretty much everything aside those series I have listed with a few exceptions, but then again rebirth is only a 25% way through and Supersons is gearing up to be another great series and JLA could be pretty good but time will tell if rebirth is all hype or a actual revival.
All-Star Batman #6
I'll give you that Deathstroke is great, but I think Superman is only "good" while Trinity and Teen Titans are pretty meh.
Well for one, it's not hard to be beating Marvel right now. They're already at "comics division axed" sales right now and they're sustained solely by movie money. DC doesn't have movie money so they need to do better on comics, but there's just several inclinations (like Wonder Woman's characterizations and a lot of the multiverse shit) that shows they're eager to get back into their old failed structure. And like you said, this is DC: The people that pushed forward with the New 52 despite vast backlash and dismal sales.
I mean that's fair, I don't expect you to read shitty comics, but Rebirth has plenty of stinkers. Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn are examples of shitty ones that you can read in the thread, and most of the ones mooching off characters that have recently had or will soon have movies are god-awful (with the exception of the big players). TV cash-ins too, Green Arrow sucked so fucking bad.
I think Rebirth will follow a formula they used to have about a decade ago: Launch a new line, mixed bag of quality, make a few good crossovers, then fuck it all up trying to fit all the stories into one universe.
>Superman is only "good"
I think you need to leave, but time will tell, I hope that they keep doing well at least for the salt from marvel, Spencer's impotent autistic screeching makes me sleep easy at night.
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
Fucked that up lad, my mind was on SuperChinaman. If it's the Supes series you're talking about it's well above good but I'm not a huge fan of the way they're writing it.
Is China-man actually good? I stopped reading it after issue 3, also I agree that people acting lie Rebirth is the second coming are dumb, but to me it can go either way at this point its really what is going to be coming in wave 3/4, hopefully JSA is the Justice Leagueish team book we need.
Also thats it for now
See this shit irks me. Look at the 1st panel on the 2nd image. What am I seeing? Is Flash purposely running slow for some reason or is everyone fast as fuck? And why the shit is Captain Boomerang running like fucking Naruto? It's petty but it makes no sense.
Also whoever was in charge of changing Harley Quinn's look and having her constantly carry the hammer needs to be shot.
Comparatively it's okay. A novel concept but they're really starting to execute it poorly.
The next wave will truly decide whether this bodes well for the future or it's just a happy accident. JSA books have been consistently adequate for a while so hopefully they just improve on a proven formula. Also is Jessica Lantern in the JLA? Because if so that doesn't bode well.
They made some "interesting" choices for the JLA roster, I like that they are not using more traditional heroes but I would have like for more actual heroes in there, its nice real lobo is back and all I can think of is the JLU episode where lobo wants to join the JL and they wont let him, looks like he got his wish.
Thanks pal!
Kinda boring how Batman need to defend/save the world from the JL over-and-over again…
That's either going to be great or total trash.
I like that Lobo is back, but not like this. Lobo is way bigger than the JLA, his character isn't the kind to stay Earthbound.
Maybe I'm just jaded. I was a diehard defender of DC 7 years ago and I lost a lot of respect for that, so I'm pretty burned.
Ima go take a nap and post the rest when I wake up
I'm really not a fan of the lineup. Lobo is the only one I'd really like to see but he can't exactly be his total badass over the top self in a team book. Killer Frost might be okay but I have doubts. I could care less about everyone else. Just give us the solo Lobo series we've wanted since the New 52 sham!
I'm more afraid it will lead to a Spider-verse situation.
Back Boys
That's just what Batman does, and one of the reasons Superman wanted him on the JL so bad. He's the tempering force because no one ever thinks to manipulate Batman, as they see him as just a man. Everyone always goes for taking Superman, Wonder Woman, and Flash.
Thus why they need Batman, because if someone manipulates the others, he has his "Break in Case of Justice League Rampage" kit.
ill start posting in about 15
And that nearly make him a mary sue…
Sometimes would be fun to see things a little different. And if i'm correct this was touched a few time in some cartoons back then.
I have faded memeories about batman turning into a vampire and the JL try to stop him desperately. It was a nice change!
That was a Brave and the Bold episode iirc
Deathstroke #10
You're thinking of the Else Worlds comics, where he becomes a vampire after taking down dracula.
Suicide Squad #9
Titans #7
Red Hood and the Outlaws #6
Superwoman #6
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #6
Are they using baneposting now?
Even if they were there would still be nothing redeemable about BGBoP
Supergirl #5
Justice League of America: Vixen Rebirth #1
Justice League/Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #1
So I think I got everything, the usual has been good this week and the usual is still bad, I have been waiting for Wally and supes to meet for a while that was cool and I did not think I would enjoy the power ranger cross over but its pretty fun
Oh, god, don't tell me she's trans.
Nu52 WW was pretty good for a while.
I don't understand why it's so hard for writers to write for her.
yup "she" is
I just realised something super sons comes out on my birthday, probably one of the better gifts I could get.
Why the fuck can't they just say birthname? Why do they have to make up this retarded term?
I ask, but I know why, to virtue signal with. Which is exactly what DC is doing with it. Bleh.
While I am not defending this I dont know if really DC is doing the writers definitely are, but if we take a look at marvel it seems that the "diversity" push and virtue signalling is coming top down, while is this case it is a shitlib writer pushing his own politics while dc is sitting passively.
Also when ever there is a trans character in a comic they pass 100% which never happens, I dont know if writers have ever seen a fully transition tranny but they almost always look like greasy men with long hair or they are men who look slightly feminine but are fucking made of plastic
Well, that's fair enough. I guess empirically saying DC is doing it is going a bit fair when compared to Marvel, but yeah, this particular writer is.
a bit far *
I've seen people who pass in pictures, but I've never met any of them IRL, so I don't know how much the images have been tampered with. Any ones I've actually met are hideous.
There are some exceptions mind you but do we count kids or took hormones also I am only talking about mtf, ftm can actually pass but they look weird but somewhat human or normal
I'm sure there are exceptions, I've just never seen any with my own eyes.
Also only talking mtf. ftm do tend to look weird, like you can vaguely tell something's off, but not at all in the same manner as mtf.
Dude, there are countries that believe you have to be legitimately retarded to mess that up.
New 52 Clark Kent is still a fucking faggot.
Doh ho ho ho ho