Calling all FRENCHIES : AoC thread

Can some Frenchies update us on when the bill on the age of consent is due for voting
Apperently its gonna be 13 , 14 or 15

dont tbh-post or post lolis so the thread doesnt get nuked

this tbh

Why do you want to know?

meep meep french assholes are too dense tbh no homo

So i know whether i should learn French & move or stick with German & move there.

Its cheaper to book my flight sooner than later

It could be, with our [code] ALMIGHTY_AND_POWERFUL [code] president

all these (you)'s

meep meep kill the french with a wrench tbh no homo

snob virtue signalling intensifies (pic related)
muh "what will the neighbour-countries think"

dont want the extra competition eh?
thats ok tbh

As you probably heard from the racent events the AOC (currently) in France isn't a hard line, unlike in other countries.
in France, if you fuck a girl under 15 its not automatically rape, they gov won't sue you unless the parents complain, and even then in the worst case you risk couple years in jail + some probation.

i personally know a girl who got knoked up at 13 by a 24 guy, they're still together and have 3 kids, she's 20 now.
needless to say, both are trash and the guy is currently in jail because of drugs.

this new law they want to make would be a hard line, where fucking someone under that age will automatically be considered rape no matter what.
the sentence for that will obviously be harsher, between 5~15 years.

yeah and a good amount of buttfucking after the cons find out youre in for "pedophilia".

Im actually a teen , would i be ok if i went for thir-TEEN yo-s ?

And here i was thinking this law was a good thing ….
Its good enough if its 13 dou.

more LEWD.

Most of your cell mates will be muslims, they're ok with pedos.
also, prisons are less violent here then in the US, everyone is just waiting to do their time then gtfo, there are no gang shit going on.

ohhh now who says immigration doesnt have its upside , hehe.
I should have found out about this sooner , seems i might be late to the party



Noice, thanks.

that Holla Forumstard logic

go on

13 is a suitable age, I see no problem with it tbh,
Girls at that age are mature enough to start fuckin.

13 is still too high tbh

french people will be put into forced reeducation camps and be taught how to bathe on DOTR

tbh dont pretend America is any better

