
Possible happening.

Unarmed nignog Terence Crutcher disobeys police orders and reaches into his car. Gets gooded.



Other urls found in this thread:


Good video showing him reaching into his car while ignoring cops


Wtf is up with the whole melanin shit? Is this a new meme ?


niggers think melanin gives them special powers


Well it seems to give them the special power of being completely fucking oblivious to the real world. Plus an extra little spf.


He a good boy

Dude is dumb as fuck. If someone is holding you at gunpoint, you don't just walk to your car and reach for an unknown object. Even if he wasn't reaching for a gun, cops don't know. Then again even if a gun is found, dindus will say it was planted. Or just completely ignore it like they ignored Mike Brown trying to grab a cop's gun.

Oh well, hopefully there will be a chimpout with streams.

Much to the surprise of literally no one he's got a lengthy rap sheet.

SJWs and Dindus are signaling hard on shitter so maybe this time they'll chimpout.

Nogs are fucking hilarious though, they think it's perfectly reasonable for him to have just walked off ignoring orders and reached inside of his car.


Thank you user

pic related is the hero cop. the nigs are threatening her.

This nog must have been on some heavy alcohol and drugs or some shit.

"yee fok da sistum, nig do wateve dey wan nao, da popo be skerd dey wont do shiet"

Only thing i can imagine went through that dumb as nogs head

Unfortunately they haven't yet understood that their magical melanin does not increase their resistance to bullets. Hmmm. Maybe there is something else about melanin they are missing. Like not being stupid niggers?

How sexist of them

she's actually kinda cute milf user

mmm i can hear the ground trembling…

The cop fetish hentais are coming

It was quite the year

I think it was more like-

every fucking time

don't they know that if they simply comply with all commands that they don't get shot?

There's video of his sister more or less saying he was going to church trying to get his life on track. The memes are too much lads

He a good boy.
He dindu nuffin.

Works every time.

ayo he had his handz up n shiet, so wut if he wuz gunna git someting from his car


what a (((coincidence))) this comes upright as some retard outs himself for deleting HRC shit

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say some dumb nigger getting himself gooded isn't a cover up for Clinton's retard IT guy. You might be a bit to deep into the conspiracies user.

Source on music?

And then watch how Fusion edited and propagandized it.

It pissed me off at first but now I'm just kind of impressed — I wish we had the budget and labor to churn out such a high volume of high quality propaganda.

Blacks get told what they should be doing a lot but never actually do it. Then when they get arrested their family/friends/gang/etc say that he was doing or going to do all those things they were told they should be doing. Church, school, not committing crimes.
At the end of the day they're just words though.

I guess you're right, nigs tend to get themselves shot, regardless of current happenings.

if this gets massive media exposure then yeah, it's for a specific reason

DOTR cant come soon enough for (((MSM)))

This pretty much, otherwise it's just another case of melanin goofups

the whole "we wuz yakub-n-kangs" thing is IRL being promoted amongst blacks right now

Source: twitter.com/fusion/status/778009705037701120

Is that a common thing for american cops to do? Do they hold people at gunpoint when they first see them or do they only do it if they're being threatened and such? Because it seems to me that something must have already happened or been said to put the cops on edge before he reached into his car.

3PAC - Rap God

Is fusion some sort of nog promotion channel?

Looks like blanda upp promotion

Shes a woman and he's a large nigger. Having the gun out was for her safety until she could get backup.

Nigger walked back to his car. While the cop was there no doubt telling him to stop and stay where he was. he didn't so he got tazed like the animal he is. not enough info in the helicopter vid to figure out why she shot him.

another angle.


Holy shit he knew.

Looks like the reddit post by the "oh shit" guy punched back against the fake (((terrorist))) multi-stab-bombings and kept Hillary in the headlines.

Time to get the blacks all stirred up and see if we can distract from her failing campaign that way now!

Are people really this stupid?

What song is that?

Weve been waiting for another BLM story the media can use to try to salvage Hillary's chances of winning this election. You knew this was coming

The nice thing for them is that nogs get shot by police multiple times per week. So its something that is always in their deck. The details of the shooting's arent really relevant, because they can easily be obscured for the purposes of a dindu nuffin narrative ("his hands were up, I swear!").

However, I hope they are dumb enough to pick a case like this for their nigger martyrdom, where the evidence is really clear cut that the guy asked for it. Please CNN. This whole "bomb" fiasco was bad enough for you. Now give us nice narrative we can destroy within hours. Just tighten that rope around your own neck a couple notches.

Cant remember the name, was so common back them (early awts), wouldn't be surprised if it was in the movie 'hackers'. One of those everyone knew but nobody bothered to learn the name during the chemical brothers reign when everyone was a 1-hitter

Yea this is definitely where they are taking the news cycle now. This is going to be at least until Friday.

WaPo already is race baiting hard and its getting a tweet every couple of seconds.

WaPo Article: archive.is/8jyrU

Oversight and Reform Committee is meeting this week still(I think) so there is probably going to be some more Jason Chaffetz antics about the emails that needs covering up.

I believe it. She had him against her car at one point so there's no reason why she would have had him go over to his car to cuff him. Hell, she could have had him lie down on the road to cuff him if she really wanted to.
I bet the guy was saying something about how he didn't want anything to do with this and just thought that he could walk away and because he had his hands up they wouldn't shoot.

That's one of the damndest frustrating things with the liberals "poor innocent widdle bwack boy" narrative; if the ghetto rat who got shot today has bad camera angles or doesn't fit their slant for some reason, all they have to do is wait a day or even a few hours and there's another one fresh off the airwaves.

Well perhaps it's almost as frustrating as the fact that their portrayal is a LIE and the 'boy' they try to paint to be as innocent as baby Jesus has a criminal record as long as your arm. And for some fairly serious offenses, too, not for shoplifting gum and breaking windows…

Melanin be the superconductor of the soul that fuses the sun energy into the black superconductor of light.

We wuz gods an shiet.


I'm glad there is this vid, which the BLM fags can use to make it look like an execution and the chopper vid which shows how obviously he was being retarded.

It leads to likely chimpout which will only help Trump.

Very nice.

Clearly he was reaching in to grab his diploma and bible to show offisuh he a gud boi

not a good quality image but a cap nonetheless

I didn't hear a gun shot. So is this to cover up the terrorist bombings/stabbings that recently happen?

Maybe to start another emotional chimp riot, so no one looks into Hillary? All this shit just seems too damn convenient.

Image: Tears of joy over the incoming ghetto lottery.


Whatever happened to King Whigger?



On twitter btw

Looky here, just today he was chimping over the humane treatment of the NYC/New Jersey sandnigger bomber.


I mean i can hear the fucking door slamming from the cops getting out of their vehicle. But no gun shots, do they have sound proof windows?

When the cop on the radio says "which way are they facing" theirs a clicking noise, is that the gun shot?

Nope because you have to comply with police.

It's open and shut.

Nope because you have to comply with police.

It's open and shut.

Dindu nuffin!

Fucking mean as. What is the best action cam for duty? What do these yankee coppers use?

I mean i can hear the fucking door slamming from the cops getting out of their vehicle. But no gun shots, do they have sound proof windows?

When the cop on the radio says "which way are they facing" theirs a clicking noise, is that the gun shot?

Darude - Sandstorm (really)


kiwi confirmed


I knew video cameras wouldn't solve anything. Blacks and marxists don't care about facts. Only their retarded feelings.

Prob b/c mic was in car. Makes sense you'd hear the door.

Almost makes me wish I had a retarded relative who hated the cops.

I could do a White man's version of bix nood grief and get some neverending neetbux.

no, not really and it would never work

spoopy music.

oh god what is happening to my pants.

why were they chasing him in the first place?
if your hands are reaching into the car, then they are not, in fact, up.

lets hope she gets the support she needs.

A woman shot him.

Make sure the liberals know this.

The tears will be delicious, after all they did to push women into the police force.

I like how they let him bleed for a couple minutes before going in for first aid.

One less nigger, but I don't like cops either way.

Only saw the dasher cam footage floating around twitter. I honestly thought the nogs FINALLY had something legitimate for once. After seeing the helicopter footage though…

Jesus fucking Christ, how hard is it to LITERALLY DO NOTHING.

Is that short for "good-boyed"
As in, "dindu was peacefully resisting arrest with all his strength, when he grabbed the officer's firearm in order to defend himself from police brutality.
But just as he was getting his life together with 5 rounds straight into the pigs face, he was visciously good-boyed by a second officer just arriving at the scene"

These situations show the chasm-like gulf between the white and non-white character.
All they ever do is defend the person because of his skin colour, no matter what the circumstances.
All we do is look for the truth of the matter, regardless of skin colour.
This chasm between us is eternally unbridgable, we are fundamentally incompatible with brown people.
And obviosly better.


Any Tulsa anons here? What's the chimpout situation?

Honerary aryan

Cops kidnap children for kikes they are nearly all masons cops are the closest thing to a kike without being jewish.

They also patrol around the lodges and make sure no one exposes the aryan child sacrifice by kikes.

Police are the public enemy number 1.

Please fuck off.

Order follower.


you would be an excellent journalist.

i'm going to assume that the probability for this being the case is 0.00000000001%
even so, it would have to be a special few, in which case it would not really be representative of cops as a person's occupation.

seriously, what is this?
if you are attempting to mock conspiracy theory because you don't understand logic nor skepticism, i assure you, you have failed.
have you ever heard of a detective?
how do they investigate?

yep, it's a bot attack






This was meant for you

This is the people who are gonna follow the kike orders to kill all dissedents


Niggers are so good at killing niggers they even get themselves killed. Bravo, Terence.

you guys think he's joking, don't you?

You're just assmad because you know the cops are eventually going to kill you for being retarded

Of course they're running with the unarmed "man" bullshit.

Right in the grape drank. Don't usually see them bleed out that fast.

Ill simmer down but I am not completely clueless its not as black and white as it seems but the system is more of a cult than a communal need.


No but now I am mad that you think that. Its common sense we gave them these toys they wanna use them It could be anyone these orders are literally get on your knees until they fuigure the situation out. That is incompetence.

That fuck da police shit can be quite lucrative if the nigger can keep itself from being shot to pieces. Luckily for negroes there are plenty of fambly members for them to cast the die on.

Yeah, the cops are definitely going to aerate you

Well niggers and fucktard hippies like yourself are much, much more dangerous these days.

only islanders say that you cuck

That doesnt make sense what the cops can make collateral damage is that what you are getting at?


It's a bot.

it was actually possible for her to be the bastion of truth for humanity. she could have become the perfect logician. our daughteru was reprogrammed by the enemy. never forgive.

Just evade. Do not pull over. I have successfully evaded the police from speeding twice. Both times it was because of weed in the car. This is not something we need to worry about this cop shit is unneccesary because they are tied to orginized crime and Fuck anyone who says "Just obey" That is how we got here.

And one spelling mistake is not a reason to say incoherency.

I hate Horsey so much. Mayberry was all white.

kill yourself

I've seen the edit of that so much "before diversity/after diversity" I forgot there was a cucked original

Nice cultist oath gun to head meme

No no no only evade if you are in like a neighborhood not the highway they will get you on the highway




I live only a few minutes drive away from the real Mayberry. The police there STILL dress like Andy Griffith to this day.

Horsey is a fucking idiot tbqh.

uuuh, ok then? thanks?



this is valid criticism, though. i do admit; however, assessing the justification for such force is necessary. it's also not wholescale. all police don't wear that shit.
it's just arguing against the military at all.

these are tools for a job. what tools do you need for what job? what is practical and what is reasonable? and what is the case?

beautiful rebuttal




You know what that means it means you will an hero if you speak the truth its a cult meme and I hit a nerve cultist

You will never recover from this rebuking masons on suicide watch



Because no one else did checking your dubs sandwich nice digits

doesnt matter if niggers mean you gotta step up the firepower you need to be fired

Why are American cops so shitty?

I guess the terror attacks are still newsworthy enough that they're not trying to turn this into another bullshit "tragedy". Thank god. Every time the masses fall for that it makes me sympathize more and more with full-blown fascism.

check em

He put his hands up and walked away from the cops after being told to stay put.

He reached into a vehicle, after being told not to.

Are the cops supposed to let people do what ever they want, to include reaching into vehicles to retrieve their mystery objects?

First attempt to cover up the bombing stories. expect more.


what do you mean, they're doing a valuable service taking feral niggers off our streets

They are a good old boy network that has thought it was above the law for too long. Almost every cop is a freemason. Masons kill people. its common sense


And nothing of any conceivable value has been lost.

I will never obey a mason. They need to clean house and only non-masons can police the town. It muddies up the issue because we have all seen cops speed with just the lights on they usually are followed by ambulences doing the same just the lights no sirens that is a masonic deathswuad.

You can not obey these mason pigs. It is a matter of life and death and do you wanna let a mason choose your future?

It goes to show that Niggers are incapable of resisting cultural influences and the environment they live in determines their behavior. Right now they live in a world that reveres gangster rap, drug dealing, thugism, etc. and the subversive elements among are trying to push them into a race war environment where their social status is determined by how many whiteys they have killed. Bad news is bad.

Why are American blacks so shitty? If they acted like adults and complied with officers most of this wouldn't happen.

Thanks user.

Actually, they are instructed to NOT use full sirens if it can be avoided, as it's been shown to cause adrenaline spikes followed by irrationally agressive behavior,.

Why do blacks gamble when they don't understand probability.

Women should not be cops

To be fair they could have just tazed his ass… There was no inmmediate threat from the time he started walking to his car as if nothing. coulda tazed his ass before he even got near the window.
Also can't blame police for waiting so long to take action.. Don't wanna be catalogued as a racist and get attacked on all social medias and have fat fuckers from 5 states away who can't even stand up of their chair send you death threats.

What I can't get over is why his car is in middle of road like that… Like who drives like that? Hey my car is dying, think Ill let it coast to stop in middle of road??? I hate people who block traffic and inconvenience me like that. People like that deserve to be shot.

Blame the militarization of police by Bush / Obama. Obama is the major culprit though.
Hes been giving the Police surplus equipment from the Iraq war.
If they weren't training police for war, they wouldn't be acting like soldiers.

=RAYCIS WOMAN COP DON WANT NO DIVER(pop pop pop pop pop)=

Control yourself, woman. Jesus. Top kek.

Just as I thought a

Fuck fuck fuck consult the privilege tables SHOULD I BE MAD OR NOT

Pssst. They're fictional characters.

Maybe Dylann Roof was right to shoot the churchianity blacks. Think of how many riots he stopped.

Niggers are fucking retarded.

Yep. I just saw the vid. Incredible that people are doing the good boy routine.

not gonna lose any sleep over a dead nog, but this is a bad PR situation.

he had his hands up
he was unarmed
Cops were white
no audio

King Nigger is banking on this and so are (((they))), this is playing just like they want to.

and for all those wondering what he knew about Hillary:

just another dead shitskin for her to stand on top of to look superior.

He put them down when he went to his car.

Actually we have audio of the chopper crew saying "He's gonna get tased if he doesnt comply" which is pretty good for us.

He lowered his hands and reached into the car. When it counted, his hands were not raised.

Doesn't matter if he was armed or not, he was a direct threat to police safety. They have no way of knowing if he had a weapon or not, and the fact that he didn't is meaningless here. Police fearing for their safety is 100% enough justification for them to kill you.

There's also plenty of audio, what are you talking about?

Except it didn't work for the autist care taker.
The cop shot the complying care taker, and had no clue why.

I feel like arguing with niggers and their masters is pointless.

If they had a gun, just the shift the goal post
"Oh, they didn't need to shoot so many times, oh, they could have tazed him, the cops planted on him"

and when they are un-armed but still NOT COMPLYING they just highlight the words "UNARMED" in every-single-fucking article, as if that explains the situation away.

Despite the fact that if you act like an idiot while weapons are drawn on you (in this case, ignoring orders and walking towards your vehicle and then REACHING INTO THE VEHICLE)

Man fuck niggers, seriously.


Not what they tell you when they import the sub human filth at the get go?

Step 1 import,




Step 3

Change to our customs or we will kill you.

lemme fix that for you newfag



completely irrelevant.

the court of public opinion is already established.
we know better, and look at the details.

normies don't.
and will be willing sheep to the slaughter when king nigger implements his 3rd term.

these people must secretly hate themselves

Just heard a nig @ the office talking about this. Apparently he was a good boy who was having car trouble.


Did I miss the thread about the Category 4 chimp out in Charlotte last night??? The board seems to be suffering some happening fatigue…

oh shut the fuck up

Yep. Back to the car to get the hell out of the blighted hellhole.

here's a fucking investigation for you nigger lovers

proficiency in basic video editing takes little time to do a video like this, go watch a video editing 101 video and do it yourself, wow such budget, such labor.

Please tell me this is something one of us made.

All it takes is a civil war and ethnic cleansing will commence.

Go get nigged state in your nearest inner city metro, fucking faggot ass kike

Only a kike would say law enforcement which are mainly white, country, good valued folk, are a bad thing.

Aaaannnndddd. You're filtered. Reminder to filter this kind of poster.

Go ahead look at his contributions to this thread. Complete utter faggot.

Poe's law is in completely full effect. It's now completely and utterly impossible to tell which shit is Holla Forums and which shit is legit black twitter now. We have reached levels of racial tension that shouldn't be possible, let's continue and see what happens is basically standard policy now.

The officer who shot and yells "shots fired!" sounded like she was on the verge of tears as if she just fucked up. The nog was probably thinking "If I don do nuffin days cant shoot me." He probably thought he could go to his car and get his phone or some shit. His own stupidity is what killed him. That and perhaps that women shouldn't be cops in the first place.

Another reason women should never be allowed to carry, and should do desk work back at the precinct. And get coffee.

I wonder how long it took the cops to plant the PCP on the "bad dude".

Nigger muslim leader just called for a general boycott of all Charlotte.

Do EBT cards expire?

lol we should meme this kind of shit. Blacks don't need food because their skin absorbs the cosmic energy around them. Tell them their skin absorbs x-rays and other radiation.


Tell them to take a trip to Chernobyl and see the Elephant's Foot aka Medusa.

Well look at all of them no gunz. They could've at least upgraded him to has gunz after they murdered him.

Once a year there is a re-evaluation, but they don't expire as such.

honestly can't tell what the hell is going on with that shit camera

What should I do if there is a chimp out in my city? Right now they are working themselves up to a frenzy on social media where I live. All that is needed for it to start here is a cop shooting a some good boy who ain't never did nuthin wrong.

How was it? Will it continue tonight?

The police in the US are like 30-40% non-White. Something like 70-80% of the entire US population lives in urban, metro areas.

These are the same police that uphold the current system of niggers and spics existing here PERIOD because they personally profit from the security industrial complex.

I see a lot of you conservative losers drifting onto this board and confusing the general reverence for service and order with the pedantic deification you Scoffield-humpers project onto ZOGbots.