Jim is a pig tbh
'you are just not welcome here' thread
nigga you gon get banned by jim himself
Got 3 proxies banned yesterday : ( oh well
is the bad man gone user?
reported. Seriously reported.
More of her. I always see this pic.i wanna see her face.
you don't want to see it, trust me
her face is badly burned lol joke
what did they mean by this?
Seriously don't give a fuck you teachers pet.
So have you all done your part in going to the recent boards and posting 1 picture of a little girl that you could find on facebook in all the dead boards with no posts in them and then globally reporting them so he has to waste his time moderating all the boards nobody has ever gone to because hes that triggered by pictures of children?
Enlist and become a citizen today.
your gay tbh
pretty funny tbh
Noobian detected.
Pacifiers are cute. All little girls should have one.
Why is Jim so based? honest question
t. Jim
im still here lmao
me 2
you are just not welcome here.
no u
2 lewd
based jim
kys pedo
t. jim
Pedos want to do what?
this tbh
nice samefagging
I bet you were your mommy's "Special Little Boy", weren't you?
jim is based maga
Yes. I know.
That is why I stay.
top kek user. you actually did it, you mad man
I'll just leave this hereā¦
meep meep go away tbh no homo
that background music could be from some cheap porn film
left overs from his old days?
Jash is so cute I wish she were my side kick
Poor Jim he's but a humble pig/click farmer trying to make a living.