If the whole Russian trolling bot meddling US election is real,it would be fair for we trolling back.
On their 2018 president election
If the whole Russian trolling bot meddling US election is real,it would be fair for we trolling back
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we know the ending of that selection already, save your jimmies
Russian citizens are being trolled on the election anyway. Если честно.
that's one big IF
but dumb americans do what dumb americans always do and believe everything they're told
muh government would never lie to us
You must be mildly retarded or just completely ignorant. The USA interferes in almost every election that happens in any remotely important country. The recent election in France is probably the best example of the considerations of the USA has even towards direct allies. The budget, assets, and influence both in groups, media, corporations etc of the USA make anything done by Russia seem like a crude comparison of a mound of ants to Mount Kilimanjaro. Also we have been meddling in every "election" Russia has had for a long time now, we even forced a coup in Ukraine and tried to propagandize countries like Crimea away from Russia's grasp. It failed miserably, but there is nothing remotely as heavy handed or corrupt that Russia can or has pulled off compared to what we have done already and will continue to do.
since when does Russia have elections?
murica is innocent
they are only proxy of zionists tbh
every time
Yeah, Gaddafi and Saddam would like a word with you. Oh wait, one was raped to death with a knife and the other was hanged after a kangaroo court. Nice job, Murrica.
Russia Numba 1
That isn't whataboutism. Work on your literacy. OP asked a question about it being fair to retaliate against Russia. The point being is that there isn't a what if we retaliate. We have been the instigators for decades for both unfriendly and friendly nations.
Murrica! Fuck yeah! xxDDD
You idiots realize Russia has never had an election that wasn't entirely rigged?
Enjoy your vodka rations, comrade and give my regards to the (((Kremlin))) and comrade Vladimir (((Shelomova))) Putin
Sure, have fun with that tire around your waist from all the chemicals you injest from your food and water. Must be fun having a brain muddled by all the estrogen, sugar, corn syrup and mythos. "Democracy" doesn't work, Murrica is full of shit, you're a tool, and you're nation's in collapse. Sorry.
It truly is amazing how Murricans can't explain why anybody should care about them when they're guiltier of using others and being tools of the Israelis and Saudis.
40 keks
This fuck isn't Russian tbh
omg now look who's whataboutisming like i just can't even
The ice and radiation has made us like gods. Meanwhile, shoving food into your mouths makes you easy pickings for Mexicans, Niggers and Muslims. Yeah, Murrica wins again, amitite?
Oh neat, what is this tactic? Is there a wikipedia article on another newspeak term that defines accusing a person winning an argument of being from somewhere else?
no need to be so upset
Пошел нахуй, долбоеб.
Why should you care? This entire site is banned by Kremlin poodle (((Leonid Levin)))
Because I dislike double standards.
lol it's this nigger again
go back to bumping your month old threads on /n/
can i offer you a cup of polonium 210 tea, comrade?
what a fag lol
You really have literacy issues mate. Neither OP nor I put forth a position. A logical fallacy cannot exist without a logical position being held. You have pushed a logical position, one that is horrendous, but neither OP nor I have proposed any. OP asked a question, to which, I responded that the question is errant to begin. If you want to try to call out logical fallacies you should get a better grasp on comprehension and logic to begin with otherwise keep your fat american pie hole shut.
russia is ebin
trump is government
trump people are government