comments section is worth it.
comments section is worth it.
Other urls found in this thread:
That's pretty good. :D
I'm dying.
this makes me sad but i don't know why.
lol stupid gook should learn not to relax
I don't like seeing Asian kids get bullied, especially by niggers.
I'm expecting this dude to get caught. Is there any creature dumber than the nigger?
I'd rather see asians get bullied than whites.
The fuck kind of rationale is that:
Here's what I find odd about this, what kind of nigger goes around committing robberies with a gopro or similar bodycam strapped to their head.
Even if that is a light, wtf.
an abo?
You are severely overestimating the intelligence of your average dindu.
A comment says it's an infrared emitter to fuck up surveillance cameras
Diversity sure is great, right goyim? Look at how peaceful the world would be without whites around.
I think it is meant as a cop repellent / decoy.
you have never lived around niggers huh? You are applying logic and reason to creatures only a little bit better then apes
Either the worst one ever or doesn't work on samsung cameras. I can see his chimp face.
I looked online can't find any protable infrared emitter that look like a go pro.
I really think it's a go pro, serving as cop repellent / decoy.
They probably learned it via one of his friends in Jail who heard it from a white guy.
Do surveillance cameras use the same mechanisms as the cameras in a smartphone?
he jus tryin git his life bak tugethuh is all.
The video wasn't IR. IR is that grainy black/white night time video you see on security cameras.
source: i have a home camera system
>look at me just a laaaaaazy pokemon player
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TIP TOP KEK I can think of worse ways to be welcomed to the harsh reality of life mind you.
He appears to be a grown man anyway, what is he doing wandering around playing video games.
What an age, niggers don't even understand the magnetic spectrum, and yet here this is, equipped with an IR light.
Weird that the nigger didn't do anything to him after the takedown. Usually it's a beating.
Clearly I don't either. *Electromagnetic.
Lmao @ anons thinking this nigger has an infrared go-pro on his head
It's an afro pick you dumb faggots
kek kid's twitch account got shoahed for some reason
the plot thickens
It was too waycist
im sad, because it's an innocent kid getting beat up and robbed. yeah he's a chink nerd playing pokemon gay, but still a human being. when animals attack
probably got to much attention for showing genuine african culture
A tribal one
I think twitch does this because there's a police investigation going on. there was a grill streamer who got home invaded by two mexicans while she was streaming. her channel was shoahed for a while. She came back and explained everything in a youtube vid, pretty interesting
This is just sad. Hang all the niggers tbh fam.
liberals defending black violence as usual
I hope the judge and every fucking member of this dindu's jury is an avid Pokemon Go player
Do you think a shitload of libcucks watching reported the channel?
Agreed but Asians are actually people.
Unlike Niggers.
Why don't whites start robbing niggers.
If you shoot them the cops will just think it's the usual blacks killing each other.
If they were, how would you know it?
What do they have worth stealing?
because im not a nigger
Indeed. It makes you healthier and has special powers
just steal their gold teeth.
I can't tell what is real and what is satire anymore
We could become Highwaymen again.
top jej
get the fuck out of here with that bullshit
Steal them with a curb and my boot.
Which is why white people want to buy it on the black market for thousands of dollars. Poor blacks in high-crime areas, take note.
I think he's just saying to carry a gun.
probably pro 2nd
Knowing niggers, the gold's probably fake. My friend got held up at gun point by a nigger for his fake gold chain
It was mostly just an excuse to knock their teeth out.
Nigger youtube is worldstar. They love recording and uploading their crimes.
A guide for niggers
1. Find some dark-skinned faggot you don't like.
2. Cap that nigga.
3. SKIN HIM. The melanin is in the skin.
4. Now you need to extract the melanin. Pour a gallon of ammonia on the folded-up skin.
5. Pour a gallon of bleach on the skin. Don't buy the ammonia where you buy the bleach; cops are on to this.
6. You can actually breathe some of the melanin into yourself after you pour the bleach on.
7. Sell the melanin to a white person for thousands.
This really only works on halfchans where the majority are stupid inbred teens
I was thinking more along the lines of "here's something to spread to niggers".
melanin is probably the grandest example of poe's law I can think of, Jesus Christ.
kikes come up with retarded shit they teach the lesser races when they want to use them as a weapon against us.
How that works?
The best part is when they think they can get a gram price on it by doing some basic math with slave prices.
Even most niggers could see through this.
The whole joke about their math is that they take their entire body weight and price that at the per ounce price of melanin, as if every single compound in their body is melanin.
No need. Just skin a nigger and sell the hide. Melanin stops when the skin stops.
We must ID this nigger, assuming he's not already in custody
Anyone remembers that it was said months ago right here when the pokemon shit started? We said niggers will attack players.
Y'all talking about melanin and skinning…
You fuckers go full creep/scary mode sometimes.. wtf
A few days after the game came out a group of them used the game to ambush people.
It works, fellow African. Try it!
Not exactly a prediction. It's nigger nature to dindu nuffin
the trees
This user is not one of us. Someone find him:
Trouble, really, is that even if you skin a nigger, they're still a nigger.
Just remember eventually we're going to make sense to you more than leftyfags. Once you go full/pol/ you're here forever.
Not wanting to skin a person is bad?
I'd say if theres any race capable of defiling corpses for greed its the jews.
Whites have their values. They also know how to atleast let the dead rest in peace.
He knows too much. Someone find this guy:
The trouble is running the risk of acquiring blood-based diseases when you skin them. This is why melanin labs have the most sterile environment next to research laboratories, and always remember to make your dealer show you his hazmat suit before you buy.
You'll hate niggers as much as the rest of us eventually.
you're new maybe?
well, someone might start posting gore if you're too much of a faggot, so don't be a faggot.
The dead aren't supposed to rest peacefully.
I wish we did sky burial instead of trapping people in fucking graves.
I actually don't know who the people that seriously want to skin black people, kill gays, or any other degenerate occurrence are, or if they're joking. All I know is that they exist, and that their true bigotry is synonymous to the same despicable deeds of their most hated foe, zionists, leftists, liberals, jews, etc. Anyone who seriously just wants to just kill degenerates is a bit of a hypocrite. I think it's just hardcore polsters joking like anyone would about something they're passionate about. I get labelled a jew here all the time for saying something I'm thinking. Hell, I'm probably going to get labelled one for this, I don't take it seriously anymore, it's just a big massive joke, nobody here wants to seriously kill degenerates en masse, that's not a solution, it's a pipe dream, Hitler tried it, kinda, and he failed as great as he was.
In any case is this whole melanin shit a new meme i missed?
You are getting labeled as a kike but not for your content.
user please.
Go back to Holla Forums. You're not as edgy as you think you are, faggot.
I'm legitimately too new to understand what you mean by that. I've been here like 6 months.
We're just waiting for fog of war you dumb cuck
Very nice.
The real solution is to take Righteous people to space. Build an ark too so we can atleast save our animal species. Leave the world to the degenerates and leftists. Create a way to remove radiation for when they blow themselves up in their own hypocrisy/disgusting ways
Dindu i choose you!
Alright, I'm willing to spoonfeed you on the offchance you're just a clueless newfag and not some CTR shill. You had one post in this thread according to your ID and literally no one just says pol, it's outright unchan like not to call it Holla Forums.
ikr? the nasty nogress was enough to make me revolt. the rest wasnt even shocking in the least.
Yes, and that's what most people think but don't need to say. I just laugh every time I get labelled a jew, or anyone else gets wrongly labelled, because it's exactly what leftists do to us, I think that's the whole point of the big inside joke.
Sorry, mein fuhrer. Can you give me a list of pedigree names for this foreign island I'm not allowed to call 'pol' without the forward slashes anymore?
wanna see something really fucked?
Is it going to be Leslie Jones' titties?
Put it this way: if tomorrow a call of arms from a new Hitler would occur, I will be the first to respond.
don't check my numerals.
they were unintentional.
i'm sweating and pale.
I aint clickin dat shit nigga
That nignog looks like kayne west.
You've ruined devil trips user
Gas yourself horsefucker
read the conversation.
i'm shaking.
Fuck, user. That's disgusting!
the last pic, I mean
You really think Hitler's now primitive ideas would survive in the era of the internet, normies, facebook, etc? How irrelevant is our current circumstance to the rise of a new reich for example? Do things like this matter, or would they simply be battered down by the re-emergence of the ideology?
NuMaleFaggots get the fuck out
when did this whole skinning for melaning thing started, i even saw some nog say it on twatter about the dindu cops just killed..
I doubt the cops will find the nigger even though the camera caught his face.
In my experience, cops(especially those in big cities) won't even try to solve cases like this one unless someone else does all the work for them and hands them the criminal's address.
Even then, the chances of that streamer getting his stuff back are incredibly slim.
He shouldn't have relaxed around blacks
Go straight to Hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
Generally, yes
A camera that's not in IR mode will usually show some purple light coming from an IR light though.
It probably is an IR light though.
Nice post count.
nigga stole my seaking
So the nogs are trained to immediately go for the factory reset, should be a way to require a password for that.
It won't matter when the limit will be reached.
what that round thing on his head?
Only a Moonman can save us
That's much too inspiring, sobering and pensive for the time of day here.
Lets link these, I fucked up in quick reply, 4:43 am is right.
wtf I don't hate Christmas anymore
No really, this might be the first Christmas in a long time I haven't felt like killing myself
arite, no more (dis)orientation.
let's focus on OP.
also, my belief in kek is greater than ever before.
the robbery
her explanation afterward, pretty fucked up
So the nigger stole the dude's phone, can the GPS be tracked?
Some nig did some niggamatics on slave prices to get a price on melanin because of the imagined demand that white people have for it. Don't have the cap of it but he took the price of a slave and divided that by the average weight of a slave, working his way down from pounds to ounces to grams somehow getting a higher number every time. tl:dr melanin is apparently worth thousands of dollars a gram to white people for some reason.
Lol. Reminds me of a certain horribly ugly ass shitskin bitch hag.
He's right though. All niggers are slaves to their impulses :^)
This is why all niggers must hang
Nigga can't into FBI Uniform Crime Statistics.
The purge is nigh.
Holy kek
they just fucking excuse themselves every time instead of saying something along the lines of "sorry, we need to pick up our game".
if there's no backlash of blacks dogpiling him for shitlording, then blacks aren't doing what we do.
and then here's the deflection.
we need to understand this fully and spread it.
make our self-policing apparent to the general public.
Lurk more, faggot. Ask on reddit what that means.
Even normies at this point know the true nature of niggers. The mainstream media tends not to report on black crimes. Theyve been doing that for decades. but the internet is a beautiful thing. People see stuff like this constantly. Niggers have done their share of documenting their own chimpouts and assaults with worldstar and vines. People know what their culture and race is all about. So when these same niggers put on the "dindu nuffin" routine even normies are like "hmmmm"
Just imagine if people got daily reports of nigger crimes in their state. Half the country would be red pilled in weeks.
He says this after its already been explained in the thread. Do you even have eyes, or a brain to read?
Shitskins all hate each other as it is. You guys should post the spic vs niggers one, especially when the spics behead the niggers with machetes. Brutal.
It's the lack of humility among other things, which is unsurprising for the negro.
no way a nigger would even think about that.
Niggers can be surprisingly resourceful when it comes to thwarting security measures in search of gibs. Don't let their 75 I.Q.'s fool you.
the enemy has always been known to destroy itself.
false memes have no staying power.
the issue is how much damage is caused by the enemy.
When Bongo takes a phone back to the Congo…
All aspects of the political left are self destructive, the further left they go the faster they eat themselves like communist regimes and oppression olympians. The nigs just happen to be completely self annihilating by nature, the ideology that they've taken only amplified the effect.
True, but still Asians are one of the few other races that actually tries to get along with other cultures.
[Citation Needed]
They wont even try to solve murder cases. In Chicago the clearance rate for murders was around 20% according to second city cop blog comments.
I am glad it exists. Now if only japan manufactured some sort of an application to make them also be redpilled on marxism and global zionism, it would be even more fantastic.
This shit is why gooks are animals. Even most taconiggers won't eat dogs.
Pricey ape-slam shoes.
yeah we got those, though. they're pretty much just retarded suburban kids who blare 50 cent or other absolute fucking shit.
that shit (((somehow))) became trendy.
as far as i can tell, they're somewhat harmless and petty: not the real deal.
needs to stop
needs to stop.
Gooks don't just eat dogs, they prefer to torture them to death in order to improve the flavor.
Only surprises people like you that like to pretend that gooks are white.
Asians that live in multicultural countries like America and Russia act almost like niggers, and always get into marxism teachings to feel better about their existence.
Its that you watched too much anime, and think that japanese can't become subhumans too if separated from japan. As long as asians homogeneous they don't propose a threat to our society, and we can be allies. But when they migrate and racemix - wait when they will all turn left against you.
When it's food, it's not cruel. I don't care.
Where does my post say I'm surprised, retard?
that's not exactly true. perhaps as a trend, but our culture is shit.
the left loves to round up useful idiots.
i have a chinese friend who hates the chinese.
he could be in here right now definitely not being a faggot.
Your fucking lying.
That dog was clearly scolded to death not boiled.
And why the hell are you posting this you fucking autist. I swear this shit brings you fags out faster than loli vs moral fags or christ fags vs kekites or animu fags vs whoever the fuck autists against animu are.
I don't give a fuck about evalion but I can see you being a fucking asshole and trying to stifle someone else free speech over what? Jack shit. Your either a shill or a useful idiot. (probably an idiot)
1/2 Yuan has been deposited into your account, Xiao
The fact that he hates his own kin is already a red flag he would racemix.
Probably his hair.
kek forgot what thread i was in, oh well most of what i said still applies
nope, actually he wouldn't.
he knows.
Kys illiterate double nigger
We had a strange stray dog lurking around the house for couple days and wouldn't leave but wouldn't be friendly either. So it got shot in the head by a rifle and then I was told to get rid of it. So I did the lazy thing and took it to the big Wood furnace instead of dragging it an 8th of a mile to our hollow. It was summer and it basically slow roasted in our furnace on top of pine.
Sorry gook, you have to go back just like all of the other subhumans.
You have to go back, Gook
Not Gook but I do have a bit of native in me. They ate dog. Could be from that. Seriously tho, pull that tampon out of your vag.
I had a conversation on the internet with korean faggot about the fact he racemixed with white girl. He screamed at me that i am racist and wanted to beat my ass for that, some jewish guy also provided a place to sleep and fuck for him, he quickly reported me to him. Never later i even talked to that bunch of faggots. Month later i check he's already with a different european slut on photos.
Sad fact, but asians that act like nigs and draw attention from popular culture that praises asians - exist and fuck your white europeans if they live in multicultural countries.
Asian female gold diggers also lurk for every way to find rich white man to parasite him off.
So… What's stopping user from going on a nigger cull of his own accord?
survival of the fittest nigguh
the comment section :^)
Reminder that dogs are literally more white than any nonwhite race of human being
What a missed opportunity
Nobody who eats a dog is white. Friendly reminder only whites are know to have real empathy for animals.
True. This is how it looks AFTER it was cooked and served on table.
You have to be really degenerate to eat something resembling an animal that doesn't serve as food.
kinda ruins the relationship, doesn't it…
Never said I ate it. Just smelled it. Again take that tampon out before it goes septic. 14/88
An user on Holla Forums posted this.
there's a thread
oh fucking i can't multitask.
That's fucking awesome.
That needed "WASTED" at the end.
Looks like food to me
Europeans evolved a symbiotic relationship with dogs while hunting in the ice-age steppes. Non-whites are biologically incapable of comprehending the role of dogs in European civilization.
Mate with girl, cook with dog.
yes, it is possible to eat dogs.
but fucking why.
even people i know who make the argument that "b-b-b-ut we eat other animals" are still completely averse.
Holy shit, so many people are being redpilled and triggered in the comments section. This is gold. We need to pick out viral videos like these more often and raid them. It's time for our ideas to spread.
anyone empathetic individual who is used to working as part of a society will feel discomfort in the presence of other's suffering, especially something perceived as defenseless, like a dog.
Eating the dog is not the problem, it's just that there were a million other ways to kill a dog other than boiling it alive, hence why it is very troubling to see gooks do such a thing.
That's because average normalfag only stops being altruistic leftist when he is experiencing lose of loved ones in terroristic muslim act, a nigger robbery or when jews nullify his bank account.
As long as he keeps sitting reading twitter in his home nothing will be proved to him.
i fucking hate that cunt
is it possible to have a better relationship with koreans and chinks, then?
considering the conditions that we have steady, secure population levels, unjewed, are virtuous, and that virtue is reflected in our product, etc…
even gamergate was full fucking ham on that, user.
though, we have a rougher time of explaining things.
as if people need a reason to post gore
I think this isn't much of empathy towards dogs than towards humans who eat that shit. Imagine how poor you must be do eat the street dog boiled alive with all the parasites and infections from typical chinese streets intact. Its easy to get a dog boiled when you don't have a farm that would replace poor service creature with a pig or chicken. Its cheap to breed tons and tons of dogs, because you don't need a proper farm to keep them all, typical chink gets easy money.
You can't eat a dog and don't get sick. Only chink probably can since they already live in harmony with those parasites. That's the same reason why japanese eat wasabi with their seafood, it acts like a disinfectant from worms that later will grow a colony in your brains.
If it was happening in my society with members of my culture, sure. But that wasn't my society or members of my culture. I don't know. I certainly see your side of the argument.
Liberals living in la-di-daa land where everyone loves each other, where crime doesn't exist and we're all equal.
That takedown though.
Poor little happa.
chinks eat dogs because they breed like rats for wars, have massive civil war, scorch earth all the rice paddies, famine happens because everybody only eats rice and they start eating anything that moves or is edible
afterwards when the famines over it becomes a normal foodstuff or a delicacy for some fucking reason
This. All of the asians i have met from or in Russia were giant pieces of shit
I've seen a lot of horrifying shit over the years with you fellas, but that's definitely going in the old horrifying nightmare murder-inducement memory folder, I tell you hwat.
Let's not be defeatists. We're planting ideas in people's minds that will make it easier for them to come to our side when an event does happen in their lives.
Even if they outright reject our message we can still have fun triggering the hell out of them.
get over it lad that shits tame
the average crush porn video is worse than that
WTF is crush porn?
animals being mutilated, tortured to death and frequently crushed to death by women wearing stilettos
there was one that was frequently uploaded here as an example not long ago which showed a dog being skinned alive and had all its legs and tail cut off slowly with a knife
It's funny, it was this attitude by mudslimes that first began to redpill me.
Every SINGLE time there was a terrorist attack, the muslims would excuse and deflect the issue, and every SINGLE time they did it it pissed me off.
I went from "Not all muslims" to "Purge the Saracens" in a manner of weeks due to that fucking attitude.
It's not food until you kill it. If you kill it in a cruel way it's cruelty. I've killed animals to eat them. You're just a faggot.
Those are Koreans, not humans, sort it out.
Japan should have shoah'd those pieces of shit when they had the chance.
fucking Hideyoshi you useless piece of shit.
That was a good video
You wonder how niggers get caught so easily? They fucking film and brag about their crimes all the time and then are immediately arrested the next day.
Try to red pill these faggots by focusing on the crime statistics of niggers, even the niggers themselves rarely have an effective rebuttal. All they seem to be able to parrot is the "School shooter/Rapist" line.
The depths our people can and have fallen to is below that of niggers or any other creature.
If you value your sanity don't open this webm.
I hesitate posting it but it is another example of Asian culture and treatment of dogs.
It might also be what
was talking about.
Consider yourselves warned. Don't open it if you have a weak stomach.
yeah thats the one i was thinking of
i think that ones cambodian or vietnamese
its generally any civilization that descends from the chinku or pajeet cultures
only Mongolia and Japan seem to have escaped barbarous practices like these
No they're not. They're tree logs. They even said it their-selves in Unit 731.
Makes you think why they don't kill the animals before cutting them up.
I have a strong enough stomach for that, what bothers me the most about it is the blatant intentional fucking cruelty. There are a lot of different exhibitions of cruelty that arise simply due to people being apathetic, lazy, or don't want to be bothered. Too lazy to kill the dog first? Boil it alive. Don't feel like walking it? Keep it chained up in the backyard always, feed it whenever you feel like it. Shit like that.
That vid is fucking intentional. It would be much easier to simply hack off its head or shoot it in the skull and then butcher it. Tying it up and skinning it, while keeping it semi-restrained, only to then proceed to cut off limbs is as blatantly sadistic as you could get.
I'm a pretty empathetic person, but I feel fairly confident I'd be able to beat that man to death slowly and painfully with an absolutely stone cold, icy, untouchable veneer. I don't think I'd even twitch. I think I could literally kill that man with no guilt whatsoever.
chinku medicine and superstition
apparently the pain makes it taste better and keeping it alive keeps the meat fresher
even with Taoism and Buddhism and Hinduism they still didnt understand the concept of animal cruelty
Wasn't there something like that with human sacrifices by scaring them to release chemicals into the blood for stronger effects when they drink it?
Nintendo don't own Pokemon Go, Niantic, Inc do. Niantic, Inc is a child company of Google.
Google is literally in support of both marxism and global zionism.
It's great that some level of redpilling youths is coming from it, but Ingress (whoops I mean Pokemon Go) is honestly on the spectrum of being one of the last places you'd see that kind of redpilling ever happening intentionally.
excess adrenaline and all that
Anyone who's degenerate enough to watch crush porn needs a bullet to the head for the good of humanity.
oh for sure
the only thing i consider worse than that is violent rape child snuff porn like that daisies destruction thing
the sort of shit the kikes running the UN wank to in between signing the latest refugee quotas and forcing 8 yo's to suck them off for a bottle of water and some crackers
You butterheads deserved a third nuke.
inb4 goyQuentin, I know, I know but that faggot pedo is right for once
Kek im not a nip lad
Romans did worse shit than nips and they were the founders of western civilization
they're civilized now, more than can be said for communist china
They often hang the dogs from their hindlegs and beat them for 10 minutes with a stick. This releases tons of adrenaline that's supposed to make the meat tender.
I don't bother what gooks eat in gook-countries, they can eat shit if they like to.
Telling them to stop would be like a muslim shitskin running around Austria telling everybody to stop eating pork.
But why are they so fucking brutal?
Even fucking apes and elephants feel empathy. What went wrong with gooks?
Apparently you have no idea about animal cruelty on our side of the world.
All ARE equal….lly fucked.
Fucking Nigger, redpilling 650K as it stands. Go on, while parents are in headlights-deer-street-terror mode, their siblings will watch this and be nudged a little further in the right direction.
Fam, they're just weak-minded collectivists that need a strong leader. In Trump's America, you will far more regularly see Asians on our side than the BLM chimpgang Clinton Resistance In Progress.
I do actually. For a few weeks I worked at an animal testing lab in western europe, pharmaceutical industry.
It was absolutely heartbreaking and disgusting, but I could see the greater good of these animals' suffering.
Their suffering makes much more sense to me than the one of a gook boiling a dog to death.
Take a few minutes and post this on every normy site you know. This happens thousands of times A DAY in the USA, and the cunt MSM knowingly hides it. Then they dig up any report where one of these dindus gets injured resisting arrest and make that story national on a daily basis.
Keep pressing the issue until it stops.
Top Kek @ the comments.
Reminder that Japan tried to wipe out the shitty dog eating Koreans and communist Chinese.
Holy shit I'm glad I don't live in niggerland
Few years ago met an American woman in her forties here at a aprty, she was from NYC and Boston, and was completely amazed how she could just go for a jog at night without any troubles and safely, she thought this place was paradise.
if you think pharma testing is bad you should see what the medical and military do to animals
You need to go back.
As I read your post watching the Monday Night football replay, 3 kike television commercials came on with white women positioned next to niggers in forefront scenes.
They are going to keep pushing it until we arrest them for genocide. They will not stop until America is another Brazillian shithole with them getting 10% of the cut skimming.
Oh look apparently niggers are common enough orchestra conductors to show them as orchestra conductors in commercials conducting orchestras of white women. This is the advanced stage of Jew psycho manipulation. Their work is almost done.
Well I feel just a little sorry for the chong nerd but only because my hate for niggers out weighs my distaste for chinks and chongs more.
I don't refer to niggers as animals … animals serve a purpose.
Niggers serve the purpose of fucking your wife.
If by wiping out Koreans and Chinese, you mean mixing them with the Japanese, then you would be correct.
He gon put that shit on worlstah nigga.
japan massacred the fuck out of china
made lolocaust numbers look like a joke
Chiang Kai Sheks scorched earth tactics and the maoist commies using child soldiers and generally being inhuman commies also didnt help China
Japan couldn't defeat fully defeat Chinese nationalist pockets until like 1945. They were also fucked in every clash with any western power with terrible losses on the jap side.
No niggers here cuck to cold for them
Japans invasion of China went something like this
Why are asians so fascinated with preparing living animals though. I mean it is actually easier to prepare and cook dead ones, so why go through the trouble? Is their appetite going up knowing the animal was prepared living or something? Despite the fact that they needlessly inflict maximum pain, i just don't see the reason behind those actions.
You got trolled.
Apparently this
what retard made this .png?
Australian Abo, Kalahari Bushmen, probably a number of other indigenous people.
Niggers are just clever enough to be a threat.
I'm kind of over the whole Honorary Aryan thing. Asians do a decent job at impersonating whites and white society, nothing more.
However I have absolutely no issue using Asians to gaslight the fuck out of shitlibs.
Watch to the end. Asian girl describes getting bullied by niggers, SJWs spazz out about muh narrative
BLM would have this chink gangraped and shot for saying that tbj
almost poetic
I can't do it. I cant' fucking handle violence to animals. I'm a total faggot when it comes to these things. Dog whimpers have to be the most horrifying sound to me.
But adrenaline actually makes meat taste worse.
It makes it more tough, reduces the flavor and makes it spoil faster.
It's like Chinese medicine and stuff like eating eggs pickled in piss.
They just make random assumptions without ever testing if they are true.
I consider that a good trait. Europeans for a long time have been concerned with animal wellbeing and actively work to live in balance with them.
Chinks/Apefricans don't do this, they don't have souls.
Same for me, with them and children. Terrible suffering of adults I can handle it, even if it is completely unjustified. But seeing children or animals suffer - they didn't deserve that, and they had no ability to avoid it.
Help me Holla Forums… I'm quite confused with the whole vegan diet thing.
Really, what's the difference between eating cows and eating dogs? What scientific and philosophical reason(s) separates them, what makes cows the food and dogs the servants?
This is a genuine question, not a veggiefag or a meatfag.
What the fuck? It does literally the opposite.
They are still niggers
video is now private
Anyone has webm version ?
I want you know that I know you're a shill, I know you're paid to do exactly what you're doing, I want you to know that you're not fooling anyone. Because you and the ones like you who have been given this specific order to shutdown any kind of constructive debate about nutrition are so damn stupid, so weak, so repetitive, and overall really sloppy, that people want to look into this more and more. Streisand effect is indeed a bitch.
You'll disregard this anyway and even continue your shilling by insulting me even more. Regardless…
0.05 shekels have been deposited into your account.
1) first domesticated animal (ever heard of loyalty? or even giving special status to those that have always helped you?)
2) companion animal
3) helped humans since forever
if this isn't enough then see:
user you need to know your legs. Besides that, I'm with you 100%.
It only ever applied to the Japanese. Gooks and chinks can burn.
The "smarter" dindus use it to record any chance of hate speech or police brutality, but the big bulk of them just do it because it's an expensive gadget and dindu genes tell them to splash the cash as much as possible
He probably just stole that from someone too.
Here's a mirror
how the fuck all these videos showing the true colors (lol) of the niggers always get private or deleted or some other shit
ay yo dis b a warning to all yaw racists
Team Nigger Blasts Off At The Speed Of Light
Gibs me yo phone fam, can't you see my nigger plight?
At least it's just a chingchong.
tbh, cows saved our Indo-European ancestors from certain starvation, so I'd prefer we only eat degenerate animals like birds/sheep/pigs.
All non-whites are cruel sociopathic subhumans, the gooks are not particularly exceptional in this regard.
he dindu nuffin ;—-D
Anyone got a mirror?
Why do people always post a screen from the video in the OP instead of embedding it?
Why not mirror or webm the video along with the direct link?
This. Come into thread no webm, link doesn't work. FFS.
I inform people about this and introduce them to roms on their phones. At worst you can blame the parents but this was going to happen.
Pokemon GO is one of the biggest redpills by now, thanks based nips.
I wasn't aware video game companies that let kikes use their IP to spy on goyim are based in any way, shape, or form.
I highly doubt a quirky japanese toy company filled with old nips that hate new technology is in any way malicious in their partnership with niantic.
maybe if we did our job and put the cucks in their place then cellphone worship wouldnt have occurred, cellphone gaming wouldnt have become the most profitable platform, and pokemon go wouldnt even exist.
use the open apple+f function next time
you're so retarded you gotta be a mac user
Has this video been posted here? I looked through the catalog but didn't find anything.
Many niggers are under the impression that melanin grants them superpowers.
Dogs are pro-white and red pilled.
Bushmen and Congolese pygmies are extremely divergent from the rest of sub Saharan Africa.
IIRC "blacks" are more similar to Eurasians than to bushmen or Congolese pygmies. This is a result of bushmen and pygmies separating from the rest of proto humans many hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Cows actuallly taste good. Not as good as monkey though.
If you're going to eat something you show it some respect by killing it as quickly and painlessly as you can before it goes in the soup pot.
Grandpa used to say "An animal butchered slowly and in terror is a bad meal you should never eat." That wisdom goes beyond just respecting the animal however. If you slowly butcher an animal you're likely going to cut the wrong part of the intestines or the gall bladder and ruin the meat. If you boil the entire dog like the webm then you don't know what wretched things you're also getting as opposed to a quickly downed and cautiously gutted animal.
A quick kill is a good meal and a respectable end for the animal, user. We shouldn't be savages, we should respect other creatures without maiming and brutalizing them for no reason.
removal of all ghetos when
Cows eat things you can't eat and turn themselves into delicious meat.
Dogs eat things you also eat and turn themselves into meager snacks.
Dogs are also much more intelligent and are more useful as companions and coworkers.
Most dogs prefer meat.
So, you'd have to raise/provide something that is meaty, to feed to a dog, so you can eat the dog.
Instead of just feeding a cow grass and eating the meat you would have had to give the dog, yourself.
There is also quite a bit of "energy loss" in the conversion.
You need a lot of meat to create a low amount of dog meat.
It's just stupid and chinks merely do it because they eat everything, since they're insects.
Shut It Down
Is this any different from boiling a lobster alive?
Lobsters don't feel pain. They also become poisonous after death.
Lobsters don't have an amygdala like many animals which is typically where you would find the part of the brain that causes the "terror", "fear" or "panic" emotions. They do however have an expansive nervous system and likely do feel pain. You can sever that nervous system before you toss them into the pot with a knife very quickly. Just put your knife directly before the claws, where his shoulders would be and hit the back with a hammer to sever it pretty damn quick.
I've boiled a hell of a lot of crab and lobster in my day and the way they beat on the side of the dutch oven when you don't mercy kill them tells me it's kinder to just do them in. Be quick about it though, once the head is off toss the body directly into the water so you don't fuck up the meat.
Those are the Jews user. They are hateful monsters.
Oh yeah and
The video ends with him formatting the phone.
He knew exactly where the setting was.
The nigger has done this many times before.
The gooks vote democrat so it's their own fault.
Hopefully they'll wise up after this shit and learn that around nogs stab em with your sog.
According to the guy he got an email from twitch telling him his account was banned for non game content.
You don't generally don't eat cow unless they don't produce milk anymore.
You eat bulls.
I don't "hate" blacks in the same way as I don't hate a chimpanzee. The chimpanzee is just following it's own nature. It doesn't mean that we should tolerate a chimpanzee running around on the loose.
I want the degenerates out of our countries because they rape and kill in large numbers and they have low intelligence. They are subhuman, and they need to go.
they all look the same, god damn it!
For some reason nogs really hate cats
niggers are dumb and insecure about being dumb
by tricking cats they think they are making themselves smart to their nigger friends and feel better about themselves
No matter their chronological age everyone who plays/has anything to do with Pokemon is 12 years old.
This probably accounts for the retardation of going out at night in a mugging nigger hotspot with x hundred dollars of tech on display.
They might as well have been born yesterday for all the awareness of the world and reality they have.
Pleasing numerals
I think the most lol-worthy thing about how they push this shit is the incongrguity of the images they present, niggers doing civilised work and being respectable when we *ALL* know the reality.
Fucking niggers.
There's a well known photo of them crucifying a cat. Niggers hate cats and sandniggers hate dogs – in fact you almost never see either of these groups of people with the aforementioned animals as pets. It's weird. Whites and some Asians are the only people that normally love both.
Eminently edible
Also provide milk, cheese during their operating life. Then once they're dead leather, bonemeal, animal feed etc tons of uses.
Rare that anyone gets attached to a cow.
Smarter than a cow.
Not much meat.
Dunno about the rest of yous but I'd pass if it was offered.
Not much raw materials while alive or on death.
Those of us with empthy get attached.
General preference, religious prohibitions, human deceny?
Offer the average human steak or dog for their lunch and you can make a pretty solid guess at the division on the chart.
If cows were clever, capable, quick and conveniently sized enough they might have made the cut in place of dogs, as it is they're dumb and lumbering easily killed, leaky barrels of meat.
That's why they get fucking scoffed and we let dogs in our houses.
This is just normal nigger behavior ):
I fucking hate her and yoko ono too. Other than that though, the japanese tend not to offend me too much and they actually have a culture I can respect.
What about the poo-in-the-loos?
They venerate cows, worship them even.
old, but gold…
When I said 'anyone' I meant, you know, real people.
I honestly want to stream this now so some black guy punches, and then in self defense I shoot him several times.
Then I'll go up to him and say "Mr. Garrison sends his regards" and then shoot him in the spine.
you forgot the most important and greatest feature of a dog…
wew lad, are you a normalfag?