How much of this is accurate? I've been trying to find more info on anarchist Catalonia but as of now I really don't know enough about it.
How much of this is accurate? I've been trying to find more info on anarchist Catalonia but as of now I really don't know enough about it.
Other urls found in this thread:
He cites the The Encyclopedia of Drammatica. This guys is bullshit. Down vote.
Hahahaha this guy is fucking psycho. He's known for stalking leftists and getting intro their personal lives. He even stalked Rebel's channel. This is an actual quote by him on his FB account: "Trump, Franco, Hitler, Pinochet. You want more? They all came about because communism was a threat in their societies. They also genocided the leftists that advocated for communism. I don't want that to happen, but it's preferable to left-anarachy."
Kek, everytime
It's one long stream of bullshit.
Takeaways are:
He's a boring idpol feminist
There we go, saved everyone some time!
Most of that isn't even about Libertarian Socialist Rants.
ED is usually accurate desu.
The White Terror was way worse than the Red one Terror. The former was carried out as a form of policy where as the latter was spontaneously carried out by multiple leftist groups and not as a for of policy. The Church also provided the ideological support for the Francoists which caused this.
Right-Libertarians siding with fascists isn't surprising, their ideologies are very similar.
Does he really need to spend 40 [!] minutes debunking LSR? If LSR had been full of shit, 4 minutes would have been sufficient.
Doesn't he understand Æ is about the lulz, not an objective chronicler of the internet?
Marxism and Anarchism are fundamentally different in methods. Marxists uses the state when it suits them (see how that turned out), Anarchists don't. No, Maoism, Leninism, Stalinism, etc… is not Anarchism because of categorically different methods, but "Love Life And Anarchy" [sic] does not have the brain capacity to understand that distinction.
1. Depending upon context it could be irrelevant and/or a red herring, just wasting people's time. 2. Why restrict "political psychiatry" to the left? I'm sure there are many an-caps and neo-nazis who hold their views not because of rational thought but because of mental conditions or poor family lifestyles.
Do I need to address this? Is this guy an idiot!? Couldn't he find better sources?
Notice how he groups himself with the conservatives but spends more time waging war against anti-capitalist anarchists than statist conservatives, who appear to be his friends. Besides, is YouTube really where you would want to spend your entire life? This is circumstantial evidence that right-winger are the real NEETs and basement-dwellers. "Love Life And Anarchy" is a tool and an idiot. I'm not throwing away any more time on him.
I like how much of it is dedicated simply to pointing out how LSR is autistic.
I'm not wasting my time with a 40 minute long video if he cites ED lmao
I wouldn't be surprised if Love Life and Anarchy was somewhere on the autistic spectrum himself, ironically enough.
He seems WAY more autistic than LSR.
but there's a pretty good chance it's you who uploaded the video isn't there
You're what's wrong with Holla Forums. I admitted my ignorance on the subject. I don't trust him, I just wanted get a general idea of how accurate or inaccurate it was.
you think he really read them?
simmer down, remember when dealing with matters of boots you should probably consult a bootmaker, and when trying to learn history you should consult historians before drooling ancap retards (that are probably you)
I ain't no ancap. I don't appreciate the accusations fam.
well sorry then comrade but there really aren't many other reasons you'd come here to post a relatively obscure 40 minute long alt right ad-hominem
That video is such cancer even other ancaps were attacking it. Just ignore it.
I'm a pretty recent convert from liberalism to /ancom/ so I'm just not well-read frankly.
That's ok, if you can, read Anarchy by Malatesta. I'm not sageing the thread against you, it's against the video getting more traffic if you can understand.
sure comrade.
Does no one knows how to make webms in this board?
it's forty minutes long user
So making several smaller ones?
Life Love and Anarchy considers literal neo-Nazis his allies.
Cancer 1/10
Cancer 2/10
Cancer 4/10
Cancer 5/10
Cancer 6/10
Cancer 7/10
Cancer 8/10
Cancer 9/10
Cancer 10/11
Bonus round, waste your life.
Cancer 11/11
The End.
The forces of reaction are in the end are the same, their goal is to defend capital to the death, either due to personal interest and profit in the process of exploitation, or in being massively brainwashed in believing their meager little property is sacred an that labor movements are out to get them.
Most of the time they cannot be reasoned with, so I welcome the call to violence of the far rightist. When they no longer have the state to save them, they will be eaten alive.
So how accurate is the part about Catalonia?
That's what I was asking, dude.
forget the youtube drama shit, I wanna know this
Bringing all that youtube drama into the video just made it look like he has a very weak case. And I don't think the yotube "ranting community" is any good regardless of whether it's left-wing or right-wing.