little ceasars deep dish crust is crispy as fuck and basically fuck you
Little ceasars deep dish crust is crispy as fuck and basically fuck you
Looks like theres more grease than tomato sauce on that thing
why would i spend all of my money on expensive food when i could save it to buy a nice camera instead?
actually little ceasers uses more tamato sauce then any other large pizza chain near me, its still shit mind you but it at least has tomato on it unlike pizza hut or dominoes
I know I know, I dont partake regularly and there is a nice local place that puts slices of meatball on the pizza which is some good shit
All chain pizza is garbage. Literally unfit for human consumption.
hello everyone there is a giant pizza thread on Holla Forums so go there right now or your a cuck
>>>Holla Forums10911967
and I got 88 hiel pizza
you're literally stupid. dominos at least has an option called "extra sauce" that costs you exactly $0. you should feel like a fucking moron using that excuse now. either you're a shill or totally stupid. drop dead faggot we don't need more stupid in this world.
Those digits.
do you hate yourself? you can do better than that. homemade pizza.
oh wow, thank you. I didn't notice. 1488 heil hitler!
And I lost all respect for you
i make my own deep dish from scratch and cook it in my cast iron skillet moron and don't buy takeout pizza ever. what else do have moron? feel stupid yet?
you're just saying that because I'm happy.
Every night in my dreams
I see memes, I feel memes,
That is how I know they go on
Far across the piss pants
And bases between us
You have come to belong to us
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the meme does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here on my floor
And my dinosaur will walk on and on
Love can touch us one meme
And last for a memetime
And never let go 'til we're boned
Love was when I fugged you
One true time I hold my balls for
my happiness will always go on
1488 heil hitler
read that as
there's my answer. you feel fucking stupid because you thought cooking pizza at home was so original and some form of checkmate. lick your wounds faggot. you lost once again.
again? what? no I was just suggesting that you make homemade pizza while being a jerk with a snappy attitude. no hard feelings. maybe you were arguing with other anons.
meep meep I use my tweezers to twinge my little Caesar tbh no homo
nice attempt at a backpedal. you're stone cold caught. uh buh bye faggot!
caught what??
why not make your own?
Why don't you tards just get Thin crust from Pizza Hut? Then you can enjoy a proper sauce/cheese/toppings/crust ratio.
It's easier than telling them to add extra (proper) sauce.
My cooking is the best, but I don't fuck around. If I cooked my own pizza it would be a day long project and probably cost over $40.
You can cut corners, and use more common ingredients but if you do that, why not just order a pizza for delivery if you're too busy/lazy to do something special?
DiGiorno has a new Pan pizza out.It's just as good as Little Caesar's Deep! Deep! Dish.You can buy it on EBT.
wtf japan has niggers?
If you have a freezer just make dough balls for 15-20 pizzas and freeze them. Then make a gallon of tomato sauce and freeze it too (small portions ofc). Now the only thing you need to make a fresh pizza is cheese and whatever topping you like. The pizzas will cost $4-$5 and will taste better. Does require a bit work and tho.
That's actually not a terrible idea. I do make my sauce and dough from scratch specifically according to my tastes but never considered scaling up making more than one pizza's worth.
Noted, thanks.
Little Caesars is garbage. You're honestly better off getting a DiGiorno or whatever from the grocery store.
Most of the cheese pizza has been consumed.
Crusty leftovers?
Most niggers are on EBT but not everyone on it is a nigger.
Amerimutts love to complain about EBT recipients but they're also cool with poverty wages. You can't have it both ways.
You sicken me
Little Ceasar's is so shit tier but i love it. It's like eating warm greasy depression on a garlic powdered cardboard.
lil caesars really does make fresh dough and use fresh ingredients
just dont expect any of it to taste good and the employees are nasty as fuck
t. ex lil caesars slave