Daily reminder, that Hex did nothing wrong
Daily reminder, that Hex did nothing wrong
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Hi Hex, if you're NOT currently a mod/vol, I want to tell you you're much more preferable and WANTED than those faggots Dysnomia got from the trash can.
Im not not him, but i also agre with you. Hex was the best mod.
Well, to my knowledge Hex never put faggots into vol position (anyone for that matter)
i saw Way go on banning spree you earlier mepmep-chan
Thanks for telling… now I know who to wage war against.
Its always Way. He is a massive faggot
I'm just a regular tripfag user tbh.
Thanks. I appreciate that.
I just wanted to help the board in any way I could. That's why I spent so much time talking to anons while I modded. Even though some anons hated how much I used the trip, it also helped anons trust that I wasn't modding with bad intentions. If I fucked up I'd admit it. It definitely happened a few times. When the current vol fucks up he posts gooks. Talking to people also helps to show you aren't just trying to exercise power over them, and that you are actually one of them. This is where Way is failing big time, the only time I see him talk to people is to be smug about his abuses of power. At this point it can't be helped either, he doesn't seem to understand the board well enough and has already turned most anons against him.
I think the whole damn board wants Way to die a slow painfull death, in hell.
When are you spamming the board again?
Yeah, I really don't like that guy as a vol either
we miss you
hex thread?
hex thread
every thread should be a hex thread, btw
obligatory reading for the uninitiated
you did nothing wrong
you misspelled tbh
stop posting hilter's face superimposed on a child vitcim tbh
The day the pig farmer went too far…
hex im gonna kidnap you and deprogram you from all the mormonism then probably convert myself too
we can be mormon buddies
Israel will prevail!
This is cute as fuck
t. pedo
good story
also true
i never did find out why this happened
there is no deprogramming to be done, becoming Mormon was the best decision I've ever made tbh
you find a job yet? when is the wedding?
nah real talk though i think her one on one lesbian scenes with her sister were the greatest out of all her 'pieces of work.' the way she moans just gets me all giddy. fuck i love cp sometimes.
ox, pls go
I keep applying, but nothing yet.
I need a job first
ox legit died
Get a job at Roblox HQ.
hex tell us the story of how you became a mormon
Alright. Well that's an interesting story and it's kinda different depending who I tell it to. I'll give you the uncut version. First you have to know a little about my past.
I got kicked out of high school for beating the shit out of another guy that was talking shit about me, and eventually my girlfriend. I lost all my friends, and my girlfriend broke up with me. I kinda regret it, but I would have gotten kicked out for something else if it wasn't that. Back then most people didn't have cell phones, so of course I didn't. This was when myspace was big. I didn't have a myspace either. So I lost contact with everyone that didn't play the same video games I played. Everyone except one friend.
I basically spent all my time on the internet either playing video games or shitposting. Got my GED eventually, and went to college. Made one friend, who also happened to be a drug dealer. I started hanging out with him a lot. Doing drugs, and alcohol.
Eventually he started getting lots of molly, and we would do molly like every weekend for a few months with some girls. Over time that took a toll and started causing serious depression. I wasn't happy with my life before that obviously, but depleting all your serotonin stores constantly will fuck you up after a while. While this was all happening I started making changes in my life hoping to make some sort of improvement. I got really serious about my workout routine, and my diet. I stopped watching tv and movies, I stopped watching porn, I quit weed because I knew I'd have to pass a drug test to get a job eventually. None of this made me feel any better because what I wanted in life seemed unattainable given the current state of society.
At his house I'd meet all kinds of degenerate girls. Lots of single mothers. Coal burners. Every manner of degenerate whore you could imagine. Seeing this shit only made things worse for me, it reinforced the feeling that what I wanted in life didn't exist anymore. My friend would tell me to get on these dating sites and meet girls like the ones he would bring around when we hung out. I knew that wasn't what I wanted.
One day as I'm getting ready to go lift weights, I get a knock on my door. I open the door and there are 2 cute girls with name tags standing there. They had this aura about them. I was kinda still half asleep, and I rub my eyes like am I really seeing this? They introduce themselves, and tell me that they want to talk to me about the gospel of Jesus Christ. These girls were soft spoken, and really nice so I listened.
I can't really describe what I felt, but something about these girls was so different. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. When they spoke all I wanted to do was listen. We scheduled more lessons after about an hour of me listening to them speak about Jesus, and the plan of salvation, and Joseph Smith.
I told my mom that I would be meeting with the missionaries again for more lessons. She told me she didn't want me seeing them anymore, and definitely didn't want them in her house. Pretty harsh way to treat a couple nice girls. I told her that was fine though, I would have my lessons out in the cold of January. So we met outside a couple times, and eventually somehow I got my mom to let them inside.
We had some lessons inside, and then my dad got angry at me. He threatened to throw me out on the streets if I kept meeting with them instead of getting a job. That night I prayed the most seriously I had ever prayed. The missionaries taught me to pray, but I hadn't ever really seriously done it before. I asked what I should do, and the first answer I received was to remember the scriptures I had just read from the Book of Mormon. The scriptures I had read were about a man named Lehi who prophesied to the Jews, and told them to repent. The Jews got angry with him, and the Lord told him to flee into the wilderness or he would be killed by the Jews. The other answer I received was to just keep doing what I was doing, have faith and continue learning the gospel.
Of course this was a really tough answer, how could I continue doing what I was doing if I was going to be thrown out onto the streets? But I decided that was what I would do, and I went to sleep. The next morning my dad apologized to me and told me it was a blessing that I met those missionaries. So I continued on with my lessons until I got baptized. Ever since then my life only continues to improve. My confidence has been rebuilt, I am able to do things that I never would have thought I could have done before. And now I have hope to be able to accomplish the goals that I want to accomplish. I will get a job, and I will get married to a woman that is actually worth marrying.
That ended up being a way longer story than I expected.
didn't read lol
Pretty intresting story but you are missing out on a lot of really good hentai hex.
I have no use for it
good choice
I read that shit, nigga
Thanks, I haven't shared that much detail with even people I know in real life so I appreciate that you took the time to read it.
I'm going to read this shit tbh.
sadly, the others
did not
that's alright. if even one user gains anything positive from reading it then it was worth sharing. even if not, it was still worth it to think back to all of that and reflect on how things have changed.
by what weird alchemy are you able to detail the cliffnotes on his post but have not actually read it already?
I did read the story and I think that the fact that you aren't a druggie anymore and found some meaning in your life is pretty good though there is still quite a lot of good hentai.
I've never really been one for religon though I still think that there are good people out there and things to live for if you look for them though that requires effort that most people just refuse to put in because they believe that they deserve everything
he just looked for keywords
it doesn't say how you became a pedo and a spammer?
I think he meant to link the other sage user. Getting off drugs and alcohol and finding something worth living for was definitely a really good thing.
What I think is really crazy about my story is how I started trying to improve, but I was at such a low point and feeling hopeless when the perfect solution just showed up at my door. I just had to be willing to listen. I had a person in the church tell me that I was being prepared to receive the gospel, and it really does seem that way.
that never happened
that's a secret
I got dubs 3 other times in that thread and got none of my demands.
so do you get any phone calls for job offers or no one calls?
So far no one calls. I've gotten a few rejection emails, but the majority of the jobs I've applied to I haven't gotten even an email.
Sounds familiar. I've been out of school a bit too long and no one cares about me. They want recent grads or pajeets instead
My next step is an employment agency, I just have to figure out which one is worth using around here
web programming or java/C++ stuff?
i'll take what i can get tbh. i hate web dev, but i'm willing to do it to start.
good luck
i see
it seems like if it had been jehovah's witnesses at your door, you'd be that now, or worse though. I've seen religion do many people in a good way that lasted their entire lives though, I'd just urge you to be wary, especially involving messages directly from god. Humans are flawed, and tend to draw lines where there aren't any.
what did they accuse hex of? what happened, or rather- what Didn't happen?
mormons are gay become a white supremacist. Deus vult
bumping until front page is 100% hex threads
No. Jehova Witnesses are fucking weirdos. I've had tons of those fucks come by my house. I didn't know much about Mormons before talking to the missionaries, but I knew Mormons aren't a cult like some people try to say. Jehova Witnesses are the definition of cult
Ok, then insert any other halfway decent religious group. How do you know you've thrown it in the right bin? Or does that even matter all that much
I obviously didn't know my choice to listen to the missionaries was such a great decision until after a few lessons, but it isn't as if they came to my door, told me to get baptized, and I just did it without learning what I was getting into. I've explained the reasons I believe I'm in the right place a bunch of times before, but I'll give some examples.
Mormons focus on the eternal perspective more than any other religious group. The eternal perspective is the biggest benefit of religion regardless of what you believe about religion. Eternal perspective encourages people to focus on eternity, rather than seeking pleasure right now. One example of something that other religions do not believe in that Mormons do is the eternal family. One of my biggest goals in life is to get married and have a family. In this world marriage is not taken seriously anymore, but the LDS church has the doctrine of eternal families which helps to eliminate this problem. Marriage to Mormons is the most important decision you can possibly make in this life. You find your wife, and then you get sealed to her in the temple which guarantees that you will be together also in the afterlife for eternity. Then when you have children you get sealed to them as well.
Another good thing about the Mormon church is the structure of our church meetings. We have churches that are divided into wards based on geographic location. You have the choice of 3 different types of ward: family, young single adults(18-30), single adults. The way the church is structured encourages meeting the types of people you need in your life. I go to a young single adults ward, which means everyone in that ward is around my age and single. This makes meeting people my age, and dating a lot easier.
Another thing I really like about the church is another structural thing. Everyone in every position in the church is a volunteer serving in a calling. Our church meetings consist of regular members as our speakers instead of a pastor that is paid buttloads of money, every position in the church is filled by a regular member that has been called to serve in that position until they are released from that calling. This includes even the bishopric which are usually rotated about every 5 years. Before joining I didn't feel comfortable speaking in front of large groups of people, now it isn't hard for me at all to do. Then there are my callings, which have given me experience doing things that I never thought I would do. All of this helps build confidence, and versatility in being able to do anything that is asked of you.
t. jim
hex is based heil
checking these trips tbh