Misanthropy: Are Humans Good or Bad

I've been caught somewhere between a misanthrope and a philanthropist. Sometimes I want to help humanity and even work on great things like help expand humanity to the stars. Other days I wonder if humanity were better off extinct. Especially when I look at the shills for identity politics and the Holla Forumsacks. Is humanity good or bad leftypol.

I agree why don't you contribute to the correct decision by killing yourself :^)

Humanity is great!

Humans are stupid.

It's the new anti-natalism!


Humans are the best we've got, unless some aliens come along we're the only sapient life we know of, therefore we have huge value (in my mind) despite all our flaws.

t. Not Important

Meaningless question. First you have to decide what is "good" and what is "bad".

Fuck off there are extremely compassionate reasons to support anti-natalism

Human beings are fucking great.

Sure, we do terrible things, when sociopaths conquer us and force us to conquer others for them.
But if human beings were inherently terrible beings, communities and societies would be impossible.
Take for example how many people had to cooperate with each other to build the World Trade Center and remember how few it took to take it down. If human beings were that bad, civilization would be impossible.


What sucks is that there is no clear word on the opposite of misanthropy.

Philanthropy is referred to in the dictionaries and in common speech as giving to charity, and anthropocentric is a generally negative term often meaning the disregarding of the environment in favor of exploitation of it.

Misanthropy is literally the most autistic and narcissistic and, if I so may phrase it, muh privileged viewpoint one can have.

Try living amongst the oppressed classes or peoples of the world, and working in active solidarity with them, and come back here with that “boo hoo humans sux” wankery. If your measure of humanity is how sillily anons on the Internet bicker at each other over irrelevant and manufactured cultural controversies, fuck off.

Humanity is a spook.

If my property included fewer anthropoids, I would be much happier.

You know what? I'd rather love people than hate people.

anti-natalism is fucking stupid
if somebody doesn't exist they can't be prevented from suffering because they don't fucking exist

They can't lack pleasure either, so non-existence is preferable to existence.

Everyone who does not exist by necessity does not experience suffering.


I'd rather kill everyone off and let the Earth heal itself. I don't care how nice some peasants in China were to you, or how many friends you have.
Doesn't justify humanities destruction of the planet.

You sound like some naive hippie.
People are terrible.

I'm not against anti-natalism or misanthropy, but I think that anyone who doesn't take them for granted and feels the need to post about then is probably something along the lines of a vapid teenager who has just discovered these things. I mean they're pretty babby-tier and not very substantial ideas.

You guys are fucking retards.

Why care about the planet if no one is gonna be around to make use of it? It's not like it has any inherent value.

It's not a matter of good or bad. Humans do what they are conditioned to do. Conditioned by their environment, by the standards others hold them to (should they decide to work together), and if they are self aware enough, by their own thoughts (which are mostly informed by, but do not necessarily echo their environment and fellow humans).

The animals?
I'm more sympathetic towards them then say the bourgeoise or the masses that mindlessly consumer and leave their filth everywhere.

Why care about animals?

There's no such thing as good or bad
There's no such thing as humanity

yeah, humans are bad

we should voluntarily remove ourselves from existence for the betterment of the environment


Humans do things that they subjectively categorize as good or bad typically by how much pain or pleasure those things inflict on them.