I hate America so much
I hate America so much
t. mohammed
damn it must be nice to have the freedom to do that
tbh I rather be a shitskin over a filthy american
Great country tbh
What a "Brave, New World" you got there, New Zealand!
are you writing out what life is like in America? I legitimately can't tell
Hong kong is number one now, fuck off
this tbh
No its new Zealand google it
Look, we cant start another war with you low tier nations. We are building walls and closing our borders and we want you lot to fuck off as much as you want us to. But you owe us alot of money and tech that you stole from us like niggers would. So once we get that shit back then we can finish our utopia and finally ignore you.
I don't want to offend you but I don't know how to say this without doing it, so I'll just approach it by being blunt.
I think New Zealand is beautiful country, nice people, nice weather and green as far as the eye can see. But personally I think New Zealand is only good for a holiday. There's a housing crisis in one of biggest cities in New Zealand, Auckland and from what I've read, the government isn't doing anything to even try to fix it. My advice to you would be to go to the south island of New Zealand and just live life. I wouldn't recommend settling down there though but it's a beautiful country nevertheless.
what the fuck does "freedom" even mean anymore
We're talking about New Zealanders here, you asshat unless OP is a Holla Forums shill then you're correct.
says the guy who's country is in over 19 trillion dollars of debt and has just came up with a tax plan to penalize regular citizens for it
Op abandoned thread once confronted with facts, goo job cuck zealander
soon will be the chinese states of america tbh
Not OP but all I see is ad homenims and irrelevant shit in this thread, so I'd leave too if I was OP.
i'll ask again, how are we even defining freedom?
Freedom is fake so there's no point in trying to explain it.
There are organizations that do indexes of freedom based on economic freedom, political freedom, civil liberties, crime rates, happiness index, etc etc. Taking things like that into account they come up with a numerical value and publish it in journals annually. I'm not OP but I imagine because New Zealand is an OECD country it comes from there
He should kill himself for shit posting amd not rebuking what was said
The EU consistently outranks the US I should say on all of these it is worth noting, too. But you'll have to go check out for your own as to why that is
then i guess African countries would rank pretty highly
what does this have to do with anything?
see above
This seems to be nothing but a popularity contest using "freedom" because people like that word.
Here you go, you can go check them out on your own
I think this is the most widely cited one
thas fukin fake news
this tbh
trump is real news
here you go faggot
inb9 that's outdated and fake tbh murica n shet
I don't really understand what the maker of these threads are trying to accomplish. Americans love when others hate them. It proves that they actually give a shit about what Americans do because if Americans didn't effect them they would not care about America. Also, by shitting on America it helps because it will discourage foreigners from moving here. So is this the intent your trying to accomplish? If so just respond with something like "hurr durr AmericanMutts are dumb and wont get why they are shit". Then i'll know what your getting at -_^
Oh okay their angle is globalism by pretending international trade is freedom and that's a good thing because freedom. I can't see any open borders shit right off the bat, but i'm sure if i actually did it'll be there. No push against central banks and no support of alternative currency, real cool. I hate libertarians so fucking much, just the biggest bunch of tools on the planet.
you got the wrong country goy.
literally what? how do you see any hint of globalism in their methodology of research? lmao
Look at their site, genius. They're a "libertarian think tank" and this is just something they do to validate themselves and garner attention. It's not "research" either. There's nothing scientific about ranking countries based on arbitrary criteria.
why are you wasting your bandwidth when i've already seen 'the facts.'
you choose to ignore all the other statistics and fall back to the only statistic that makes america look good. you are infact ignoring facts and by your response it's safe to assume you're a burger. fuck off burger.
there is nothing scientific about giving your meaningless opinion on the matter when you haven't done any comprehensive research analyzing the "arbitrary" data necessary to get something like this published and recognized internationally by academics
they seem to be more credible than a NEET on an imageboard based on those conditions alone, don't they?
your a nigger, half the criteria have absolutly nothing to do with freedom, to say nothing of methodology (which I am looking into now, who knows maybe it is sound)
you've just been pilled on freedums tbh
Do you think I like being in debt, motherfucker? Do you think average American citizens LIKE having shithead politicians in charge that refuse to care about their needs or account for their problems? Do you think most Americans even like their country anymore? America fucking sucks. The people in charge not only give no fucks about the average citizens, they look at us like cattle to be fucking milked and slaughtered for profit.
Imagine having a junkie for a big brother. You love him, you care for him, and you want to see him happy and healthy, but every time you turn around, he's either begging you for money, stealing your valuables when you aren't looking, making himself look like a fucking fool in front of everyone, and trashing your reputation when all you've done is care about him. You hate everything about him, but you can't simply stop loving him because he's family. He's destroyed your life, thrown it entirely into the shitter solely because he can't fucking help himself.
I love America. I'm not proud of the direction it's gone, but this is my home. Where am I going to go?
Move to Canada, where they've sold all the gold in their reserves and enacted hate-speech laws?
The UK? You have to have licenses for everything, they're considering banning knives, and people are getting arrested for Facebook and Twitter posts. A 16-year-old girl was arrested and tried for sowing racial division because she had the audacity to report a migrant for sexually abusing her.
Germany? France? SWEDEN, YES? Anywhere ruled by the European Union?
If I wanted to feel like a second-class citizen and at least know I was going to be safe from the constant threat of murder and robbery, I'd learn moonrunes and move to Japan.
This attitude is exactly why science is a joke now. There is nothing valuable about this dumb ranking system. It's pure propaganda to level against countries who don't rank highly.
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Yes, good little marxist! Transfer all your self hated upon something completely out of your reach. Don't ever fix what is really wrong within. Never improve yourself or your fellow human.
Have a Pepsi too and listen to rage against the machine while you fight the power that oppresses you so.
hate speech is not free speech silly
I'm currently on the train for my uni lectures and this is fucking hilarious to read. Keep it up guys.
sounds cool to me
i love when euro trash and commonwealth cucks shit on america whilst doing everything in their power to become exactly like america
ITT: burgers getting btfo
t. burger
>implying im not american and just like triggering the other ameritards on this board
nice get
Nice quads
it was esoteric
nice. does your class look anything like an american one does?
very esoteric yes very nice yes
fuck off norgay i know its you
how could u tell
cuz only 5 people post here tbh
this tbh
shameless self check tbh
hehe, yeah tbh
That's a natural and organic practice
natural and organic get on a self-sustaining check?
mep mep that's some esoteric shit familia tbh
These digits don't lie. Burgerfags shart in mart.
Japan has massive debt, I wonder if they'll try to collect from the US.
The world works on the Dollar.
we have minorities who crashed our economy with their bad credit practices and will likely do it again soon
Russia and China are now directly trading gold for oil while the EU is seeing more use for international trade.
You printed too much and now the rest of the world doesn't trust the USD as a store of wealth, good news for me because it's a major factor driving up the price of my bitcoin.
isn't btc crashing? i'm not knowledable about it cryptos tbh
It's retracted a little from it's recent all time high but it still has massive support ~$5k and will definatly see $10k+ next year.
welp i should've invested some of my shekels into btc in 2013 but i had to pay off school bills ;__;
I put $20 into Dogecoin in 2013, feels good man.
Big if true, gratz user.
Please don't sell it all at once and crash the market, just do ~$5m a week.
i don't believe you
post the drawfags full image
i want to die tbh
why did no one tell me to invest a hundred dollars or even 20 dollars into any crypto uggh
sure fam
Nub de mierda, a mi nadie me enseño nada… YO MISMO FUE EL CREADOR Y EL MAESTRO de la muerte de Holla Forums
the spic has a point
Your natural and organic esoteric self-sustaining dubs might be proof enough.
These eurocucks better stop posting their shitty forced meme.
It's harder to move to NZ now with a work visa. I think they blocked us burgers from their cool country. What other FREE countries are easy to immigrate to that I can waste away in?
r kiwis cool birds? Like capibaras r cool rodents
I first bought $400 in bitcoin in 2012 for 3$ then panic sold for 2.40$ then ignored it for 5 years only to see if I would have held it I'd have over $800,000 now. But instead I live in a collapsing house in the center of niggerville.
How exactly is freedom measured in this study? Why exactly do you assume freedom is a good thing?
I think New Zealanders live an over privileged life that gives them a warped view of the world. They probably think everyone is good people. They think "why would anyone ever take advantage of another person?" etc. They don't realize most people outside their country are absolute pieces of shit, everyone out for themselves, who operate 100% on greed with no morals, respect, family values, or loyalty to anyone.
When I think of New Zealanders, I think of a bunch of rich hippies living such a good life that they are out of touch with reality outside so all they do is virtue signal 24/7.
As a new zealander I can tell you we are probably one of the most racist countries you could ever step in. We have pajeets, gooks, sandniggers, niggers and our native niggers, maoris. We all hate each other but no one wants to say it.
Probably a little bit but personally I hate gooks, pajeets, niggers and burgers. Fuck you burger.
Trust me we know everyone's a piece of shit.
Life here is way too slow and I live in Auckland, the biggest city in NZ. I there's something like 1.4 million people living in Auckland when the population of NZ is ~4.8 million.
These are just numbers off the top of my head.
Never sell all, I learnt this the hard way with Etherium. I sold ~$2 now it's ~$300, same deal as you it would be ~$700k today.
Not all of them are faggots just the ones who live in Auckland/Wellington.
NZ is on the way out their population is being replaced by poopoos and gooks.
I love how that graphic perfectly aligns with the major drug import routes. The I-75 corridor from FL to MI, the I-95 corridor up the east coast, the Mississippi river from New Orleans through St. Louis to Chicago (you can even see the I-94 corridor between Chicago and Detroit!), I-45 between Houston and Dallas…
What a telling image!
That would be the second pic, btw.
America might be a shithole, but this is just a fucking joke.
Yes, I agree, america is awful. I'm just saying there are far better places than New Zealand.
It's even one of the fucking 5-eyes.
stob burger shaming
america is based
t. not american
t. jim
America is pretty shitty; but there are worse places to live. Like England, Germany or Sweden. I guess some places in the states are just as bad due to nigs, but where I live it's just a lot of rednecks and mexicans with taco trucks. Any time I start to get annoyed by the numerous Mexicans I just thank my lucky stars they're not angry mudslimes.
you mean places that are still whiter than america
I really wish we would let China or Russia be world police for a while and see how much the rest of the world likes it. Wonder why US spends so much on military? Because we have military bases everywhere. To keep wars from happening. To keep you free.
I mean places that are spending tax dollars to import hundreds of thousands of rapacious mudslimes, friendo :) at least the mexicans are not directly sponsored and imported by our government.
This is also bullshit; USA doesn't give two hotshits about freedom- you're watching too much fox news.
America is the greatest country in history. I honestly do not know why other countries think this is a fucking contest
If you look at Americas history, its pretty plain to see, in the years following WWII America had over half of the entire planets GDP. No other country before or since can ever hope to achieve such economic power. Even today America is still the worlds largest economy as other countries are just catching up.
And it's not that America is still anything special anymore, we've gone to shit, but what keeps us on top is that for some reason as America goes to shit it seems like the rest of the world remains a step behind. I don't want to move to Europe, it's not a good alternative to the creeping inefficient bureaucracy that is this country. In fact, it seems as through you guys desperately want to be on-par with us in this regard. The whole world is marching in the same globalist, cosmopolitan trash direction
The third chart fucking terrifies me on the British side because the top 3 cities in Britain are nearly half white. America at least has a fucking excuse because it was a country of immigrants to begin with. Meanwhile Britain is the fucking homeland of the Brits. All those cities should be 100 percent white
Not to mention that Mexicans more or less have a westernized culture. They're mostly Catholic. And a lot of Mexicans are European as fuck. I'd rather Mexicans take over this country than fucking Muslims. Seriously, anything but the fucking ghost costume wearing freaks
cool story bro, how's that TPP going for ya?
Freedom for niggers to collect welfare from the white working class?
That's pretty much all these bullshit rankings come down to. And angry Europeans are grasping at straws so much that they cite countries that wont even let the average civilian own firearms as "free" as if some corrupt UN bureaucrat rank means anything
that's hot
Euros are the jelliest of the jellies. It's always early morning in the USA when these threads get hot. I guess Sven has a lot of time to shitpost while his wife is being douleteamed by Somalians.
How about you take the lead for a change rather than just tear up like bitches? Go for a high score and show us you dying empire might still have some fight left in it.
We already have the high score - you fucks can't beat it even with access to assault weapons. Sad!