Hebephile Thread

Daily reminder Holla Forums Hebephiles are the master race and are superior to pedophiles because their attracted to girls nearing puberty who have baby faces with adult body features being attracted to 10-14 year olds (Hebe aged girls is normal).

Other urls found in this thread:


kys normie

t. pedofag

.t pedo

this is now the MGTOW thread

Hebephilia and pedophila are not the same thing.


Only a 3 letter difference

Not an argument

it's a pretty convincing argument for making the case that the words have a 3 letter difference numerically

they are in the USA

hebes are only beta tier pedos who lower the bar to have bigger chances tbh

Get a better trip you wanker.

That is because burgers are retarded and cant do research on what the actual scientific definitions are.



f-fuck off NIGGER

Not an argument Americuck


report squad reporting in. don't fucking try anything against the rules. mods will swoop in like rogue squadron and ban/delete/v& all pedo scum


You're a faggot.

This. Report-squad in the house with my sights targeted on rule-breakers

Mentally hebe aged girls are the worst though, they're at the absolute pinnacle of hormonal moody bipolar bitches that they'll ever be in their entire life.
The only girls who aren't ruled by their hormones are prepubescent ones that that makes them top tier if you ask me, them being physically flawless with no need for makeup or shaving or anything is just icing on the cake.

Cute lady, her name in Hebe?

Here's an expert on tackling cp:

Keep supporting the government's censorship program to subjugate the populace while the real money goes not to "cp producers" but governmental organizers.


Fuck out of here Jewish con artist.


Ad hominem, therefore, not an argument.

does not mean he is wrong though

If you ignore all that then they're actually okay human beings. The hormones really fuck them and they mixed love and lust together. It is great for everyone especially for men, like me in their early college years. Hebes will suck your dick if you give them the slightest bit of attention coupled with buying them a few nice things, if even that.

Checks my trip. Got it brand new from the dollar store out of randomness. I don't like how BOTIX is all capitalized though.

posting a 10 year old link isn't an argument either.


lots of normies here, i thought i was on halfchan for a min

Incorrect family. I am neither semite nor wrong of anything. Failing to read the linked article shows intellectual ineptitude and rules out vapid opinions as a matter of course.

What has the age of the link got to do with the information contained within?

You are grasping at straws Mr Red Herring.

Yes they are children are sexual beings i have seen a video where a dad plays with his 6yo daughters pussy and then rubbed a viborator on it and she orgasmed and was like please do it harder.

Sexual desire and being driven by your hormones are two entirely different things. After menopause women become even more hormonal bitches and it has nothing to do with sex.

even dog can learn that when properly conditioned

No there just butthurt pedos or pedos larping as normies.

Posting a link in general isn't an argument you dip.

Check this trip niggers

the only normie is you



let's be honest
the only thing you care about is your own cock


If you just ignore how horrible they are as humans inside and just treat them like a cock sleeve then sure they're okay I guess but I already have a fleshlight I can fuck that feels great so I have no desire to go out and find someone purely to make my dick feel good when I can get that at home on demand.

t. pedophile

im still superior to you because im a hebephile.

stop trying tbh, the antis were not accept you

that makes teleiophile superior than you

i can take a 10 year old lgf to a park, get ice cream, walk around and explore nature and that day would be the best day of her life. You have to drug up a 14 year old in order to enjoy herself fucking in the closet to be her best day

Well anybody would hate that.

fun fact, the guy who created that word is tranny lover

No shit. The link was provided as evidence to my statement. Perhaps utilize your mental faculties and read said link and then reply after exercising some brain power on the subject.

Nope they are beneath all non-exclusive minor attracted people simply because teleiophiles are faggots who only like people their own age only simply because the law tells them to.

this thread was brought you by acme divide and wrecking co

t. mr. know it all

so grooming is bad tbh

how are you supposed to get them before they jump to nigger dicks, becoming promiscuous whores and kike brainwashing in public schools?

Why the fuck should I go to that site and read it only to make sense out of your retarded statement? Just because you are uncapable of making your own conclusive argument? You are the one who wants to discuss >muh cp, so put a little more effort into it or stick to posting stupid pictures of little girls in dresses.

there is nuffing wrong with cp, just fug off tbh


Child porn is that bad tbh
I am now tripfag

isn't that bad tbh is what I meant tbh

If I were to make an argument without a source, that would be your point of attack. I provide a source from an expert that has worked on tackling cp and you evade it. You are nothing more than a vapid shill for mediocrity. Begone, brainless dud.

cp is gud tbh

No child porn is amazing

No its just Virped

Why the reaction image from 2013 tbh

um bcz I have the freedom?

I think New Zealand is nice though
Some videos are nice but others are a bit messy o.o

virpeds are the worst tbh


did they ever have kids ans stuff like that?


Pedos please go back to your safe space. Thanks. Bye.

Fuck off 4chan


t. LGBTP fruitcakes

Fucking kill me man

you must be retarded, that group was troll even takedownman did a vid about it been trolls

Are you by any chance New Zealander?
Just found out my trip includes a lower case L instead of I, so its BOT (el)XK8nG. Pretty cool find if you ask me.


im a new zealander who hates americans and wants them all dead tbh

Excuse me sir, you cant speak to me like that.



not an argument

pedos are sjw's

lmfao. a nigger said so it must be true. kys cuck

Stop shitposting and tend to your sheap tbh
Anyways eupoor has to go to sleep now.
Buh bye

That's a little bit gay tbh.

No bully please

sorry but im pretty sure sharia law isnt sjw, also the only cuck is you


Back to Cuckchan

Let's take a look at these.

Sounds like what many adults guys do to get into a woman's pants.

Leaving aside the question of how these tards know it's pretend, this is what adults do all the fucking time with each other.

N/A on account of adult women not needing to worry about this because they're the most privileged people in the world.

Again, no different from what occurs with adults.

How the hell is this a bad thing?

This entire "grooming process" basically just describes normal dating, except that it's "grooming" because one of the people is under 18. What fucking garbage.

Thats better

Zhenya ain´t white, you bitch

hi, dysnigger

She is a vodka-nigger. Deal with it

doesn't matter their differences because i've dropped many loads to both of them

fetal alcohol syndrome slav rat

dysnomia can fuck off tbh

you are just not welcome here.

my fucking sides tbh

kys tbh

snow nigger ain't white


she is white, maybe, russian?

the only white in her is my cum

stop, admire, don't sexualize

So 4chan was SJW before 2010, when stormfags/tumblrfags showed up and destroyed the site?


if 11 delete tread


her pulsating moist vulva wouldn't stand a chance


nobody ever respect me around here tbh

o rly? what you gonna do about it?




fuck off, kike




lel according to this fag killing fags is sjw


Finally hebe is back!

kill yourselves




/pedo/, /nepi/

Not what it used to be.

Get out 4chan.

FedEx delivers semen to little girls now?

Yes, special door-to door delivery service

Huh. Never thought of that. Congratulations! You've changed someone's mind on the internet.

im sorry but mods arent your puppets

Yes. Yes, they are. They exist only to please our slightest whims of fancy.

meep meep your gay tbh no homo

Babbys are superior. They have literal baby faces, perfect smooth skin and no disgusting boobs. tbh

Fuck off gypsy.




If you are attracted to this you are hebephile

nearly ephebophilic tbh aka granny tier


she's 15 in that

by definition she's ephebophilic range and god damn she looks used up and disgusting already but realistically there must be a huge overlap between hebephile (11-14) and ephebophile (15-19). but you are correct. i still consider here a granny though so we can take semenatics but she's still disgusting to look at.


can i sage thread?

You don't know what you're talking about, hebes are pubescent.

People mature at different speeds. At best, age is only a rough guideline.

That in mind
hebe = puberty
ephe = late puberty to adulthood (adolescence)

There is no clear cut-off point where hebe becomes ephe and vice versa.

both are grannies, except early hebe tbh

this is better wording than my previous post

Shit taste but I like 15 year olds. Anything older than 16 is granny though.


i miss being 23,24,25,26,27,28,29 aaaaaand 30.

I'm pedohebeteleiophile though

early hebe is granny tbh

Hebephile here. She looks disgusting and old.

What is wrong with english psychology literature? I've never understood why they use ephebophile wrong?
Ephebophile by definition is homosexual hebephilia while Parthenophilia is the attraction to prepubescent children
If you would read the original literature by Tanner it is clearly defined that way. He even was british
Someone enlighten me why it is used the wrong way then?

Exellent article. Thanks for posting this.

because generally the world is fucking retarded.

Ich bin FBI, tbh

I guess comes from ephemeral, a transition lasting a very short time.

She looks like the disgusting granny she is.
