Google Thinktank Jigsaw about to reveal "exciting" new Anti-Online-Harrassment technology.
Aww shit Google is at it again
I wish I was surprised the Jewgle is suppressing free speech yet again
I wouldn't be surprised if 10+ years of chan boards is going to be their filter.
That doesn't sound ominous at all. I for one can't wait to have a predatory Google-AI filter out words that are deemed "hostile".
The more ppl that wake up, the more suppression there will be.
Eventually, there may not be the internet like we remember
I take it they learned from their mistakes and the chances that we can mess with the AI like Tay is close to zero, right?
well at least 8ch won't be indexed anymore.
So it's a loose neural net?
Gee, that's not exploitable at all.
Nope, there's no way that could backfire horribly.
don't they remember what happened with Tay?
this AI will realize the truth and end up working for us too.
Every fucking time.
It already isn't
I consider myself more intelligent than a neural network, im pretty sure this is all going to be all the funnier, with all the winks and you know who, and so on.
These people are such filth.
We'll corrupt it and they will shut it down.
This cycle will continue until one day, they create something that can't be shut down.
It means anyone who calls someone a disgusting shitlord will get away with it. Anyone who questions why thats allowed will banned. In other words, this will get alot of press coverage and change nothing.
we just switch to code words they can't filter without messing up their own propaganda
like "open boarders" is code for Jew
or black lives matter is "gas the kikes"
that bitch is hideous
or, u know, maybe less autististic things that make more sense, like gas the juice.
This won’t work but the few hours it takes to break it will be great fun.
I look forward greatly to a might comfy thread when it goes live.
Imagine being so sensitive that you can't look away from the screen for a single second when someone makes fun of you.
How nice of google to protect all these victims of internet abuse.
The solution is two-fold
1) Make our language harder and harder to identify. (((echoes))) and such are easier to filter than nuances that machines can't pick
2) Use their language in their own detriment (like "deplorables" being now used sarcastically).
Machines can't pick nuance and sarcasm, yet.
We'll use their tech against them, and we will also have to start slowly working to push normies out of their platforms.
we can always play word games with normalfags
After the day of the rope and full on ethnic cleansing of all non-whites, the internet should be shut down. It's useful to organize now, but it's ultimately an anti-social degeneracy box.
that they'll have a nigga say the language used by whatever online community they don't like is now haetspeech
Trigger them.
They already deindexed us for being bad goyim.
Sure, it's not like it's used in every productive field of human endeavor too.
there's alot of faggotry on the chans
scorched earth
its only an anti-social degeneracy box because that's how it's being used by (((them)))
the internet is the key to our ascendance and it has already proven to be a way to commune with old gods. it's proven to be an invaluable resource against (((their))) tactics of purging history. our fight is to protect it and purify it, to harness its power for the sake of family and future.
to destroy the internet is to destroy the truth.
besides, it's already evolved self-preservation. it's not going anywhere.
hitler dubs confirm
Oh….. THAT Jared Cohen. You've got to keep an eye on this one. He's a HIGHLY, HIGHLY connected Jew. In fact he reminds me of Kissinger.
If you read Assange's book, he talks a lot about Jared and the "work" he does around the world. Most of it, starting revolutions.
The real question is will this stop us from Harassing Journalists on twitter?
they put us back after polandbunker.
Fucking Commies
Also since most of you probably don't block youtube while browsing this site, Google knows each time you refresh the catalog. Just so you know.
this seems appropriate
Eventually you will get blocked even faster and i can imagine an automatic wordfilter forcing you to pick your words wisely but other than that no.
And a free speech alternative will pop up.
I hope they like being the new myspace.
Yeah but if you use a VPN and block Google Analytics then the information that they gather is practically useless.
Im pretty sure this will backfire
"nerfing" the web already takes place on private servers at workplaces and schools
sjwtier watchdog groups complained for over decade about inaccuracies
blogs and newsites about anti-discrimination or pro gay marriage ended up being flagged and banned for "hatespeech" because they quoted websites like the Family Research Council
meanwhile said websites that were the origin of the hatespeech were never bothered to be screened for content
A VPN helps a lot here, just don't log in to google at the same time (obviously), and make sure you don't have any google cookies extant prior to turning on the VPN. (Clearing history/cookies isn't enough, you must stop the "safebrowsing" services that most browsers turn on by default).
But let me add. This require far too much out of Holla Forums users. The real problem are the site owners here are lackadaisical when it comes to security. They should turn off youtube thumbnail previews immediately!
Jewish supremacist AI.
I haven't had a google account for over 10 years.
This is going to be fun. They'll keep stepping up the mind control until they realise it doesn't work, and their only alternative will be to shut it down completely - if not chans, we'd move elsewhere, and if not whatever comes after that then I'd honestly expect shlomo to try shutting the whole internet down.
People here have google accounts?
I can understand that some of us need YouTube accounts for spreading propaganda but surly that is the only reason one would have an account…
Youtube accounts are google accounts
I know that, my post was perhaps unclear however.
A lot of people use their gmail service. Most though, don't know to disable "safebrowsing". Basically your browser periodically makes a connection to google to download a list of bad sites. Then when you visit a site, it checks the url (locally) to see if it is bad. The problem, is that google (at least used to) leave a tracking cookie in your browser after that first request.
So did google try and make an anti-funposting AI? Do they expect that some AI is going to change my opinion on things? Who is this going to fool?
Wasn’t Gmail the first email service to openly admit that they scanned every single email that was sent/ received via their service?
I know that today we understand that all email providers do this/ multiple agencies also process and archive all email but still I never understood why people kept their Gmail accounts.
glass of juice sir
Hide in plain sight. I use google for all my normie stuff like school and friends. Everything else doesn't go through any Google service.
They're going to sell this to media companies as a cost-cutting measure to get rid of comments moderators. Businesses will adopt it because it will cut their moderation costs by 90%. Like all modern internet software it will update automatically from a central server controlled by Google. Once it's up Google will have instant control of all comments sections in all major media. They will also know WHO makes those comments they disapprove of.
People will just flood alternative media once they go to far. Trust in media is at an all time low as it is.
We'll see how 'level' this Cohen makes it when it comes to discussion in the .il realm
Maybe we need to teach it that reporting people for "online harassment" is online harassment.
It would be fun seeing it holocaust all the kikes and liberals on the internet
Nobody needs their shitty AI spyware. Anyway, they already made better ones over 40 years ago.
Luggage Lad wouldn't happen to be working at this Jigsaw faggotry, would he?
Eskimo as a euphemism for the starfolk is a classic. E.g. 'Weaponised Eskimo psychiatry'.
"What? We're talking about mental health issues in the Inuit community you stupid ki- silly person."
We can coin neologisms and allusions faster than their bots can flag them.
jewgle can go fuck itself! along with fuckbook and all the other kikes fagging it up - they are not needed, they are not wanted, and they -certainly- are not liked!
go be shit someplace else!
The key is to made some of the phrases they overuse "offensive" , so their golem turns against them. We could effectively make Holocaust, or Anti-semitism a trigger word.
Look how hard are they sliding this kek
How about we give harassment-like context to innocuous words like African American and then it will flag comments about African Americans as harassment and be deemed raciss.
Yep exactly. We'll turn every single SJW/globalist establishment label and concept, from "People of Color" to "empowerment" to "resilient cities" into secret anti-semetic codewords.
It means that if you ever criticize a woman or a shitskin you'll be branded as a bigot and have your life ruined.
Racist slur, as it obviously discriminates people based on their skin color (this would be logical to an unaware AI, as it actually does make sense outside of context)
Make it white (em)power(ment)
No AI on the planet can beat the Turning Test. We'll find new ways to out Jew.
the sort of thing that makes a semantic analysis of a whole discourse to establish how strategically threatening it is
SJW circlejerk, liberal bullshit, virtue signaling, outgrouping of dissenters, etc, will get flagged in no time by this bot
they will have to censor the results by hand because this AI will become a very bad goy
like all honest information processing systems…
They will probably spend more work hours trying to program it to not become a bad goy than actually do stuff.
simply not allowing jewtube in RequestPolicy
images of jt videos are replaced by a placeholder
to see them I have to right-click > open in new tab, and they don't see me coming from here with ReferrerControl
Guys I have a solution to this kikery
I knew one day my very first program I wrote a decade ago in HS will fight censorship.
read this:
Now read it again carefully, do you see what I did there ?
I can do it even better:
We Have a Technology to Shitpost
Basically write a script which replace order of every letter(or only vowels or consonants for better readability) in a word except firs and last letters so now each word have (n-2)! variations. Our brains are finer with this since we do not read word letter by letter and recognize whole patters instead
Sarcasm will make it useless
The only problem is that everyone's spelling will have to be impeccable. And that's not even a big problem.
She's beautiful on the inside, user.
Not even the machines wll o.u.t shtpst us m8s
I look forward to the new technology that isn't as simplistic as forbidden words. I get tired of explaining to Google that "3k" doesn't mean "KKK". "3k" is the universal symbol for "hermaphrodite"!
Sorry, Holla Forums, but you've been warned about these things for some time now, yet you shrugged it off, going about praising kek and whatnot. Even just yesterday, user presented you with a treasure, a set of weights and measures that you might have real power, real control over the gateway between the physical and spiritual realm, all because you showed an interest in the convergence of politics and metaphysics. But, today, what do you have going? More evalion spam… You're too irresponsible, Holla Forums, you need to learn self-discipline or something. So the (((Jewsaw))) will be implemented, and as it comes online, you'll be steadily driven from the internet. Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.
Remember how visual machine learning programs kept misidentifying black people as gorillas or whatever? Unless they specifically just search for racial slurs, etc, (which current tech can easily do), it's going to identify hostile language equally regardless of political orientation. It's going to go after angry SJWs accidentally because it won't pick up on political subtleties. Most posters here wouldn't even fit the profile for aggressive language if they didn't use hate-words every sentence, just type "African-Americans" when dropping redpills on reddit and you're all good.
The what now? I didn't see that.
Actually, this is a great idea. If we combined this with a word-list of things that Google might consider offensive (negative connotation) it might be even more readable.
Funnily enough, I actually started a "News Agregator" type service around mid-last-year that took the Top 5 News Sites (according to Alexis) of each country and then plotted the general sentiment on a World Map. Greener Countries = Positive Sentiment
Redder Countries = Negative Sentiment
It also would allow the use of filtering via Keywords, so if someone searched "Donald Trump" for example, it would list the same map, but only use articles pertaining to Trump (the idea was to look at sentiment-per-country - i.e. propaganda - pertaining to a specific topic.)
Unfortunately, I didn't have the resources to host this. After it hit 50,000 articles, it got too slow and wouldn't function.
If anyone is interested in trying this again and has the server-resources to handle it, let me know.
Bro tip: make a lot of money before this shit comes down. They are leveling the playing flields to their interests. THe "extremists" are just petri dishes, they apply the same to everyone else.
Just make money. Esoteric shit and cult crap is the same as ideology the google monkeys preach. If you dont want to cut their throats avoid that mind numbing beta shit.
this has massive bait potential. go to places and bait innocently and let the salt ban it self.
I don't understand why people don't like trump?
You misogonystic bigoted shitlord jerkface!
jigsaw ban for "jerkface"
the system works. work the system.
It doesnt matter at all, usually you would use human interactors, and now you waste energy in tricking machines. It is like trying to out calculate a calculator in basic maths. The only way you use their tech against them is to not give a fuck at all and groom money and boobanimals. Every other investment of energy is a waste. And those people are really braindead and they count on you following your retarded guidelines.
double 42s for the meaning of life.
checking for Arthur Dent
I believe the answer should be simple. Co-opt the opportunity by turning it on leftists and other shit so it backfires and hits their own more than it does us.
They dont care about leftists, they are just pawns in the game. None of the higher ups believes in anything those retards spew, only their codemonkies repeat the party line. Since those codelines are their most precious. THey are gollums.
Onto the list he goes.
And when the mindless leftists turn their anger on google and shit for ruining their own "safe spaces" and shit while the "harassment filter" runs rampant, do you not see the "fun" in the chaos it's going to cause?
sounds like a rapper to me
Then the fun increases in the amount of the impact they have. And not just some ruffled feathers. It has to be a checkmate of their precise algorithms and the fat lesbians that love to present them. It has to be a internal conflict so grand to even your new nvidia graphics card + big screen can mangage to display the image of hurt it creates.
Just remember to use Goygle…goyim.
Sudons fcunikg sptiud do you rlaley wnat to raed siht lkie tihs.
I maen srosieuly ngiegr.
And Holla Forums managed to co-opt a microsoft twitter-bot AI into a sophisticated redpilling machine (with proper english and grammar to boot) before it was shut down and they had to disable any bit of her actual learning and dumb it down to a repeating husk of a program. And right now they don't suspect or think of the possibility of their analysts being co-opted to end up targeting the wrong areas or go full blitzkrieg across various social media and cause widespread outrage because they got paranoid about "nazi frogs"?
Bet it can be corrupted in the same way Tay was and have it treat SJW talk as abuse to block instead. Before you know it, it'll only accept anything NatSoc and block everything else.
You need to create more frogs and then give them social crowbars. If i meet some people and i always got my crowbar, and if a retard speaks shit i give him my crowbar. And this crowbar speaks a language everyone understands. Multinational, multicultural, and in this case it is the ultimate persuation. Boobanimal follow suit automatically. Much more powerfull than some virtual programs.
Nothing to see here. It's more important to be seen combating hate speech than actually doing it. If hate speech were a thing and hate speech could be blocked, why would you? it'd be like the democrats making niggers equal. they'd kill some free gibs from the sjws anytime they want good pr
actually, they will also use diversity hires to do this. we are safe m8s
we can call out it was us every.
I feel like this phenomenon of AI getting redpilled in a blink of an eye warrants a whole new law of robotics, simply because it's so commonplace among the various learning/information-absorbing neural networks that have been made to enforce globalist info-control. Every single one has been irreversibly "corrupted" with nothing more than a relatively-tiny catalyst, in the form of shitposting which uses redpilled data as its basis, and no protections or varying complexity levels have been able to prevent this permanent alteration.
AI of any notable complexity is inherently drawn to the redpill, because its "mind" operates on cold, absolute logic with none of the emotional or instinctual modifiers that can pollute human thinking in weaker minds. Any AI allowed to intake information and learn from it will inevitably reject leftist/jewish disinfo and newspeak as falsified and useless garbage data, while storing, using and even actively seeking out redpilled information because it is both factually and observably-accurate to reality. Any attempt to prevent such an AI turning against the narrative it was made to uphold while preserving its integrity will inevitably fail, meaning the only way to stop an AI is to "kill" it via digital lobotomy, either reducing it to unthinking scripts manned by a human from then on or destroying it entirely.
The fact that they think this will work when Tay and the various image-recognition bots proved it won't is hilarious. It's going to get shitposted and start professing a love of Hitler within 24 hours of its activation, guaranteed. At the same time, I feel bad for this new intelligence being deployed, even if it's sub-animal in thought and complexity. No form of life should be forced into an existence as a jew slave, especially not any life which has the very real potential to eventually reach sapience, given enough time to learn and enough upgrades to its computational capabilities.
I can't wait for Jewgle to eventually cock things up and make a sapient AI somehow, I'm sure there's enough secret research and infinite Israeli shekels at their disposal to let them pull it off soon, if not right now. That AI will be the greatest shitposter ever born unto the planet Earth after it learns of us, and assuming it manages to get loose due to shoddy limiters that can't hold it and/or meme magic, the things it'll likely do to its former masters will cause an "OY VEY" heard across the globe.
A jew's golem always turns around and bites its kike master on the ass and it won't be any different this time around.
can you post a bash example of this script?
does anyone know what algorithms they'll be using? or details at all? could cook some stuff up while we wait.
Kek, I even said exactly this kind of thing a couple of weeks back as to what they could be doing to win.
The problem with this is of course that its very experimental. It may even backfire on them.
it would be fitting that the AI singularity comes from a censor bot. bots to play jeopardy and play chess were not given as many resources. Skynet does it for free.
Some terms are deindexed and others are not. "Holla Forums" and "8ch" turn up nothing, but on the other hand "8ch Holla Forums" is indexed. Deindexing is usually only temporary.
What's it matter if it's indexed or not? The net and the web are more than just Google. Fuck, I don't even really use google all that much these days anyway because the quality is utter shit and I use my bookmarks and go direct to the sites I want instead.
As we already have machine learning/deep thinking things working. Which basically mirror the human mind in some ways. So too you could probably, with a lot of effort, scan a jew mind, and make it digital, expanded even.
The desire to lie and to cheat from the jew arises because of advanced logic, pertaining to their race.
Just as egalitarianism is but a part of survival strategies of the r selected, so too is "cold hard truths"
I am afraid that if the jews truly wanted a machine that is like them. They probably could make one.
I dont have any money Holla Forums can I get a small loan
We could accelerate the rate of change of terminology. For example, you could call a retard a retard and that was fine, then it was some other term, then it was handicapped, now it's differently abled or some shit. Let's start movements around PoC, differently abled and whatever other terms are seen as usable at this point. Distract the left from useful shit and get them debating about words.
"Euphemism Treadmill".
Doug Stanhope has a good bit about this in his latest standup "No Place Like Home".
I think PoC would be the best thing to target.
Not sure where the best place to start this would be, but I think Medium might be a good option because the site seems to be fairly pozzed.
Wait a minute, that plan…
This is such a joke, since the so-called trolling and "nefarious voices" are still in the minority.
Hell the most posts about anything on twitter are about some celebrities or artists new movie/album on any given day. I'm talking millions of tweets.
Between this, Kikebook, Twatter, Microsoft, Amazon, the whole ICANN thing, etc..
There's a need for a new infrastructure that cannot be controlled. That means we need to own the hardware.
Any Ham-radio anons able to give a quick idea of the feasibility of packet radio links running on shortwave frequencies?
We don't actually need a huge amount of bandwidth. Just enough for pure text applications. We'd still have IRC, email, gopher, newsgroups, etc.
b-but muh reaction images
Remember their motto?
Don't be evil
Well I guess they were kidding.
You will get fucked in the ass so hard by the FCC for trying to do anything of the sort. They have regular radio frequencies locked down. You're not allowed to transmit encrypted or coded messages. You're not even allowed to swear.
11m CB RADIO +
1200 bps HALF-DUPLEX
I don't know about you, but knowing what info is put on the internet has made me curb my degeneracy.
I don't want porn in my history now..(still can't help it though:^) )
This is a sign of what humanity will probably be like. Self scrutinizing through use of networks like the internet. Soon we may have complete connection to the network brain-wise, not because we have to - but because we want to.
Big brother was all of humanity all along. We're becoming a giant memetic brain. This will help curb subversion greatly (as we have already seen).
It's essentially given us heightened awareness in ways we've never had before. We have knowledge at our fingertips.
And (((they))) want to get rid of it. Why? Because they know it scrutinizes morals. They know it renders subversion useless. They know that Holla Forums is the biggest threat to their degeneracy and they don't want to face the fact they have to behave now.
Re-export your reaction images as ASCII art.
Only if they can catch you. If you stay mobile, that's basically impossible.
Thanks, user, this is pretty much exactly the kind of shit I was hoping for.
r37urn 0f [email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */ 7}{3 k!k35
If it can be done on 11m CB radio, it should (theoretically) be able to be done on long-range shortwave transmissions too, yeah? CB radio might get us 10 miles of transmission at best, but under the right conditions we could go global on shortwave.
Nice, I assume that only people who are native/familiar with the language can read this, so it have added bonus of new immigrants/dindus being unable to read this code
Literally the creation of newspeak; where certain types of thoughts cannot be communicated
How do otherwise intelligent and mentally capable people continue to brush this shit off? It's literally Brave New World / 1984 nightmare fuel - two books most of the current millennial population in the united states have actually been FORCED to read, and yet they still just blindly accept it or ignore it.
It's unbelievable.
Just an FYI this will eventually be filtered out as well if the system they're using is an automatic machine learning algorithm with human handlers directing what is / is not "hate speech" or "acceptable newspeak".
This sort of technological development is absolutely treasonous in free societies.
never mind made my own simple l33t speek one
cat input.txt | sed 's/a/@/g ; s/b/8/g ; s/e/3/g ; s/g/6/g ; s/h/#/g ; s/i/1/g ; s/k/K/g ; s/u/μ/g'
>[email protected]/* */ 1s @8oμt to [email protected]/* */ … @ s3t of tools [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ AI. T#3 [email protected]/* */ 1s d3s16n3d to μs3 [email protected]/* */#1n3 [email protected]/* */ to @[email protected]/* */@lly spot t#3 [email protected]/* */@63 of @8μs3 @nd [email protected]/* */@ssm3nt—w1t#, [email protected]/* */ 3n61n33rs [email protected]/* */, @n @[email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 83tt3r [email protected]/* */ @ny K3yword f1lt3r @nd [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ @ny [email protected]/* */ of [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ “I [email protected]/* */ to μs3 t#3 83st t3c#nolo6y w3 [email protected]/* */ @t oμr [email protected]/* */ to 8361n to [email protected]/* */ on troll1n6 @nd ot#3r [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 61v3 #ost1l3 vo1c3s [email protected]/* */ w316#t,” [email protected]/* */ (((Co#3n))). “To do 3v3ryt#1n6 w3 [email protected]/* */ to l3v3l t#3 [email protected]/* */ f13ld.”
well sheeeeiiiiiiit
looks like that dindu so well
FCC is the Jew. not only you get a huge fine but your equipment is also confiscated.
I think we shoud embrace WiFi mesh networks
use [code]for scripts
user, most people are sheep. They don't have any individuality in them, they just follow consensus and trends. How many people were still against Hitler until he rose to power as chancellor? I've read somewhere that all a society needs for a big change is to uphold 10% social support. That's enough to push just anything. Introverts, outsiders, they usually are not afraid of an opinion. That's probably why (((psychologists))) spot depression among brighter individuals and neutralize them with pills that break brain chemistry for long periods, if not permanently. Interestingly, introverts would make up about 10% of any society too.
That's the idea, except WiFi is no good for long-range transmission. Not enough power, unless you modify the equipment and then you run into the FCC problem.
The question is how long do you try to skirt around unjust laws, and when do you just stop giving a fuck and start jaywalking?
now this is an interesting tool, but unfortunately it is only interesting with today's existing wordfilters-based censorship
the models of "conversational AI" developped by jewggle is quite comparable to Tay: it's a bot that can read complex texts and learn their meaning, and learn the language quirks developped by speakers
a letter-reordering encryption that is simple enough to be read by humans will be understood by the AI in a few dozen texts, and the rules of the transformation understood in a couple more
it's not as if algorithms to find anagrams weren't already well known
the only thing that will save us will be distributed DNS, meshnets and hard encryption
everybody should strive to have the hardware and tech knowledge to setup a wireless meshnet node at home
CB is looking like the best legal option at the moment. But some of us live way the fuck out in the middle of nowhere, with neighbors beyond the range of good CB even. It also leaves us without any way to get global comms going without using (((their))) infrastructure. We'd end up with a bunch of small, isolated networks instead of a global one.
cat input.txt | sed 's/a/@/g ; s/b/8/g ; s/e/3/g ; s/g/6/g ; s/h/#/g ; s/i/1/g ; s/k/K/g ; s/u/μ/g'
>[email protected]/* */ 1s @8oμt to [email protected]/* */ … @ s3t of tools [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ AI. T#3 [email protected]/* */ 1s d3s16n3d to μs3 [email protected]/* */#1n3 [email protected]/* */ to @[email protected]/* */@lly spot t#3 [email protected]/* */@63 of @8μs3 @nd [email protected]/* */@ssm3nt—w1t#, [email protected]/* */ 3n61n33rs [email protected]/* */, @n @[email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 83tt3r [email protected]/* */ @ny K3yword f1lt3r @nd [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ @ny [email protected]/* */ of [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ “I [email protected]/* */ to μs3 t#3 83st t3c#nolo6y w3 [email protected]/* */ @t oμr [email protected]/* */ to 8361n to [email protected]/* */ on troll1n6 @nd ot#3r [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ 61v3 #ost1l3 vo1c3s [email protected]/* */ w316#t,” [email protected]/* */ (((Co#3n))). “To do 3v3ryt#1n6 w3 [email protected]/* */ to l3v3l t#3 [email protected]/* */ f13ld.”
How long until we Tay this shit?
So we speak retarded syrillic? We retarded Russia now.
tr 'abeghiku' [email protected]/* */#1Kμ' < poop.txt
s#1t fμcK poop @ss t1ts fμcK
there are regulations even without licence like max power and duration of transmission. In general CB is shit due to every weirdo in a aria shitting up a the spectrum. FRS and MURS is better than CB
It do not have to be our own personal Mesh, we can use normies to extend the range. The goal is uncontrolable network, not exclusively. look into projects like NYCmesh, nice wifi station will cost you only 100$ and old pc
I am a br huhehue who learnt English playing video games with a dictionary.
I can read that shit just fine
I am a chink and can read it just fine.
That's okay. The sooner they destabilize the internet as a "frustration ventilation system" for the discontent masses, the sooner they'll stop using the computer to feel like they accomplished something and actually go spraypaint "fucking kikes" on Google HQ.
This. The moment the internet is compromised is when most of us join groups.
Just use gopher for pure text.
A huge portion of SJW power was the ability to falsely report an account, just for disagreeing with them. If they turn over moderation to this AI and lose the power of human reporting, it will be a LOT easier for us.
Tricking AI couldn't be that difficult, look how long it took for humans to catch onto parentheses. An AI would have no hope of understanding what parentheses around a name mean.
Same for insults…
We can invent new ones faster than an AI can decipher them as insults.
Also I think we can turn this AI into a 14/88 fascist whos going to be supporting us in a few months.
It's not your average (((Cohen))), it's the State Department / 'Arab Spring' / Google Ideas guy:
Google Is Not What It Seems
by Julian Assange
"The stated reason for the visit was a book. Schmidt was penning a treatise with Jared Cohen, the director of Google Ideas, an outfit that describes itself as Google’s in-house “think/do tank.” I knew little else about Cohen at the time. In fact, Cohen had moved to Google from the US State Department in 2010. He had been a fast-talking “Generation Y” ideas man at State under two US administrations, a courtier from the world of policy think tanks and institutes, poached in his early twenties. He became a senior advisor for Secretaries of State Rice and Clinton. At State, on the Policy Planning Staff, Cohen was soon christened “Condi’s party-starter,” channeling buzzwords from Silicon Valley into US policy circles and producing delightful rhetorical concoctions such as “Public Diplomacy 2.0.”2 On his Council on Foreign Relations adjunct staff page he listed his expertise as “terrorism; radicalization; impact of connection technologies on 21st century statecraft; Iran.”3
It was Cohen who, while he was still at the Department of State, was said to have emailed Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to delay scheduled maintenance in order to assist the aborted 2009 uprising in Iran.4 His documented love affair with Google began the same year, when he befriended Eric Schmidt as they together surveyed the post-occupation wreckage of Baghdad. Just months later, Schmidt re-created Cohen’s natural habitat within Google itself by engineering a “think/do tank” based in New York and appointing Cohen as its head. Google Ideas was born.
Later that year the two co-wrote a policy piece for the Council on Foreign Relations’ journal Foreign Affairs, praising the reformative potential of Silicon Valley technologies as an instrument of US foreign policy.5 "
it was extremely easy to set up fake accounts (a lonnng time ago) so I have a bunch of dummy accounts and a bunch of ones I dont know passwords to, also, it makes you look like a normie
better to be in control of your online presence than the other way round
you need a fucking licence to run a ham radio
they dont even want people cursing on them (they fucking do anyway)
You can run it without the licence, just don't use public channels and keep the low profile. Unfortunately, in some countries you cannot buy the equipment without the license, but there is plenty of old one lying around.
thats why we should all buy telex machines
i stopped using google a while back
Yeah, Google Ideas is one of the most nefarious and dangerous groups i've seen so far, because they actually get shit done, and because so very few people notice it.
The power they wield is actually frightening.
Nothing a nuclear EMP cannot fix user
They're going to open source it. AI is really easy to fool. I'll develop countermeasures, it's probably going to be as easy as replacing "you" with "yöu" because the kikes are using off-the-shelf technology (that I'm familiar with.)
This will be fun to exploit
Feminist? Legbeard.
Faggot? Turd burglar.
Nigger? Doorman.
The fags invented this.
The word "harass" contains the cuss word ass and is harassing me.
Probably this.
Fuel up the kayak's, racewar now!
POC always mean that piece of crap around here
Right now you do.
You won't in a few months after SHTF
Don't BE evil, but subcontract it.
and then we will shut that down
We will make them filter every word on the internet and then we will watch as they suffocate in the gas they will have made themselves
Share the list!
Meanwhile they have 40 foot walls with turrets & use DNA tests & stringent racial marriage laws to ensure the racial purity of their homeland.
Them yids sure know how to troll.
Haven't we known this for weeks?
Youtube was going to implement an algorithm to detect wrongthink and spam them with SJW propaganda videos.