Story time.
A) Have you ever met a nazi/fascist?
B) What happened?
Story time.
A) Have you ever met a nazi/fascist?
B) What happened?
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Nah. Only right - far right wing co-worker, once. Chose to joke about it as much as I could, as we would have to spent 6 months digging side by side.
We became pretty good friends and it turns out that he was super into black girls. Weird guy.
I have an acquaintance who's joining up with the Soldiers of Odin or some shit. Does that count?
Man just wants to colonise that ass.
I don't plan on it. These people tend to be mentally ill without realizing it, and suck you in. I know people who were, however. Most of it involves some form of abuse.
A) I had a friend in high school who turned out to be a raging polyp. Still have him on Fedbook. He posts articles about George Soros and gets all of his news from Breitbart. I spent all last summer reading shitty pol infographs and listening to him rant.
B) Nothing, really. His politics are idiotic and I never fail to let him know. Yet he continues…
i am a former Neo-Nazi from the US. Ask me anything and i will attampt to answer to the best of my ability.
This, no joke.
do Neo Nazi's here in the US actually believe in a "white" identity? as In a unified white identity?
Do you jerk off to cuck and/or interracial porn?
okay well I have two generic questions
1. What made you subscribe into the ideology?
2. What made you drop it for leftism (I'm assuming you became a leftist because you're posting on here)?
I would love to meet and have a conversation with someone like Roald Dahl or Bobby Fischer. People with an unmatched intelligence who still hold these views are fascinating to me.
I just want to have a conversation with them to see if I can figure out what makes them tick because they are obviously not stupid, but they still hold views that I cannot identify with.
What's the weirdest thing you've masturbated to?
pls respond
Intelligence does not and will never determine your political views. Intelligence will only affect how articulate you are in expressing those views.
I've had liberal professors, fundamentalist Catholic professors, conservative professors, and Marxist professor(s). I don't see any correlation between intelligence and political alignments. It's more of an issue regarding a person's temperament and upbringing, methinks.
Yeah, what is it with nazis and cuckoldry? I had not even heard of that as a fetish until Holla Forums started freaking out about it. Is it one of those deals where they hate it, because they are secretly attracted to it?
There is also no correlation between intelligence and holding a professorship.
Well no, some of them do, so will purposefully exude certain nationalizes for no apparent reason like the Irish or Italians or the French. But for the most part if you're white and not a jew they dont care, and if they do care they make up the stupidest bullshit you'll even encounter.
I jerk off to porn, i just like porn.
. I was placed into a Magnet school when i was younger, all my schooling up to that had consisted of all white catholic school and then i became a minority. I didn't take it well, i acted very violently and came to hate black people. When i got to highschool i only got worse and actually tried to mug people on the street if they were black and alone. It worked once so i did it again, but they had a knife and i was severely injured so i kinda just tried to re-evaluate what i thought about life. Long story short i became a libertarian, then a communist, then a Marxist, then an anarchist and have stayed one ever since and am now involved in many anarchist groups.
Probably vore
What do you think lol
I used to LARP as a neo-Nazi for the lulz but I knew three other people who didn't get the joke and took me seriously - what else would you expect from skinheads? They were all just exactly what you'd expect: Boneheads. Stupid, vapid, not pleasant to be around, loudmouthed white trash.
I knew one back when I was a right winger and I was in a right wing militia.
He was actually a pretty nice guy.
I don't know. Are they attracted to Jews too?
Probably. I think it's more black women though. After you've told some dumbshit dude that you shouldn't do something because it's filthy and gross for long enough, they're going to just love it more because it's forbidden. It's always how it is.
A) Once at a gas station between Houston and Austin. He had some stormfag shit on his arm, but otherwise looked like a redneck in his late 20's to early 30's.
B) He asked me for some money and I told him to fuck off. Didn't try to start shit with me and I drove off.
Why are the most qt grills latinas?
I know. It's more that people like Bobby Fischer, who are masters at pattern recognition, still became anti-semites. It blows my mind.
My father was involved with Tom Metzger and the WAR up in Warsaw, Indiana.
He tried to get violent with me once I started waving the red flag after I'd moved out, but luckily he was too coked up at actually start anything.
He's a compulsive liar, addict, and recidivist criminal. I think he latches onto the racial hatred that the WAR supports in order to feel better about himself. He might be a piece of shit, his children might have cut contact with him, and he might have spent most of his adulthood in jail, but at least he isn't a nigger, right?
Would you beat up your son/daughter if they started waving a nazi flag around to rebel against you?
Under the same circumstances? No, probably not. I wouldn't go out of my way to harass them on their property and try to ambush them while going to work.
Besides, becoming a Communist was hardly an act of rebellion against my dad, of all people. I hardly know the guy and he didn't raise me.
What about if it was in your household when they were under the age of 18?
kek. This is worth watching:
I fucked her on the floor
Among my books of ancient lore
Not him but I wouldn't. I'd sit them down and talk to them about it, be reasnoble, and explain why I disagree with them. And the danger professing said beliefs can be today. And the morale that giving up to fear is the definition of cowardice.
I'd be a parent. I wouldn't be a monster. The nationalists are always impulsive, I refuse to be similar.
I wouldn't beat them. In fact, I think that beating your children at any age is pretty despicable.
But I wouldn't let them fly the Nazi flag or hold gatherings on my property, or anything of the sort.
I agree with this poster, honestly. But, if I did find out that one of my children was involved with a violent organization like the WAR or the Brotherhood, I would almost certainly take measures to defend myself.
Anyways, I don't get your intentions with these questions. Are you trying to put up with my dad or something?
Will watch.
my cousin is a lolbert who gets mildly triggered by irrelevant shiting and does tons of drugs. not a nazi, but the closest to one that I know. he's a bro though.
id rape em
I love when you're edgy.
No joke, I was in Myrtle Beach and this guy was walking in front of me. He had a full face portrait of Hitler, and two other Nazis (I assume generals, they were in uniform) on his back. Swastickas on arms, and he was walking with his girlfriend. Ballsy guy.
A) Twice, both girls
B) Fucked them. They learned that I was an immigrant (my face doesn't say that I'm one) and they changed their whole views about the world and stopped being nazis. One of them had a nazi boyfriend, so he got cucked, and the other one even fell in love with me.
I should write a book about leftist romantic tactics.
Are you Georgian?
She would not have lasted long in Berlin.
Shit, I'm getting famous on here. Time to gtfo to real life.
It's a routine at this point.
A. Well, kinda. I've met Anarcho Capitalists who promote mass genocide of Muslims, etc. and basically deem anyone they don't like "a Communist" (I asked them to define Communist and I never got a straight answer). Casual unironic racism and sexism. Basically lumpenproletariat.
B. They couldn't argue for shit. My favourite experience was the time I said "Being a terrorist is not inherently bad," and their spooked levels were off the charts.
Also a lot of people assumed I was a Neo-Nazi because of the amount of history books and pieces I've read on the 3rd Reich. I consider it an exceptionally interesting subject, and I find that it's probably my greatest source of info on why the 3rd Reich was such a failure, as why Fascism is a dead end and reactionary ideology.
People also got triggered by my anti-Israeli reading material.
Hahaha, I remember people and their posts. Just like that Brazilian guy who didn't have a girlfriend until he was an adult and got a black girlfriend to which is parents first thought it was a joke. Hahahaha
hi /mlp/
So, that's indeed the way to turn a nazi (or at least make his reconsider his ideology): STAB THEM!
Online? Yeah.
IRL? Never
I have 2 family members who are fascists.
One has nazi memorabilia and a walther, pretty weird dude that one likes because he is a big meanie to everyone.
Another is a uncle, more of a national monarchist, too into conspiracy theories since all of the mainstream reality was constructed by the joos to fool us. I guess that talking to him made me more able to be rational and discuss with different people without getting triggered™
Also had a fascist in my highschool, everyone bullied him and he was a huge autist, turns out he went to the army and now is a huge alpha male. spooky
A) Many years ago, I passed by a guy wearing a nazi costume walking down an avenue. He shouted "Heil Hitler" and made the sieg heil sign to pedestrians. It was weird.
B) I walked away.
I think that's me. I only posted that once.
…you've got a pretty good memory.
Btw, just a little correction: he didn't think it was a joke, he though our relationship wasn't serious – as in I was just fucking her.
Hahahaha thank you comrade. Btw, you actually posted something related to that twice.
Yes, that's how I understood it.
Back when I was young there was this one german guy who was the boyfriend of a bipolar friend of my gf. He was in a völkisch group, dressed like the Cure and went to gothic/industrial concerts.
He wasn't dumb, but unpleasant and insanely jealous. They soon broke up and he later even was taken into custody for a short time for harassing someone.
Weird thread OP
That explains a lot
Yes, we bonded over how the centrists are ruining everything and there is no such thing as democracy in the west, just two centre parties taking turns at oligarchy.
please do
The tingle feels like it's taking away the dandruff
This is your brain on nazism.
Holla Forumsacks are scared that they might not be able to reproduce because they understand that they are the runt of the human litter.
Therefore they understand that they cannot compete in a free and fair sexual market and so therefore their only choice is to eliminate the competition.
Do they plan to get rid of all the chads too?
Because even if nazism gets implemented and all the niggurs and joos get killed they would still be fucking losers.
They are against "degenerates". You guess.
Cuckoldry is about humiliation. The cuck, not the Holla Forums buzzword but the guy who partakes in the fetish, is eroticizing his sexual humiliation by watching his partner being fucked by someone. The cuck enjoys the humiliation and feeling of inferiority, that is what gets him off rather than the act itself.
The stormfag believes interracial relationships and reproduction are humiliating to the white race. This is why they call white guys who don't care about who fucks who cucks, because to the bizarre mindset of the stormfag that guy is taking pleasure in being humiliated by miscegenation. Therefore the use of cuck as an insult is the stormfag projecting his humiliation and inferiority onto others.
Or they could just be closet fags who crave nigger dick.
You people been repeating this lie for decades. who are you trying to convince?
Mein neger. We must seize the means of consumption.
'Do other cucks share your political views?
I don't know any other than myself that are non-partisan. I do know that most people in the scene tend to be [politically] left.'
Name a culture that thinks female infidelity is cool.
Beating someone up for being a Nazi is just going to fuel their martyr complex. Talking it out is the best way to cool the hotheads off.
Ass isn't fat enough
Fucking 10/10, comrades.
Who are you trying to fool? With all the gay black porn you faggots collect it is obvious what gets you off.
yes. many times.
once there was a lonely nazi taking his little labrador for a walk. "come here odin". he named that little pup odin. fucking fat autist, lol.
My politics are too schizophrenic to sum up in this post, but I am enjoying a lot lately.
They take used up porn stars and somehow make them look fresh, their makeup is fantastic.
The set pieces and lens filters are so bright yet toned down, as if to perfectly stress the contrast- it just makes the actresses look so much brighter, they almost glow.
They REALLY worship that cock, it's remarkable how well directed they are, I love the enthusiasm they display.
There's something so dirty about the creampie scenes in some of them. (STEALING MUH COUNTRY'S EGGS, OUR NATIONAL HERITAGE, THE GENOCIDE). It's hilarious.
Something about the dark skin almost makes them fade into the background like a silhouette, as if she's being fucked by an apparition.
I don't feel the same way towards it as I do towards bestial porn (Glory Quest MAD series is some sick & funny shit) but I can't deny that it might be somewhere in my experience, on a more subconscious level.
I don't like black female porn stars except Ana Foxx; she is a pleasure treasure.
Also, I'm poor mixed Irish, so, this sums up some of my feelings towards "whites."
You can tell he's a nazi cunt cause he can't even spell attempt
Former nazi cunt and i was loopy on sleeping meds at the time.
That's the obvious observation, but most by now realize (or eventually will come to accept) that male fertility lasts for decades and that their sexual market value doesn't begin to peak until their 40's when they have the available resources.
What irks them is that interracial porn and the Big Black Cock myth is being pushed into the wider public dialogue (and evolution teaches us females naturally selected mates with larger penises, hence why chimps have shrimp dicks) , making black men into a desirable fetish, as well as their fear "White Guilt" will motivate some women to pursue a mixed race relationship.
This isn't an unfounded fear, blue eyes and blonde hair have become a lot less common since the influx of Italian immigrants.
In fact many Italian men married Irish women due to not only the stigma on both ethnicities, but also so their children would be paler and thus gain acceptance in their era.
Any influx of Mediterraneans or Semitics in particular (read Syrians and economic migrants) carries the exact same consequence, but in an entirely different social climate.
Yes. Broke a 2x4 on his head
You mean agitation tactics
Tha black lover trope existed for a very long time bud. The 19th century's "50 shade of grey" type litterature featured them quite often. People like exotism, it sell well.
/leftyvore/ when?
I worked at a university as a T.A. in the Sociology Department. Every single professor was a fascist. What they taught in class versus the conversations they had without students about sociology were completely at odds with each other.
A) Yes
B) I stepped away from the mirror to go to the dinner table. The wife made a good casserole that night.
A) Yes
B) Our crew and thiers almost got into a fistfight in the middle of the city, then the cops showed up and neither of us are stupid enough to just punch eachother in front of the cops…
Must suck to be the future victim of divorce, or a liar.
Can you expand a bit on this story?
A) It was at an antifa demo, I got up close and personal twice but most of the time they were being protected by riot police while we threw stuff at each other.
B)One of them got taken away by the police, he wasn't being arrested, he looked kind of old and he might have been having heart trouble or something. I tried to take his hat as a souvenir because it was covered in Nazi patches and badges but the police stopped me.
Later on some of them managed to sneak out from behind their police escort and tried to attack to counter demo. There was a big fight, I threw something at one of them at point blank range and missed because I'm retarded. Then I kicked him in the nuts. After that the riot police managed to restore order.
Myy life is full of redneck white trash conservatives.
I try to not think how stupid animals people are around me.
Not quite a full-blown Nazi, but my roommate in university was almost certainly an alt-right fascist sympathizer.
He and I shared a mutual dislike of liberal identity politics, but it seemed at first to be on the grounds that it was reactionary or illiberal. Turns out, he just didn’t like black or gay people. He had a hard-on for the Confederate flag, which you couldn’t tell was ironic or not, but he began unironically to say things like “Socialism only works in ethnically homogenous nation states,” “human biodiversity is real,” and “Hitler did nothing wrong.” He got real triggered over the Black Lives Matter movement and I haven’t really talked to him since.
Likely had a lot to do with the fact that he was a relatively lower-income white man in an elite university full of liberal and affluent minorities (or, at least, probably more minorities than he was used to). He got real triggered when I began dating a white girl (I’m not white), but he had a huge obsession with Asian girls, which he always denied—but that seems to be a common trait among white nationalists.
Justification for the academic message was that amplification of the signal expanded academic and societal influence. The ability to steer societies is too important to be left to people who do not have capacity; those that do have capacity have carte blanche to use their influence as they see fit. If someone with capacity were to misuse domain they would be able to adjust subsequent decisions ensuring an overall better future. Where as if someone without capacity were to wield domain responsibly they would learn nothing and future decisions would be random in nature.