you fap you lose
Other urls found in this thread:
why does that woman have a penis?
Would you marry her?
why not?
Its a trap
fucking lost
Give us the sauce you faggot
found it lads
pink bubble
My fave
I don't want titties but would taking a hormone blocker help me get rid of my body fur or is it too late if I'm already sasquatched for life?
Me neither, end my life.
That's cheating tbh
dang it. screw you
This is a very relevant question. Someone should answer it; I also need to know for reasons. And I wouldn't mind having titties.
use an external video player
hot, more?
is there a source for full thing, thats not that scam site they advertise?
why are HRTitties so cute?
Yes, it will help with body hair. You don't need 'moans though, just eat your cum (it gets estrogenized in the stomach), eat soy and drink lots of bottled tap water that's been left in the sun (BPA and xenoestrogens, it will calcify your pineal gland so you won't have many dreams in your sleep). You'll probably get minor gynecomastia with all that estrogen before you see results in removing hair, pluck that shit and it'll grow less full.
I tried finding a source on this one just now. I didn't find what I was looking for but I DID find this:
>NGF is abundant in seminal plasma.
What are the logical conclusions of this?
We should all become sluts and drink our own semen
Search TS Vica
Eating semen is great for disease immunity and cell life longevity?
Couldn't it be argued that the act of cumming is bad for you since this shit is leaving your body when you cum?
But they were talking about eating their cum, which is just putting it right back into your body again.
Alternatively you could suck a bunch of dicks and get even better results.
some would surely be degraded by the digestive system, I'm sure. I doubt it's 100% conservation.
Alternatively alternatively: women and cumdump-faggots are essentially vampires sucking men of their life giving essence.
Alternatively alternatively alternatively: You are jealous of said vampires and want to whore yourself out to Jamal.
Alternatively alternatively alternatively alternatively: You're just a projecting faggot.
I wonder if this shit is present in feminine fluids as well. I have a pretty hardcore facesitting fetish tbh.
Semen is estrogenic when ingested orally. You will turn yourself gay.
last pic in each of these is pure gold tbh
Im out of porn so im just gonna post Non-nude girls.
Could you provide a source on that?
Im done, you fags are on your own now.
thanks user
Ah fuck it, il post a few more .
Thanks for new wallpapers
lol yall gay
I need sauce on this immediately
This is the ideal shemale body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Can't argue with Satanic trips
can't argue with hitler dubs
>>>Holla Forums
Keep the fridge pics coming
Never mind you can stop now
There's no point if it's all SS bullshit and there isn't any hara-kiri.
Sauce on the second one?
I'd tell you if I knew
Okay, I'm done. Someone take over for me
you're the only gayboi here so looks like this thread can finally die
On it.
That's a really feminine boy. Prove me wrong.
Boys are cuter than that
Can I get some sauce on that?
I have a thing for fat /letypol/ers…