Stop using technology

Stop using technology


What am I going to do then?

He's in his car in over half his videos. He showed off his 1930s era Nazi wagon he uses for hauling. He's constantly making YT videos and responding to comments.
Getting out of the city and living in the woods != not using technology.

Practice programming by carving on a rock

Real programs are created for humans, and only incidentally executed on real hardware.
t. dijkstra

I wish I could use magic to do my computing

It's a good saying though, I learned it the hard way. I thought i'd be smart enough to do what's best and disregard readability and ended fucking myself in the ass very early.


no thx

how do you shitpost?

he's an important criminal though.
and probably more important than you.

It's a good principle in moderation, but you should be aware that Dijkstra wrote programs using pen and paper, only used his personal computer to read mail, and believed all programs should get a mathematical proof of correctness. He wasn't messing around.


It's called living for your cause/work. Every top scientist did it and every top leader or social reformist did it as well. They care not for mundane matters that impede their work.
I do agree that pushing personal hygiene and appearance to a tertiary issue is a big factor in whether or not people will take you seriously etc. but you can't do both and in Stallman's case it's hard to weigh the pros n cons of either approach. Too late for him to start dressing up and grooming I'd say, so might as well stick to the current combo.


Any info on how to spot this and how to prevent it. Also what size a program does this start happening?
t. just fell in the rabbit hole

meanwhile, half of Holla Forums are 12 year old faggots that yell COMMIE! and HIPPIE! about stallman every 3 minutes

im thinking of living in the woods myself

g8 thread just g8

*uploads youtube video*

I live in the woods too. It's comfy except the insects and the net speed.

Visita Interiore Terra et Rectificando Invitam Occultum Lapidae

Anprims are just VHEMTs in denial.

Stop use sword
Club best

Their undeveloped brains can't distinguish between free-software and communism. They simply are at a pajeet level.

Make me

'In the old days men could take female children as brides... I agree, be like the old days'

'Not in the past...'

White men are golems of the white woman (also known as muuhhh whiitee wuuummaannn).

They don't think for themselves at all to begin with.

Men who can think like cutie pie female children.

The KKK promotes anarcho-primitivism.

Not at all.
Varg promotes that white people should have as many kids as possible, which goes against the main goal of VHEMTs.

He does bathe and groom. He lives in an apartment. He only owns one ThinkPad. He doesn't do that.


Programs getting proof of correctness would solve 100% of bugs.
Programs being specced & designed before just tacking features onto them would solve 100% of shitty software
It'd also solve 100% of bloatware and 100% of shitty programmers, and 100% of poke and drool software that treats the user as stupid.

Os sup

I had an opportunity to buy an amiga 1000 with a screen and mouse and software and everything for $700 but I couldn't because I'm a poorfag. Probably will regret it forever.

Fuck anprims, Social Ecology is the true path