Tfw your are a black man being used by the juice to push their fetish cuckold propaganda
What year did this board turn from a place to talk about films into pure shitposting?
October 22, 2013
When the whole Bella and the bulldogs thing lost traction there was a noticeable drop in quality. It was a gradual shift into pure shit though so you'll get different answers from different people. It occasionally gets better for a short time and then gets even worse afterwards.
around *BANE*
>>>Holla Forums
fuck off back to reddit
He's a cuck.
His wife's son is half white.
Spouse (2)
Sonya Hamlin (9 April 2006 - 11 August 2006) (annulled)
Henne (Kim) Norgaard (June 1999 - 2003) (divorced) (1 child)
Is that not Idris Elba?
I've been wondering whats up with all the right-wing (or is it alt-right? I dont know what they call themselves) BBC/cuck fetish stuff lately. Did the election bring all the political subreddits here or something?
Faggots post it because they think it triggers them.
Off topic: did clicking on post numbers start opening in a new window for you guys?
Yeah, and it's fucking annoying. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
Yes, I thought it was just me.
Literally bernouts and hillfire missiles still being so butthurt about the election they need to fight those evil white supremacists by posting niggerdicks.
This is what the resistance looks like, gents.
I asked on Holla Forums, put this in the user js:
var allLinks = document.links;
for(var i=0; i
Thanks fam.
It's probably one of these guys.
Some gommie reditor said this is the way Marx wanted to fight fascism.
Denzel was a better, more successful Bull. Women were crazy about him, they just 'eh, would suck while my husband watches' Idris.
Around month ago
When the Caliph of all Muslims, the Shaykh Ibrahim Al-'Awwad Al-Qurashi Al-Baghdadi established the caliphate in the Iraq and Sham in the year 1435 hijri
Damage control? It's clearly the conservatives who love to post "cuck" and obsess over big black dicks. Conservatives serve the banks & the spectacle.
nah fam its obv redditpol
Wtf is this?
Also why americans are so ugly and fat?
this is an old mod meeting, faggot
has nothing to do with Holla Forums
You're right, the real Holla Forums meetups are filled with smelly beaners and majority non-whites.
well yeah, they literally have nothing now, so they can only resort to shitposting and making us so disinterested that we don't show up, which is the only way democraps have ever won elections.