hey bitches poor underaged fag here
how do i get/steal alcohol i need it for research
Hey bitches poor underaged fag here
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Ask your brother. Otherwise get a gun and shoot the cashier. gl hf OP
stand outside a liquor store looking pathetic…
get a fake ID
dont drink the jew poison you stupid imbecile
Make it yourself.
It is cheap and easy, and you don't need an ID to get everything you need to do it.
Shouldn't we be encouraging imbeciles to drink poison? Yes, I think we should.
be confident
walk in store
grab bottle
Kill Jews.
uk fags go to jail for shoplifting booze
also, r/shoplifting. or has that been banned too?
stealing is bad?
no, it is not.
Tuck your shirt into your pants, wear a bulky winter jacket. Drop a bottle down your shirt.
idgaf if you steal from the supermarkets
just sayin' that booze isn't worth jailtime especially in a society that never forgives.
nah it still is tbh
cooking wine
go to the vinegar section and find the cooking wine. don't need an id to buy that stuff.
you sound like alcoholic tbh
i can stop anytime i want to, don't judge me.
Stop now then. For 5 months.
inb4 permabanned for "CP"
i see kids/mexicans doing this like every time i'm in that hell hole and never heard of anyone getting prosecuted for it
Yeah the news doesn't really cover shoplifters.
no people in my HS did it all the time and nobody ever got caught
people who work for walmart don't care because they're also stealing from it
Show me your dick
Find a bum or lowlife and send him in with some money to get booze, remember to give him a cut. Sometimes if you don't have any money, simply giving the lowlife a ride to the store will be enough, once there keep the car idling, lowlife will stuff pants legs full of booze and waddle out of store, if he's being pursued hopefully he gets caught before reaching the car, therefore buffering you from any accomplice charges. If he makes it a 100ft from the door to the car without any employees after him, he's in the clear.
You could make your own if you've got like 4 days before you need to drink.
steal vanilla extract from grocery stores, it contains alcohol.
You can't go blind off wine. Moonshine will fuck you up though. good thing most people don't even know how to make a still.
Yeah. Just start drinking mouthwash like us adults.
If you mix bleach and ammonia together in a bowl and huff it, you get super high, it's similar to getting drunk.
Find an older irresponsible adult.
I always did that when I was a teen. It worked most of the time me and my friend hung outside the liquor store asking older men to go in for us. Only had to chase down one guy that ran off with our money.
Let me guess, he was black.
when i was in hs i made a still in my garage and made tons of moonshine, it's super easy
You got it.
You don't. I should put you over my knee.
What's the name of this bitch?
Alcohol isn't even that good, unless you like passing out and throwing up. Just wait until you're an adult and then do drugs like a normal person.
Alcohol is great. Just don't believe the normie meme that everytime you drink you have to drink till you puke
datamine thread
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>send threatening / harassing e mails 2 **** thanks
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this one is very interesting so make sure to read near the end of the thread
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people stop drinking when they puke?
real men drink till they drop
crimefag can post in own thread thank you very much
or are you just that unpopular? sad.
Alcohol is degenerate.
alcohol is definitely based
Eurothief here.
Leave your wallet and phone at home, comb your hair and shave. Dress like a decent, well-educated middle class boy with a good upbringing.
So, a clean shirt and casual pants. Put on some cologne.
I make a shopping list. It helps me remember what I need and it looks super legit to others if you walk around with one. Surely no thief would use a shopping list?
I use my backpack to collect all the goods. Most people just look at me and think I'm a regular college student using his backpack to shop. (which isn't entirely untrue, haha)
Before entering the store, walk around the surrounding area and plan an escape route.
An escape route should have a lot of short streets and corners so in case someone is following you, you can quickly shake them off.
So no long streets where they can still spot you when you're out of breath.
I've only been chased twice though and that was years ago, most employees will not chase you but having an escape route planned is:
a. Just common sense
b. Good for courage/confidence inside the store. Being prepared feels good.
When you enter the store, take out your shopping list.
Now comes the crucial part. Shoplifting is all about ignoring your dominant impulses.You must repress the urge to look around you like a paranoid peter.
I've seen plenty of people get caught because they behave all jittery and scared,
which of course is a natural way to behave when you're aware that you're taking a risk, and doing something illegal.
But nevertheless. The majority of shoplifters get caught because they're behaving suspiciously. Only a small percentage actually gets caught red handed.
Take the item, look at the price, just take off your backpack, open it, and put it in. ACT LIKE YOU ARE JUST SHOPPING. Act like the rest of the customers.
Repeat this, walk around the store with your shopping list, and act natural. When you want some meat, compare different meats, take some time, but not too much.
When you have your goods, take something small to buy. I bought two sandwiches. They cost me 90 cents. Go to the cash till, and if there are multiple,
seek out the youngest female cashier. Older, experienced ones are more likely to ask you to open your backpack.
I sometimes do a little smalltalk with the girl at the cash till, I actually did so today. It works charms.
Standing there, look around with a bored look and make sure no employee is hurrying towards you. If you're being paranoid,
try to stay cool and make sure the employee hurrying towards you is actually after YOU. If so, walk calmly past the cashier,
head in a hurried pace towards the exit and once you're out, run like a nigger.
This is as much as I can tell you, the rest of the act you will learn from experience. I was very anxious my first few times, I believe I was 15 at the time.
Good luck.
You don't you retarded degenerate nigger
>(((entrapment thread)))
You retarded jewish nigger, you just scared me away then. Why didn't you archive the 15+ other threads I made, in which I posted pictures and vids of me lifting massive loads of food and drink? Heck, what about that time I literally walked into a night shop, and RAN out of it in sight of the fucking cashier, having put 4 bottles of wine in my backpack?
What you're doing is useless, and you even suck at that. Kys nigger.
kek. The Kike shill got scared.
Here you have it, folks; the datamining shills are just that; shills.
don't steal
just Holla Forums yourself.