I had two active threads up ten hours ago, and now they are both gone. They were not anything to do with girls or sex, they were not spam, they were both current events threads. And now they are nowhere to be found on the board.
I understand that on pedo shit and on spam, judgment calls need to be made and people will inevitably get upset. But this was neither of those. Dysnomia, your vols are STILL abusing their power and deleting random shit they think shouldn't be here. Fucking do something about it already, or what little users you have remaining are going to start bailing on you.
Other urls found in this thread:
Absolutely pathetic.
Any proof?
Jim D+ some IPs so you're either a pedo who created 'current event' threads and then proceeded to post little girls, which makes you a lying faggot, or you're telling the truth. The latter isn't the most likely one and I'm just going to assume you were a pedo posting little girls, so you had it coming to you, faggot. See also
Why didn't you explain what the threads were? Why not post evidence that they weren't shitposts?
yeah there are lots of old shit threads from days or weeks ago but a lot of my shit threads disappear after a few hours.
Are all the new vols paid Russian trolls? If so, cheeki breeki for not getting volunteered to go die in training accident and getting sent how to your mother in a Styrofoam cooler with a 200 ruble not stapled to the top.
so shitposts are deleted but pedo threads and little girl threads arn't? priorities my friend.
The vols are legitimate newfags but I believe this was the work of Jim. OP's being a retard as usual and not giving us specific thread numbers or any evidence at all to back up his claims. This is why I assumed he was a just a pedo crying about 'muh pedo' threads. Well guess what, faggot you had about 5 up. Consider yourself lucky that Jim didn't decide to nuke all the threads pedo related. Cry me a fucking river pedo.
The pedos have Dysnomia around their fingers because he knows and they know that they make up the majority of the active users here. When pedos are here the pedo threads accumalate the most replies in such a short time. The pedos do make the majority of the remaining users here, there's no denying that, and yes they've been pretty tame with their pictures and keeping their little girls contained in a few threads but damn it really sucks the life out of the other threads. When the pedos were running rampant posting their little girls in all threads there was a lot of diversity but now there's just this.
but didn't they just get two whole new boards for pedo content or at least semi pedo content?
if pedos are really the majority of posters I am sad. and I know we need to really push the prison rape thing. Cheeks busted. Wigs Split. Pedos get the rope.
also, pedos do not post legal OC. even if they are the majority of users they serve to scare away new users with their shitty illegal non OC postings.
Anons will die off if we cannot continue our culture. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for new shitposters.
Countless containment boards have been made to house the pedos but all of them have failed. They're trying to start a new /hebe/ and going way too hard, way too fast. This attracts Jim and his global faggots to start DOST testing everything aka basically nuking the entire board til all the users fuck off back to here, Holla Forums. Now the pedos are annoyed and unstable and guess who has to deal with those agitated pedos? That's right, us. It is a destructive cycle that repeats ever so often and after each cycle more and more people leave.
Start getting even more sad because they'll be here for a long time.
Yes they do. You are a shill and better yet a pedo shill. I bet you're also OP trying to start a backlash or some childish tantrum with your pedobros. Well guess what, faggot? I'm not biting anymore.
There's no culture here, newfriend.
Not even slightly worth the effort and energy.
Scaring new users and telling them to "go back" doesnt help retain new people.
You know what OC is right?, because I haven't seen any pedo related OC
t. Pedo
read the board log you retard, it was jim not the vols
I have seen posts disappearing that did not appear in the log. what's up with that?
I've done ten fucking years in this shinebox. I wanted a woman, I compromised and jerked off in a tissue. I wanted mannicot. I ate grilled cheese off the rahdiator. You see where I'm going?
these are all me sos you know.
I hate pedos.
so again, yolu are so completely wrong I can only assume it is a low effort non vol troll, because a vol could have seen these were all the same naked ip.
The first rule of Porject Mayhem is you dontted talk about mproject mayhems.
pedo related OC would be illegal hence me saying non illegal OC. why are pedos so fucking stupid?
is Jim in the pocket of the Russians? I bet Put sees his hairy face and think, "wow, what a man, I bet he got hair on his pripyats before he turned thirty. I want to be his friend and maybe his testosterone will rub off on me and I can finally grow a chest hair."
pedos should fuck off tbh. the board looked pretty good when the mods deleted all pedo stuff but sadly it lasted only for a few days
I'm not Montel Williams.
Could we send them a pallet of broc, chicken, and cheese hot pockets to get them to delete the pedo posts all the time.
Ohh look another thread to hide
OP here.
First, I wasn't whining. As you can plainly read I am being very understanding and matter-of-fact about it.
Second, I was deliberately vague about which threads they were precisely because I knew that some anons, vols, etc. would try turning this into an issue about what the specific content was. I was very clear that the content was nothing that was in violation of the rules, even the ones that are not written regarding spam, thread-bumping, etc. Again, these were legitimate current events discussions that were going on. They were not political discussions even, though they were about social issues. They were not in any way being construed as offensive and for a change a good discussion was going on in both of them.
There was no valid reason for deleting the threads, and that is true no matter who deleted them. Vols, Dys, Jim, Ron…it makes no difference.
On the main page of this website it says this: "In the interest of free speech, only content that directly violates the DMCA or other US laws is deleted." I don't know who deleted the threads, and I don't know why. And frankly, I don't care. But I do care about being lied to. If this statement posted above is a lie, it should be taken down, or Jim should openly acknowledge that he is a liar. If it is true, then he should take steps to remove those who are using their power to not live up to that standard.
As I said, I am not mad. Shit happens. Mistakes get made. I'm good with that. But to lie about it, or to pretend it isn't happening is really pathetic and I don't think many people enjoy hanging out with pathetic people of that sort, or hold much interest in what those kinds of people do. I know I don't. This site, this board in particular, is in desperate need of anons to post good quality OC. To alienate those who are trying to provide that for other anons is to insure the continued degeneration of the board and the site. The purpose of this thread was simply to remind the admins of that. Nothing more.
You have to go back Carlita.
to which the pedo says
Now I'll tell you what these 'social issues' were
Here are the pedo's social issues
Jim was active about 20 hrs ago. You can look up the board log the record is there
So once again another pedo got BTFO most probably when Jim did a D+ on all this posts thereby purging the entirety of the pedo's garbage from this site and now he's whining about it.
No use whining here pedo. Maybe you should try whining about it to Jim. Dysnomia can't save your from Jim.
Here's your shifty threads op
Next time don't waste my time
damn op those are worthless. I got all riled up and posted some frank Vincent and this is what I was fighting for?
booger sugar
mod aboos is based
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