This trailer finally made me realize wesern civilization ended over a decade ago and we're just not aware of it

This trailer finally made me realize wesern civilization ended over a decade ago and we're just not aware of it.

Is there some secret social commentary I'm not seeing?

Come on now, it's a (tiny) kid's movie, not the usual perverted liberal cartoons with shallow social commentary from these days.
It even supports strong family values, anti-cheating, compassion, happiness over money. If anything it oversees western values
Reminds me of Wishbone too

Speak for yourself

Mah nigguh

lol "western values"? which ones, specifically?
rape, constant warfare, enslavement, colonization? mcdonalds & wal-mart? dumbass.

Shitskin detected

RIP doggo

The first three are shitskin things tho.

This. Drumpfkins don't realize that muslim culture is enlightened and will rid us of this things. Fuck the west tbh!

nigger western civilization ended in 1789

the first three are nigger values
mcdonalds and wal-mart are yank things
there's literally nothing wrong with colonization if done properly

btw, gotta love token diversity in this one, preach it brothers!

why are normalfags so obsessed with films about talking animals

It's just a silly kids-movie that promotes family values.

Oh, never read a history book? Stay cucked, MSM drones.


Learn to read, you massive retard



What's The Story Wishbone?!

Low tier bait tbh

Thanks to the Jew
Depends on what does the subjugator thinks about improving
Again, think of the Jew, americlap

Jews aren't why most of Africa is practicing cannibalism or muslims are screeching retards. Jews are exploiting those things to ruin western civilization.

Read a book, nigger
Arabs are savage and cunts most of the time but they lived in relative peace for a very long time with their strongman dictators
Then the Donmeh saudis and the Palestine invasion happened, and you have the rest. Pan-Arabism and Nasserism tried to tone it own but failed, you have to keep them divided

muslims have been fighting each other since the end of the caliphate

The nigger and the SJW fear white man wars because they are the first to get their shit kicked in. Name one war where Africans or a group of purple haired faggots won a war against white men.

I wasn't angry until they used Rock You Like a Hurricane. That song is too good for this SHLOCK.

that song is shit

Well as long as they are doing that in their own countries then that isn't anyone's problem.

Yeah we were all sixteen once

just another poleddit dronetard

Except the Ottomans were always in some sort of civil war against some 'tribe'.
Fuck, they been at war w/ each other since the birth of civilization.
Now Europeans, we viewed war, even when we were nomads, as something of noble affairs.
