Sweet little girls thread
Sweet little girls thread
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So sweet
Please stahp creating these threads tbh
that's a pretty big girl
somethings not right on that girl…
hmmmm i think she might actually be a man?
Loli Girlfriend
fucking pedophilic fascists
netfucking dickless necrophilic scum
rest in pieces
what did he mean with this?
sup potato
Looks like jimmy boy doesn't care for us wasting his time, I think we should go to a bunch of dead boards and post a shitload of inoffensive pics that he usually deletes all on different IPs then globally report every single fucking one of them so he'll be forced to manually delete each one.
IS YogaPig even Jim or just a random global?
Its the admin account, either jim or codemonkey but both are just as responsible for ruining Holla Forums so I plan on putting "you are just not welcome here" in every one of my global reports to see if he gets the message :^)
Apply cum :)
Are little girls allowed today?
Daily reminder that Women are 1,000,000,000 times better than ugly, smelly little girls in every way.
name one
Most pedophiles like women also.
ultimate kike
Why even live
Good question, you should consider killing yourself.
this, honestly
Yeah right… I am a realist and know that could never happen unless we were in some sort of post apocalyptic world where I could meet a little girl and then retreat into the mountains to make love with her.
i don't think that's the correct terminology
yeah it is, little girls are well qualified to make decisions about sex and they are obsessed with love and kindness. They know what making love is.
I just want to be able to cum on a happy little girl's face. Every time I see a man spurting on a cutie and rubbing his sensitive head over her grinning lips, I think, "now there's the luckiest guy on Earth." Except for the getting caught part.
kys tbh. admire. but not sexualize!
It's just goo.
Tfw will never tie up fuckarina and smell her armpits whike she giggles
She lost her cuteness ;-;
stop watching цр tbh
Source? You got recent pics of her?
I dont follow her anymore tbh
mah nigga, people with an armpit fetish that are only into old hags will never know what they're missing as they look at grannies with their stubbly discolored armpits.
Just another example of how little girls are the physical embodiment of perfection.
Still Same face, but just gotten taller
Shes still lovely fam. More tbh.
just search for her instagram, user
Just dump what you have that worth pisting fam.
like the 3rd pic :D
Would still cudde with tbh but ywn cudsle with adolescent Kristina
they aren't real pedophiles
One and three still have reminants of adolescent Kristina :3 but there are greener pastures.
Check her IG for the more recent ones.
not true. they are just non-exclusive
t. non-exclusive, pedohebeteliophile
and a lamp post?
She's really cute. I want to pat her head and tell her she's a good girl.
i bet you would
Maybe cuddling with her and having her sit on my knee too, but nothing more.
Making a little girl smile or helping her with her homework is far more appealing to me than sex.
why not have children of your own then?
these are the main issues and adoption is pretty much out of the question
i understand. probably why many of us are here and not there
I'm primarily attracted to little girls, my fetishes (obligate, not optional) are deeply disturbing to most normies, and I don't think it's ethical to bring new life into this world.
Why? Because there is too much evil in the world or because you couldn't provide it a good existence?
Both, tbh
Mainly the former. The world abounds with suffering and even the best parents can't guarantee that their kid isn't going to end up a suicidal wreck thanks to society.
I might consider adopting in the future if I'm in a position to give a child a good life, but even that's unlikely.
Good thread innit
I wish you good luck sir because you'll need a lot of it. Addionally, you'll need a good overall background, good health, a welcoming home and if you manage to trick them with all that then you'll need to somehow convince them that you're not adopting the loli for the sole purpose of fugging it.
Tl;dr You're fucked if you want to adopt a loli.
that's reasonable. I feel the same way at the moment, but I would like to have a family in the future. But things are just too uncertain for me personally and in the world in general…
a large reason why they don't want single men to adopt little girls. pic related
I don't think I'd try adopting unless I managed to find a partner anyway. Kids raised by single parents have worse outcomes in general. I certainly couldn't try to be a parent while working a normal job. Kids need parents who are actually there for them. Not to mention that most adopted kids have already been hurt and scarred by life so they need more support than average.
This is what I mean about the world in general being shit. It's one long chain of shitty circumstances leading to shitty choices with shitty outcomes which perpetuate the shitty circumstances. Everyone is doing the best they can in this awful world, but the end result is just inefficient conflict and suffering. No matter how satisfying it might be to blame individuals, free will doesn't even exist in any meaningful way.
It's fucked how they just assume everyone is a child molester and that all single men just want to fug the loli. Fuck these kikes and their propaganda. I don't want the right to fug a loli, I just want the public to not automatically assume that I want to diddle her ;-;
your opinion is irrelevant goyim
And so is yours
t. kike
This is sadly the case. Freedom is just a hoax.
Wasn't suppose to sage. So I'll reiterate on you've previously said.
Tl;dr everyone is swimming in a giant ocean of shit and no matter how much we struggle and strain we're still going to be in the ocean of shit.
holocaust denier!!! 120 years in prison, then death penalty!
She's getting a spanking.
That's mean.
Spankings should be given to a consenting child for fun - not as some kind of barbaric punishment. If a child is upset and angry they need support, not violence. Would you have a healthy relationship with someone who hit you ever time you had a disagreement with them?
If you are giving fun spankings, don't forget the aftercare. Any good spanking should end with cuddles and lots of reassurance that you love her.
Naughty children deserve spankings. At other times they can be playfully spanked. Whether it is for punishment or fun, I always hug and reassure them. No child is 'bad' but does bad things. A clean slate follows the punishment and it is done for their own benefit. Out of love.
Children imitate the adults around them. If you want to teach your kids to solve problems by getting angry and hitting them until they go away, spanking them is a way to do that. Personally I think one of the biggest problems our species faces is that we try to solve every problem by finding someone to blame and then hurting them until we feel better. It doesn't solve problems - it just appeals to our base urges.
In my opinion, if you're hitting your kids for any reason other than consensual play, you're abusing them.
This argument isn't going to go anywhere though. It has been done to death. This is my last post on the subject, so if you want to get the last word, go ahead.
I respect your difference of opinion, though I don't view spanking and hitting, nor child discipline and violence against adults, as the same thing. Either way it is good both of us are mindful of our actions and though we disagree on the method, hopefully our offspring will be among the better behaved in society. Discipline aside, play spanking is fun for all; as what are bottoms for?
Now this I can get behind. I can't imagine anything better than a cute loli coming up to me and meekly telling me she's a bad little girl who needs to be punished.
What other kinds of punishments would you give to a cute and enthusiastic loli?
I usually use corner time, writing lines, detention, all with various roleplay spin put on them. Sometimes they will ease into the fun and do the "this is boring, Mr., isn't there another way?" routine, to which I will offer them a spanking in exchange for their current punishment. Even though some of them are spanked for real, they enjoy the "oh no, I've never been spanked; but I don't wanna do this other punishment" reasoning. The funniest is when the younger sibling will feel jealous because they are not being spanked.
If you're into certain weird fetishes, I can think of some other fun options:
meep meep little girls can't be your world tbh no homo
They can if you're a louse.
Figging little girls will only make them extremely horny.
I've never tried it, but I've heard it's fairly painful. I guess if you think it's not enough you could always use chilli sauce.
How will holymakrel ever recover?
Much cuter!
scum of the earth tbh
Roasties on suicide watch
Baguette Pam Pom tbh
Pam Pam or Pom Pom
Faggot Pam Pom?
Little girls look so sweet in the kitchen.
more of this is needed
Pam Pam/10
Why do the contents of my bowels smell like this Loli's cooking?
little girls!
Dey see me rollin'
Dey hatin'
puts a new twist on "riding dirty"
Better not link to youtube videos from known pedophile site like 8ch tbh.
your gay
grammar isnt important on imageboards tbh
Google sees referrers and those get flagged tbh.
>>>Holla Forums
i dont like Holla Forums or Holla Forums tbh
Why is she yanking on those leather straps?
To steer. Perhaps she feels more comfortable than using the handlebars. Maybe it's like using a girl's pigtails to steer her head.
Only a true pedo would appreciate that reference…
Uh oh…
Reference to what?
Isn't that a Jim reference?
You know?
No, it's a reference to the use of a girl's pigtails when she's giving you a blow job. Steering the head…
I had never heard of such a thing before!
I am shocked!
With no pupils I am guessing you have never seen such a thing either.
Away, slight man.
lmao not based #justmgtowthings
Quads are full of shit
Some questions NEED answers…
Those eyes… I think I'm in love