So, last night I kind of fucked up and showed my power level a bit with my girlfriend...

So, last night I kind of fucked up and showed my power level a bit with my girlfriend. I was trying to slowly ease her into it, but I lost my temper last night and started ranting. And yes, this is blogging, feel free to scroll to another thread if you hate reading.

She used to be an SJW, gradually I've very gently pulled her out of it. I've mostly avoided talking about politics with her though. The first time it came up at all was when in discussion of Trump and Obama she referred to Obama as "Daddy" and I said I'd heard people refer to Trump that way and she said that was gross because "He's like that old grandpa no one likes." but I let it go other than my displeasure being obvious on my face. There were little moments like that here and there. She started talking about Pokémon one time, and I just unthinkingly tossed out "That series is so weird. Imagine a world where instead of going to school little kids are encouraged to catch wild animals and then run around attacking strangers who have them for money." She responded "Yeah, plus if Pokémon existed, I bet rich white men would take them all right away." I said nothing.

Tonight we were fooling around. I'm not going to pretend I'm the best in bed, the desire is still there but I can't go again after I cum like I used to be able to.I had said we'd fuck then we'd see how quickly she could make me hard again with her mouth, but after cumming my brain wandered, so there was a little gap before that second sex act. She started watching a youtube video. It was some girl screaming racial retardation at some guy. Talking about how white people had too much power, and the guy shot back "The freaking president is black" and she responded "And a white congress and a white house and a white everyone else! He has no where near enough power!" and I got so fucking irritated I let the curtain slip. I just said in that terrible "fake laugh so you don't yell" voice people do sometimes "What the fuck was that?" and she said it was a white teacher attacking his students and saying Mexicans were trying to take over and a black female student "roasting him" and I said "Roasting him? She sounded pretty stupid." "Really?" "I mean… everything she said was wrong. Obama did have a black everything, he was just a shit president. I mean all black politicians did nothing for Detroit. Everyone including the cops in Ferguson was black. That's why that BLM stuff is such BS. I… I mean uh, don't get me started on this topic. I could rant for a while." she just kept replying "Well I guess it's a matter of opinion…" and that got me going "…Not really. I mean like… The whole 'whites have too much power' thing, it's such an ignorant world view. To say that you're basically pretending China, India all of Asia really, the Middle East, Africa and South America all don't exist. I mean do you think white people have too much power in Mexico or Japan? It's such an incredibly dumb statement. Like the assertion that there's too many white people in the media, have any of these people seen what's produced by South American countries? I don't see them going to India and declaring Bollywood is insufficiently diverse because it's all Indians. It's like they've specifically lived a sheltered life only watching stuff on the BBC and white networks in white majority countries and they're too stupid to look for the diversity they seek in countries where the majority is the race they want to see. And if they aren't going to those countries and demanding their shows contain white people, then they're totally full of shit. As far as the teacher saying Mexicans are trying to take over America?" and she goes "Oh right, those filthy Mexicans." "Baby, you realize I'm half Hispanic right?" "…Right." "The idea of the US becoming Mexico enrages most American Hispanics, because frankly, Mexico is complete fucking shit. It used to be a nice country. I mean have you ever heard of La Raza? Their stated goal is the domination of the US, which would in fact turn the country into a total shithole and I'm saying this as a half-Mexican." "Well, well, I guess it's a matter of opinion. …Let's just talk about something else."

I stopped myself there and tried to save face. Things got awkward for a moment. I thought "What can I change the subject to in order to make this less awkward? I probably can't just transition straight to 'now suck my dick' because this could become confrontational…" but thankfully she was in such a hurry to get off the topic she brought it up and started doing it. I started teasing her about her fetish and the tension went away, but in the back of my head I was thinking "Fuck, I blew up at her."

The real question is: why do you care about her opinion? The only time you should care about that is if you wanted to have kids with her… It's just a lost cause reasoning with this kind of people…

Tbh, good on you fella, however, never back down or wimp out — I'd just keep reinforcing the truth and let it sink in to her. SJWism is a mental disease and it needs treatment, ie. getting sense beat into them. Soon you can start redpilling her on the garbage that led to her brainwashing — (((cultural marxism)))


OP is the racemixed mongrel you idot. lrn2readingcomprehension

oh seven trips, he is implying that despite being half other he is lowering himself by dating someone who accepted the other. A very subtle kind of joke going on here, my newfriend.

OP, just show her video related if she needs pointers on how to use her head properly.

from that point on, its all your fault - you're all butthurt because you believe you've revealed your power level to a coal burner…
and then toss them out of the car while its still moving, period.

can we get a longer version or maybe add in the soviet anthem in the background? When she chokes and gags it sounds like a croaking frog.

it is like a very hoarse "reeeeee" when she gags.