And to think people said she looks like a man.
And to think people said she looks like a man
He does
I don't know what you're talking about; how does she look unfeminine?
male and female skulls are different tbh
And? How does her skull look like a male skull?
maybe this gives some hint
I don't see any of the given male features on her face. She doesn't have a square jaw or anything like that.
it's harder to point finger why exactly, but she does kinda look like a man
(especially in the first pic very much so)
just trusting my instincts man
Go with you're instincts bro.
it's polite she tbh
Her skin complexion looks really unhealthy in the first pic. She looks sick. What do you think her diet consists of, to make her look so unhealthy?
if you're going to be /leftycuck/ about it then go full faggot. Xe is the proper term for ppl like you.
I personally in my personal opinion which I hope doesn't personally offend anybody, very much personally prefer the traditional impersonal term "it".
cute trap tbh, whats his name
How old is Tehmimi?
youre mom
not this
not wot?
all me
not me
HER name is Nicole.
how big is HER cock?
nice photoshop skills
mspaint, save in jpg kek
fucking owned
How can a gaze be autistic?
this isn't the 90's. You can save in .png too
Look at those wide shoulders! Built like a Toyota Hilux. Face looks like a Toyota Hilux.
Masculine gaze
He used to play football in highschool, he was the best linebacker on the team.
She is built like a feminine woman!
She was just ambivalent at the moment the picture was taken. She looks much more emotional in this picture.
She was looking at the camera.
What are you talking about? She's not fat.
I've seen Terminators with a more convincing smile.
How is her smile unconvincing?
Since you're obsessed with this creature, can you tell us if it's still active online and making videos? Man it would be funny if Nicole itself would post here, everybody would be like "show us your dick" and Nic be like "ok" then everybody be like "whoa that's bigger than I imagined".
Yes, they are still active, he has an active twitter and jewtube account:
nicole is based and fashy tbh
alex jones BTFO
I like how you conveniently neglected the twitter account. It is well active.
The exact frequency of her posts doesn't matter. The point is, she's just some stupid roastie braying about whatever socially acceptable idea she has on her mind at the moment as a means of maintaining social acceptance. Just like everyone else using social media sites. She produces no actual content or ideas of her own making. So calling her "active" is incorrect. She is no more than a random lemming spewing nice, corporate-acceptable platitudes to all her friends.
didn't read lol
Ignore the trolls who will never feel the way you do about Nicole.
i can appreciate you trying to be humorous but you fell well off the mark here, lad
SHE is a woman! Her preferred pronouns are she, her, hers!
i'm not the nicole user you're responding to, m8. sorry to disappoint, you're just a little unfunny is all
How is she "genderfluid?" She is clearly a woman!
Then it's one of the manlier women I've ever seen, man. Are you in contact with Nicole? Tell it to post in here.
How could you possibly describe such a feminine individual as "manly"?
How could you possibly describe Nicole as "disgusting?"
Oh God tear my eyes out, is that a neutered Corgi in the background?
Do you not enjoy gazing upon her?
Look at those man hands and shoulders. Nicole looks as if it could break the women's neck like a chicken's.
Do you have Nicole in sexy poses so that I can assess the proportions of its male ass?
Look and be amazed.
she looks like obama
Thats a man, douchebag!
Just as I thought. Looks flat enough to use as a table. Got more? I've been nice to you, purposefully not saging and all.
She is a woman though!
So is Blaire White
No, Blaire is a tranny. Nicole is a biological woman and very feminine also.
Thats like, your opinion man. Unless you post non-photoshopped nudes which would be like, hard evidence man.
But she is! You have no proof that she is not!
Also about Blaire White, I bet 100$ Nicole would KO Blaire's sorry ass with the first few manly punches. Mike Tyson's got nothing on Nicole.
100% true tho
Look at that man's jaw line
She is NOT a man!
I don't have nudes. But from her non-nude pictures, it is perfectly clear that she has NO masculine features.
Are you fucking blind?
No, I can see much more clearly than you, and my eyes tell me Nicole is not masculine at all!
(You)'re a master troll I give you that. You keep saying that shit as if you believe it while posting the most fucking unflattering manly pics of the poor creature.
Oh trust me, there are worse.
typical man selfie. You can even see the remais of his beard.
Daily reminder that "she" stole thousands of dollars donated to Airplay 2 and used it for personal purposes.
Haha, what a coicidence. I'm on my way out to grab some chinese food before my high functioning autist lady friend comes over to my trash house.
there is literally nothing wrong with that tbh
Dragon dildoes then?
More like a titjob.
Separated at birth? They've even got the same hair dye and vacant expression. Could Nicholas be Christine's long sought after gal-pal?
Nicole actually sounds pretty feminine, despite her rather masculine face.
We're all beating a dead nicole here. I mean it's fun but without new content, and no nudes whats the point. That's what I want for X-mas. Nicole nudes, or at least a NicoleEroticASMR channel.
Are you scatfag or just gay?
The gay scatfag is the one who brings them up first. You. It's called projection. You're welcome.
Nope, Nicole a shit and also he's a man.
That's a woman's name.
. …. . .. ..
All these hawt Nicole pics have made me FAIL my "No Fap November", you bastards!
She's a smoker.
How can you tell?
Cool, that's my fetish.
"hey guys my name is jessica"
But that's an obvious man. Nicole is obviously a woman.