
Jewtube link to video (too big to post directly without encoding)

BRB making burgers for dinner

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bump for keks

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6 including themselves doesnt count. The bitch is dead.

I wonder what percentage of Hillary "supporters" won't even show up to vote.

Wow that was one high energy Trump supporter. He didn't even spill spaghetti. We have come a long way from our wojak days.

I would guess a significant portion of the young supporters. Nothing takes priority over facebook, twitter and television these days for them it seems.

Yea, door knocking seems retarded by volume for the cost.

Dunno why this triggers me, but it does.

Hillary has to go.


Cold blooded as hell.

Nice passive aggressive cover, idiot.

Got em trained well on the Hillary camp.

That too, but if I had a fellow Trump supporter knock on my door I'd be pretty excited. Don't meet many like myself in WA, not in public at least. However, in Washington for the primaries you can only vote either for one democratic candidate or one republican but you can't vote for both sides. Here in our 'blue' state 83,000 people in my county voted Trump in the primaries and I'm west of the cascades, so there's some hope.

Still door knocking sounds like something all the uppie yuppie teens would love to do.


This election has been the best election ever

the ass-hurt of liberals is amazing


I want to see what would happen if some hillary cuck did this in a Trump office.
Might do this myself because real hillary cucks would probably get their ass kicked.

top kek, hill shills confirmed for first on the list for FEMA camps.

What did you use to do the conversion to get the size right?

It's going to be difficult for the media to spin the rigged Hillary landslide (if they even manage to do that) after all the videos like this and all the videos of people rushing to see/help Trump.

audio = 64000 * duration
max = (83886080 - audio) / duration
ffmpeg […] -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v max […]

ffmpeg, word

They seemed just a bit too excited about someone volunteering to canvas. Top kek.




Oh man, these states are all gonna be a slaughter aren't they? Please go red for Trump, Michigan. PLEASE.


B-but Hillary got 95% of Bernie supporters. They must have changed venues to the nearest stadium. Those six workers didn't go because they showed up late and nobody told them. That must be what happened.

Dubs confirmed that that must have happened. I'm sure it was all one big mistake and it will all be taken care of. Hilary will totally beat Drumpf in the election!

I can't even pretend to be a leftist anymore.

Fucking brutal.


I am baffled by this question.

They must have something dirty in that building, otherwise, why would they care?

Kind of off-topic, but this is my smuggiest Trump. Do you guys have any that out smug this for my collection?

Hillary Campaign Training Manual

Chapter 1: Are you law enforcement?

They were briefed by lawyers obviously. Now as to what would trigger that I am baffled as well.


background on first is pretty smug if you can find original

Hmm, what would a political campaign have in a little office that's not legal, and not digital?
I'm drawing a blank.
drugs? paper records of something?



The Superman hand tornado scene provided so many keks back on Holla Forums.

Really puts our meme powers into perspective, a single meme can spread to thousands and millions of people quickly, they're still trying to go knocking on doors like plebs.

I did it to make sure no one fucked with the volunteers, they were mostly older/retired women.

There was this one elderly chinese woman that was nice af and would bring pork buns. Ameridinks love Trump.

Oh my gosh, this is hilarious. Who knew that Hillary's only supporters were Jebs and cat ladies (and kikes)?

big keks thx for sharing op

Cuckoldry, In Ohio Sunlight



This looks like a adult swim comedy sketch

Found a higher quality image

What's up with those shoes?

nice oc.

Please knock

Got a better version.
The logo needed to pop a bit more.

How do you do that kind of outline on text?

I'm assuming they're violating some sort of campaigning laws.

select opaque
grow selection by 5+ pixels
create a new layer below whatever you want to outline
fill selection in new layer with whatever you want
merge down, or create a layer folder to keep the outline layer aligned with the subject layer

That makes sense.
I'm not a lawfag, is there a most likely infraction for this sort of thing?

Thanks m8, much appreciated.

You can also go to the text layer -> blending options -> stroke

This is 100% white text on white background with stroke

I'll just post the template I made.

aw fuck I just noticed the bottom is cut off

this bernie's campaign, though. Do one for Clinton




I honestly feel really bad for these people. I know their candidate is corrupt, and that they're really dumb for supporting her, but they honestly seem like they're just not in the loop. Like they really are just dumb people. They seem like they're just old people who don't know what they're doing.

But it's not.

The 480p version is 6.82MB

Don't feel sorry for them. They are part of the reason why our beloved nation is so fucked up right now.

Got some refreshed OC here.

Dumb people exist and through democracy they have a voice. It's not surprising you'll see them once in a while.
We really need to get rid of all the corruption about and give genetic engineering and eugenics another honest try with good people leading the operation.

Dubs confirm. Fuck the old leftist Boomers.

The original is 30+, there's a cap of ~10? here I believe, you still have to encode the video to a smaller size for it to meet the file size constraint.

So yes, what I said is 100% accurate. Thankfully some anons passed it through an encoder/converter to drop the size.

Did you even read what I said and clicked my link?

You can choose to download a 480p version on keepvid and it's less than 10MB

Here is it, I didn't even re-encode it, I just downloaded it directly.


the republican party isn't Holla Forums you normalfuck

You don't have to try so hard to fit in my dude.

Did you even read what I said? You still need to process the video.

All of us here are aware of that.

Nope. You download the .mp4 and upload it directly. No conversion required.

cmon man

wtf do you think the website does?





Damn satan, this is going to give me high blood pressure.

It'll definitely give you hard on reading the salt


They must have all gotten pneumonia


Here's Hillary's

I doesn't encode it. Videos are .mp4 files on youtube already.

Satan, why would you do this to us? Thanks.



It's fucking hilarious, leftists thought Trump had no chance in hell at winning, now they're shitting themselves. Reality seems to run 180 degrees from leftist expectations.

isn't vp9 the default now? anyway, you might want to adjust your maths to account for the new 10mb size limit!

polite sage

That's true, but it's like putting down an animal because it killed someone. It still feels kinda bad. Same reason why I could never be an executioner.

Ya, dumb people are everywhere, but I don't think eugenics is justifiable.

I figured those were too obvious to mention.

they must get it a lot.

Reality was never on their side.

I keep forgetting.

Then you shouldn't choose a mate. Because choosing a mate is selective breeding, and selective breeding is eugenics.

don't get me wrong I am voting for trump but the faggots on this board who think that basic bitch conservitards are on our level in regards to philosophy and politics are fucking retards. so sick of the morons who think these conservitard normies wouldn't throw us into FEMA camps so they can have their civic-nationalist cuckmerica


ileus (14,691 posts)
8. Once we win we will punish these deplorables…
Revenge they won't get.

Their side will never have the votes to win the presidency again.

Missn-Hitch (255 posts)
18. It's time for a divorce.
Some of these people will ALWAYS vote for the gop. It is in their worldview i.e. manifest destiny, christian nation, blah blah blah. We really have to consider a civil "civil" war. This can be accomplished without having another bloody civil war.

Very basic overview which can be negotiated.

1. Divide country in half. East/West, North/South.
2. Divide all military assets in half…..including our nuclear arsenal.
3. Divide national debt in half.
4. 1-3 year period of migration. Tax holiday for those migrating to their side of choice.

To help people decide which side they want to live on - one side will be the Clintons, Obamas, Carters, Shumers, Sanders and Pelosis. The other side will have the Bushes, Cheneys, Trumps, McConnells, Bachmans, Palins and Ryans.

Just trying to find a way to avoid another civil war - that is all.

No, that's on an individual level. I can choose for myself here. The problem is when others get a say in it.


Plus, Trump's views has shifted over the years.
Same with your choice.
Well yeah, but it'll be an improvement.
Can this faggot even listen to himself? You lefties have always been the ones obsessed with destroying society. And yeah, I'll be pissed if Hilary wins.
She is.
Bring it on, faggot.

What does "Love trumps hate" even mean?

We're going to need some serious beer.

Basically, Love > hate

What if someone loves hate though? Checkmate

Trump is going to win the election

That's why you put an apostrophe so that it says "Love Trump's Hate"

Isn't that like spawn raping?

(self check)

Nice of them to go to a nearly all white country, huh?

Holla Forums doesn't sounds this bad when there's LARPing, right?


Fuck you, Boomer.

Somebody's doing the raping, user.

That's how everyone is going to interpret it when they're already primed to think about the election. "Hillary loves Trump's hate? I don't get it" will be the main reaction.

You really really shouldn't have to explain your slogan even once, it's just bad form. This entire election it's seemed like Hillary's campaign hasn't even been trying.

O they've been actively sabotaging the witch because no one likes her.

I think they dropped love trumps hate, in favor of stronger together.

Their memes are weak.


Kek, they really do look up to Hillary.

These people are beyond delusional, they talk about being the "democratic underground" and larping as the founding fathers. Its almost beyond belief that they think the fathers would side with quad-gendered kang-colored copter-kin instead of us

I've never had a Hillary canvasser come to my house. Probably because I switched my party affiliation to republican years ago.

tfw I won't be able to laugh in their faces as I close the door

He really does look like a man who's wife's boyfriend made him volunteer.

It's a pretty awful slogan. It's like they are saying that they love Trump's hate. It's cucked.

You aren't from here and we all know it. Go shill somewhere else before the infamous hacker known as Holla Forums grows weary of your shenanigans

Delete this deplorable shit. only niggers take vertical video