Masked intruder enters elementary school in Utah, bomb squad and snipers at scene
Masked intruder enters elementary school in Utah, bomb squad and snipers at scene
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There was a stream in faceberg but they told them to get away from the windows and SHUT IT DOWN
They're trying to slide the ISIS bombings out of the news cycle. Watch this get back to back coverage.
Please be a Muslim refugee killing Mormons. Maybe that will turn those cucks around.
I can't handle all these happenings.
Get them on board I'll call it in
Makes me think it's a white guy, but the pic in the article looks pretty muzzie to me. No police scanner for that area unfortunately.
inb4 it's Hillary's lawyer's expendable cousin
The Establishment is falling apart at the seems and it feels so good.
What the fuck? This is shit, he even had the costume.
Welp, I guess I was right on both counts.
Muslim converts, nothing new.
I think they're misreporting a story from 3 years ago, this is kind of weird
but RT now
Watch how the media will spin this as muh evil white man and not an Mudslime convert.
story from 2013
also this goes to show that the murderous shit cult is the problem, the followers are the symptom.
Not buying it
What the fuckā¦
I knew a FUCKING WHITE MALE would commit some kind of attack soon. The New Jersey snackbar bomber was far too inconvenient for the narrative.
Why the fuck do I have to manually copy paste the captcha address now?
Tfw they are literally recycling stories from years ago to cover for muzzies
then you're fucking new
Shits getting weird and uncomfy
Around from what? Mormons are the most based group in the country.
they're still going to have to work to cover the Islam bit. I don't think the "FUCKING WHITE MALE" bit it going to fly so soon since the last attack.
Do you want every normie piece of shit around coming and shitting up the place?
That's certainly what it looks like to me, perhaps the bombings were real but this is the false flag to try and draw attention away from Trump being completely right
except they got really lazy and just copy and pasted an attack from 3 years go
That or our memes are literally ripping apart the fabric of reality
Welp, this is starting to fit too well. My doubt now is if there's a bomb at all or if he likes the stunts. Maybe after hearing about yesterday he decided it was time to up the ante.
So are they just calculating that terror attacks will help Trump less than her dirty laundry being aired?
Are you retarded? They voted for Romney in order to fulfill a Mormon prophesy about Mormons taking over the federal government. They are literally commanded by thier God to seize control of the United States by any means possible.
Thats a an old case with the SAME person I think, cause theres no pictures of him in current garb from the articles
They're obviously panicking and are somehow incapable of getting a white guy to shoot some nigger and credit Trump.
Still honestly wondering why that hasn't happened yet.
Yeah, it looks like this guy might have a history of making threats and calling himself a jihadi.
Archives of previous two Twitter posts:
Here we go.
So they got an MK ultra victim to finally do the white supremacist Islamic Christian shooting?
So he's a legitimate crazy who thinks he's a jihadist and has been arrested for being a looney in public in 2013 and now has threatened to bomb an elementary school?
Is that about right?
what other attacks happened around the last incident, he might be a paid false flag
I think there's something fishy going on.
Like a coverup for the jersey bombing. I mean like (((someone))) is making a more horrible attack to make that jersey bombing look less bad.
But thats just a theory.
Stream anywhere?
But he let all the kids go and it's reportedly his son's school. Shits fucking weird as fuck.
Is this fucking serious?
So just a bomb threat or did he actual kill kids?
Just a threat, school was evacuated safely.
Waitā¦wtf? Has our memeing opened a rip in the space-time continuum, or are they actually recycling a news story from three years ago? Fuck, if I never believed in archiving, I do now
this fag gets it KEK "GREAT POST ā¢
Interesting theory. The Boston bombing was a few months earlier.
white nationalists and jihadis are two sides of the same coin, troglodytes willing to murder civilians
This is psyops as fuck. Pretty blatant too
Yea, it doesn't make any sense YET.
I'll wait and see what happens.
Hi Keith.
bye Keith
Given that 2013 article he looks like he's a gang-stalker tier mental patient.
This New Jersey/New York shit probably sent his fragile brain into overdrive - probably thought the Afghani guy was sending him messages through fried chicken.
just flipped through the networks and nothing there yet, but it's perfect timing to hit right at 7pm
explain keith maymay I don't keep tabs on name forced memes
there is no such thing as a "civilian"
Is it a trannie?
only savages want to "fight"
these mormon terrorists are getting out of hand
this is why whites need to be genocided tbh
Are you gonna tell us some shit about the crusades next or?
either a troll trying to b8 or a WN trying to get other "rally up"
So are they going to blame his whiteness or the religion of peace?
gtfo newfag
Thank god.
No dead white kids or false flags. Hope the fucker is caught and locked away in an insane asylum.
Trips checked
Not really, some shit in the crusades was fucked up (friday 13, ursury monopoly, rapes, etc) but for the most part it allowed Europe to remain Christian and from being taken over by those following an conquering booklet
I don't know, if attacks start being usual, crazy fucks becoming copycats makes some sense. If no explosives are found I'm leaning towards crazy idiot. The manifesto quotes the Bible and the Koran. If it was a false flag I would expect those details to be much more clear.
It's pretty obviously some kind of shit cuckchan raid. The evalion threads, the chile poster, the kid who reviews fastfood, and triggering comments about Whites.
did you just changed IPs to give your narrative rebuttal?
what thread?
It looks like a crazy idiot. Apparently he has a history of this, god knows what his kids live with.
you're not so smart
Yeah, Bible and koran. Making it about racism. I doubt there are explosives. Now the question is whether or not he's run of the mill nuts or someone let him loose.
So are they ever going to release the full text of his email?
you best start believing in RaHoWa
you're in one
1) usually there is an "investigation" to figure out if such release of information will put others in danger. This takes place during the preliminary investigations
2) the information that get to be released is given to the media
3) media chooses when/how/what gets reported
Seeing as most/all the media belongs to a few companies, it's not hard to get ALL/MOST news outlets to say the same thing almost verbatim
That's what I thought.
No, goy, they're the mad ramblings of a crazy racist! He's incoherent and has no reason to act out whatsoever!
Adam lanza high score will be beat tonight DUBS CONFIRM
I thought a muslim had the american high score
Terrible example if you want to wean weebs from 2D. Might as well use a naked Hillary pic FFS.
High score is 2,996 dead, 6,000 wounded.
for school shooting in the USA no adam lanza autism is still the best
that one doesn't count does it?
Well, since it never happened, I disagree.
Kennedi is actually a Hillary supporter, soā¦
Calgary got hit, MN,NJ,NY all hit.
Oh fug.
What happened? Recent bombs going off in NY/NJ giving Trump too much ammo.
Better make another school shooting happen so Hilldog has a strong talking point!
Adam lanza sperging out is still the best DAMM MUZZIE BOMB SHIT ALREADY
oh fug. I'm sorry lads.
Do you remember the "Saint Rose of Lima" school? I still have a whole folder on the matter
Kennedi check em
Sena is a cunt though.
No example will work, that's what you fail to understand. One will always be superior.
Yozora pls go
Is it wrong that a laugh when someone shoots up a school? Is it because of my autism? Wew lads
I was a ZOGBot from 2000-2004 and became a faggot liberal shut-in until 2008 so I don't remember that. Tell me about this Saint Rose of Lima school, user.
Pic related is kind of a good one. I actually was one of the first one to dig on the matter because St. Rose is a saint from the country I was born in.
Sandy hook is 100% real. However whats strange is that adam lanza never handled guns before.. did he gain super autism for school shootings? He didn't count his bullets like a n00b
Isn't this somewhat covered in "Let's Talk About Sandy Hook" if I remember correctly?
As always, pick only one.
this immediately stands out like false flag sandy hook material, just at first glance. My only issue is that if it's a FF why would they bother claiming the kid is an islamic jihadist, that doesn't fit their narrative and gives support to Trump.
Are we still too much in the dark here or is it clear yet whether this is a hoax?
I'm not saying Sandy Hook wasn't real, what I brought up was how conflicting the testimonies were.
Even visual recordings showed a different thing from what was reported. You seem to also know about the subject as you brought up one of the inconsistencies of the story: the guns Lanza did (not) had
He sounds like a fucking schizo who just went nuts. Highly doubt it's a FF, since nobody is dead and there wasn't any "training drills" in the area and lack all other signs of false flaggery.
Its real. He loved school shootings and wanted to do one himself. Guess he really didn't have a reason to live anymore. See.:schoolshooters.info
How to do a school shooting: PROTIP Bring a Shotgun to breach doors and 2 of the same gun
He's securing the nomination for Trump, thank you based Chris Craig. May you RIP in peice.
Laughing is a perfectly reasonable way to deal with death, user.
I don't even think this fucker wants to hurt kids or
"shoot up" the school, and in a weird way this whole event is kind of plausible because of that.
I was personally affected by JW Lindh and spent many years on the no-fly list because my name is a perfect anagram of his this prompted me to do fuckloads of research on the guy.
He's from a well-to-do liberal area of Commiefornia, just like this guy is from a well-to-do liberal area of Mormontown.
He is probably an useful idiot trying to play the part of towelhead on his own accord, saw the recent attacks, and did the most flashy thing he could.
If we were dealing with sandyhook2.0 right now there would be "dead kids" already, at worst this fucker allah akbars a janitor or tries to bumrush a cop and gets shot.
Because it's some non-figurative retard trying to pull off a terrorist attack while reaming civil. He wants to complete the towelhead persona he's destroyed his life over. this is probably just a really interesting suicide
I'm not sure what happened at Sandy Hoax and I won't pretend that I do know what happened.
All I know is what they told us is not what happened.
Testimonies are wrong most of the time, there was a claim that adam lanza visited his high school before his high score but he didn't
Yeah, i agree, he seems to be one of those queer liberal protester
I tried articulating the same thing. I do not know exactly what happened. Like you said, the MSM version was innacurateā¦ my Sandy Hook folder is names "sant rosa de lima" for a reason.
I've been here way too fucking long manā¦ I actually thought that leaf on the left side of the picture was Pepe before viewing the picture in full size. See something green, think it's Pepe/Kek. That frog is playing with my mind i'm telling you man.
wasn't there an old guy who had 3 lolis in his house?
I can look through the folder, but too much work
I need moar proof, his online posts paints him as a person who LOVED school shootings.
Made me Kel
An old guy? Is that the guy who fucked 3 lolis till they are adults?
You've been initiated user, praise him.
Sandy Hook was a massive clusterfuck because they had Adam and his Brother confused for the first several hours and sporadically for days.
Part of this was part of the coverup, part of this was a media probe to attempt to map the flow of misinformation.
Reality: adam doesn't real, brother was in NY not being real, there were weirdos in camo running around the school, not teenagers in fedoras
Yep, I would not be surprised if the "racist" stuff he e-mailed the school were simply pro-palestine sentiments.
That guy is one of the main reasons I don't believe the official account.
No, an old kike who let the kids from Sandy Hoax into his house. He can be seen being coached on what to say on YT and LTASH and LoA.
fuck you
Are youā¦ s-samefagging?
I also like how he is wearing a fucking Sari pooinloo garb while going on a supposedly "islamic" attack
I don't even think he has a weapon dude.
Damn son, checked that 888
I-im in Utah
This guy
kennedi check em
That's himā¦ Old man Rosen.
Between him, the retarded coroner, the hijinx of the sheriff's department, the behavior and status/occupations of the families of the supposed victimsā¦ I just can't into the official version.
The kikes doin it again.
Does thisā¦ whyā¦how aren't normies revolting against this shit yet?! And I mean something along the lines of posting angry comments or what they are doing normally, but now massively and incessantly attacking the media/elite establishment itself.
Anyone remembers the putsch in Turkey? A NATO country almost lost its shit then really lost its shit?
I envy that cost for their homeā¦ part of me wanted to be a crisis actor, then again I don't want to be suicided if it's something huge.
kennedi check em
Also, to add, for any newfags that don't quite understand why Holla Forums believes in false flags, Sandy Hoax is the most obvious one.
I recommend sitting down and watching "We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook."
Fugggg :D
First set of quads in a long time.
You gotta stop the jewish masonic faction they are trying to round us up and admit to the shit we are writing about them and then they wanna chop our heads off masons are doing this.
Triple dubsā¦
What is going on in here? Why the digits?
Here's another image of the suspect.
What have we fucking done
This reeks of masons all of this that bomb on the racetrack they literaly threw that shit out of the window they want bombs to blow up and not get caught it is mason good old boy networks I caught one last night in the sticky panicking and saying he was only pretending to be a mason people are talking about bein initiated to kek this is framing us to shut down the internetz.
Sounds like a nigger to me. He said he was given a slave name.
Familytreedna is the best but it costs many shekels.
Damn it Holla Forums is hard to use without javascript.
Hey, this is true. They don't report on the specifics at all since about five years now that I think of it. Somebody just is something because somebody said so. When I was very young, I hated church, because they had this formulaic way of talking. The whole bible stinks (and the Koran), because they talk almost like a bureaucrat. Then I noticed how the media has those formulaic prefixes like "radical islamist" or "fundamentalist". If the form was fixed, the outcome was fixed too, analogous to a protokekky way of doing things. This formalistic reporting has now infected the whole world, I see it in other languages too.
Now back to subject, wtf is going on in the US?!
Here's the nutter's blog:
I don't know about you, but this is some keks here user.
He looks like a chechen
He was referring to the shooting, not the "details"
more like kennedi check em
He's kurazy isn't he?
It doesn't look like anyone's going to die.
Hasn't even fired a shot.
If the cops kill him, the media won't even care.
We could use it to. our advantage against islam in general.
how big?
Just read it yourself.
You're not going to get v& for reading some nutty blog.
Pretty sure he is user. I started laughing my ass off when i found out he wasn't black. After reading that sentence
so, from what I gather he thinks some messiah figure is coming and called it on his own child's school. definitely not going to actually do anything.
The whiney attention whore vibe on his blog really lends credence to my "interesting suicide" theory.
also kek'd at
yep, they're going to patsy him as a deplorable.
This reads like assholes and elbows but I know he's too smart to pull this kinda shit.
wtf am I reading?
He appears to be talking about jesus in some kind of weird islamic terms.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one to think that.
Yeah Sandy Hook was just weird, especially the complete shift in the press. It's far easier to make paper work disappear than actually set up a whole scene.
That's what I get from 9/11, the whole micro explosive is dumb, when you have a plane that size hit a building and start roasting inside, you'll get an Aluminum Bomb once water hits it. Such explosions can take out whole factories, strange when a few professors came together and asked the government to investigate the wreckage for the molten residue, the government decline.
Because if it was truly was an Aluminum Bomb, then the planes would have to hit both buildings perfectly at the right height. And that would require computer models and some pretty advance strength equations, that I'd doubt Hadjis in the desert would understand.
Some pretty decent shitposting I'd say.
Jesus is a prophet in pisslam, just not the son of God.
yeah, isa is how they refer to Jesus. This is definitely the patsy we predicted.
getting real hmmm real fast here.
Sounds painful, what's that all about?
He hasn't even done anything yet.
Since you got dubs I will spoonfeed. Assholes and elbows is what we call that guy that goes on long as fuck anti-christian and sometimes anti-pagan(maybe just anti-organized religion idk) rants that always incorporate lots of redtext and the phrase "ASHES AND ECHOES"
No doubt they'll try, but honestly this guy is so batshit insane, it'll be hard to peg him as anything other than a nut.
He doesn't have to, all he has to do is fit their narrative.
I think this is a genuine fucking nutjob too, wants to be a towelhead but doesn't want to hurt people and calls a bomb threat into his own kids school? something is up.
I don't think it's exactly "anti-religion" and more of just "anti-everything" nihilism that ventures into downright pathetically obnoxious territory.
Yea, this doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Maybe he just sperged out over the weekend's happenings and thought it was judgement day or something.
This will be a first for Utah. Smells bad already.
I think its just some crazy guy doesnt seem to have any set motive or anything.
Am I understanding it correctly that you're defending the enjoyment of nigger dominated sportsball?
didn't mean to Sage, had that in the fields from that Evalion thread
he's trying to explain a nihilistic and notorious shitposter. fuck niggerball.
if you've ever seen jesus crucified on the seal of solomon you've seen his posts.
When are the cops gonna take this literal do nothing in?
Accurate analysis.
Suppose (((they))) needed some kind ofbdistraction from the triple kebab attacks on Satuday. See? White people do it too
I'm not exactly pro-Christian either if that's what you're implying
maybe we can twist it into
I'm not implying shit, just explaining what this autist does because a guy asked and got dubs.
"See? Islam isnt a race, it's a violent ideology" might work better
Honestly that's what i was thinking. I wonder who this faggot is? Or who he associates with? Better crank up the search engine.
That's probably perfect.
We should check whos kids go to this school.
This is probably a threat to make sure Utah goes either blue or red.
fuck meant for
copycat crime happens way more often than "false flags"
this was just some crazy who got triggered
gullible user believe anything these days. next her is going to tell us he believes ANYTHING coming out of a talking heads mouth on the television.
wrong thread
He's gotta be in jail by now.
Are we being raided? Half the posts in this thread REEK of outsiders, cuckchanners, sub-70IQ niggers, and this faggot (((7a3a39))).
suprise, suprise! he claimes to be an islamic jihadist.
"dirty bum in night shirt"
there are white people who shuffle around utah looking like that. mostly they are beggars. Remember elizabeth smart?
wtf I hate anime now
Chaffetz' kid doesn't go there, do they?
Glad someone else thought this.
This has to be a false flag. Too fucking weird not to be.
Yes there's been an invasion of faggots throughout this afternoon and evening.
Surprise surprise