This rad lady at Lucasfilm had the most epic response when a dude suggested "men-only" screenings

But one Lucasfilm employee was having none of that, and had an awesome retort.

you guys want to start a successful boycott just fucking say you won't go because daisy ridley is the worst actor you've ever seen and its embarassing. That would actually gain traction. Yes star wars isn't known for their acting which is why its even more embarassing that she stands out as shit




This is a terrible thread.
Mods please delete.

Jew Wars doesn't need anymore press, stop talking about that garbage.

That's not even a fucking sensical retort. Men that work at Jewcasfilm will see it before him too. That doesn't have fucking anything to do with anything. How epic, she can barely formulate a coherent reply. Simply ebin.

I don't think these fucks get that it's not about a woman being in the fucking movie. Plenty of men have liked Wonder Women for fucking decades before this movie came along, and now that it's being used for some sort of feminist marketing shit they're annoyed. It's like they're purposefully misinterpreting any critics so they can claim victimhood while really being the bully.

So how are these "epic" responses? Why not have men's only screenings if there are women's only screenings?


Star Wars was created by a man and these new movies are written and directed by men.

Women can't into reason.


If it weren't political points to gain, that is not a way to speak to potential customers.

The new Star Wars-movies sucks anyway, so why should anyone care what these cunts think? They gobble up and defend the raping.

Couldn't have said it better

lol, good joke

And this is why you beat women.


Awful thread, this is like pre-Holla Forums Holla Forums tier thread. The OP may as well be gloating about the forced victory.

There is really nothing to disscuss here, other than to just react to the bullshit.

>the main character of the new starwars movie is a woman So they would have to shoot the movie all over again to have a one time to have a men only screening.

I wonder how much of this is just being jewish/feminist whores and how much is their feminist programming.

It's women being women.

The new Star Wars will have cuck only screening, just like TFA had. I find it funny how the leftists twist and turn to both justify exclusion and inclusion at the same time but it's getting pretty stale at this point. They simply don't understand what hypocrisy is.

This is also a lame ass reply. The men who worked on Wonder Jewess saw it before the wombyn too.

Well she died in 2016. So I guess rot?

I mean, ya gotta admit. that is pretty witty for a women..

Why do """"""men"""""" care about shitty capeshit infested with jew agenda anyway?
This is pathetic. This would be a problem if the screening was about something good to begin with.

It's a marketing play riding on the open feminist hatred of men which is sort of a hot talking point these days. I haven't even seen the trailer for Wonder Kike.


But theyre not conservatives….

Bullshit. The only reason why women "enjoy" Star Wars is because of the fact that it's nerdy, and being nerdy is trendy for some fucking reason.
But nice try, Disney shill. We're months from the new movie coming out and you already have two threads in the catalog.

Make one of those emoji abominations she did on twitter.

Maybe a few shit-posters on twitter who found it very amusing.

Wow. Uhmmmm…….sexist much?…
This certainly is an "epic" marketing campaign behind it. I hope it works just as well as it did for Ghostbusters. Shit thread.


Well that's beyond retarded. Most Wonder Woman fans are men.

The whole woman only thing has only made me chuckle, I don't see how you could get bent out of shape about it. When a friend brought it up to me I said it was a really cool idea and she should go to it but as soon as she left I burst out in laughter cause all I could think of is was pic related

They have these screenings for autistic kids, they put the lights up bright and let them scream and shout and whatever, it's nice for the parents because it means no stress and they can still go to the cinema whereas they would usually be kicked out. It's hilarious to me that they want to do these for women too, funny as fuck

both genders are equal. but one is more equal than the other.

Has anyone asked women why it is they might want this? Do they think there are rapists lurking in every cinema now?


I say just plain boycott. #MANCOTT STAR WARS

Marketing says it is epic, so let it be so. But lets be honest, they clearly are doing some money laudering with that marketing budget, the cucks will make star wars successful even if disney didn't market it.

posobiec is a faggot