Why does everyone keep saying that David created the Xenomorphs? He didn't...

Why does everyone keep saying that David created the Xenomorphs? He didn't. The Alien we saw in Covenant was not a Xenomorph. It was a Protomorph. While it did look similar to a Xeno, there were subtle differences. For one thing, it looked more smooth and organic. The original Xeno from Alien had a more biomechanical look to it. Also, it didn't move like the Alien we had seen in previous movies.

David couldn't have created the Xenomorph. The eggs in the ship on LV-426 had been there for at least 10,000 years which means the Engineers had been growing these things for God knows how long.

My guess as to how David made his eggs was that he learned it from all the scrolls and papers that were seen in the citadel he was living in.

He didn't create the Xenomorph we saw in the original 1979 Alien movie. He merely created a new breed of them. Did no one pay attention to what was going on in the movie? Did no one see any of the interviews with Ridley Scott? Did no read any of the promotional material?

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who gives a shit it's an action flick

Because Ridley Scott says that in several interviews.
It's not the exact same in Alien:Covenant but it is extremely close. He just hasn't perfected the formula yet.
Ridley retconned the egg age in alium 1 multiple times, even went to say that they weren't on a ship, but in a temple beneeath the ship and it was never said they were 10 thousand years old to begin with.

The official website for the movie says otherwise,


None of that contradicts what I said or what ridley himself says. The protomorph is the version of the xenomoph, before the actual xenomorph. Not the exact same but extremely close.
Proto- means original/first/primitive/earliest.

All of this said I prefer ridley retcons this shit and introduces original wild aliums. I can't be arsed to watch 2 more *david is god* movies.


But instead this could be true. Maybe ridley is sending mixed messages.Or maybe the book is a lie. Who the fuck knows anymore.

I'm not really sure what to take from that. It seems mutually contradictory. Is Scott saying that he just refering to the protomorphs here?
Did David just recreate the xeno?
Did he reverse Engineer it?
Or is David saying he created the xeno that we know and and love from the first movie and that it is just a pale imitation of some magnificent Engineer created xeno that we haven't seen yet?


Scott says ridley created the alien. But the protomorph is also an alien so that can be interpreted in several ways.
The book written after A:C says he found alien embryos created by the engineers, not facehugger embryos like in the movie.
The movie shows him creating the protomorph.

As usual it's a clusterfuck of conflicting info. Ridley likes it that way.
In the end david fucks a xeno and that is how the xeno gets the more synthetic look.

What did Ridley Scott mean by this?

He means the goyim must pay.

One thing lacking from the discussion about David, and why he created the Xenomorph and the rest of his actions, is any acknowledgment of David's warped quasi-sexuality.
David says he wants to create new life, and this is what drives him. If taken for the surface level meaning, and that he literally only wants to create life any way he can, it does not explain why he did not just stick with the spores that create the neomorph or whatever you wish to call it. The spores act quickly and efficiently, and create something very deadly. But this did not satisfy David. It must not have, because he kept tinkering until he had created the face hugger and the xenomorph proper, which could be seen as less efficient due to it's extended life cycle. Why should he do this? Why should an android not be satisfied with something that works so quickly and efficiently with such deadly results? Why would he choose the less efficient route?
He chose it because this simplicity did not fulfill his warped need for a form of sexual intercourse as pre-requisite for biological creation, which is probably a remnant of all the ways he was ‘too human’. See David as an android cannot have sexual intercourse, and he cannot inseminate a female and create a new life, yet he seems to wish he could. Instead he has developed a self-consciously created sexuality for himself to match with his attempts at creating life. Note the awkward 'fingering' line with Walter, the kiss of death he gives him, and the forced kiss and almost rape of Daniels. He tried to have sexuality, but he does not really understand how, and he knows it. Instead he has created a twisted form of vicarious sexuality for himself through the Xenomorph. When he forces his kiss on Daniels, and seems about to rape her, he says the line “Is that how it’s done?”
He is very human in almost every way, yet he cannot create life in the simplest way there is to do so. He can never really be a true father, despite his apparent overwhelming urge to be one. This is why he killed Elizabeth Shaw. He professes to Walter to have loved her, and yet he killed her to aid in his creation of the Xenomorph, and then afterwards preserved her body and created a tombstone for her. Here it is also key to note the detail that in Prometheus Shaw mentions that she herself is sterile, and cannot create life either. This is possibly why he was drawn to her. By using her to create the Xenomorph he not only made her into a mother, but made himself into a father.
And what he made himself into a father of is a reflection of his warped sexuality. Many have noted the inherently phallic nature of the Xenomorph, as well as the fact that the face hugger essentially rapes it’s victims. David did this on purpose. Perhaps out of disdain for the baseness of the act, as he does have a condescending opinion of humans, but likely also out of envy for the ease of creation it allows.
So to destroy humans he exploits this; he uses the ease of sexual intercourse as a vessel for the creation of life and turns it into a weapon. He makes sexual reproduction into a thing of destruction and horror. A depraved mockery of the act that destroys human life while perpetuating itself. David has created a thing, his child if you will, that is a lifeform itself, yet is also destruction and violence personified. It must destroy life to recreate itself.
This is I think is the real key to why he created the face hugger and the xenomorph, and why in the sequels he will likely continue refining it until he has created the alien queen as well, further perfecting his creation, because what else could David be up to? I think Alien Awakening will be about the 2000 colonists, and David using them to further refine the Xenomorph.

I've asked this before but,
Why did they drop the naming convention for new android characters:
>not naming Fassbender's other character (((E)))rik instead

The creature we saw in Covenant was not a Xenomorph. It was a Protomorph. The movie's official website has it listed as such.

While it does look similar to the Xenomorph if you really take a close look at it, there are subtle differences to the original creature we saw in the very first movie. It looks more organic compared to the biomechanical look of the Xenomorph. Also, it doesn't move or act the same way and of course there's its' chestburster which seemed to come out fully grown with arms and legs unlike Kane's chestburster we saw in Alien.

More than likely, David just followed the blueprints left behind by the Engineers while possibly adding his own tweeks to its' genetic material.

I think they've just made a mess of their own canon on the age of the xenomorphs, and what I posted is what they intended with David's character.

Ridley is a sneaky bastard.

Now that one looks like a highly grimsome take on a grey

WTF the one in the second pic looks actually somewhat scary, unlike the version they used for the movies. They had all these amazing concepts by Giger and just had to use the shitiest ones, for fucks sake.

In the next movie will David create an egg that produces a hugger that impregnates him, creating a terminator-ayylium?

The illustrations on the wall and the books Daniels finds are so scary and awesome.

Didn't Ridley say there were 30 alien species IRL orbitting earth or some shit?

But think about it, in the end the gays and the race mixers all died. The only ones that survived were the characters that had a white partner.

You mean two more *david is satan* movies

Aliens is the only good Alien movie.

What about the first one?

I want to here more about this.


Yes they all survived to be experimented on by a gay jewish android crazy about creation.
It doesn't matter who lives in the end. If the movie is 90% racemixers, mullatoes, and a jewish girlfriends , then then 10% being normal doesn't change much.

Did I stutter?

sounds like a huge glaring plothole to me since they're clearly attempting to attribute the xenomorphs to david in the lore

No he says he wants to create life but he is also obsessed with perfection. It's like the main defining character trait. Even since Prometheus he's been believing humans are imperfect and he is superior, he has ascribed godlike powers to himself and he wants to create the perfect lifeform. His entire story is him killing gods with no second thought in pursuit of his vision.

How is the Xenomorph a perfect lifeform though?

Technically it's that it it so "perfected" that it is able to exist in any environment and it's genetic coding will override anything it's inserted to and convert the subject into one of it's own.

Promethius, in the black goo chamber, there is a fucking MURAL on the wall of a xeno. It was engineer for "this shit makes xeno, yo, don't spill it or we'll all die".

But was it an alium or a neomorph/deacon thing ?

I'd like the think that it's really not and David is just fucking insane.

That why I think the sexual element is bothersome to him, and why his creation must face rape to reproduce (when he could've stuck with the spores).
Do you really think it doesn't bother him that those lowly fucking humans can just rub their junks together and create a new organism (both in the short term sense of replication, and long term sense of evolution), when he, a perfect being, cannot? It's why a think the Xenomorph is essentially intended as an intentional perversion, and in a way a mockery of, sex.

Keep in mind the xenomorph in Alien is is much more biomechanical than the protomorph in Covenant. It seems likely David gives birth to the final form xenomorph. He gives his life to create his perfect creation. Likely it's an alien queen.


looks like the neomorph

nah, given the *prometheus* theme he will just tinker with the alium

It's sort of ambiguous. You can almost make out a figure behind the xenomorph/deacon that could be some kind of alien queen.
Or maybe Baoh.

So its jewish?

Which xeno variation is the deacon?

It's the thing that crawled out of the engineer at the end of Prometheus (because Fox told RIdley he couldn't use the AYYLMAO)

That's why kikes have facehuggers dangling from them.

Because W is as far from Z as D is from A and the characters are opposites.

It's a giant killer tardigrade.