Nazi time capsule discovered in Poland

>meant to preserve items from the Nazi era for future generations. ;_;

Falkenburg, January 4th, 1934
Dear Pg. [=Parteigenosse, NS party member] Gohdes!
My heartfelt thanks for your New Year greetings. I also wish you and your wife for the new year all the best and continued success in your work for our German people.
Since you had no opportunity last week to look at the particularly recommended place in the Frauenjagden on the south bank of Lake Krössin, I've assigned Felix Richter to send you today in a special package
- A description of Lake Krössin and its surroundings
- An album of photographs of Lake Krössin, Drage River etc.
- An ordnance map 1: 25,000 of Falkenburg and the surrounding area
- An information booklet about Falkenburg and the surrounding area with a colored map
I recently drove around the Zotzensee with you and (as) you know

Original letter
Falkenburg, d. 4. Jan. 1934
Lieber Pg. [=Parteigenosse] Gohdes!
Meinen herzlichen Dank für Ihre Neujahrsgrüße. Auch ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihrer Gattin im Neuen Jahr alles Gute und weitere Erfolge in Ihrer Arbeit für unser deutsches Volk.
Da Sie letzte Woche keine Gelegenheit mehr hatten, die Ihnen besonders empfohlene Stelle in den Frauenjagden am Südufer des Krössinsees sich anzusehen, habe ich Felix Richter veranlaßt, Ihnen heute in einem besonderen Paket
- eine Beschreibung des Krössinsees u. seiner Umgebung,
- ein Album mit Lichtbildern vom Krössinsee, der Drage usw.
- ein Meßtischblatt 1:25.000 vom Falkenburg und Umgebung sowie
- ein Merkheft vom Falkenburg und Umgebung mit einer bunten Karte
Ich bin ja neulich mit Ihnen um den Zotzensee herumgefahren und Sie wissen ja

Other urls found in this thread:



Filthy normies touching relics makes me angry and sad.

They probably burned any info that runs counter to the accepted Holocaust narrative.



Especially considering the woman in the black dress and the man to her left look like juden. It'd be interesting to see scans of every page of everything there unaltered.

They weren't even at war yet


All I can think of is how much disinfo the fuckers will make of all this
If any of you guys are in Germany you might be able to see it. Look how shiny the Mein Kampf's are in [pic 1] of

Time capsules are not supposed to be opened so soon, they ruined it

This is before the war, probably none.

Reddit thread if anyone is interested:

Creating disinfo about pre-war germany is all that is left.

post yfw you'll never find your own nazi time capsule

For once a redditor admires the superior Fascist aesthetic.

In the articles they said they knew it was there for a long time but were to scared of the mines in the vicinity to unearth it.


Here's what the capsule said my fellow Germans

I noticed that right away. And that guy in the gay ass sweater vest isn't looking too German either.

This only makes me angry.
These Germans wanted to preserve these items and now these jews are getting their grubby fingers all over it.

They wanted to preserve more than that, the very bloodline of their people, and now the Jew has smeared grubby miscegenation all over it.

Sickening, isn't it?

That beak goes to her forehead jesus christ


Once it has sat in a clean room being studied, there will suddenly be revealed that bit.

well at least we still have the books, we'll carry on their beliefs.

Didn't you know? Adolph was gassing Jews starting when he was an angsty teenager. They teach it in all the colleges.

This seems to be the early two part edition of Mein Kampf. There were only 10,000 each of this. The later combined book was the one that was printed in big numbers.

I want that pin.

how long was it supposed to be buried for?

If we were to make a time capsule what would we put in it?

Hillary Clinton's head.

This picture



Well you kinda took the words right out of my mouth with that image.

Oy Schlomo don't tell me you forgot to put in that apology letter for the genocides.
The goyim need to know!


a thumb drive full of the dankest memes of our generation


Yes. Speaking of which I came across this site with a very conspicuous url,

Very good for beginners, and definitely worth the read even if you need a refresher.

Days gone by…

You think he wouldn't be proud of us resurrecting the spirit of nationalism against the kosher forces the led to his downfall? That nigga would be grinning from ear to ear.





Hitler dubs?!

Witnessed back!



Kikes confirmed for stealing valuable historical coins.

user, please keep your smut somewhere else.

Kek's disdain for kikes confirmed.

Why doesn't Holla Forums make a time capsule of its own?


We'll be planting our own, mein freund.

who is this qt?

I would put this in it. I remember someone linked to actual Pepe and Wojack figurines but I can't find them.

Some new meme based on a pixiv users drawings.

A walking flamethrower

I wonder if they got rid of it.

Hail Kek

It's over 9000!

For some reason I thought that cover of Mein Kampf was applied to post war editions. That's the original cover?

And now that whole fucking country is being over run with shitskins brought in by the German government.

This really needs to stop.

STFU you massive faggot

She's female, so she has a coin slot between her legs

So we need new coins…

Holla Forums time capsule. This deserves it's own thread.

Nazi Frog that looks like a Nigger.



gigabytes of shitposting and images


Their race, culture, courage, intelligence, love for their people; practically gone.
Now it's all either purged by force or brainwashed away.

Trip trip hitler dub. Wtf that is one of the clearest angry gods I have ever seen.



This is truly a great haircut.

It looks more like he just has his fingers touching to me.

To bad faggots and Nu-males co-opted it.

found the jew





Then we shall reclaim it as we have Pepe

I don't know what's worse; having the experience of living amongst a self-determined, wholesome people just to see it taken away so you will always know exactly what was lost, or to have never experienced it in the first place.

Seeing this picture and reading this article feels real bad man. Just reminds me that we have no figurehead as based as uncle Adolph, no one to follow or fight for. So many anons on here for the cause, but no one to lead them. We're like a bunch of tools in a dusty unused toolbox. Feels bad man.

I'm just having a bad night

I know how you feel, user. My polish grandparents lost their homes when the soviets invaded. We have family documents still buried under their farm (now in Ukraine) but cannot reach them. Now they are so old that they cannot remember their parent's names. My family tree is lost forever.

This granny.. Always makes me sad.. and that fucker pisses me off making her stand down… I assume he did it to protect her.. still… Makes me rage

You know it this will happen.


This is a sign from the nazis from the past, they are offering a light.

Look for Memes in the wreckage, brothers.



kek wills it.


Maje sure you get the location of the farm and the exact location of the buried documents. Life is long and one day you might have the shekels to fly to Ukraine and pay the farm owners to let you dig up the documents


You only make time capsules like that in times of great happiness.

No one makes time capsules nowadays.

holy shit, you're right.


note that all other objects are bowed as a result of spending 80 years in the tube but those copies of mein kampf look practically untouched.


because nothing buried today would be worth digging up again

but soon that will change



That happiness.. should stay buried.

Our next time capsule will be the corpses of millions of spics.

I buried one in 1989, was just thinking it should not be retrieved

These are different times, lad. Our enemies don't have a Dear Leader either, just some puppets standing in front of a bunch of super-rich individuals who just happen to be jewish.
At any rate, we are fledglings, our infrastructure is almost zero, and as such it would be difficult to support a leader to the degree that they would require.

I think providing meme magic support for so-called far right movements in Europe and the Anglosphere is a good start. There are politicians in France, Austria, Germany, Sweden, the UK and of course the US that will have the opportunity to take a shot at changing things in the near future, and our support will probably be helpful (it seems to be helping Trump a fair bit.)

Our road is difficult and we may well ultimately fail, but we have to fight every day for what we believe in, because our enemies will not stop until we are all dead.


"Only dreamers believe that there is a way out. We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.” -
Oswald Spengler


There will be a great vengeance.


yes in 1934 nonetheless

You say that like it was there for future nazi generations, but that is unlikely.

I bet this was buried in case they failed, buried to preserve some small truth about them that the victor of the war would surely try to cover up.

This time capsule may very well be a message to us, a sort of will from them to future generations, a reminder that even in great loss there is something for us, buried deep and in the past, and if we can reach within ourselves and unearth that, we have the power to forge a path for our people, united.

Dubs and trips of truth, kek is with us.


feels bad man

i had some jew kid try to tell me his grandparents almost got shoah'd… got him to tell me the story and then he realized it didn't make any sense.
Don't understand why every jew had a grandparent who narrowly escaped the lolocaust

worst part is that he has been to Auschwitz several times and seen the "gas chambers" and "crematoriums"
And still he believes


what does he think of the changing plaques?


guess i should post this as we have a lot of newfags in our midsts


GTFO with that defeatist shit.

An actual answer would be "Fujiwara no Mokou", a redeemed villain character from the Touhou franchise.

She's also best girl.



Pay attention, you nigger.

I have found the exact location of the farm on satellite maps. I can actually see discolouration of the earth where my grandfather's house stood before the soviets demolished all the buildings in the area. I am compelled to visit one day, but I can't imagine the locals receiving my request well.

Any history on those?



She didn't really stand down, though. She keeps doing it and they keep laughing at her like she's a 4-year-old saying "Fuck."


Things were very bad, so he was very angry.
Like a certain recent book which now has a second, more hopeful cover

The true history of Nazi Germany is already being lost.I don't think the world can wait.

You are aware the quote is about how you're going to die regardless of what you think, say or do, and to believe anything else is childish, degenerate and stupid. So the best you can hope for is an honorable end achieved by a life of struggle and hardships. For a life lived rich with duty is the richest life one can hope for in retrospect.

The reference to the soldier of Pompeii has nothing to do with defeatism, most died trying to escape, yet he stood his ground despite impending doom. Had he ran from his post he would have died with the commoners screaming and cowering, would that be noteworthy in history? Yet due to his iron resolve and feeling of duty he went down a legend.

Why are those filthy fuckerss allowed to touch these artefacts? Fuck Pooland and fuck those people!


It's only the weak that don't realize that an honorable death is the best thing one could ask for. These are the people that feign sickness when their country calls for them. On malay cave painting usenets they LARP as being nsdap sympathizers, but when it comes to enduring any sort of hardship or suffering for their ideals they fold instantly. These are men with no virtus, no reason to live beyond their own immediate gratification.

To what?

Reminder that 10% of Germans want a new Führer

Where can I get one of those and for how many shekels?

Give me a list and I'll make one and bury it on my land


The translation is in the OP.

Which book?

Probably Turksish cockroaches who want to finish off the kikes. The rest are laderhosen wearing homos.

Ah, so After 71 years of indoctrination, Kraut nationalism hasn't died.

My cub scout group buried one about seven months before 9/11. We put in our pinewood derbies, a few pocket knives, scout book, photos of us on campouts hiking up hills and exploring caves, fishing off rock jetties. We put in letters to whoever opened it in the future, detailing what we thought the future would be like.

3 of the dads died on deployment in the following years, then one of my friends years later when he was over.

Included in this pack was the missing bodies of the 6 million jews

I got it from my Grandfather. He fought for Germany and left me this and other stuff behind. I wouldn't sell it for every shekel in the world.



What the fuck is wrong with the area between Hitler's neck and collar? Makes his head look like it was edited on.


I hope they buried hundreds of more of these. I would imagine people in a 300 years would appreciate the find much, much more than some greasy "polish" kike