The gravity on Mars is only 38% of Earth's gravity. Say you get a bunch of fag scientists out there, they build a base and then start to "terraform" the planet (which would probably take hundreds of years), then what? You are still left with a planet that has basically no gravity so your body breaks down after a couple of months while living on it. Your bone mass breaks down, your cardiovascular system becomes inept and you eventually turn into a potato, then you die.
Mars colony
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It's a retarded pipedream. The ambient temps alone would make being outside nearly impossible without a suit on.
(((Golden Curry is a decent approximation of authentic Japanese curry. It's not perfect but it's close.)))
(((Firstly, Japanese curry is to real curry in the same way British curry is. They're different implementations, but about equally distant from, say, a more familiar Thai or Indian one. It sounds like OP knows this now, but it's just how they do curry. Not for everyone.)))
(((Second, did you follow the instructions? It sounds like you did.)))
(((Thirdly, it's difficult to enjoy this curry separate from Japan. When you're hungry and you've spent the day walking around and drop into a curry place, it's different to just making it at home. I saw a number of them in train stations, and they're a neat alternative idea for fast food when you think about it. In Japan, you order these curries via a vending machine in the shop, which then communicates your order to the kitchen staff. The staff work behind a high counter with chairs, so you can see them work. They pass you your food when it's ready. When I went, I would have paid 7 or 8 dollars for the meal, which isn't too bad by my country's standards.)))
(((I guess what I'm saying is that making it at home perhaps fails to capture the greater magic of the experience.)))
OP is a fag who doesn't understand any of the concepts related to colonization of other planets
Do they have (((swimming))) on Mars or is it kike-free?
Do they have (((swimming))) on Mars or is it kike-free?
Do they have (((swimming))) on Mars or is it kike-free?
Do they have (((swimming))) on Mars or is it kike-free?
Do they have (((swimming))) on Mars or is it kike-free?
Do they have (((swimming))) on Mars or is it kike-free?
Do they have (((swimming))) on Mars or is it kike-free?
Do they have (((swimming))) on Mars or is it kike-free?
Do they have (((swimming))) on Mars or is it kike-free?
Do they have (((swimming))) on Mars or is it kike-free?
I've been saying that for years on 8/pol/, but apparently the "aryan" race (only anglos) are so retarded that they think otherwise.
>implying the kikes won't try to get aryans to (((swim))) or do another type of kike sport
Because SO much is known about this topic.
(((Golden Curry is a decent approximation of authentic Japanese curry. It's not perfect but it's close.)))
(((Firstly, Japanese curry is to real curry in the same way British curry is. They're different implementations, but about equally distant from, say, a more familiar Thai or Indian one. It sounds like OP knows this now, but it's just how they do curry. Not for everyone.)))
(((Second, did you follow the instructions? It sounds like you did.)))
(((Thirdly, it's difficult to enjoy this curry separate from Japan. When you're hungry and you've spent the day walking around and drop into a curry place, it's different to just making it at home. I saw a number of them in train stations, and they're a neat alternative idea for fast food when you think about it. In Japan, you order these curries via a vending machine in the shop, which then communicates your order to the kitchen staff. The staff work behind a high counter with chairs, so you can see them work. They pass you your food when it's ready. When I went, I would have paid 7 or 8 dollars for the meal, which isn't too bad by my country's standards.)))
(((I guess what I'm saying is that making it at home perhaps fails to capture the greater magic of the experience.)))
check em motherfuckers
build a carousel
no joke
in orbit right? But that's not that same as living on the planet
Gently tractor beam enough asteroids on top until the planet has the right gravoty
I know you're just trolling but I will respond. Adding more pull on the planet will just decrease the amount of gravity on the surface.
This arouses some people.
does it arouse your loli gf?
you can do it on surface, too
instead of rotating wheel you build rotating dish where existing gravity and centripedal force provide combined "gravity"
So just bury them
That sounds pretty made up.
it should work but not without problems
forget the dish though. the useful area would be small so it would still be best build as a "ring"
the main point is that you can still achieve the same effect as in zero g by having proper angle of floor
it may not be feasible any time soon but it's still probably better than launching to orbit all the time
Imagine being on mars for the first time, meeting a girl and then dying of cardiac arrest 3 weeks later because the gravity caused the blood to flow differently in your veins.
now someone only have to implement it :)
sounds bretty fun tbh
you should apply for the NASA scouts
It is indeed a retarded pipedream, but you should really take the time to find out what something even is before you spout your worthless opinions on it.
Why would you put solar panels on the ground where they are far less efficient and susceptible to being covered in dust.
End yourself fucktard
Every person aboard ISS is dead meat according to this thread.
It's worse than that. A 10% reduction in gravity is enough to kill you within 30 minutes.
The body requires gravity to recirculate blood, especially from your brain. Without gravity to help, your blood will stop moving and form clots in your brain, then you die.
So how do you explain people living on the ISS for a year without dying of a blood clot then?
It takes very long time.
Then why did you say it only takes 30 minutes?
Oh that. It was not me tbqh.
This is why Elon Musk is going to fail.
Exploration of the solar system belongs to a post-human society.
We are not going to terraform Mars, we are going to transform ourselves into synthetic-bodied, AI-enhanced ubermensch, well-suited for alien environments, but that is still decades away.
Sending biological humans into space for a long term mission, much less colonization is simply suicide.
daily reminder that transhumanists are worse than transsexuals
Well, I guess you need to find any excuse to do something with that collection of pics in your Holla Forums folder.
OP is stupid enough to think you can land on Mars. This is not a planet, but a wandering star. The earth is closed system and it is impossible to leave it ;)
checking wasted digits on a retard's post
"Turn on the machines Quaid"
I think your body could handle 38% of Earth's gravity just fine, especially if it can handle zero gravity alright. Humans on Mars would be taller than people on Earth, but much weaker too.
The ISS is obviously a hoax. They put a replica structure up in space, but all the videos of people working on it are filmed on Earth using CGI.
probably true tbh
but give it a few centuries and there could be progress…
We need people on Mars in case Earth is made uninhabitable by humans. Earth has had 5 extinction events that we know that would have killed every human on Earth. You think there won't be a 6th?
I am sorry, I do not speak English as good as you…. globeshit
Yeah, we better live in scare, otherwise we will not be obedient to the great goat master -.-
Mars is just a dead ball of rock, it has no magnetosphere. This is the best explanation we have of why there is no atmosphere. Step one of any terraforming is making a magnetosphere so any changes made don't just blow away to solar winds.
they dont "live in 0g for years". Longest time is 280 days currently, they literally never spend years in 0g
Humans need some genetic upgrades, and the few incentives nations will have will be better workers and soldiers. This will happen, but will it lead to our destruction? Even a group with the best of intentions can make horrible mistakes.
i know that feeling
happened to me once
related video is related.
We could already have a Mars colony if white people didn't have to subsidize niggers and spics
not a argument
Mars is far from the Sun it takes thousands of years or longer to blow away the atmosphere. Just produce more faster then it is removed.
Yeah living in a cloud city on Venus sounds really cool and everything. Until something goes wrong with your ship and you start descending into literal Hell for a slowish painful burning death.
Just kidding,that's absolutely true.It's also sad and depressing.We could have the stars but we chose to help our enemies destroy us,democracy is a mistake.Fascism or Monarchy is the way to go if you want your people to prosper.
That argument basically applies to anything involving space.
I have no idea what that means.
It just needs a thicker atmosphere to mellow out the climate
I haven't seen this one before. Nice.
Here are the facts. Under 1x Earth gravity would actually be better for your body. Earth's gravity puts an incredible strain on your organs. If you lived in 0.5x gravity your lifespan would be longer.
Our bodies respond to strain by getting stronger. Without the strain of gravity your everything would deteriorate.
Think about your heart, for example:
The heart muscle gets stronger with more cardio. This is because of gravity's effect on the blood alongside the beat frequency. If sitting in front of your computer on earth is NO cardio, doing mild to moderate exercise on mars is NEGATIVE cardio.
Granted, of course, the heart won't need to be as strong on mars since it doesn't have to work as hard, the threshold for when it would give out is much lower.
Stupid heliocentric believers……..
I'm not sure about your schematics sir.
OK, but without enough gravity, that's not possible. It's not like we have technology to increase gravity of a planet.
Tractor Beam??? Why not just use Santa's Seigh?
ffs… Mars first needs to be terraformed before being colonized.
Gravity, spin, everything is wrong for life.
The terraforming process will take at least a 100 years. So quit your yapping about colonizing what is technically a deathtrap.
id like to live in a one bedroom pressurized apartment on mars so i never had to leave and go outside agen tbh. thatd be so comfy to look out window at mars while i play vidya
Cool. But I'd still prefer having the option to leave house and enjoy a nice walk every now and then.
Feel free to stay buried.
That's actually not bad. Mars in these readings has rather similar temperature range to that of Earth
I do believe 100 percent is is absolutely possible to live on Mars. Even right now with our current technology. I don't think it would be particularly comfortable. You would still need to live in a pressurized habitat, for example.
Let's compare with some actual locations on Earth, Furnace Creek, California regularly exceeds 25 degrees F (52 degrees C) in the Summer, for example, and people still regularly visit and even live there.
In Antarctica at Vostok Station it can reach temps at about -130 degrees F (-90 degrees C)
So based on our recorded temps I do not think temperature will be an issue, and regulating temperature in a pressurized enclosure is trivial
OP is a faggot
*125 degrees F
And before people say
I believe Mars does have enough gravity to harbor proper human development. Its gravity is sufficient to prevent small particles from reaching escape velocity against its atmosphere, while thin, is still existent.
I can't come to any conclusion though because there's really not enough known but it's something we really cannot know unless we perform experiments ourselves
This is why everyone who went to Mir, Skylab or the ISS has come back dead