What are your thoughts on Carl Tucker?
What are your thoughts on Carl Tucker?
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y tho
I mean, he's better than most fake news pundits. Sort of. He's kind of an idiot on climate change; since it offends his Christian capitalist sensabilities. He's pro-Israel, which is absolutely vile. He's pretty good on immigration, Antifa, and SJW topics though.
lol who the fuck watches the news
Fox news is a staple of American culture, user. Same with MSNBC. Pics related
I do. As a centrist, I like to get the view from every angle. Whether it be MSM, far-left SJW news, libertarian news, far-right news and everything else.
why not just cut the fat and go direct to primary sources used in articles written from far-more credible online secondary sources?
this is how many people mistake when they read the news reporting on scientific studies; they fail to realize that many news outlets will write pieces saying the exact opposite things derived from the same conclusion of one scientific study; which when you go look at the study might not have even have had statistical significance in any meaningful way in the first place. the state of the media is abysmal/a joke
because news based on propaganda and synthetic rhetoric ends up influencing credible sources later on. Know thy enemy.
fucking hilarious man. you guys should record all his split screen news interviews (not face to face, but the typical news type) he kicks so much ass and has excellent bantz
??? so knowing falsities is more advantageous than knowing the truth when studies are cited later on? literally wat
you'd never understand, you're not a centrist like me, you obviously believe in a false dichotomy
that was a good way of saying nothing while pretending to say something
he's funny, but i dont like americanos. he looks genuinely normal. boring as fuck. he should rename himself to cracker joe, cause that's what he is.
there's no point m8. If you believe in the left/right divide, you will never understand what I am talking about
well i'm a fascist so i don't believe the right/left dichotomy. and i still don't understand you because you're a giant fucking faggot. you's a homo, son.
>far-left SJW news, libertarian news, far-right news
centrism is something far being fascism or anything else like that. It is a state of mind, a state of free mind.
>being this retarded nice b8
well you sound wicked smart, user, so i'm gonna try to do some research and reach this state of mind you seem to have going on for you
He means stop believing in political solutions and hope for the system to collapse. You can help make that possible by living a simpler life and reducing your tax contributions as much as legally possible, while having many children.
Centrist understand the world more because they don't rely on political compasses to define their ideological goals.
by what weird alchemy were you able to extract this out of the words he typed?
that's cool and all, but
1. i never said that i did rely on a political compass
2. does being a centrist preclude you from explaining your earlier post as to why falsehoods are more valuable than truths in any given scenario? and how centrism has anything to do with that? wouldn't the truth be the best to know and then seeing how each side of the false dichotomy harness that truth be the advantage you get?
no not this thread again exclamation mark
because the fat tastes so fucking good, especially steak fat
lol what a faggot, who gives a shit about politics
im gonna blast your ass with my fruity nutrition
Unless you live off the grid and are self reliant (which you aren't because you are posting on the internet) you should care about politics.
Nah, deciding what I'm going to cook for dinner daily is more important.
and how much will your utility bill be based on how much you cook per day? Or do you not care because you live at your mom's house?
When I get the bill I pay it and forget about it.
Oh okay, so you're just a useful idiot who doesn't care where his tax dollars go to, as long as he can think about his next meal.
If I want to pay less I can just turn down the heater and deal with a bit of discomfort. I have no reason to give a shit what happens with money that is no longer mine, what matters is that I have it or I don't, once it's gone it's no longer useful to me.
not that user, but you're stupid enough to get trolled so let's hear your epic, from memory takedown of where your tax dollars go.
to the goddamned gubmint and them feckin jewish librul commies in the white house
Oh, the irony
bretty mugh
politics on such a broad level is retardation at it's core.
what can i possibly think about conservative christian?
found the resident fedora tipper
found the delusional fuck
found the niggers
found the isis
found the ISS member
found the pedos
yes, im from International Space Station, ama
why do you use fish eye lenses when you film the earth? Are you trying to hide something?
they didnt say "tbh" at the end tho tbh
they are covert pedos
to negate the fact, that earth is concave
The moon landing was a false flag.
t. pedo
No, it wasn't. It was just a hoax. There is a difference between a regular hoax and a false flag.
We can at least agree it was set up by the masonic Illuminati right???
why'd they do it tho tbh
Just to flex their muscles to Russia during the cold war. No other reason really.
found the reply button
found the newfag
found the post-newfag-futurist pretending to be a post-modernist-semi-fag
was it in your heart all along?
im a pre-past semi-bi
they held their breath for a while, huh?
they can hold a massive amount of air in their nose and disperse it over time.
would make sense - after all launching a space rocket is easy to conceal
It's extremely easy to conceal. You just launch them in remote locations where there is heavy cloud coverage. If the locals complain of "loud noises" you tell them it's natural gas seepage.
when you own every eyeball you can just erase it with paid conspirators that you then erase memories. do you even jq?
u fuckin dumbasses, they just teleport there with jew magic
more like Child Fucker
Like father, like son
carl tucker is largely rooted in MAGA philosophy which is natural and organic
That's esoteric knowledge…
carl tuckerson is based #libtard