ITT: Software that you'd start using immediately if they added one or two more features

ITT: Software that you'd start using immediately if they added one or two more features.

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Hello Dan. 2 rupees just been added to your Microsoft false meme spreading account.
See you soon, Microsoft information unit.

...what gets me is that most software I'd start using immediately if they removed all but one or two features.

You know, not everyone who makes statements like that are shills. You can enjoy Linux and admit its faults instead of being a cocksucking fanboy

that is bullshit.

and new games are false games so there's no point in playing them anyway

well that's 3 points, but they are all sort of important.



Holla Forums



There's a nightmare and the nightmare is unwashed animals putting their entire music collection into a single folder and relying on tags to do everything for them.

hi 2006

You mean like the artist name is taken from a parent directory?

List of modern games on Linux:

Please report back to your handler that this isn't a gaming forum and some of us are adults who do work for a living.


No I mean a single folder. No directories. FLAT. I've seen it. I've seen the horrors. Two thousand tracks in a single folder, and six hundred of them come out as "Unknown Album" by "Unknown Artist" in the fucking retarded tag based music player they use too.

you're just a nu-male who can't read anything that's a bit harder than average


it's about the same as complaining that there is not enough poop on the floor of your room.
modern games are poop.

Linux, if there was a decent UI like Windows or Mac. No Linux UI is really that good. They all look out of date and many do not seem to use the gpu like my macbook air. Windows seems to perform better than Linux.

>ffmpeg -i
i'm surprised it's not harder

You really don't like Gnome?

Budgie was the only desktop on Linux I liked.


Works fine if you use the QtWebEngine backend (based on Chromium) with --backend webengine. With the QtWebKit backend, there's nothing qutebrowser can do about it not working.

This. I've only used Linux with Intel and bad old AMD drivers, is NVDIA graphics in Linux as fast as Windows? Also, if not, why?

note: "as fast as Windows" as in the DE's 2d interface performance.


It just polluting the air.

List of water-borne diseases in civilized countries:

you're doing it wrong dude
on the other hand, your videos are probably trash anyway, so for them it doesn't matter

I see that you read what the fag who made the pixel paint software posted


When it comes to windows games, the new games aren't worth playing and the old ones run on WINE better than they do on the new editions of Windows. I mean... is there anything you even have in mind or are you just memeing?

funny because i just tried to install krita. year of the linux desktop is here.
now with more botnetsĀ© and less stability

What did you expect using Ugabooga?



well, you made your bed

Then either choose oogabooga, enjoy your usability and sign up for a Nigger1 account, or install something else. Your choice.

You can't have the cake and eat it.

Literally all it would take.

Use the Steam you installed that shitstro for to buy Krita.

You ended up more or less providing him right guys.

Good, you can keep your shitty games.

You'd think, but for some reason it doesn't seem to attract the most emotionally stable people.

ffmpeg -hide_banner -y \
-i \
-map '0:v:0' \
-c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -speed 0 -threads -aq-mode 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -g 9999 -lag-in-frames 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p -tile-columns 0 \
-maxrate k -minrate 0 -b:v k \
-f webm /dev/null
ffmpeg -hide_banner -y \
-i -i \
-map '0:v:0' -map '1:a:0?' \
-c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -speed 0 -threads -aq-mode 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -g 9999 -lag-in-frames 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p -tile-columns 0 \
-maxrate k -minrate 0 -b:v k \
-c:a libopus -compression_level 10 -vbr on \
-b:a 64k \
-map_metadata -1 -f webm

I know you'll just reject Steam as not being "modern" by your definition because it directly invalidates what you said, but here's a couple thousand.

Windows if they added privacy and GPL licensing to their codebase.

Lots. GIMP, Inkscape, Audacity, etc... One thing that I've noticed with OSS is that there is usually an addon that makes it absolutely fine, but getting that addon installed means going through more trouble than I should have to or else the addon is severely outdated. I think having a "tools>download addons" option in most open source software would be a huge boon for the community as a whole. I know it seems minor, but having a dropdown where I could just search for whatever it is that I'm looking for such as a new brush for GIMP or a UI theme for Audacity in-situ would be great.

Either learn to use your package manager or Just use the Appimage, you dumb niggers.

Here, in case you two morons couldn't find the download.

It's the single reason literally nobody uses it
As long as it's only on simple mode, no they didn't.


buy a cheapo mp3 player at walmart and it will provide what you need

wait a second...

isn't this obligatory?


She's a slut.


Yeah I really need a text editor on my Emacs/GNU install. echoing text into files isn't cutting it.

Yeah, yeah! Linux is totally a gaming platform!!
Plus you can play penguin solitaire, or penguin 2d skiing, or penguin kart, or penguin tobogganing.

Here you go. The only implementation of ed with syntax highlighting.

Poor little baby too weak to do anything in the real world, has to use a special machine to 'work' in baby's special playtime.

Then why is there so little R34 of her?


Krita kills me with this, I have to use .dds format which also has no plugin for it (with good reason though it's old and shit) and this involves constantly switching between GIMP for text, krita for painting, and whenever I'm done I have to either be in GIMP or just convert with imagemagick. It isn't impossible but when you have lots of work to do this shit adds up. I wish all of the features of each program were just implemented into blender's image editor and for blender engine to not be shit so I never have to switch between any program ever.

I guess blender would need to become a DAW for that too though I'm sure some autiste is working on that as we speak.

OpenBSD and its sound stack. There's a few other minor things as well.

Examples? I expect you mean UI design and such.

You need to be much more subtle than that when invoking Cunningham's Law.

All you need are valve games, witch were ported to Linux years ago.

suck zyklon




>>>Holla Forums

This is my problem with GIMP. Making meme text is very difficult in Gimp and very easy in Jasc Paintshop Pro 8

What if I told you the garbage text rendering is meme fuel itself, the same way comic sans is on windows?


That's not GIMP's fault, that's just Linux.

Linux or BSD with a proper application firewall.

Any software which doesn't have "NO WARRANTY" in their license.



a bit better text tool

Transfering files larger than 10mb is a pain due to random connection problems.

Any Linux/BSD firewall if they added the ability to set different rules for each application.

List of good modern games: