ITT post pictures of toddlers
Toddler Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to fuck a toddler girl
You replied to OP's post tbh
I can't stop smiling tbh
hold me op ;-;
tbh I sort of know Richard, he doesn't actually hate children he just doesn't like them.
He's better with kids than most people but just doesn't like being silly or understand them. He's autistic tbh
I think he's vegan, opinion discarded tbh
this post will trigger the diaperfag tbh
Hitler was a less unpleasant person.
tbh it's child abuse to feed your child animal products
All the qts I'm posting are vegan btw
Forcing your children to eat an abnormal diet is abuse tbh
They're only going to crave meat more tbh
So treating your child like they're people and have opinions and matter is abuse too because it's "abnormal"
Forcing them to eat murdered animals they love and would never consent to killing yet alone eating is abuse
Not to mention it makes them go into puberty multiple years sooner which takes like 9years off their life
tbh if you're a pedo and feed your kids anything that isn't vegan you're quite literally throwing away their cute prepubescent years
Eat beans not beings guis
What the fuck is this shit man. Are you a spook too?
No treating your child like an experiment for your vegan diet is abuse, multiple vegans parents have had their children taken away for being malnourished because they had no idea how to properly regulate a vegan diet for a child because its an abnormal fucking diet.
The fact that all you care about is retaining their prepubescence and not having to murder an animal instead of their health is sickening to me, I thought you couldn't get any worse as a person for wanting to fuck a baby but for once in your sad existence you've proven me wrong.
I'm also antifa tbh
A couple cases in history that get blown up means something?
Statistically non-vegans starve their kids way more than vegans do, not to mention kill their kids in one way or another.
It's simple, really, look up those cases. The children got nothing but something obscure if anything at all.
Show me the case of a child dying off beans, avocado, pasta, baked potatoes, soymilk, etc.
You can't.
Hell find me one that died from eating just fruit. You can't.
Yeah man living 9years longer is bad for their health
kill yourself tbh
I also feel more like a woman than a guy and am technically trans
I'm just not mentally ill so I don't chop my dick off or anything
but tbh gender norms are spooky
What the fuck is happening?
I'm exclusive btw
Quit using the word statistically when you have no idea what it means, non-vegans make up so much more of the population that even if every vegan was killing their children non-vegans would still be killing more children at the current rate.
Dying from malnutrition is a slow enough process to where vegans will have their children taken away before they've killed them with a poor diet so no shit I won't be able to easily find cases like that.
Living 9 years longer doesn't happen from being raised on a vegan diet and you can't prove that it does because veganism is a recent phenomena that only exists in rich countries where spoiled brats who have never gone hungry a day in their life can be picky enough with their food that they can completely abstain from the largest providers of calories that exist over hurt feefees.
same tbh
Quit being a fucking brainlet who doesn't understand English so I can stop smashing your teeth into concrete.
Are more likely = probability you fucking imbecile.
1 in 3,000,000 = 30 in 30,000,000
Really makes you think
Where are all these vegan kids that are taken away?
Where are all these vegans in prison for malnourishing their kids?
Literally google "early puberty leads to higher chance of disease" or "do vegans live longer" you idiot.
There are cultures who ate vegan and others that ate 99%+ vegan as well as over a generation of people raised vegan already mate.
I pity non-exclusives tbh
You're saying statistically instead of "straight from my anus" which is what you would say if you were an honest person.
Are you honestly trying to claim that no vegan has ever had their children taken away and gone to prison for child abuse? It definitely sounds like it.
Googling any of that wouldn't lead me to the 9 years figure that you statistically pulled from deep within your rectum.
Theres been no vegan society in recorded history prove me wrong.
I knew the diaperfag was just larping.
This is undeniably someone larping. He claims to be so many things just to trigger a reaction. He is just a basic diaperfag from the pedo threads in 2015. Is that you Z?
I literally said otherwise you brain-damaged corpsemuncher
Seventh-day Adventist's for one
They've been through more than a generation in America and they're fucking danking it at an average of 10 years longer life expectancy (regardless of living less advanced lives) than the average American and I believe the longest in thew world currently.
They're vegan.
They also avoid smoking/drinking and general degeneracy, sure, as do vegans in general, however they contribute it to what they eat primarily. This result has been seen in similar near-vegan cultures such as the Okinawa meme where
Well hes been so BTFO over being a diaperfag its no wonder he'd pretend to be other controversial shit to take the heat off but I'll take the bait purely because theres nothing better to do on this board and watching him struggle to argue over topics he doesn't actually understand would give me a giggle considering how poorly he can defend being a diaperfag.
Kiddie diddlers should be gassed tbh
Seventh-day adventists aren't a society try again.
They literally have communities like mormons do that are secluded and entirely independent from the outside world.
That's a society, dimwit.
lol I'm not trying to convince you
I know you're retarded and in an ideal society would just get a bullet
I just know other babylovers are here and will look into these things to keep their bbs bbs at the very least longer and BAM
more vegans
thread theme?
How do people remember these obscure songs nobody cares about and how they have a specific verse in it that's relevant?
This happens so often tbh
vegetable oils have the same calories as animal fat
we are legion. expect us. lel
Holla Forums theme song tbh
I think the word you're looking for is cult.
Man a babyfucker telling anyone that they'll get a bullet in an ideal society is comedy gold just remember we're laughing at you not with you.
The musik reminded me that I also am only into obscure hiphop/rap from the UK and think most other music is meh at best
Only south India has lots of vegans, and some have started the milk meme unfortunately.
They live longer than their northern brothers though
I wonder why
tbh that's shit too
but nuts and avocado are a thing
lol give it time
Roots of the Revolution are growing
Vegetable oils having the same calories as animal fat proves nothing, and what on earth makes you think india is a vegan society? They aren't even rich enough to afford toilets let alone be picky with their food.
Veganism is the cheapest most basic diet that's nutritionally balanced fam
All non-western societies traditionally always had plant-based based to their diets and the vast majority of ancient societies ate near-exclusively plant material as it was cheaper and more abundant.
Hell actually go look at Africa and you can see that today, they're still in ancient times tbh
Most people and tribes eat plant-based rather than hunt and while they have spears and the like they only use it to defend their self. Very few have animals for food or hunt.
95%+ of their diet is always plant-based/vegan.
I only come for my fellow pedobros. Sorry OP I don't have toddlers to contribute but let me contribute anyway.
Pedo fucking civil war in here but damn its entertaining.
wanna know how i know you're fucking retarded?
i fucking LOVE this pic. would wife the girl on the right and give away my left testicle to do it
Well it is for the vegans that don't spend all day either eating or planning their next meal because all vegan foods are so sparse in calories compared to animal products that they'll never feel full regardless.
The whole fucking humas history can be usaed as an example, of how retarded that user is tbh
I'd ask you to cite a source for any of that but I don't want to see a picture of your puckered asshole.
i kekked a little too hard at this, user. cheers
Because you're a brainlet I'll do the research for you, and I'll even find it in a video format for you.
Omnivores are more deficient.
What a joke
Cool argument
Keep letting my btfo out of you so more people feel like I'm definitely right and veganism is the way to go
lol I'm heating up beans and will heat up tortillas in a few minutes and I'll have a 2000cal meal of it and finish in like 15minutes
Sorry but we don't eat salad all day
I'm still waiting on like three from you mate.
Nevermind I guess the one on the left could be considered a toddler. You win this time OP.
I'm 'avin a giggle myself m8 bait or not this dipshit is comedy gold.
A healthy vegan diet, everyone.
Cite any source you can muster for any of the claims you made in that post, the "most tribes are plant-based" one would be best since I know for a fact that you're full of shit on that one.
When I wake up and check the catalog I bet this thread will have at least 200 replies. You're all fucking degenerates but god I love you guys. ;)
Somewhere around 1-5% of the Indian diet is meat. If it were impossible to live off of vegetables and beans that entire country would not exist.
wow user. you really made me think
Nobody is saying its impossible just that willingly turning your nose up at food is something only the richest of societies can do and thus no recorded society in history has ever been vegan.
calories + protein + minerals + vitamins + some herbs and shit = healthy diet
Could you at least be just not retarded enough to where I have to respond to you to make you look like an idiot instead of doing it yourself?
You're really doing my job for me here and its kind of pissing me off tbh
Here's the meal mate; really this would be all green but I don't care to add in the different spices I use, although it'd get the potassium and b5 done.
Go to and compare your results to mine.
No cheating with vegetables you aren't eating or seasonings you didn't have.
Go on pleb
Go see how deficient you are.
I really don't care to go find some tribe and do that since you haven't given any sources on anything when I have you.
Read and BTFO vegan fag
That's on average, though. For every meat gorging upper caste member there's ten in the lower castes that don't eat any meat ever. Consider the following: there's more vegetarians in India than the rest of the world combined.
so? i eat meat, because its fucking delicious
Still didn't add in seasonings, but I added what I ate earlier too
Here's my results
I spent a total of 15minutes cooking today, 20-25 eating once I eat these beans, and everything costed about $4.80
Get rekt corpse-muncher
Anyone want to get shredded and look how horrible your diet is, go to
That's because people are getting wealthier and meat-quality is degrading.
Vegan population has trippled in the last few years in most civilized countries.
I didn't keep track of what I ate today because I'm not a vegan thats required to obsess over what they eat every waking minute of every day to avoid being deficient in certain areas because the diet is abnormal.
40% of Indian populus is vegetarian. Not vegan
hair splitting faggot
that's because the inbred poo in loos are so fucking stupid they deified their goddamn food
I haven't tracked anything I've eaten since the first month or two of being vegan when I also was trying to lose weight and bought societies memes on both.
I just know what I am putting in my mouth, at least generally, and don't eat garbage.
Sorry I'm in control of my life and you aren't mate.
Go put in what you THINK you would eat in a day at least.
Post it here so I can laugh at you.
"A study from 2010[2] estimated that there are 1,450 million vegetarians of necessity and another 75 million of choice. They make approximately 21.8% of the world’s population."
As read in Wikipedia
Not using the actual numbers because it would sound pathetic huh? Too bad most people who go vegan return to a normal diet eventually, I just love going on youtube and watching vegan youtubers talk about how they're quitting veganism it makes my dick rock hard.
well done on the thread derailment.
9/10 tbh
I have no idea what I'm eating and guess what fatty I struggle to gain weight at all and have been auschwitz mode my entire life.
if girl, marry me pls
vegan and vegetarian are important distinctions, its not hair splitting.
Theres no girls on the internet user.
Moving the goalpost I see.
Not true
Cool you found a few memers trying to make money off people like you.
There's a dozen vegan youtubers/instangrammers poping up in their place and the viewcounts and subs in vegan channels are skyrocketing
lol you're beyond deficient mate
I was a fatty because I ate dead animals at every meal
Now I gorge myself on every meal if I want and can eat 4-5k calories a day while not doing anything and stay an ideal bodyweight and fit as fuck.
t. lazyfuck.
I eat dead animals and fats and all that good shit, and guess what? am fit AF, becaause i work out. Every fucking day. So you´re just lazy, if you had to change your diet to be fit
yes it is faggot kys
mara was so coote ;-;
Thats the beauty of Holla Forums. A thread starts with pedo content and people end up discussing food. Thats why i love our Holla Forums
Saying you tripled your money sounds impressive until you clarify that you started with 1 dollar and now you have 3.
It is true that most vegans quit veganism, theres statistics on it that I won't link because I don't care and you haven't given any sources on anything when I have you. :^)
Oh and I'm eating dead animals right now and have on the side of almost every meal for my entire life and have always been on the borderline of underweight so suck it tub-o-lard go gorge yourself with beans you fat fuck.
meant for this faggot
You obviously aren't /fit/ if you don't take any consideration into what you consume pre and post workout. Sit back down you clueless fucking burger.
Vegans especially care about the difference between vegan and vegetarian because vegetarians only stay away from meats not other animal products like milk or eggs etc.
i eat a lot of proteins after work out, you fag. Thats what the body needs after being put through extreme effort for a long period of time
Liking prepubescent girls isn't cool.
yes it is tbh
you are correct. Pedos>Hebes tbh
true. are there that many hebes here though?
Girls around 10 that are just beginning to carry a womanly air about them are cute, but girls younger than that look like animals to me.
i'm a hebe tbh
that's because they are animals and pedos are just zoophiles in denial
There used to be. Now i dont know. I havent seen a lot of hebe threads lately. Plus, the new fag vols dont help. They keep deleting shit
t. horse fucker
I actually take that back. Prepubescent girls are not like animals, as I have been sexually aroused by a horse vagina and can say I would fuck one if I owned a horse. Prepubescent girls are beneath animals to me.
kek. way deleted my pics of anfisa last week. no explanation given, of course
Because he has no possible explanation, for deleting perfectly legal content
If that's the case then you should've explicitly stated or even alluded to the fact you regulate your diet. Because from what you said it seemed like you were just a regular american meathead. Diet is more important then 'muh working out everyday, you stupid fuck.
My bad. You're right.
actually no
Muscled aren't all to fitness mate.
I bet you can't do cardio worth shit, aren't internally healthy, have bad poos, have doms longer, and are generally not as healthy.
If you can be lazy and be fit on a vegan diet it's clearly acceptable at the very least.
I was getting fit on a omni diet with heavy restrictions as in eating miserable meals.
Went vegan, starved a bit buying the calories meme then I listened to (((durianrider))) and carbed the fuck up, was no longer hungry, was full of energy, lost the remainder of the weight easily.
Now all my meals are fucking delicious.
It's still impressive regardless.% gain is what matters, not amount in investing and societal change, dimwit.
Good, that means you die sooner :)
lol you're definitely killing yourself with that protein meme, especially because you likely by (((their))) protein source; aka whey.
tbh if you don't like little girls you're kinda lame
im a pedohebeteleiophile tbh
kek fun is all it matters
cardio significantly lowers T, you fucking beta
Skipping cardio isn't a good thing no matter how you rationalize it, dipshit.
Ofc I'm fucking right, faggot. Do us all a favor and quit namefagging along with fagging, you prententious fucking asshole. Na it's all bantz mate, you're alright.
Vegan men have significantly higher testosterone levels
The animals you eat aren't male mate, chickens are always female (muh breast-meat) as are the vast majority of all other farm animals as males are not worth raising if they cannot breed.
See: Farmer has hundreds of cows, one bull for breeding.
Where are the other males?
flag fagging :/
of course. I do come here for fun
nice lips tbh
low fat diets are linked to low testosterone production. didn't you say you feel like a woman?
be a man. chug vegetable oil.
Thanks tbh :3
i get my cardio when i work. i don't work out. ever
Pimenova ain't got shit on Kotova lol
both are good but Pimenova is not lewd at all these days. She is normie tier, basically
Zhenya a shet.
/farm boy/ > /fit/
Why not be an even /fit/ter farmboy? Aesthetics doesn't come with skipping cardio, farmboy.
it's all down to priorities. i got more important shit to do than going for a jog, especially considering i break a sweat every day in my normal routine. i don't mean to criticize anybody who does work out. it's good for you. but it's not for me
That's fairplay.
Where's Hitler? I was trying to trigger a waifu war.
I've nearly though of Pim as lewd but Zhenya is definitely lewd. Those gymanstic and dancing videos could change a gay man.
dubs speak the truth, user. i would turn pedo for zhenya tbh
Why haven´t you yet?
i'm a hebe tbh
some pics of her i can fap to and others, she still looks too young. she's right on the cusp
I know what you mean. The more recent photos i can fap with no problem. But the ones where she is about 5 or 6, i can´t do it. I feel dirty fapping to prebubescent little people
aren't you just admitting you are a pedo? only a pedo could fap to images of children
i never denied i was one.
that's some breddy gud logic you've got there, user. hard to argue with it
not a problem
not a problem
i am a non-exclusvie tbh.
those blue eyes on that rachel chick. God damn. She is smokin hot tnh
gross tbh
Glad we settled that.
t. toddlerdiddler
sounds right, excepted for the 'closeted' part
Like a fruit you gotta' know when its ripe fam.
you are ripe
traps are not mentally ill they're just perverts
Careful not to trigger Ox because that guy is a fucking fire cracker and everything triggers him.
user pls you're making me blush
she'd look better if she hadn't screwed herself up by getting fake boobs
meant to tag you
he is died
looks ok to me. if they are fake, at least they aren't balloon tits
yeah, she didn't go crazy with hers. i'm just a small tit lover, and when girls get fake boobs it just kills me a little bit inside
If by trap you are referring to cross dressers then ok sure. But transgenders that actually believe they are in the wrong body are mentally ill. They are legally defined as mentally ill by the DSM.
wtf happened to the whole ron qqing to jim and jim qqing to dysnomia to 'stop pedoshit.' fucking two face faggots tbh.
kek. just how new are you?
Pretty sure they changed that because being defined as mentally ill by the DSM solely hinges upon social acceptance.
Like I said in the recruitment thread we broke them like the rest, they ran out of steam even quicker than I thought they would.
the whole pedo thing goes in cycles as far as I can tell.
the pendulum swings from (no child images + ban for everything) -> (all is allowed) and back and forth, over and over again
pretty sure that didn't change, because you would have heard the collective REEE from their meds no longer being covered by king nigger care (TM)
ik the cycle, i just wanted replies ;__; and i was afraid people were going to leave.
No you are confusing when they made pedo a sexuality and people lashed out so they removed it.
Trans is considered a legal mental illness. It allows trans people to get gov funding and social services for HRT and surgery as well as counseling. They would not be able to receive these services if they removed the mental illness status due to how law and gov programs work.
I am sure you will come up with some other argue as i suspect you are just a troll at this point.
I thought ron was jim?
ron is codemonkey who is jims son.
did you even read your own fucking sauce, user?
in other words, they just changed the label
Nice Try.
which reinforces what both of us were saying
See hes a troll. Ignore him.
You were saying they get treatment therefore they have to be considered mentally ill and I showed you that they changed it so they can still get treatment while no longer being considered mentally ill.
kill yourself user
No matter what label you give it, you are still wrong.
Get over your pride/10
Reminder if you don't want one of
I personally believe it should be at the level of schizophrenia where we don't just listen and believe when they say they have god talking to them inside their head but it doesn't matter what I believe.
You're just moving the goal posts now though, you said its a mental illness and no you're wrong its no longer considered a mental illness end of story.
You are too much mr anti
It is a mental illness. Mental illness and disorder mean the same thing.
>being too dumb to understand vocabulary
If it's not considered an illness then why does it require treatment?
lolicox working for anyone else?
its down
Rip o.o
Sure they mean the same thing and neither of them apply to gender dysphoria anymore, deal with it.
Because trannies want to have their cake and eat it too.
Yet they literally call it a disorder as of 2017.
Trying this hard.
inb4 sea lioning
Just an average babylover tbh
rip lolifox
They specifically changed it from gender identity disorder to gender dysphoria to avoid calling it a disorder, share wherever you're getting your facts from because you're being misinformed.
And no I hate the idea of treating trannies thoughts as facts the same way I'd hate the idea of a schizoprenics thoughts being seen as facts I'm not trans.
So what the heck is a "dysphoria" and what does it classify as if not a mental disorder?
you can read dsm-5 yourself if you want I'm not going to spoonfeed, I just know they changed it because trannies are socially accepted now and can't be called mentally ill anymore just like they changed it for gays.
That was bad picture choice
too old tbh
what happened? I have been away for the last 30 mins and the site was up then.
Troll got BTFO tbh
Praise kek
Not the same user tbh. I'm the "rip lolicox" user.
We made you proud marabro. We made you proud :3
Troll tactic #[insert arbitrary number]:
has been more than usual CP lately
i'm unbanned
I'm really not him lmfao. Even if I capped my screen you wouldn't believe me.
He gave you dsm-5 to read and you claim that's not proof because he doesn't spoonfeed you. Are you sure you're not the troll? I shouldn't have butt in this pointless conversation in the first place tbh.
Illiterate niggers, all of you.
Mental disorder:
>The consequences of which are clinically significant distress (e.g., a painful symptom) or disability (i.e., impairment in one or more important areas of functioning)
Gender dysphoria:
>B. The condition is associated with clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.'
Same thing, different name.
Illiterate niggers, all of you.
Mental disorder:
>The consequences of which are clinically significant distress (e.g., a painful symptom) or disability (i.e., impairment in one or more important areas of functioning)
Gender dysphoria:
>B. The condition is associated with clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.
Same thing, different name.
What'd you get banned for and why are you such a faggot for not ban evading.
Relax buddy
kill all niggers
i'm lazy
for how long?
I am relaxed, I just didn't get the formatting right so I reposted it. Illiterate nigger.
listen here, retard. just because we're in a toddler thread doesn't mean we're actually in a kindergarten where kids like you get physically spoonfed on the daily. read it and get btfo or don't read it or still get btfo, dumbass.
Troll tactic #[insert arbitrary number]:
I'm the illiterate nigger for having to check the formatting; it is some how my fault that you had to reformat what you wrote. My bad ,retard. tbh
Read what this user said tbh
Honeslty black girls aren't lolis
What even are those tbh
tbh the feds that are watching me probably shut it down
feds are faggots tbh
LH here I reported fox and nc because people posted bad images. Both are down now. Let that be a lesson to you pedos. VirPed4Life
Worry not for they got best men working.
nc still up, get it while you can!
fake news But I did notice that NC finally went down. Don't know how it stayed up so long
fug off, fugging children is ok
That's actually very characteristic of LH, so I wouldn't put it pass him.
oh, it's racism showing it's ugly head again
Newfag here, what is NC?
you did the right thing user
disgusting nigger loving virped tbh
I can give you the replies if you want to feel special.
That looks like a legitimate monkey. Why do you keep subhumans on your hard disk drive? Were you not loved? Did the monkey looking creature escape from the zoo? Do the authorities know? Should I be concerned for the my safety and well being?
You must be very cool to come here tbh.
New Cheese
This thread needs more diversity tbh
dont worry about it, there is absolutely nothing there tbh
tbh fuck lolifox
Neutschwabenlande > all
They really are
Probably going to show up to my house and ask why I'm posting pictures of little kids online and saying pedo shit again
and I'll probably be like "I was shitposting tbh I'm bored" and they'll fuck off again
hi investigators
Maybe they cuff me this time so I can shitpost with my mouth in a room for 48hours and spread the revolution to inmates while forcing them to give me a vegan meal or two only for them to release me and me go cuddle with cuties the next day and post about it the same night.
like tbh my sides will be in orbit and I gaurantee you they will ask if I "really think this is a laughing matter"
More black babies I have unlimited (You) s
Hi !Ok
black babies need luv too
have a freebie: everyone who disagrees with you is not virped or anti
needs more Native American, Asian and Arabic lolis to meet official Pedo Community diversity quotas tbh
this. that cuckchan thread was fun yesterday
i'll might come back later i have shit to do
Ox went a bit too crazy as usual
he's a madman. how do you post on cuckchan without Bare IP?
i thought since i frequent that board and the ETH CEO is semi redpilled on cp, i thought it was the perfect time to dump several lolis threads, they made to the archives or stayed up for hours. Longer than Holla Forums, Holla Forums and tranny/b/ but it looks like there are lots of oldfags on that board.
Probably not wise to say how people can avoid using their bare ip to post on halfchan but there are many ways. And you don't have to even be moderately tech literate to bypass their cuckholdery and rulecuckery.
If we're judging solely on the reaction images then there's sure to be a few there.
many vpns still work
who makes these
Hitler normally
oy vey
most, but not all
looks like LF is back
for now
wait for ox he hasnt started his spam yet
he died i think see:
Don't lie, we know you create all pedo memes
honestly not. even the one you posted is not mine.
vid related, not mine
noname reporting in
post toddlers you nigger
noname 'army' is just samefag tbh
nope. im FBI tbh
That's a baby tbh
i said toddlers not infants ;(
No shit, Sherlock.
You have to put your cock inside and stretch it o
cool thread, bros
Gtfo tbh.
infantfags like you should be gassed tbh
This tbh.
Im hanging with my pedo and noname bros
The only gas is from her ass as i ram it in
at least change up the infants you post
queen of Holla Forums
You spelt noname wrong in your tripcode.
It isn't.
Wanted to stand out
You gonna tell everybody else off for posting the same images?
i'm a torfag atm so i can't post actual toddlers
thread needs more hex tbh
quintessentially American
and you wonder why pedos spam all the other threads with lgs.
i was told this was the vegan thread
Its ok bro we can make a new thread tomorrow
he wasn't wrong to tell you that because earlier in this thread there was a food discussion.
post different infants. you know what, i'll make a template thread for infants just for you.
I will download an ig when i need more
new meme huh?
Shit meme.
Dys deleted my diaperfag containment thread. We don't want to be associated with baby fuckers tbh, dys.
Niggers out
toddlers can give nice bjs tbh
I love it when girls have bags under their eyes. It is so precious.
You love us
put your capcode on nigger
It's because they haven't slept well the night before, ebcause of
fake news
fake jimmy but kys dys. pic related tbh.
am real jimmy tbqh
Jimmy is the pedo vol tbh
Nice Burka
Fake news
makes you think
I guess bringing it up yesterday wasn't such a good idea
what is nc?
Necro Hurtcore
new chan featuring sick fucks tbh
Jimmy is the pedo vol tbh
Then left one must be virped tbh.
I don't know how new that chan it is, but that content is
Pimenova queen of Holla Forums, when?
that left guy was a real monster from what I've read. he should have been gassed for what he did
Actual queen of Holla Forums tbh
lel no
Why is this still here. Take it down mods.
why is what
sorry but mods arent on your side this time
kys diaperfag. you are not part of our group and no one wants to associate with you fecalheads who shit up every thread and leave a trail of diapers everywhere you go
kys normie
Whelp, there goes another soiled pair of pants.
Thanks, user.
Don't worry i clean up after im done
tbh hes a pedo too, hes our brother
kys degenerate
#Holla Forumsros
best girls
we don't associate with diaperfags. they are on their own tbh
We still get lumped together so enjoy the ride
Never ;-;
Zhenya is shilled too hard here but can you really blame Hitler?
Reported for explicitly asking for cp tbh
You make all pedos look bad tbh.
can't blame me, can you? ;)
Fuck off liar.
Reported to the FBI
but let's not forget #2
anti using kike tactics posting cp again
reported that shit, nigga
hey nigger stop spamming
ox go to bed pls
ox go to bed pls
ox go to bed pls
ox go to bed pls
ox go to bed pls
I already saw all the pre teen hardcore on NC tbh. Most of them are thumbnails tbqh
Ox died tbqh
Seriously though take that shit down…
never knew a 8 inch benis could fit on a 4 yo's bagina ;-;
this time reported for real tbh
good goy
Ox pls go.
good work. what's the site to report?
stop it
You're going to love this, trust me. What you are seeing now is my normal state.
This is a diaperfag.
..and this is what is known as a diaperfag that has ascended past a diaperfag.. or you could just call this a diaperfag 2.
Just wait..
..and this.. is to go even further beyond!
I'm sorry that took so much longer than the others but i haven't had much occasion to practice this one.
This is what I call a diaperfag 3.
Well sheeit
Pic related
Muh nigga ox can you not post cp for more than a few days. Just post xute lolis without the benis in bagina and butt.
Thanks for linking it i missed the other posts
yw tbh
It's likely a honeypot anyway
Speak up cp spammer. What the fuck is your agenda? Why do you do it?
for the lulz
would put benis in butt/10
I actually respect that. Carry on since we can't stop you.
Thanks ill just post this image when someone asks what nc is next time
But honestly, I feel like you need to use Tor or extra security just to report this stuff because you don't want them asking you any questions or knowing your identity.
They might put you in a database just for reporting it or wonder what you were doing on that site in the first place.
Antis gotta anti tbh
I doubt it but doesn't hurt to be cautious
To cp spammer:
I honestly don't care what you masturbate to
but it's uncool to spam it putting others at risk
besides, it's not too hard to find for those who want it
which fag reported that? she did nothing wrong
reported faggot
gas the jews tbh
im an anti tbh. i report everything tbh. links, pics, videos, everything. report and laugh
What's NC?
your pathetic tbh
but checks those dubs
im an anti tbh. i report everything tbh. links, pics, videos, everything. report and laugh tbh
I reported it just because mailman will have to look at this thread.
Thanks LH
you must have no life tbh
sorry i didn't see your trip was off
me too tbh
we're one happy family
Post some flyers
remedy is doing god's work tbh
is it time for a drink? all this reporting has made me tired!
good luck with dat
at risk for cancer.tbh
I don't understand what?
based mods
tbh im gonna post every mara that i have
you are not wrong
cancer is one of the leading causes of death tbh
better than the anti- spam at least
i could post five pictures per post and it would still hit bump limit
based mara tbh
Vols confirmed new as fuck. I ed those two reports just to cap their stupidity. Dysnomia should be so proud.
I just downloaded 1800+ pictures of Mara bruv.
Its time to delete this thread mods.
Is there more accurate version of this now?
its doesn't hurt to qualify for a warrant to raid your house by reporting that site as you already know what it is. Best to treated as a free museum.
wew i only have like 60
Stop baiting
Come on…
Newfags confirmed 5,200+ picture Masterrace reporting in
night, everyone
Got tired of consuming cp that's why and I had a lot of dupes in my mara folder so downloaded to zips that allegedly didn't have dupes, but there's a few. I'm okay with that though.
I don't beat it to Mara anymore. I'm not a true marabro ;-;
then explain this
This would imply that remedy clicked the half/biz/ link and lurked the thread. I love these new vols tbh, they're so easy to fuck with.
Race traitor tbh
Yet this stays up. What a bunch of sick freaks.
Its like /lg/ all over again… are you trying to start a shit storm because you're a bit too late for that. Also delete those fucking pics, faggot.
why is she old :(
because it's year 2017
And that's when I leave the thread. Fuck off faggot.
Good night faggots
feisty little one aren't you
free speech tbh
I bet its the same faggot that spammed Mara threads on /lg/ a month ago. What a fucking cunt.
Fucking asshole.
one of you creeps the bike sniffer?
i only sniff paint.
not even a bit glue?
could have sold the bike seat tbh
she still could tbh
I can take the fat whales and niglet posting but this is just digging up an old grave or picking at an old wound, and frankly it distresses me. I'm out tbh.
He legit got v&
any proof?
mara is the new threadripper tbh
Whatever I'm out too
Jewgle it outlander
Now they see her for what she really is
Old news is old.
Night bud.
It's not new to everybody
where are my fellow marabros
in denial
Rip all the VPN Ips and proxies.