I don't think the type of car is relevant but I'll tell you if you need to know
Help Holla Forums car is busted and I don't know who to trust
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Should have gone manual m8
it's close, it's like between that and auto. the dealership gave me the special package with manuel control. not manual.
help guys I dont wanna pay 3000 dollars
Do you expect Holla Forums to fix your car for free or something? What the fuck do you want us to do?
give me advice please? should I just buy a new care or should I spend the money fucking this one? I don't know if they make parts for it anymore.
*fixing this one
wow what the fuck
go buy a used car off craigslist from someone who gets them at auction you lil nigger
Keep that shitheap running until self driving cars are commercially available and then buy one of those because they're the future.
I don't know, I mean he's saying he will give me a discount on the whole thing if I also buy water tires. (filledi with water and not air for that extra cusion)
I don't know if they will ever make my car in the self driving version and I really like it but I'm afraid to switch away since mine is so dependable.
car mechanics are the most notoriously untrustworthy people among any profession there is, proceed w/ caution
yea he says that I shouldn't let another mechanic refil my blinker fluid because they will use the cheap stuff
It kinda does matter what car it is retard, if your current car is a new 20 grand car you need to get it fixed, but I'm going to go on a limb and say it's a 2500 dollar bucket of rust in which case you might aswell just get a cheap car off Craigslist
just pour some olive oil in the blinker light as a cheap fix
yeah well he is saying that because he has experience in the industry and knows how dishonest mechanics are, and he could be throwing you for a loop to gain your trust by this line of reasoning
yes of course it matters I know that I'm not stupid. my friend built my car before he moved away it was a special custom build from parts from different brands he named it the mitsubaru hondtiac
Oh fuck off, cheap b8
don't fuck around
yea maybe it does seem a bit sneaky.
In that case your car is worthless and unreliable, you should've expected it to break down within a week
it's 20 years old
ah shit the mechanic got mustard in the compressor and the whole fuckinf car explosed thanks giys
Water filled tires on a regular car isn't a thing, air is compressible so you don't break your chassis in half when driving over bumps, water filled is like driving on completely solid wheels
no it didn't, he's still working on it
This entire thread is either cheap bait or people are RP'ing as OP, either way get a new one
holy shit you are genuinely and seriously trying to help me. I'm very very sorry this is a total joke thread I'm just fucking around. God bless you.
honestly wanted to try and make a very absurd and stupid thread to spice Holla Forums up for retarded fun. I hope some people laughed a bit.
I wasn't trying to trick anyone, I was trying to get people to get a little angry with how stupid they thought I was, and then laugh really hard, without trolling in some strange kind of way.
didn't go well. I accept that.
You fuckin' cunt, you had me up to there.
I got a cheap laugh, at best, try harder next time
yea when I first heard blinker fluid I laughed so hard I threw up. it was in some shitty cartoon so I had to add it to the story.
ah well, you know how Holla Forums is, how Holla Forums, the entire internet, life is right now. we're in a period of amazing things happening but humor is a bit stale. Holla Forums is like a stale cookie because we all feel stale.
seriously m8, anyone who fell for blinker fluid deserves what they get
I still feel bad. It was meant for fun.
just get alldata and fix it yourself nigga
what's that, and how do I get it?
what literally 99% of auto shops in the US use to fix cars. the individual license is pretty cheap too
The neufag is real
You should have greased your muffler bearings, faggot
cars are based
Sounds like it's your fucking gearbox. Give me the make and model. Are you paddle-shifting in a semi-auto or is it auto?